#Kirsten Vagnsness
stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds S07E05 “From Childhood’s Hour” review
Episode 05 – From Childhood’s Hour
Okey dokey, so I am officially scared because this title is giving me the creeps - I hate episodes revolving around abduction/torture/murder of children ... please tell me I’m wrong.
Let’s see what happens ... I think.
Oh my god, we’re meeting one of Rossi’s ex-wives! That is so fucking awesome! I’ve wanted to meet them for a while.
“Well, I’ve changed.”
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He’s not eating fruit for the health of it, the last time I checked he’s a cigar-puffing, meat-loving Italian - just what the doctor ordered for this gal.
“Okay, the cantaloupe is for your benefit.”
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“When we were married, you were always warning me about clogged arteries.”
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“Nobody lives forever.”
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“So how’s San Francisco?"
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“You know, I’m really glad you called me.”
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“It would be nice if we saw each other more than once every three or four years.”
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“Well, there are all those serial killers. They’re pretty serious.”
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“No, there isn’t.”
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“How about you?”
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“Damn it, I …”
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“Look, how much longer are you gonna be in town?”
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“Why don’t you come over to my place for dinner before you head back?”
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“I still make a master cioppino.”
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“Hey, I’m sorry I’m late. I got hung up on something.”
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“What do we got?”
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“A child abduction in St. Louis.”
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“Yeah. Bobby Smith, nine years old, vanished 48 hours ago from a residential area, where his mother, Marlene Smith, claims to have dropped him off.”
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“48 hours and we’re just learning about it now?”
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“Yeah. That’s ‘cause mom didn’t know her son was gone.”
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“She assumed that he was with the grandmother and just left him there.”
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“So, she’s not exactly on the short list for mother of the year.”
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Ooh, sarcastic JJ. We don’t get to see her that often.
“What about the father?”
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“Uh, he was convicted of embezzling form his workplace two years ago. Currently cooling his heels in state prison.”
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“If it’s a stranger abduction, the first 24 hours are critical. This kid’s already been missing twice that long.”
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“Which is why we shouldn’t waste any more time. Let’s go.”
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Edgar Allan Poe: “From childhood’s hour I have not been as others were, I have not seen as others saw.”
Okay, this dude is officially freaking me out. Edgar, baby, who hurt you?
“St. Louis.”
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“Oh, probably a couple days.”
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“I’ll let you know.”
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“Can’t wait.”
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It’s so cute to see him so infatued with love.
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“Nothing. Just somebody’s got a lot of extra pep in their step this morning, that’s all.”
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“Probably doubled up on his vitamins.”
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“Oh, he doubled up on something.”
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Morgan, you little shit!
“Garcia, what have you got on the mother?”
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“Oh, I have so much on the mother, and try as I might, none of it is good. Marlene Smith has a history of erratic behavior, seriously clinically depressed, two suicide attempts in the last five years.”
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“Was she being treated for her depression?”
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“Oh, my gosh, yes. Like more pill-popping than Elvis. Yes.”
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“Depression is one of the few things that can overwhelm the maternal instinct.”
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“What about the grandmother?”
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“I don’t have anything on her yet, but don’t reach for your remote.”
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“I’ll be ba-a-ck.”
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She’s so cute.
“Two suicide attempts.”
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“Why hasn’t child services intervened?”
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“Probably talked her way out of it.”
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“Most social service organizations are overworked and underfunded.”
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“Things slip through the cracks.”
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“If this boy’s mother tried to commit suicide and he’s from a chronically unhappy household, maybe this wasn’t an abduction at all.”
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“What if Bobby simply ran away?”
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“When nine-year-olds escape, they’re usually home for supper.”
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Aww, he used the proper noun for the meal.
“JJ, you and I will talk to the mother.”
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“Morgan and Reid, go to the boy’s house.”
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“Prentiss, you and Dave assess the site where the mother claims to have dropped him off.”
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“This is Agent Jareau.”
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“How’s the mother doing?”
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“I think you should talk to her alone.”
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“I’ll watch from here.”
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“Mrs. Smith? I’m Agent Jareau. Jennifer. I’m with the FBI.”
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“Our entire team is here and we’re the best at what we do.”
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“We’re gonna need your help, okay?”
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“I have a boy of my own. He’s almost three.”
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“I can’t even imagine what you’re going through.”
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“Can you tell me what happened the morning you dropped him off?”
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“And what does one of your bad days look like?”
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“Is that why you took him to his grandmother?”
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“And you had done this in the past?”
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“Depression is a vicious cycle.”
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“It frequently manifests itself in the degradation of one’s personal living environment, which is turn fuels the depression, which then worsens the living environment.”
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“All right, I’ll take a look around in here.”
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“Why don’t you check the kitchen?”
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“Ah, the kitchen.”
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“Is that a problem?”
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“Frankly, I’m not too anxious to see the perishable food version of this room.”
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Reid, you little sarcastic poodle! I love you so much!
“You didn’t call ahead before you dropped him off?”
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“Please help me understand, Mrs. Smith. It takes ten seconds to leave a message.”
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“Four pairs of shoes.”
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“Why exactly is that relevant?”
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“Come on, Reid, how many women you know only have four pairs of shoes in their closet?”
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“My experience in and around women’s closets isn’t exactly extensive enough to really formulate an opinion.”
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“The answer is none.”
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“You can take my word for it.”
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Oh my God, I am seriously starting to look forward to scenes with just the two of them. Oh my god, this is the best.
“Mom has serious financial issues, denies herself even the smallest luxury, and yet …”
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“Splurges to take her son to an expensive theme park and then buys a pricey picture frame so he can remember the experience.”
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“Based on our assessment, we need to reprioritize.”
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“The concern for her son was genuine.”
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“Her tone of voice, body language. She didn’t once ask if she was in trouble, under arrest, where’s my lawyer? None of that.”
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“Home environment points the same direction.”
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“The money’s tight, but mom did whatever she could to create a nice world for her son. Whatever cash she had she spent on him.”
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“Only four pairs of shoes in her closet.”
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Oh JJ’s look of ... what sort of woman has only four pair of shoes ... this one.
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“And she taught her son to be self-sufficient.”
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“The kitchen was scaled down to a nine-year-old’s level so he could microwave his own meals, get food and utensils from the pantry.”
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“He even had his own little key ring so he could come and go as he pleased.”
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“How it’d go?”
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“It took a while, but grandma’s alibi checked out. She was with two lady friends in Seneca, other side of the state.”
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“Acquaintances, relatives, teachers. So far they’ve all checked out.”
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“This is starting to look more and more like a stranger abduction.”
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“Yeah, except the area Bobby disappeared from has a decent amount of foot traffic.”
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“If he’d put up a struggle, chances are someone would have noticed.”
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“My guess is Bobby knew his abductor or trusted him.”
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“The trip to grandma’s house was a spur-of-the-moment decision.”
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“The unsub must have been staking out the mother’s house, saw them leaving, and followed.”
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“Self-sufficient kids learnt to trust their own judgment.”
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“How did the unsub get into Bobby’s life?”
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“And what’s he trying to accomplish?”
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“There’s something strange about the body.”
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“She was slaughtered by someone completely out of control, yet on her wrists there are precise wounds on top of where she already cut herself, only deeper.”
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“Like he was trying to replicate her suicide attempts but then lost control.”
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“Maybe this was never about the kid at all, but about the mother.”
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“Make her suffer for a few days by taking the child, then kill her?”
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“It means he knew her personal history.”
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“I’ll call Garcia.”
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“Hey, baby girl, whatever you’re doing, drop it.”
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“Oh, yes, and with pleasure.”
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“Let me tell you something, sweetheart.”
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“This is a Lamborghini you’re talking to.”
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“You have to drive me.”
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“You can’t just leave me parked in the garage collecting dust or I will wilt.”
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“Please forgive my neglect.”
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“I need you to rev up that fine-tuned Italian engine of yours, then.”
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“Our unsub had personal details about Marlene Smith, so I need you to figure out who might have been in her house recently.”
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“Cable guy, plumber, people like that.”
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“Yeah, I always wonder about plumbers.”
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“You know they peek in your medicine cabinet.”
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“You just know it.”
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“Maybe try a phone repairman or babysitter.”
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“Check computers in the house.”
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“Maybe she used one of those techie fix-it type dweebs who make house calls.”
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“Hey, watch it. Language.”
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“You know I’m just playing with you, but come on, put a rush on it.’
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“Clock’s ticking, okay?”
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“Rush is the only speed a Lamborghini has.”
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“Proud techie dweeb over and out. Beep beep ya.”
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Another one.
“Morgan and Reid, head over there.”
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“Were you by yourself?”
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“You told the police you live in McKinley Heights.”
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“That’s almost an hour away.”
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“You drove your son all the way out here to play?”
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“Mrs. Tanner, please don’t take this the wrong way, but exactly what drug are you addicted to?”
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“You’re displaying symptoms of withdrawal.”
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“Ma’am, we saw two deals going down on the other side of the park when we arrived. You were here to buy, weren’t you?”
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“That’s what had you distracted.”
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“Your child is missing, Mrs. Tanner. Every minute, every half-minute counts.”
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“You need to tell us the truth and you need to tell us now.”
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“So we got one mom suicidal and the other addicted to drugs.”
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“At least we got a pattern developing.”
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“And if the unsub holds to pattern, he’s gonna circle back and try to kill her.”
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“We’re looking for a male unsub in his mid- to late 20s, physically fit enough to subdue Marlene Smith and carry out a vicious and sustained attack.”
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“We believe he sees himself as a rescuer, taking children away from unfit parents.”
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“He may very well have abandonment issues from his own childhood.”
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“The impulse nature of committing the murder out in the open suggests that he’s inexperienced.”
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“The violence on Marlene Smith went from precision to frenzy, which points to someone with classic psychopathic traits, quick to rage and quick to recover.”
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“He also appears to have insider knowledge of the families in these cases, so we need to look for someone who is privy to what went on behind those closed doors.”
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“Emergency personnel were called to the Smith house after both suicide attempts and once to the Tanner house after the mother overdosed on prescription drugs."
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“That means first responders, child service workers, ambulance personnel.”
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“Both missing children apparently went without struggle or protest.”
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“And we’ve taken the second mother into protective custody.”
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“That’s why it’s critical we find these kids. If they’re alive, he may turn his violence against the children themselves.”
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“We got lucky.”
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“Whoever took him let him go.”
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“Your son was checked out by a pediatrician. There was no sexual or physical abuse.”
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“Did you see another little boy there?”
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“Is he okay?”
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“Were you in a dark place or did it have windows?”
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“So when he took you, did you drive in the car for a long time or a short time?”
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“Can you tell us what the man looked like?”
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“Timothy. When this man came to the park to get you, were you afraid?”
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“Why not?”
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“The phone. You talked to him on the telephone?”
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“Can you show us?”
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The fucking kids’ phone.
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“Garcia, any progress with the 911 dispatcher?”
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“I’m going as fast as I can, which is super fast.” 
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“There are literally hundreds in the great St. Louis area. Can you help me narrow this down?”
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“Refine your search to males between 25 and 30 years of age.”
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“And our unsub probably has abandonment issues, so look for backgrounds to reflect that.”
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“A history of foster care or someone who was farmed out to other relatives by own parents.”
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“Can you trace individual 911 dispatchers based on calls they would have received?”
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“Okay, look, let me make this clear. There are a quarter of a billion 911 calls annually.”
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“That’s like ten calls every second of every day. And non-emergent calls are disposed of quickly.”
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“Well, this operator would have been on duty when both calls came in from the Smith and Tanner families.”
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“And he would have been off duty at the time of the two abductions and Marlene Smith’s murder.”
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“Oh, my God. This brings needle in a haystack to a whole other dimension, but I will go to that dimension and I will cross-reference and I will call you back.”
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“A mother who wants to kill herself. What does that say to a child?”
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“That you’re not worth sticking around for?”
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“A 911 operator would be why the kids trusted him.”
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“The unsub must have gone back to the house to do some sort of follow-up on his own and they remembered his face.”
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“Did you hear me?”
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“Oh. Sorry.”
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“Uh … Morgan and I were joking on the jet, but something is definitely up.”
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“Is there anything you want to share?”
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“It’s nothing that … I had breakfast with Carolyn the other morning.”
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“Is that wife number four or five?”
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“Look, let’s get our facts straight. I only had three wives.”
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“I mean, that’s within the realm of reasonable.”
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“Okay, I’m sorry. Which one was Carolyn?”
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“Numero uno.”
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“Use your words, Emily.”
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“Uh … there’s always something about the first, in anything.”
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“I don’t know, I might be way off here, but I think she’s putting some feelers out to see if that old spark is still there.”
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“Is it?”
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“I’m having her over to my house for dinner when I get back.”
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“I’m crazy, right?”
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“We don’t always get second chances in life, Rossi.”
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“I say take the plunge, see where it goes.”
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“Talk to me, mama.”
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“First off, you are on restriction from my inner Lamborghini.”
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“Garcia …”
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She’s dead.
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“I mean it. This high-performance engine may purr like a puma on the prowl, but this time, Derek, you have seriously overheated my engines and I will require some cool-down laps upon your return, if you know what I mean by that.”
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“Baby girl, you’re on speaker.”
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“I knew that.”
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“I’m calling to tell you, sir, there are eleven 911 dispatchers in the greater St. Louis area that were on duty when the calls were placed but not working during the murder and abduction.”
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“Of those eleven, there’s one that fist your profile …”
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“George Kelling, age 27, 1181 Clay Street, apartment 8. Sending his picture right now.”
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“You know where he is now?”
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“He was scheduled to work today. His supervisor said he showed up for his shift, but then he left early.”
“Can you get the log of all the calls he took tonight?”
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“Yeah, of course. But there are a lot.”
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“Skip to the last one.”
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“Last one is a domestic disturbance at 788 4th Avenue, number C.”
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“Attempted sexual assault of a young girl. Kelling dispatched the police and then he took off.”
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“Let’s go.”
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“It’s clear!”
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“The door’s open and the lights are on. The unsub beat us here.”
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“What have you got?”
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“Nothing. The place is empty.”
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“If the unsub’s keeping the kids, he’s holding them someplace else.”
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“What have you got, Garcia?”
Come on, baby girl.
“At ten years of age, George Kelling entered the foster care system and I don’t know why.”
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“His father abandoned the family when he was a baby.”
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“I can’t figure out what happened to mom yet.”
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“All right, we need the address of the foster family he was placed with.”
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“Yeah, yeah, I know. He bounced around a lot. Give me a second, I’ll call you back.””
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“Okay, what I don’t understand is why would he keep Bobby but release Timothy?”
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“If he wants to get rid of the parent, why not kill them first and then take the child. It’s so much riskier to wait.”
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“Unless the children are a crucial part of his killing ritual.”
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“He needs something from them before he can murder the parents.”
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“What could they possibly give him?”
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“Their approval. That’s what he wants them to say. He’ll hurt her if she doesn’t, because that means she’s weak, too.”
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“Déjà vu all over again.”
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“So get this. George Kelling’s mom committed suicide when he was ten.”
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“She jumped off a bridge.”
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“Before that, she attempted to kill herself multiple times, cutting her wrists.”
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“This sounds really familiar, huh?”
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“Did you find the foster home address?”
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“Those records are still sealed.’
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“I got my crowbar out, I’m working on it.”
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“The foster family lived on a farm ten miles northwest of the city on Parkhill Road. The rest of the team is gonna meet us there.”
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“So what happened to the foster parents?”
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“The father died years ago.”
“The mother just died last month – heart attack.”
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“That must have been the trigger. The last person who rescued the unsub was gone.”
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“He assumed the mantel.”
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“And now he suddenly has a house to take these kids to.”
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“Wait. Garcia, you said the mother jumped off of a bridge, right?”
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“Yeah. Why? What are you thinking?”
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“Suicidology is an imperfect science, but it’s uncommon for women to kill themselves so violently.”
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“For lack of a better word, they tend to choose more feminine ways to die.”
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“Men shoot themselves, jump off buildings onto pavements.”
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“Women are less messy. They take pills and drown themselves.”
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“Reid and JJ and I will take the front.”
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“The rest of you take the perimeter.”
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“FBI. Put the gun down.”
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“Drop the gun. Do it.”
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“Like you were strong with your mother?”
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“I don’t think so.”
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Oh shit. He killed his mom? Damn.
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“We need medical.”
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Ernest Hemingway: “All things truly wicked start from an innocence.”
Jeez, Hemingway. What the fuck? Why you gotta be so glum?
“We got all the kids back safe. Think about it, Aaron. How often does that happen?”
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“Not often enough.”
“How about ten pairs of shoes? I mean, that has to be enough, right? Ten?”
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“Ah, Spence, it’s different with the ladies.”
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“We need them to match our belts, our handbags, our skirts, and the fashions change with the seasons.”
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“Yes. Boys are so boring.”
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“Pants, shoes, out the door.”
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I love you, Penelope!
“Although it’s not like men don’t have their things.”
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“I dated a golfer once.”
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“He had twelve putters in his closet.”
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“But this conversation is reminding me I need new boots.”
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“They’re having a sale at DeMille’s on those tall-shaft kitty heels. You like those. Do you want to go?”
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“You getting all this, kid?”
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Oh my fucking god, he’s so cute!!!! And Reid, don’t feel bad. We, women, are complicated beings. You should never try to understand us.
Ooh, dinner in the  mansion with Rossi. Romantic.
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“Sit down, relax.”
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“You gotta love any dish that recommends the wearing of a bib.”
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Really? Well, I guess it does mean you slurp like there’s no tomorrow and no one can judge you ... so I guess it makes perfect sense.
“You know, I don’t remember you as being a big wine drinker.”
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She needs courage? For what?
“When did you ever need that with me?”
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“You know, who would have thought that we’d find ourselves on a date again after all these years?”
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He’s so fucking cute, taking Emily’s advice and being all hopeful and adorable.
“We joked we were the only couple that had both marriage and divorce vows.”
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“Hey, what’s going on with you?”
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“Carolyn …”
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She has ALS. Fuck.
“Why didn’t you call me earlier? I could have …”
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Oh my fucking god, poor Rossi.
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So this episode was just the most awful fucking thing ever. How the fuck can you abduct children and then kill their mommies? And how the fuck can you kill your own? I would die before I had to do that. I am going to kill that motherfucker ... oh wait, he’s fictional. Shit.
At least he’s in fictional jail.
And then there’s the whole Carolyn sublot ... and here I was thinking this season was going to be a refresher one.
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4 notes · View notes
lilbevstan · 4 years
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Happy birthday to the lovely Aisha Tyler
PC: Kirsten Vagnsness' Twitter
3 notes · View notes
stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds S07E03 “Dorado Falls” review
Episode 03 – Dorado Falls
Hey y’all!
So this episode’s name is too vague for me to make speculations about what might happen ... hoping for something witty and awesome.
Let’s see what happens.
And she’s officially back :)
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“Hey, good morning.”
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Okay, now I want Prentiss as my BFF. Seriously. Free coffee in the morning before work? Perfection.
“Oh, look at you spoiling me. Thank you.”
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“Where’s yours?”
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“Oh, I quit caffeine. Trying to relax more.”
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“Well, don’t relax too much. You got ten hours of takedown and arrest procedure training to rectify.”
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“Since when?”
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“Since the hearing.”
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“Am I the only one?”
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“Prentiss, you’ve been away.”
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“Oh, yeah. I guess I can’t complain.”
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“Well, especially not to your trainer.”
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“Oh! You’re doing it?”
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“Don’t get too excited. I’m about to put you through the wringer.”
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“You can believe that.”
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Oh my goodness, Prentiss’s look of excitement and then confusion is killing me.
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Though I’m totally with her on that one. Why is Derek so excited on putting her through the wringer?
“Workplace massacre this morning at Synalock Incorporated. That’s in Charlottesville, which his practically in our backyard.”
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“That’s a high body count.”
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“Yeah, eight victims in total. All employees, including the CEO.”
”Five shot, three were stabbed to death.”
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“A gun and a knife. That’s highly unusual.”
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“It could be two killers.”
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“That would be the first time for a workplace killing.”
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“Their business in Internet security for corporations. They didn’t have video surveillance?”
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“They just moved into a new building. They didn’t have time to set up their system yet.”
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“How is it no one saw anything?”
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“The killer was prepared. Highly organized. This was premeditated.”
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“He kept his emotions contained.”
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“Pretty hard to do for the typical workplace killer who’s mentally ill or outraged about some perceived injustice.”
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“The high body count indicates a hell of a lot of rage.”
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“One employee, John Owen, was MIA. Local PD haven’t been able to locate him yet.”
“Any unhappy clients?”
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“Or a domestic situation among the employees?”
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“Don’t know, but your friendly neighborhood genius girl will find out.”
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“Bottom line is a mass killing is a classic show of force. It’s a way to become known. Which is why suicide, often by cop, is usually part of the plan.”
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“So where’s the unsub?”
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“He has a reason to stay hidden. He’s not finished yet.”
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Well, fuck.
Franklin D. Roosevelt: “Men are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds.”
“Absolutely. These are Agents Rossi and Jareau and Dr. Reid.”
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I love his cutesy little wave.
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“Of course. As soon as we make our assessment.”
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Someone needs to put a plug in that whole media coverage before the cops arrive thing.
“So what do we know about the missing employee so far?”
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“You said the CEO’s office was ransacked.”
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Let’s go investigate.
“The position of the body suggests he was one of the last ones killed.”
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“He tried to escape and almost made it to the exit.”
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“Jane Burney and Vinia Dev were here. Jane tried to run, Vinia didn’t.”
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How does he know that? Because he’s the most genius genius to ever genius my genius.
And, you know, maybe he’s good at his job ... maybe.
“She’s half under her desk, which means she tried to hide and the unsub found her.”
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“So these three were stabbed and the rest were shot to death.”
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“Yes, but the bloody footprints all seem to come from the same pair of shoes.”
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“Given the evidence, if there were a second killer, he’d be hard-pressed to get away without leaving tracks.”
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“If there was only one unsub, he used his gun first, emptied his magazine, didn’t have a replacement, and resorted to using his knife.”
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“He’d have to be physically fit or at least intimidating enough to subdue so many people.”
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“If this were highly premeditated, he would have brought enough ammunition to kill everyone.”
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“Unless he had a single target.”
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“He killed the rest of them because they were witnesses.”
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“We need to figure out who his first victim was.”
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“These are contracts Synalock had. What was the unsub looking for?”
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“Maybe he was a client searching for his own contract to hide any connection to Synalock after the murders.”
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“Ah, everything’s digital these days, though. The hard copy’s just a backup.”
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Oh my cute fossil, Rossi.
“So the unsub’s looking for an object, an old record, something not on a computer.”
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“Huh. Rossi, check this out.”
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“So, uh, Werner was worried enough about his safety to be armed.”
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“And he didn’t have time to go for his gun or didn’t perceive the threat to be immediate.”
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“Or keeping a gun around was out of force of habit.”
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“He was a veteran.”
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“A naval officer by the looks of it.”
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“A decorated one at that.”
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“He was awarded the Navy Cross in 2000.”
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“Something else used to be here.”
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“Another picture frame.”
“Blood splatter overlay patterns indicate victim number three was over here.”
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“Victim number two right here.”
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“And finally victim number one right here.”
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“Adam Werner was killed first?”
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“Looks that way.”
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“Which means the unsub made it all the way in here without alarming anyone.”
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“He wasn’t threatening.”
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“That’s why Werner didn’t pull the gun we found in his office.”
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“He could have been the missing employee.”
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“He may have taken that photo form his office if he was in it.”
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“Why would an employee be interested in Synalock’s contracts?”
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“Maybe this is about one client.”
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“He could be after specific company information.”
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“He had another motive besides killing.”
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“It was clean and fast.”
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“He sliced through the left carotid and abdominal aorta, major arteries that would bleed out quickly.”
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“They all took two .45s to the chest, except for Adam Warner. He took four body shots and one to the head, execution style.”
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“Definite overkill.”
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“Somebody was angry with the boss.”
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“Somebody with hunting skills.”
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“Or a law enforcement background?”
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“Talk to me, little genie.”
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“Well, since you know how to rub my lamp, your wish is my command.”
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Facepalming, grinning and giggling all at the same time here.
“I checked the Synalock client list, and the Defence Intelligence Agency is new to them, so there really isn’t anything to report, and everyone else is crazy happy with their service.”
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“No complaints logged in?”
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“Zero. I’m talking every high-tech blog, every chat room, glowing accolades. No one had anything contrary to say about Synalock.”
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“Any employees have a history of domestic disturbances or stalkers?”
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“Not that I’d violate privacy laws to check, she says, but the answer is no.”
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“So Synalock is clean.”
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“As a whistle.”
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“Which reminds me …”
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“You know how to whistle, don’t you?”
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“You just put your lips together and blow.’
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Oh my goodness, I love this ridiculous goddess and hunky chocolate adonis so freaking much.
“I love it when you talk old movies. Later, baby girl.”
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“With all the overkill on Werner, there’s got to be a personal connection.”
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“We’ve located John Owen, the missing employee. He’s been at a Doctor Who convention in San Diego since Saturday. It was a scheduled vacation.”
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“Lucky guy.”
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“I’ll say. That’s supposed to be an awesome convention.”
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Dead here. Because I know I will never find a man as perfect as Spencer in real life.
“So if it wasn’t someone connected to the workplace, who is it?”
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“You know, given the precision of the kills, it could be someone with a military background.”
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“Or a professional hired by a business competitor.”
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“A hit man would just kill Werner. Killing the entire office seems unprofessional.”
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“Werner was a Navy veteran. He had DIA contracts. He had close ties to the military. It could be someone from his past harboring an old grudge.”
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“Trooper, issue a Be on The Lookout to law enforcement for a physically fit male in his 30s to 40s, possibly a veteran. He appears nonthreatening and blends in easily. He’s armed and extremely dangerous. He most likely will kill again, either himself or others, very soon.”
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You know, as serious as this is, the whole “Luke, I’m your father” thing is just too much for me and I cannot control my giggles.
“Are we sure the unsub is their son?”
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“Luke Dolan called Synalock early this morning. Garcia confirmed it.”
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“Know many 60-year-olds with a boombox?”
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Not anymore. Which is sad.
“Trying to mask the sound of gunshots?”
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“Could be. Or he was torturing them with sound.”
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That metal music was definitely torture, bro.
“Why were they bound and gagged in the closet? Why not just kill them right away?”
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“Maybe he was trying to get information from them.”
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“About what?”
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“Go ahead, Garcia, you’re on speaker.”
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“Okay, Luke Dolan was in the same Navy unit as our CEO Adam Werner. That would be the 212th. They were both communication clerks at Camp Patriot in Kuwait. I’m sending all this information to your emails now.”
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“Any other family?”
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“He has a wife, Jenna. They’ve been separated for years. She lives in Bethesda with her eight-year-old daughter.”
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“We need to bring her in for protective custody and to interview her. Send local PD and have our nearest unit meet them.”
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“Done and done.”
“Okay, it looks like he served thirteen years, honorable discharge in 2005. And now a VP of a biotech company. He was never a Synalock employee.”
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“So what happened to this guy?”
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“He was separated from his wife about a year ago, but that’s a bit far back to be a trigger.”
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“Well, he’s on a rampage of some kind. What if mentally he was reliving a combat situation?”
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“It could be post-traumatic stress. Everybody could look like an enemy.”
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“Prentiss, this was a close-knit family.”
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“Look at them.”
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“They couldn’t have been more proud of their son.”
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“How bad would his disorder have to be to make him kill his own parents?”
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“Post-traumatic stress disorder rarely turns people into killers, but soldiers with PTSD have been known to strangle their wives in bed while having flashbacks or nightmares, believing they’re on the battlefield.”
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“In 2005, an Iraqi war vet assaulted two people in Las Vegas, believing them to be enemy combatants.”
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“So Dolan’s having a sustained flashback.”
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“Pathological disassociation is one of the markers of complex PTSD, although Dolan has been stateside for six years. An escalation of the symptoms is possible, but it would be rare for them to appear out of nowhere.”
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“Well, he seems to have made a successful transition to civilian life.”
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“Well, at least on paper it does.”
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“We should find out if he’s had any symptoms since he left the navy. It could have been the catalyst for the separation.”
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“I’ll have Garcia check his records.”
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“Hotch, Dolan’s been going through this.”
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“Look, old mementos and journals from his days in the service.”
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“He didn’t come here just to kill his parents. He came to get something.”
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“He’s on some sort of mission.”
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“The car’s washed, spotless inside, there’s no paint separation or rust.”
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“This accident was recent.”
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“I agree.”
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“The Navy’s in his blood. he would never let that go without getting it fixed immediately.”
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“It might have triggered his condition.”
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“I’ll have Garcia run the plates, check for any recent accidents.”
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“So, Dolan left his sedan and didn’t take the parents’ car.”
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“He was smart enough to know it’d be tracked.”
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“He’s either on foot or he’s stolen another vehicle.”
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“If he’s capable of doing this, he’s rational and clear-headed enough to evade his perceived enemies.”
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“So despite any mental incapacity, he’s still performing at a high level.”
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“Just got word the local PD’s at the wife and daughter’s house.”
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“Dolan’s unpredictable when he’s on a rampage. We need to go wide. We need to get the profile to the press.”
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“Luke Dolan is a Navy veteran we believe is suffering from PTSD.”
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“A recent trauma may have triggered this. He is experiencing pathological disassociation and may believe he’s in a combat situation.”
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“What this means is, to him, everyone is a potential enemy. Do not underestimate him. Despite his mental state, he has extreme survival skills.”
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“Right now, we believe he’s within a 250-mile radius of Roanoke. He is armed and extremely dangerous.”
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“It is important that you do not approach him. He believes that he is on a mission, and if threatened, he will kill. So if you see him, stay away and notify the authorities.”
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I’ll tell you whatever you want, gorgeous.
“One thing’s been bothering me is the first victim, Adam Warner, was given the Navy Cross in 2000.”
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“We weren’t at war.”
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“You have to show extreme sacrifice, risk life and limb to win the second-highest medal of valor.”
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“So what did he do during peacetime to deserve it?”
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“So, Garcia’s discovered part of Dolan’s military records were encrypted.”
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“I just got the complete file to the Pentagon. He wasn’t a clerk. He was a Navy Seal.”
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“Let me guess. Adam Werner was, too.”
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“Yeah. Werner was the seal team leader, Dolan was his number two. Their unit was part of JSOC. They were involved in twenty highly classified missions.”
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“Which missions were in 2000?”
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“Uh, only one. Operation Dorado Falls.”
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“See what you can find about it.”
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“Will do.”
“That changes the profile.”
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“How so?”
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“Navy Seals are screened carefully for vulnerability to PTSD. They’re resistant to it.”
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“So why would a trained Navy Seal kill his commanding officer and his own parents?”
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“I don’t know, but it’s gonna be a lot harder to find him. Very few people on this planet are capable of stopping him.”
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“Luke Dolan just evaded a roadblock near his wife’s house. They searched the surrounding area. There’s no sign of him.”
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Well, this just turned from crap tp shit.
“Did you notice any recent changes in Luke’s behavior?”
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“Did he ever mention Dorado Falls?”
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“A mission he was on.”
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“Is that why you two separated?”
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“You weren’t a priority to him?”
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“He had an exit strategy.”
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Oh that poor woman. Her husband had an exit strategy from life and she took it personally.
“Okay, so it turns out 6:20 Friday night, Dolan got in a car accident in Bethesda.”
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“That must have been after he dropped off his daughter.”
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“He suffered minor injuries, he refused medical treatment.”
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“Well, his wife said he was fine when he left her.”
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“What was his mental state after the accident?”
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“Normal. Field sobriety test came up negative.”
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“That wouldn’t rule out drug use.”
Well, crap.
“I’d consider schizophrenia, except he’s the wrong age for the first psychotic break. It could be an aneurysm or a brain tumor.”
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“Well, one thing’s for sure. He’s having a mental breakdown, but what are the specific features of it?”
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“He’s not living in a past time and place, he’s living in the present, with the capacity and intelligence to evade law enforcement.”
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Wow, that woman is rattled. Though any sane woman would if her husband was forced out of their house at gunpoint and she was left wondering what the fuck is going on.
“Mrs. Milgram …”
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“Ma’am, listen to me. The FBI is in charge of looking for your husband, but I need you to try to remember what Luke Dolan said.”
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“Yes, you can.”
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“Just close your eyes.”
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“Ma’am, I believe that you can.”
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“Just listen to the sound of my voice and you’ll be fine.”
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“Just try.”
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“Close your eyes. There you go.”
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“Just relax and breathe. Very good.”
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“Now, what were you doing before he broke into your house?”
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“Does he think your husband did something to them?”
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“Does he mention Dorado Falls?”
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“All of the Milgrams’ cars are still here, so he must have taken the General in whatever vehicle he came in.”
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“He talked about gaslighting. He thinks someone’s trying to purposely distort his reality.”
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“He said his parents had been replaced.”
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“He sounds delusional.”
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“You know, he might have Capgras syndrome.”
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“It’s a delusional disorder in which one believes that their friends and loved ones had been replaced by impostors.”
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“Sort of like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”
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“It typically involves only one sense, such as sight.”
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“Basically, the neural connection between the visual cortex and the emotional center of the brain becomes severed, so that looking at a loved one doesn’t elicit the same emotional response one would expect.”
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“So you think they’re an imposter.”
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“And the interesting thing is that the auditory connection remains intact, so that if they were to hear a loved one speak and not see them, they’d think that they were real.”
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“What causes this syndrome?”
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“It’s unknown in 60% of the cases, but the rest have an organic cause, such as a tumor or head trauma.”
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“He was in a car accident Friday.”
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“People with delusional disorders don’t become killers, though.”
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“True, but Dolan’s background as a Navy Seal, his knowledge of secret missions, plus Capgras syndrome, could result in extreme paranoia.”
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“It’s the perfect storm.”
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“Is there a cure for this?”
Nope. Shit.
“So this guy’s stuck with it.”
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“He’s not killing for the thrill of it, he does it because he believes he has no other choice.”
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“He murdered his best friend and his parents because he believed they were imposters.”
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“So if he were to see his wife and daughter, the results could be deadly.”
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“Dolan kidnapped the General and didn’t kill his wife because he had never met them before.”
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“There may be another reason. He wants contact.”
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“Our primary goal right now is the safe recovery of the General.”
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“We could. But your help would speed things up.”
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“You’re smart enough to see the upside, I’m sure.”
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“You help and it goes well, you get your ticket punched.”
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“You don’t and it goes south, well, the weather’s not too bad outside the beltway.”
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“You know why Dolan’s so worried about this mission?”
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“Were there complications?”
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Oh damn. She don’t mess around.
“We think his car accident triggered a delusional disorder.”
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“We need to know who Luke was close to.”
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“Is this Lieutenant Luke Dolan?”
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“Sergeant Major David Rossi, United States Marine Corps, retired.”
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“I volunteered to call you.”
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“I knew your dad, Luke. We were in boot camp together at Parris Island.”
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“He’s a good man.”
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“Still triangulating a location. Hold on.”
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“Now, we can talk, but first I need to know that General Milgram is safe.”
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“What’s up with the music?”
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“I have no idea.”
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You know, I am getting real tired of these writers stealing my thunder.
“Why did you kidnap the General?”
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“Do you think we’re holding them?”
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God. This guy is off his meds. And pretty bad.
“What have you got, Garcia?”
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“Getting closer. We’re in the warehouse district. Stand by.”
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“Got it! 3352 Spring Street.”
Go! Go! Go!
“Let’s go.”
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“Release the General and then we can talk about your family. He’s innocent.”
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“Luke, do you think your father would approve of what you’re doing?”
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“Start what?”
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What the fuck is this nutcase talking about?
“Why don’t you tell us your side of the story?”
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“All right.”
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“Dorado Falls was the name of a boat off the coast of Cape Town. It was owned by a South African diplomat who was selling nuclear secrets to Iran.”
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“So what’s the big secret?”
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“There isn’t one. Don’t get me wrong, lives were lost, but there’s been far worse missions.”
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“His mind chose Dorado Falls to build a conspiracy around.”
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Well, shit.
“This can’t be it.”
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“Garcia, it’s an empty lot with a cell phone repeater. Give me a rundown on the buildings in the area and the years that they were built.”
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“All over it like cat hair on a sofa.”
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Someone zap her here so I can kiss her.
“Btw, I can usually locate a cell phone within three meters, but sometimes there are circumstance beyond my control, like physical barriers blocking a signal, not being in the satellite’s direct line of sight, which bounces the signal to a repeater.”
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“Garcia, tell me you’ve got something.”
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“Oh, sorry. Yes, I have something.”
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Oh my God, she is the cutest thing ever.
“There is a hotel built in ’74 that is scheduled for demo, and there is a warehouse scheduled for loft conversion that was built in 1928.”
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“All right, walls were thicker in the twenties.”
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“What’s the address of the building?”
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“More GPS signal interference.”
Come on, baby.
“Exact address is … 291 Hope Street.”
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“291 Hope.”
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“Intel failed to identify … two children aboard the boat.”
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“You had to shoot those kids, didn’t you? They were witnesses. Just like everyone at Synalock.”
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“Listen, Jenna and Ally are safe.”
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“I’ll make you an offer. You let Milgram go and I’ll take his place.”
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“But you need insurance. I get that. Let me take his place. Because I’m not just a guy behind a desk.”
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“I was a Marine with boots on the ground, just like you.”
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“I know what you’ve been through.”
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“I want you to get your family back.”
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“Where’s Hotch and Morgan?”
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“The Spring Street address didn’t pan out. They’re searching the warehouse right now.”
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“Luke, I need your exact address.”
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“We got the General. He’s still alive.”
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Where the fuck is Dolan?
“Yeah, he used the radio to mask the sound of his movements.”
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“We’re on the move.”
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“This was all part of his plan to find out who was holding his wife and daughter.”
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“But you never said you were FBI.”
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“He saw the number I called from. He recognized the FBI prefix.”
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“So, what, he’s on his way here to Quantico?”
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“I know the head space he’s in. he feels alone right now. There’s no risk he won’t take.”
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“As a Navy Seal, he did training here. He knows this place.”
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Seal everything.
“An FBI police officer was just found shot to death in the academy parking structure.”
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“He’s already here.”
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“Dolan’s photo’s already been sent on all internal servers.”
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“He’s probably changed his appearance already.”
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“And he’s got thirteen floors to hide on.”
“We should make a general PA announcement.”
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Hey, I know that weirdo.
“No. He believes he’s on a rescue mission that he can pull off. As long as he thinks that, he’ll stay calm.”
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“I’ve got hundreds of employees in here and you want me to do nothing?”
Seriously, dude?
“Garcia, I need you on the building’s operations computer.”
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“Ready and able, sir.”
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“Dolan’s got a police radio. I want all alerts sent through ha secure tactical channel.”
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“We can’t take that risk. You’ll be safe in here.”
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Good, keep them safe.
“He knows how to be invisible.”
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“I got him. He used the dead officer’s ID to enter the seventh floor.”
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“Seal if off. Nobody in or out.”
Oh boy.
“Navy Seals never start a mission without an exfiltration plan. Check the exterior and elevator shafts for riggings.’
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“Turning exterior cameras now.”
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“A member of the seal team said Dolan’s an expert in explosives, disabling and building them.”
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“Also be on the lookout for explosives.”
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Wack calling, let Rossi handle it.
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“Yes. I was hoping you’d call, Luke.”
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“Where are you?”
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Shit. He’s there with a fucking bomb and fucking shit I am not okay with this.
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“Okay, okay. Easy, easy.”
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“Oh, my God.”
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“All right, Luke, you don’t want to be aiming that around.”
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“Snipers have the building covered.”
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“You’re in the crosshairs right now, I can guarantee that.”
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“I’m the one you want. You can let my team go.”
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“Start an evacuation.”
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“Can we evacuate everyone in three minutes?”
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“Prentiss, I need his wife in here.”
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“No one is seeking revenge here. You’ve created this conspiracy in your own mind.”
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“To protect them from you after you murdered your own parents.”
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“Your real parents are dead.”
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DUDE! What the fuck are you doing?!
“You want to know what’s really going on? You were in a car accident three nights ago and you suffered a head trauma.”
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“You don’t believe that’s her?”
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“Jenna, can you talk to him about something personal, something that only the two of you would know about?”
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“When you see your family, you think that they’re imposters, but it’s all caused by an illness.”
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“You’re sick, Luke.”
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“It’s not your fault.”
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“Luke, you have to close your eyes.”
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“Because you need to know that your wife is real and your eyes will trick you.”
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“Close your eyes.”
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“First Jenna’s gonna cover up your eyes.”
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“No! No!”
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“JJ, let me have him.”
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“Get him out of here!”
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“Get him out of here!”
Ah crap, it all went to shit.
Orson Welles: “Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for a moment that we’re not alone.”
“No, I didn’t mandate it.”
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Wait. So Hotch didn’t mandate the training? Oh boy, my puppy really stepped in it this time.
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“Uh, Hotch didn’t order my takedown recertification.”
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“Do you want to tell me what’s really going on?”
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“I just thought we both could use a refresher.”
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“You mean you thought I could use it.”
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“You’re nervous about me being back.”
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“Emily …”
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“What … you think I’m gonna mess up the team’s rhythm?”
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“I get it. But just come out and say it.”
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“Okay, fine.”
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“Yea, I am nervous.”
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“But not about you.”
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“About me.”
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“Emily, I thought I lost you, and I blamed myself.”
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“Now, you’re back, but I don’t want to be worried about losing you again and get distracted.”
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“So you wanted some reassurance.”
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“Yeah, something like that.”
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“Morgan, I cannot imagine what you went through.”
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“It was seven months of hell.”
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“How can I make it up to you? I will do whatever it takes.”
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“Just give me ten hours of training.”
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“Okay, you got it.”
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“Shooting range on Sundays.”
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“I’m there.”
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“And my morning coffee and a neck rub every day.”
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“Oh, buddy, you are really pushing it.”
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Morgan, you little shit!
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Whew. So aside from the craziness of this entire episode, because - hot damn! - this episode was so cute! Morgan dealing with his mixed feelings about Prentiss coming back and being worried he might lose her again, it’s just the most adorable subplot there is.
Also, I just found out that Reid likes to go to Doctor Who conventions, and it just made my day.
Also, I love how they address PTSD and general trauma-coping in military veterans. It’s seriously refreshing how they keep addressing all issues in human psyche around the vast country of the USA. Amazing.
And so, on this ... positive? ... note, I thank you all for keeping on following this stuff.
I’ll see you all next time and - in the meantime, enjoy the rest of the photos of Shemar Moore I’ve been hoarding.
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3 notes · View notes
stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds S07E02 “Proof” review
Episode 02 – Proof
So I am so fucking excited about this season.
I just hope my lovely, cutie Morgan can find it in his ginormous heart to forgive Prentiss, because my heart will literally break if I have to see another scene featuring that offended face of his.
So ....
Let’s see what happens.
So that guy is a homicidal Pinocchio? Gross.
“So you finished the course?”
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“And completed my case rotation.”
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“Hotch says he’s never seen a rookie profiler analyze and write up cases as well as you.”
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Wait, so JJ is officially a profiler now? AWESOME!
“He said that?”
You bet, babe.
“Yeah. Well, after all the cases you presented over the years, I’m not surprised.”
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“Hey, where have you been? I wanted to do brunch this weekend.”
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“I had to deal with some stuff with my mom. Have you seen Garcia?”
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Poodle, I’m about to whoop your cute little butt, what the fuck?
“Uh, she’s with Rossi.”
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“He hates me.”
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“He was just busy.”
Oh Emily, you cutie BFF, you’re the best.
“Let it go.”
I love her.
“Okay, you can be honest. I can take it.”
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“Okay. I prefer my pasta al dente, and the pancetta was a little weird.”
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“Oh. That’s ‘cause it’s tofu.”
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“Tofu? I give you my recipe and you do an improve?”
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I’m with Rossi all the way. I love my veggie goddess, but I love my meat more ... sorry.
“No, no, I followed it down to the micron, aside from the pig.”
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“Look, master of all things Italian, I am having a Fellini festival at my house this weekend and I must serve the beautiful food of his country.”
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“Maybe you should show a Disney film and stick with burgers.”
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WHAT?! Oh my sarcastic Italian stallion.
“You know, Rossi, you could always give Penelope a cooking lesson.”
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“Oh, my gosh, that would be amazing.”
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Oh my god, Rossi’s ‘thanks for throwing me under the bus, bub’ face makes me smile.
“That would be like – that would be like the Iron Chef meets the BAU. And we could do ait at your house.”
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“I don’t have a house, I have a mansion.”
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Of course you do XD
“All right, let’s get started.”
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Oh my god, JJ handing over the remote to Penelope is the cutest!
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“Oh. All right, mes amis. You are jetting to Durant, Oklahoma, because in the last three days, two women have been found dead after being sexually tortured and then blinded with a sulfuric acid solution.”
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“Abby Elcott is our first victim. 19-year-old art student. She was headed to campus for an advanced drawing class. She’d been missing for two days. Same goes for our second victim, Beth Westerly, 17. She had just finished her coffee shop shift and was on her way to a bar method class.”
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Whew, that’s brutal.
“Both low-risk victims.”
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“And physically similar. How close are the two abduction sites?”
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“Five miles apart at bus stops. Abby’s cell was found near one, Beth’s scarf near the other.”
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“Where are the dump sites?”
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“One in an alley, the other in a field.
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“So he stapled their eyes open, then he blinded them. It’s about power and control.”
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GROSS! Pinocchio, stop it!
“Maybe he didn’t want them to watch while he hurt them.”
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“Or it could be about shame. Perhaps the unsub is disfigured himself.”
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“Blinding the victims leaves them helpless, lost, totally dependent.”
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“It may be a manifestation of how he sees himself in this world.”
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“It is a form of enucleation, just without the scalpel. His face is the last they see before darkness.”
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“The rest of us, ,wheels up in 30 minutes.”
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Mark Twain: “If it is a miracle, any sort of evidence will answer. But if it is fact, proof is necessary.”
“Victimology is very similar. Blond-haired, blue-eyed teenage girls. We believe they were each abducted near public transportation stops.”
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“When was this photo taken?”
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“Beth was caught on a bank surveillance camera three hours before she disappeared.”
Whoop. Seriously, those bank surveillance cameras are creeping me out.
“That’s a recent photo of Abby.”
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“So she wasn’t found in the same clothes she was abducted in.”
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“Maybe he changed them because hers were burned by the sulfuric acid.”
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“It’s possible. Sulfuric acid can turn human flesh into soap.”
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“Garcia, any recent similar cases in the surrounding area?”
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“Actually, yes. Two months ago a prostitute and a runaway were both found raped and killed and they had stab wounds to their eyes.”
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“So maybe he practiced on high-risk victims first. And then advanced to chemical enucleation.”
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“Isn’t that a rare paraphilia?”
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“Well, the chemical part is. It would exacerbate the pain.”
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“Like Ed Kemper, he’s probably practicing on surrogates before going after the real object of his rage.”
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“Dave, you and I will talk to the parents. Morgan and Prentiss, go to the disposal sites. JJ, you and Reid go to the abduction sites.”
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“It’s amazing on one witnessed her abduction.”
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“Emily was buried six feet under and wound up in Paris, so I guess anything’s possible, right?”
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“So that is what this is about.”
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“Maybe our unsub’s a little bit like Bundy. He feigns injury in order to get her to help him.”
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“Look, Spence, if you want to talk about this …”
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“Maybe he tried other tactics, like ‘Wow, you’re really pretty’. ‘You should be a model. I can take your photo’.”
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“I’ll take that as a no.”
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“Either one would disarm her.”
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“Charm is quite the killer.”
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“So are tears.”
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Whoa, what the fuck, Spence?
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“You smell the urine?”
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“I thought that was air freshener.”
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“It’s a homeless corridor.”
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“This guy’s either homeless or appears to be. He most likely has a car, to get them from the abduction site to here.”
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“Just because you’re homeless doesn’t mean you’re careless.”
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“It could explain why he chose high-risk victims at first. They were all around him.”
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“I know this is difficult, but I need you to look at the clothes that Abby was wearing when we found her.”
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“Do you recognize them?”
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“Do you find anything odd about Beth’s clothing?”
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“You sure?”
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“You’re sure?”
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What are they trying to make sure of?
“In addition to the blinding, taking their clothes further robs them of their identity.”
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“He’s either keeping their garments as souvenirs or re-dressing the victims as a forensic countermeasure.”
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“Dressing them in these outfits could be part of the fantasy.”
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“Churches, thrift stores. We need to rule everything out.”
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“Reid and JJ went to the local thrift shop and found Abby’s clothes.”
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“So he sold them.”
“Or traded them for the eighties clothing.”
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“The sales clerk said the clothes in the crime scene photos were of that time period, and he confirmed that they were purchased from his store.”
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“So if he’s getting rid of his souvenirs …”
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“What’s he using to remember his victims?”
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“And why is he fixated on this era?”
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“What do you got?”
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“The brutality the victims experienced was immense. Multiple stab wounds to the neck and chest, plus wounds to the genital.”
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“Frustration and overkill.”
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“The same chemical damage on the skin is also around her nostrils.”
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“And that would destroy their sense of smell, yes?”
“He burned her tongue with the chemical this time.”
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“So he removed her ability to taste.”
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“Why would he do that?”
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“Maybe she offended him.”
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“I wonder what that’s like.”
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Poodle, you are pissing me off here.
“Her lips are extremely chapped.”
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“She was probably forced to repeatedly participate in some sort of kissing fantasy. And when things go awry, he takes the offending sense away.”
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“He tortured her in these clothes, which means the eighties are essential to his delusion.”
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“Maybe that’s when his rejection occurred and he held on to the clothes all these years.”
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“But why start now?”
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“Something probably triggered it, and instead of dealing with it, he’s acting out.”
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“We believe the unsub or unknown subject that we’re looking for is a white male in his 40s. This is someone who’s reacting to rejection by a woman when he was teenager in the 1980s.”
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“The unsub’s fixation on this woman is now all-consuming. It’s caused him to develop obsessive love disorder.”
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“He most likely has tunnel vision and believes that she holds the key to his happiness.”
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“And it’s only a matter of time before his rage and anger causes the unsub to go after her directly.”
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“Spence. Look, we gotta talk about this.”
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“I don’t want to talk about it.”
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“I get it, okay? You’re disappointed with the way we handled Emily.”
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“Listen, I have a lot going on, all right?”
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“You know what I think this is?”
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Ooh, pissy poodle.
“You’re mad that Hotch and I controlled our micro-expressions at the hospital and you wouldn’t be able to detect our deception.”
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“You think it’s about my profiling skills?”
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“Jennifer, listen, the only reason you were able to manage my perceptions is because I trusted you.”
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“I came to your house for ten weeks in a row crying over losing a friend, and not once did you have the decency to tell me the truth.”
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“I couldn’t.”
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“You couldn’t? Or you wouldn’t?”
Um ...
“No, I couldn’t.”
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“What if I started taking Dilaudid again? Would you have let me?”
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“You didn’t.”
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“Yeah, but I thought about it.”
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“I’m sorry.”
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“It’s too late, all right?”
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Yikes. This is going to be hard.
“It would have had to have been a woman very close to the unsub to make him react this way.”
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“Then why go after surrogates?”
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“I don’t think we’re dealing with a typical homeless person.”
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“He’s good with chemicals, owns a car.”
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“I think the only mistake in our profile was assuming there was something wrong with his physical composition, reducing him to some sort of stereotype.”
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“You think it’s only his mental state?”
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“I think this guy might be smart enough to use his disability to his advantage so he comes across as harmless.”
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“Then when he’s alone and the victim rejects him, he goes off.”
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“What if he doesn’t live on the street?”
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“What if he’s in a halfway house?”
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“Garcia, I need a list of halfway houses and mental health centers in the unsub’s comfort zone.”
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“Okay. Five are being sent to your phones.”
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“Which of those were around in the eighties, Garcia?”
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“There are two in your area.”
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“Morgan and Prentiss, take the first. David and I will take the second.”
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“What about us?”
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“Stay here and check ViCAP for similar MOs and signatures.”
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“If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at me.”
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“I can’t. I didn’t come to your house crying for ten weeks.”
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Oh, my honey baby.
So she has a list. Damn.
“All right, we’ll need a list of those names.”
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“Hey, Morgan.”
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“What do I do about Reid?”
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“Emily, there’s a lot about you being back that’s unresolved.”
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“Are you pissed at me, too?”
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He better not be.
“Come on, now. How can I be?”
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“You’re here.”
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“Thank you.”
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“Because I know what you went through. Grief counseling. You carried my coffin.”
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“Yeah, I sure did.”
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“What was in that thing, anyway?”
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“I don’t know.”
“Thank you very much.”
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“Look, just give Reid some time. He’ll be fine.”
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“Yeah, Hotch, it’s me, Morgan. Listen, nineteen people entered this house in the eighties who were let out in the last five years.”
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“We got eleven from the one we visited.”
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“Send your names to Garcia. Have her cross-check them against jobs that use sulfuric acid.”
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“All right. We’ll start reaching out to the extended families.”
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“How’s Reid?”
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“He’s angry and frustrated.”
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“I’m surprised everybody isn’t.”
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“Some of us had an inkling.”
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Rossi, you little Italian cupcake.
“What? I’m good at what I do.”
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“So, are you gonna get psychological counseling for the team or handle it yourself?”
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“No, I think that if we all just got together, maybe a cooking lesson and at the home of one of our founders …”
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“Oh, no, not you, too.”
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“It could boost morale?”
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“Is that an order?”
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“No, it’s just a … it’s a very tempered suggestion.”
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“Tempered suggestion.”
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“So we interviewed the nineteen people released from the group home. None of them fit the profile.”
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“Dave’s still trying to locate the families.”
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“Where are her parents now?”
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“They’re at the house. We’re bringing her friends in for questioning.”
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“You head over there. We’ll start the interviews here.”
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“So kids spill out of the motel towards the cars.”
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“If Tammy walked this way, how could she disappear without anyone seeing her?”
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“Someone would have heard her scream.”
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“That’s if she screamed.”
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“Unlike the last three abduction sites, this one is nowhere near public transportation. Maybe she knew the unsub.”
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“Or thought she did.”
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“What if … what if Tammy was the target all along?”
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“That would explain the change in MO.”
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“So whoever did this knew she was coming here.”
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Calling gorgeous goddess.
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“Hi, hi, hi.”
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“Hey, baby girl, I need you to work that magic for me.”
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“Anything, my sweetest.”
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“I just opened up Tammy Bradstone’s computer. I want you to check her emails, web searches, and anyone she may have Skyped.”
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“Okay, typing at the speed of thought.”
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“Thanks, mama.”
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“We’re gonna try, little man.”
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This man is seriously the most amazing thing to ever grace my screen.
“Listen, uh, did your sister dye her hair recently?”
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“Are you sure that Tammy hasn’t been behaving differently lately/”
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“Your daughter seems to cherish hanging out in groups, so there’s no way she would run off with someone unless she knew them.”
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“What about her computer?”
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“Nothing out of the ordinary, and Hotch cleared the boyfriend.”
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“Do you know anyone who is transient or mentally ill?”
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“What’s his name?”
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“On the halfway house list, all I got was a Ben Bradstone.”
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“Where does he live?”
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“His frontal lobe damage is one of the indicators of serial killers.”
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“Has Cy ever acted inappropriately toward Tammy?”
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“Okay, so he sleeps here sometimes, and his head is on this side.”
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“That puts the TV out of his sight.”
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“Well, it just gives him a full view of the kitchen.”
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“Does Tammy cook for him?”
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“Ma’am, what’s your relationship with Cy?”
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“He makes you uncomfortable, doesn’t he?”
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“Did you have blonde hair in high school?”
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“Sir, your daughter just dyed her hair blonde.”
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“You allowed her to wear your dress.”
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“I’m just thinking it may have triggered something for Cy.”
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“What happened with you and Cy that made him so angry?”
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“And what happened next?”
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“How did he behave after that?”
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“How he talked, how he smelled?”
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“Does Cy know about your recent marital problems?”
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“And then he probably started making advances towards you, which you had to reject.”
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“Okay, so as long as Tammy doesn’t do anything to antagonize him, we may have a chance.”
Yeah, like that’s gonna happen.
“How do you know he’s here?”
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“So then you head to the front door.”
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“When you open it, what do you smell?”
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“Are you sure that’s all you smell?”
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“What does he do next?”
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“Where’s it from?”
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“Is there a name on the cup?”
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“Okay. He probably stops there every time he comes here.”
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“What days would those be?”
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“Which means he’d be coming today.”
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“I need you to leave a message for him there.”
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“Any luck?”
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“He hasn’t been to either of the mechanics’ shops in the past two months.”
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“But the one on Fourth said a bunch of car batteries had gone missing.”
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“Wait …”
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Gorgeous goddess calling.
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“Morgan, it’s from a payphone near a coffee shop.”
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“It’s him.”
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“Okay, go ahead. Just like we talked about.”
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“You and Prentiss stay with them. Morgan and I will get the front.”
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“Cy Bradstone! FBI!”
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“Let me see your hands!”
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“On your knees, now!”
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“Get up.”
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“Stop moving. Stop it!”
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“We need to know where Tammy is, Cy. We’ve looked in your car. There’s no sign of her.”
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“We know this isn’t about Tammy. This is about your love for Lyla.”
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“You and Lyla had a pretty good secret all these years. How’d she get you to shut up about it?”
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“Is that where you, uh, did it, Cy?”
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“Is that the same place you took Tammy?”
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“We know you saw her in that dress, it made you think of Lyla.”
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“Tammy’s not the one you want to hurt, Cy. Lyla’s the one who should be punished.”
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“She’s the one who made you feel like a freak.”
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“A reject, a weirdo.”
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“Tell us where Tammy is, Cy, and we can be done.”
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“Now, where’s Tammy, Cy?”
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“Cy, just tell me where she is.”
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“What did she say, Cy?”
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“Where do you have her?”
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“She’s got a pulse.”
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“I need a medic in here!”
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“Oh, jeez.”
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Scott Adams: “Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.”
“So, the surgeon said he believes he can restore feeling to Tammy’s hands.”
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“Good. We got there in time.”
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“I heard Mr. Bradstone wants to watch the tape.”
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“People have an innate curiosity to see things in order to confirm them.”
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“Oh, that explains why I’m going to Rossi’s tomorrow night.”
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“I want to see if he really can cook.”
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“You coming?”
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“I don’t know. I’m not sure I can make it.”
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“Look, Reid, I know you’re made at us because we didn’t tell you what really happened, and I understand that.”
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“But I promise you, we had no choice.”
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“You mourned the loss of a friend.”
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“I mourned the loss of six.”
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“This whole thing gave me an ulcer. Please don’t give me another.”
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“Are you gonna go to Rossi’s tomorrow?”
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“We’ll see.”
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Oh, Prentiss.
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“Cooking is the most sensual art form. And these are my paints.”
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“So your hands must be brushes.”
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“Don’t interrupt.”
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I love this show so fucking much!
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“In a pot of boiling water we cook our spaghetti until it’s al dente, firm to the touch.”
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“Here you go.”
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“Everybody pass it around.”
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“See/Feel the texture.”
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“There we go. Okay.”
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“Now …”
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“In a large pan, we fry up our pancetta.”
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So fucking cute!
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“Keeping a sharp eye that the edges are crisp.”
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“Be careful not to burn the onions.”
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“Bravo, Aaron!”
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“We sauté until translucence.”
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Ding dong.
“Uh … I got it.”
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“Grazie mille.”
So cute.
“Now, we mix in the eggs … the parmesan … the spaghetti … and parsley.”
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“You see, it’s all about timing and rhythm.”
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I’m with Penelope here XD
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“And if you don’t feel yourself doing it properly, please, order a pizza.”
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“Sorry, I’m late.”
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“Yeah. And this is why I cook alone.”
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He’s so freaking cute!
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“So, uh, when do we get to drink the wine?”
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“Almost there.”
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“Okay. We start at the beginning.”
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“You eat what you cook, I’ll supervise, but we’re gonna do this all together, just like a family.”
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“Okay now?”
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“I’m reaching!”
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She’s so cute!
Oh my freaking goodness! This episode was perfect on every possible level!!!!!!
It had the usual grossness of the case and the un sub, slight humor even though I wanted to bash Cy’s head in the wall. It had the internal drama surrounding Prentiss’s return, which will only serve to further the season’s plot and I’m so excited about it. It had humor with the whole Rossi trying to keep the team at bay and not let him in, which will never work so long as Penelope is part of the team. And it had emotional value with Reid, and of course my gorgeous Morgan being cute towards kid and finally forgiving Prentiss. And then the whole wrapping it up with the perfect dinner at Rossi’s, I just love the writers and producers of this show.
As ever, so freaking grateful that you guys take the time to like my stupid brain vomits. THANK YOU!
And, as ever, here is a series of Reid/Morgan-licious photos.
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3 notes · View notes
stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds S07E04 “Painless” review
Episode 04 – Painless
Heyo! So so far this is shaping up to be one of the most awesome seasons (excluding 2-5 XD) and this episode’s name is seriously freaking me out.
Really frightened of what’s going to happen.
Aww, Hotch is reading to Jack and he’s the best in the class, of course he is. Jackie boy.
“We just finished Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night.”
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“So he’s reading at a fourth-grade level.”
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He’s holding back?
“Why do you think that is?”
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“Paul Cain?”
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“Yes, he’s been over. He’s a friend of Jack’s.”
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Wait. So Jack’s bully is a friend of his and he invited him over? Something’s not right here.
“How long hast this been going on?”
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“Well, Jack says that things are going very well at school, so the steps you’re taking must be working.”
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“Let me know if anything changes.”
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“Can I keep this?”
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“Thank you so much.”
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“Does anyone remember this picture?”
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“Hotch and I were there.”
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“That’s principal Doug Evans. We had to drag him to safety.”
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“High school bombing in Boise, right?”
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“School shooter and school bomber.”
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“A kid named Randy Slade shot three students and set off an IED in the cafeteria via cell phone, killing himself and thirteen kids total, but not before posting all of his plans online.”
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“Last night, Principal Givens was killed by a bomb modeled exactly like the old one.”
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“It feels like the unsub wants to attack the man who kept the school together after the bombing.”
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“It’s a pretty symbolic target.”
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“And this week is the tenth anniversary of the massacre.”
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“And today is the first day of a four-day event to commemorate the bombing at the school.”
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“Except commemorating it isn’t enough for this unsub.”
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“No. He wants to relieve it.”
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Andy Partridge: “You may leave school, but it never leaves you.”
“Perpetrators of school violence are often sophisticated with their weapons. Randy Slade carried his bomb in his backpack.”
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“This guy hid his in Givens’ clock radio.”
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“Yeah, and progressive. Each one tries to top the body count of the one previous.”
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“And they’re loners by default, not by choice. They try to join various social groups, but they get shut out.”
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“Randy Slade wasn’t a loner at all. The family cooperated fully with us.”
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“He was a high-functioning psychopath, straight-A student, varsity wrestler, lots of girlfriends.”
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“With an above-average intelligence that made him incredibly resourceful. His explosive of choice was Semtex. It’s found at demolition sites, but it’s held under lock and key.”
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“Which made us consider the possibility of a partner. Never found one.”
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“Slade was too much of a narcissist to share credit.”
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“But he was also an impulsive teen, which is what bothers me about this unsub.”
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“His sense of control?”
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“And the end game that he’s working toward. Slade’s pathology revolved around the big kill. This unsub could have done the same if he’d waited for the candlelight vigil.”
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“Which means there’s no blaze of glory fantasy here.”
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“This unsub has more bombs made, and he’s savoring the anticipation of his next attack.”
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“Did you get the student files to our technical analyst?”
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“Good. We’ll start with criminal records.”
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“What’d you find, Garcia?”
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“A blast from the past, I believe. Does the name Brandon Slade ring a bell?”
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“Yeah, the bomber’s younger brother. Sweet kid. He couldn’t give us much back then.”
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“Most seven-year-olds don’t. They do, however, grow up to become seniors who attend the same high school.”
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“I thought the Slades were gonna leave Boise.”
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They separated and the mom and kid stayed ... yikes.
“Did you question Brandon about last night?”
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“We’ll need to talk to him.”
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“So this unsub has to be tied to the school somehow, right?”
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“Current student, alumni, family member who lost someone?”
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“It could be Slade groupie celebrating his hero.”
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“He taped nails to the exterior of the bomb, specifically to rip open flesh. That’s a sadistic detail of Slade’s the unsub copied.”
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“Except he tricked Givens into blowing himself up.” 
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“A groupie probably wouldn’t show that much self-control.”
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“But someone with an ax to grind against the principal would.”
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“Maybe he’s a surrogate for the tormentors in high school he can’t punish.”
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“Who were yours?”
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“I don’t even remember.”
“You don’t even remember?”
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“Wait, were you one of the mean girls?”
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“Valedictorian, soccer scholarship, corn-fed, but still a size zero. I think that you might have been a mean girl.”
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“I was actually one of the nice girls, even to guys like you.”
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“Guys like me? I’ll have you know that my social standing increased once I started winning at basketball.”
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“Oh, yeah, you played basketball?”
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“I didn’t play. I coached basketball. I broke down the opposite team’s shooting strategy.”
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“Is that why Morgan kicked you out of the pool last week?”
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“Yeah. It took him three rounds to realize I was hustling him.”
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Okay, it’s official, Reid is my favorite. Who the fuck scams Morgan and gets away with it for so long? DAMN.
“Well, it looks like we’re not the only ones interested in Brandon.”
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“It’s gonna make it a lot harder for us to talk our way in.”
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“Unless we use it to our advantage.”
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“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.”
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“My name is SSA David Rossi of the FBI. That’s R-O-S-S-I.”
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“So if anyone has any questions, you’re free to ask them now.”
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Well that was certainly a distraction of the press.
“Mrs. Slade? I’m Special Agent Emily Prentiss with the FBI. This is …”
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“Martha, we can do that. We’ll just have to come back later.”
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I, too, don’t believe that her son did it. But ...
“Let us prove that for you.”
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“Once we rule him out, we can get these people off your lawn.”
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“Martha, you can observe. You can stop us and call your lawyer whenever you want.”
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“Agent Rossi was always very nice to Brandon. Let him do it.”
Of course Rossi is the cutest thing ever and leaves a good impression.
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“All right, feel free to call me if you have any other background questions. My phone number is …”
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“It’s Dr. Spencer Reid. R-E-I-D.”
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What the ... oh my god, it’s Morgan payback. I am starting to like this episode. Oh boy.
“You know, there’s a sniper right be … oh!”
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“Never mind.”
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I love that Rossi is into video games.
“Oh, a while back. After this kid told me how much he loved playing with his big brother.”
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“First edition. I’m touched.”
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I’m impressed. And apparently, the kid is also a good writer. Damn.
“So are you.”
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“I read one of your AP English essays. The Futility of Jay Gatsby and the Green Light.”
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“Well, I was curious as to, uh, what kind of kid you grew up to be.”
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“But that didn’t stop you from getting beaten up on a regular basis.”
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Hee hee, that kid is seriously my fave here. ‘You bang your fans, mine beat me up.’ He’s sharp as fuck.
“And uh, Principal Givens, he couldn’t stop that, could he?”
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“That must have really ticked you off.”
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“Well, just because you downloaded them doesn’t mean you sat here and watched them.”
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Ooh, someone’s been taking lessons from Garcia.
Rossi was much cooler ten years ago?
“So were you.”
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Oh snap.
“When did Harry leave?”
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“Is that why Brandon ended up in North Valley?”
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“Just want to see if you took after your big brother.”
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“Actually, dude, I don’t think you’re mean enough to have done it.”
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“But tell me the truth. You’re happy that Principal Givens is dead, aren’t you?”
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“Well, Randy wanted the whole school dead.”
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“Whoa. Am I missing something here, Brandon?”
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“Well, did Randy have some sort of agenda? Did he target specific people inside of the school?”
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“We didn’t. We couldn’t find any logic to his actions.”
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“So how do you know, huh? Did he tell you?
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“Did a seventeen-year-old confide in a seven-year-old?”
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“Did you find something?’
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“He had a list, didn’t he?”
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“If he still has the list, it’s somewhere in that room.”
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“Martha, do you know anything about this?”
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“I can have a search warrant in an hour.”
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“Tear it apart.”
“Yeah, bookshelf is clean.”
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“I love dating readers, hate profiling them.”
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“Catcher in the Rye, Atlas Shrugged.”
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“These are all titles that a teenage kid would obsess over, but Randy made that list when Brandon was just a kid.”
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“You’re right. So, however Brandon got his hands on that list, he would have hid it in something a seven-year-old would read.”
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“Hotch! We found it.”
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“Principal Givens is on this list.”
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“You’re on speaker, JJ.”
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“So we might have another one.”
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“One of the North Valley alumni was killed in her motel room. No bomb or gun this time. Looks like he used his bared hands.”
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“You got a name?”
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“Chelsea Grant.”
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“She’s on the list.”
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“The unsub crushed Chelsea’s throat so she couldn’t scream, then he pulverized her ribs, sending fragments of bone into her heart.”
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“Principal Givens was high-profile. Chelsea wasn’t.”
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“Right now the only thing connecting them is they’re both on the kill list.”
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“A kill list Brandon kept secret for ten years.”
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“But he was in custody when this happened.”
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“The question is, how did the unsub get the exact same list?”
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“We ruled out a partner, but not exclusively. Slade made every part of his plan public.”
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“It doesn’t make sense that he would hide a partner. He didn’t want to share the credit.”
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Well, I really don’t like where this is headed.
“And this weekend is the partner’s best chance to claim it.”
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“Partners of dominant psychopaths are usually submissive, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be intelligent or that they’re physically weak.”
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“The unsub laid low after the bombing and successfully evaded police and FBI. That took cunning and patience, which he’s exhibiting now with his current murders.”
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“We think he fits the loner profile Slade debunked. He grew up in an abusive home, which kept him from forming the normal social bonds in high school.”
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“Even outcasts eventually form friendships. But this unsub was the outcast the outcasts rejected.”
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“He won’t stand out in any capacity, and as a matter of fact, most of his fellow students probably won’t even remember graduating with him.”
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“And that invisibility is what made him attractive to Slade.”
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“This partner wouldn’t steal the spotlight.”
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“Slade turned to the cafeteria because of the names on his list ate there together during fifth period.”
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I love the way he points with his pinky.
“So his hatred festered when the names on the list emerged from the cafeteria as media heroes.”
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“And now he wants to finish the job that Randy started.”
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“Emotionally, this weekend is more a high school reunion to him than a memorial.”
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“We go to reunions to show who we grew up to be. Often that means changing everything about who we are.”
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“Consciously or not, Randy Slade revealed clues as to his partner’s identity when he detonated his bomb.”
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“Agent Prentiss will be conducting cognitive interviews to see what the survivors might remember.”
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I’m with those skeptics. I mean, they survived a traumatic experience, and now they want them to relive it? No dice.
“Yes, but there may be some details that you didn’t think were important at the time that could help us now, things that could help us learn about the partner.”
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“The interviews we’re going to conduct won’t focus on what you saw, but what you felt.”
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“The Boise police have offered everyone on this list a protective detail.”
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“So as you can see from your board there, this kill list is weirdly similar to high school. Group one is like the popular kids – prom court, football team, Dean’s list .the Heathers, if you will.”
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“Kid’s in Slade’s social circle.”
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“What about number two?”
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“That would be the kids from the other side of the tracks, 180-degree difference, kids this close to getting kicked out – stoners, burnouts, mental cases.”
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“Chelsea Grant is on this list.”
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“Maybe Slade targeted them because they disgusted him?”
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“But they didn’t threaten Slade’s sense of superiority. He wouldn’t have even cared about them.”
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“All right, well, maybe the partner put them on the list. They’d be closer to his social status than Slade’s.”
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“Why would the …”
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“I’m so sorry.”
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Oh my God, it’s working.
“Why would the unsub list kids that he fit in with?”
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“Apparently that’s how this clique worked.”
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“The kids in it were meaner to each other than kids on the outside.”
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“Garcia, separate out all the kids who got into trouble regularly. Then eliminate the names that the partner put on the list. Now, who’s left that came to the memorial?’
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“Right. Whoever made the list wouldn’t put their name on it.”
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“Uh … Sir, I think … I think I’ve got him.”
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“Lewis Ramsey. FBI.”
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“Put the drink down. You’re coming with us.”
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“Did you hear the conversation?”
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“What did you notice?”
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“That was when he ordered you to lock the doors, right?”
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“What did he say?”
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“Why did he detonate so early?”
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“Now, let’s go back for a second.”
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“Randy was pointing the gun at you. Did you see the cell phone in his hand?”
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“What was on it?”
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“The black cell phone?”
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“Are you sure? The grey cell phone was the detonator.”
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“The black cell was the one he’d talked to his mother on.”
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“Then how do you explain your fingerprints in her room?”
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“You’re very convincing, Lewis. But you were convincing ten years ago, too.”
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“Oh, yeah. You were blowing up in the back parking lot, right?”
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Oh dear, sarcastic, judgy Morgan is seriously the hottest fucking thing.
“Yeah, of course it was.”
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“It also allowed you to pose as a loser. The very type you wanted to kill.”
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“You know how we know? You wrote it down.”
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“‘All the losers in this godforsaken school’.”
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“But you did type up the rest of the list.”
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“Lewis, we know how guys like Randy make friends.”
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“They build up rapport through secrecy.”
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“Only the two of you are smart enough to see through the BS of high school, right?”
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“And it felt so good doing whatever Randy said and not have to tell anybody about it.”
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“Make me a list of kids we should kill.”
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“Sure, Randy.”
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“Get me a pound of Semtex from your dad’s construction site.”
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“Whatever you say, Randy.”
Oh what, he thought he wouldn’t use him? God, this dude is stupid as fuck.
“He would use you?”
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“You were mad that he actually did it.”
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“But you were also mad that he left you behind.”
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“Then why come back?”
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“What does a loser like you have to gain by seeing all the kids that he hated so much?”
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Oh shit. Morgan talking down on potential unsubs shouldn’t be getting me all hot and bothered like this.
“You buy it?”
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“He fits the profile, and the evidence points to him, but he seems sincere. He’s not the unsub.”
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“He was the partner, but look at how Slade added ‘all the LoSeRs in this Godforsaken school’.”
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“This capitalization isn’t an accident. Look.”
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“L-S-R … Lewis Stuart Ramsey.”
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“So Slade named his own partner.”
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“Ironically, Lewis’s marijuana conviction saved his life.”
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Thank you for using ‘ironically’ correctly.
“Well, that puts us back to our original problem.”
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“If the unsub isn’t the partner, how did he get his hands on a list that Slade and Lewis kept to themselves?”
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“The only answer is that part of the profile is wrong. The unsub’s vendetta has nothing to do with the list.”
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“Did you get anything from Jerry Holtz?”
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“Only that he mixed up the cell phones that Slade used. It felt like he was making the story up, but I only had a hunch.”
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Important lesson: Always trust your gut instinct, Emily.
“We need to find him now.”
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“There’s a connection to the victimology that we’re missing.”
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“Whatever he’s holding back might be the key.”
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Oh shit, the guy Emily interviewed just got stabby-stab-stabbed like shit. Fuck.
“Jerry Holtz?”
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“How long?”
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“Less than an hour.”
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“The only people who knew we were doing cognitive interviews were the other survivors.’
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“The unsub must be a part of that group,”
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“Well, we don’t know that for a fact. He could have been lying in wait. Look, Hotch wants me to go through the victims’ lives and find the overlap. We can compare their histories with the unsub’s.”
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“Well, what else do we have to go on?”
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“Spence said the unsub would have broken his hand beating Chelsea to death. Did you notice anyone with a cast on their hand, someone who seemed hurt?”
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“I might know why. This unsub doesn’t feel pain.”
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Of course he does.
“There’s a medical condition called pain asymbolia, where patients register harmful stimuli without being bothered by it.”
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“They’ve been documented holding their hand over an open flame because their brain doesn’t send pain signals to the central nervous system.”
Oh shit, so this fucker can’t even register pain? Damn, that is fucked up.
“Sounds pretty rare.”
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“You sure the unsub has it?”
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“The crime scenes prove it.”
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“This unsub displayed an unusual level of savagery towards his victims.”
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“And consider this – he smashed through a glass display case, but there were no cuts on Jerry. That means he most likely punched through it as a show of force.”
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“Now, the only way the human body could withstand that level of pain is if he couldn’t feel it at all.”
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When Reid realizes something is up ...
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“It must have taken a major toll on someone’s emotional development.”
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“A significant contributor to our sense of empathy is the way we personally experience pain.”
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“And the unsub didn’t develop his sense of empathy because it was cut off.”
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“Does every person with asymbolia have this?”
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“Actually, most feel empathy just fine, which makes me think the rest of our profile is still accurate.”
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“Loner, invisible, outcast, boiling rage ….”
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“Son of a bitch!”
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“Hi! This is Dr. Spencer Reid. I actually can come to the phone right now with a very special message that your mother is …”
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“Sorry. I’m really sorry.”
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“I don’t know where that came from.”
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“Where were we?”
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“I’m going to have Garcia check medical records. What causes asymbolia?”
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When Reid suddenly realized that Morgan got him back ... 
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“Severe trauma produces lesions in the insular cortex, usually after a stroke.”
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“But this unsub’s young, it’s most likely caused by an external factor.”
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“Like a bomb going off next to him?”
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“Yeah, a bomb going off next to him.”
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“I will crush you.”
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Ooh, my puppy is gonna get it this time.
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I just ....
Hands down one of hte best scenes in the entire seven seasons so far.
“It’s so weird seeing yearbooks again.”
She’s so cute! I love JJ so much.
“A friend of mine who teaches said that Facebook is making them obsolete.”
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I’m in total agreement. Facebook is making life obsolete, but ... different discussion for a different time.
“I’m having serious flashbacks going through these senior bios.”
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“Four years of accomplishments boiled down to one paragraph.”
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“Hey, did your school have anything called Top 10?”
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“No. Is it an academic thing?”
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“No, I don’t think so.”
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“Only ten of the survivors listed it, including Jerry and Chelsea, and neither of them were valedictorian material.’
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“Okay, so … what are we looking at here?”
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“Well, maybe it’s a clique inside a clique.”
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“Yeah, but it’s jocks, nerds, theater geeks. Nothing that would bring these kids together.”
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“Except …”
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“I know what the Top 10 is.”
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“Recognize the Top 10?”
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“They were the students that went in front of the cameras after the bombing.”
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“I thought all the surviving students were interviewed.”
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“After the initial aftermath, yes, but these are the kids that went on talk shows, traveled to other schools.”
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Wait. So the list comprises of those ‘elite’ that have gone on talk shows and talked to schools about the tragedy? Oh boy ... I have a bad feeling about this.
“My guess is that they didn’t self-select who made the cut.”
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“Principal Givens did.”
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“That’s why the unsub killed him first.”
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“He was an outcast who wanted to fit in.”
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“Being a survivor should have been his golden ticket. But he was excluded again, and that’s why he’s killing them.”
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“Yeah. The rules of high school never changed, not even after a tragedy.”
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“Go ahead, Garcia.”
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“Hey, listen up. I cross-referenced students files with medical records.”
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“Now, there were six kids that were knocked unconscious in that blast, but only one fits the outcast profile.”
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“His name is Robert Adams, and he just used his credit card at a local restaurant, the address of which …”
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“I just sent you right now.”
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“I’m on my way.”
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Oh shit. That fucktard who can’t feel anything just took the top eight hostage in a fucking restaurant ... oh damn.
“He’s nowhere near the window, so there’s no line of sight.”
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“We profiled this would be like a reunion to him.”
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“He wants people to recognize who he is.”
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“I think I know what he wants to be recognized for.”
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“Robert Adams, we’re with the FBI. We just want to talk to you.”
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“We know why you’re doing this, Bob.”
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“Bob, you’ll be in the news for a couple of days. But no one will know the real story.”
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“Tiffany … what did Randy say to the kid who looked him in the eye?”
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“But he didn’t say it to Jerry, did he, Bob?”
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Wait, so this whole thing started because they stole his thunder and told his story? Oh boy. This is fucked up in the head.
“Did he, Bob?”
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“We can give you back your story, but you have to drop the gun.”
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“Drop the gun.”
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“Morgan, he’s heading to the south entrance.”
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“Copy. I got the back covered.”
“FBI. Drop the weapon, Bob.”
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“Prentiss, in here!”
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“We need medical in the boiler room.”
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“Hold your fire.”
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Damn. Hotch is one badass motherfucker.
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Khalil Gibran: “Pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.”
My gorgeous honey enjoying his music
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Until ...
“We interrupt your regularly scheduled musical selection with an important announcement.”
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“Never wage a practical joke war against an MIT graduate, because we have a history of going nuclear.”
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Who hacked into his playlist?
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“Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the dulcet sounds of me screaming in your ear.”
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“Okay, kid, that was cute.”
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“But that’s all you got?”
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“Hey, baby gi…”
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I am so in love with this show.
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Oh my God, Rossi giving him the white towel of surrender. AWESOME!
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“All right, Reid, it’s on.”
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“Just know that paybacks are a bitch.”
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Oh my fucking god, just when I thought this show couldn’t get any better. This is seirously the best episode ever.
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“How’s Jack?”
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“There’s a kid that’s being mean to him at school, and Jack’s solution is to invite him over and make friends with him.”
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“That is the sweetest and saddest thing I’ve heard.”
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“How did you find out?”
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“His teacher told me.”
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“He wants to solve it himself.”
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I love Jack Hotchner so much. He is possibly the best human being ever ... on television.
“There’s probably a part of you that wishes you could step in.”
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“Well, there’s a part of me that wants to protect him from everything that could hurt him, but I know I can’t.”
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“No. But you can show him that he doesn’t have to face it alone.”
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“How did you get by in Paris?”
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“Um, I, um … I played a lot of online scrabble.”
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“With some girl named Cheeto Breath.”
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I am so in love with this kid.
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“We haven’t talked to mom in a while, so I thought it would be a good idea if we did it again.”
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“Buddy, you’re not making me sad.”
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“It makes me happy, because it reminds me what a great job mom did with you.”
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“So maybe if we got in the habit of doing this again, you know, mom could help us.”
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“You know, if you have a bad day.”
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“Mrs. McKee said Paul’s been mean to you.”
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“Well, mom, look out for Jack anyway.”
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“Oh, dad, too. Of course.”
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“Good job.”
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“Okay. Time to settle down.”
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“Good night, buddy.”
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“I love you, too.”
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Best daddy award to Hotchner.
And best son award to Jack, because that kid is the fucking best!
So despite the horrific part of this episode - oh my fucking god how the fuck are those people managing to make me giggle during a serious show???? 
The Morgan/Reid prank war.
The knowledge that JJ is addicted to Cheetos and plays scrabble.
And Jack Hotchner always brings a huge smile to this face.
Again, thank you so much for keeping up with me and my crazy notions.
See y’all next time!
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2 notes · View notes
stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds S07E01 “It Takes a Village” review - or more aptly named, PAGET BREWSTER AND AJ COOK! <3
Episode 01 – It Takes a Village
Hey everyone!
So I’m uber excited about this season!
So without any further ado ...
Let’s see what happens!
Wait. Why are my honeys on trial? What’s going on here?
“Three and a half months, sir.”
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“Agents Rossi, Morgan and I were there with our technical analyst Penelope Garcia.”
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“Seventeen, sir.”
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They solved seventeen cases over three and a half months? DAMN.
“Thank you.”
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“Why aren’t we in there?”
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“They’re just trying to intimidate us.”
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“Well, that’s not about to happen.”
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“I’m not okay with this.”
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“You may not even be a witness.”
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“Sir, I’m not worried about me.”
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“Don’t they have anything better to do than …”
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“Baby girl, this is just what they do?”
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“It doesn’t look good.”
Well, shit!
“How long is she gonna be there?”
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“It required a lot of detail.”
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“We didn’t have time, sir. Once the subject was confirmed, we had to act quickly.”
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“Don’t take the shot!”
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“Don’t shoot!”
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“I got him!”
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“Yes. We put an international criminal with terrorist connections in federal custody.”
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Yeah, baby.
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Queen Elizabeth: “The past cannot be cured.”
“No one could locate Doyle, except Agent Morgan.”
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“After hiding dead ends in that world, Agent Morgan put himself in Doyle’s shoes and knew that he would be looking for his son, Declan.”
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“Okay, Emily needed to get Declan a new identity. So she must have used someone she trusted.”
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“All right, well, that’s a short list, but it’s probably not even written down.”
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“Even if it was, she’d had contacts all over the world.”
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“Oh, tell me about it. Two columns – domestic and imports.”
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“Hey. You guys seen Spence?”
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“He’s at the firing range.”
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“Ever since Prentiss died, he …”
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“Uh … did you guys just get a new case?”
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“It’s just an old one.”
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“Do you want some fresh eyes?
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“Not just yet.”
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“Okay. Um, well, let me know.”
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“Shouldn’t we tell her?”
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“Garcia, this has been a long shot for six months. Why get her hopes up?”
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“What about Hotch?”
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“He knows I’m doing this.”
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“He does?”
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“Not technically, but he knows I’m not about to let Doyle roam free.”
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“Does he know we’re looking for Declan?”
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“I just figured I’d call him when I have something to report.”
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“But it feels weird not sharing.”
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“Baby girl. You don’t have to do this.”
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“I know.”
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I love how loyal and protective my puppy is.
“Ian Doyle wasn’t at the top of anyone’s list, Senator.”
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“I’m thinking domestic contacts. Em was already in the states when she faked Declan’s death, so … Her associates must be in Boston?”
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“No, Garcia, she would have covered her tracks better than that.”
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“All right, why did Prentiss join the BAU?”
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“To have a normal life.”
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“She could have gone anywhere with her skill set, but she chose DC.”
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“Maybe to be close to her mom?”
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“No. No way. That was just by default.”
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“Garcia, she did all of this to protect a child.”
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“Right. So you’re saying she came here just so she could be close to the kid.”
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“And if she did, she probably had people she could trust living right here.”
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“Right. So domestic contacts.”
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“There are surprising few in our nation’s capital. One of which is dead.”
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“Ben Corelli.”
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“He was the forger. Doyle killed him and Prentiss’s friend. He worked out of his apartment, remember?”
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“Yeah. And we processed his belongings.”
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“This would have been a heck of a lot easier had he gone digital.”
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“Garcia, there’s an art to all of this. This guy was meticulous. Definite control freak.”
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“Yet he’s dead. He couldn’t control that.”
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“There can’t be a lot of IDs for children.”
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“Actually, you’d be surprised.”
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“Okay, wait a minute. Didn’t Prentiss live in Reston, Virginia, for a while?”
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“Yeah. Before we knew her, she rented a big house in a cul-de-sac.”
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“Okay, why would she live way out there.”
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“To be close to Declan.”
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“Who had blond hair and blue eyes.”
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“Well, I’m sure they’ve changed his hair color by now.”
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“Yeah, but you can’t change those cerulean blues.”
“Okay, here’s the nanny.”
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“Garcia, she still lives in Virginia.”
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“Here’s all I got. Declan’s going to a boarding school in Stafford County. His nanny lives five minutes from campus. All signs point to a really well-adjusted kid. He’s an honor student. He’s playing lacrosse. He’s winning science fairs. It looks like he’s got the life Emily wanted for him.”
Surveillance Derek is hot.
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“I knew if I could find him, it was only a matter of time before Doyle did.”
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“When I wasn’t in the field, I was there.”
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“I set up pole cameras for surveillance.”
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“Senator, I needed to protect this child because I knew Doyle would find him eventually.”
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“Lock down security on his son and then move in on Doyle.”
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“Oh, my God. Oh, my God.”
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Why is my baby freaking out?
“It’s him. I’m pretty sure it’s him.”
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“It’s blurry and, you know, he’s not like posing for the camera or anything like that, but you said he’d come and see and it’s been a while and now he’s here and –”
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“Garcia, Garcia, calm down. Let me take a look.”
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How dare they put my goddess on the stand? Well, on the bench ... but still.
“What? No, it doesn’t work that way, sir.”
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“Agent Morgan called Hotch – excuse me, our unit chief, When the team downsized, he was assigned to lead an investigative task force.”
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Wait. So everything went to shit because of fucking money? God, I hate this world.
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“Hey, it’s me. How’s it going out there?”
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Out where? Where the fuck is Hotch right now?
“You know, long days, some territorial issues to work out. Nothing surprising. How’s everything there?”
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“Hotch, we found Declan Doyle.”
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Ooh, my puppy is in trouble.
“I’ve had surveillance at his house and his school for a few weeks.”
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“Morgan, I didn’t authorize this.”
“I know you didn’t, Hotch, but listen to me. I think Doyle may have found Declan, too.”
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“All right, I’m coming back.”
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“You want me to wait?”
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“Morgan, it could be a trap. You make sure you have eyes on Doyle.”
Oh dear.
“And if it is him?”
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“Then you take the shot.”
“Hey, Spence.”
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“I can’t find him.”
“What do you mean, you can’t find him?”
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“The headmistress said Declan got sick and went home.”
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“Okay, uh, call for back up and get to the house.”
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“We’re already here.”
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“You see the agents?”
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“The lights are off. I’ll call you back.”
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“What – Reid!”
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“I’ll check the back. You take the hallway.”
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“Must be the nanny.”
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“Three bodies and no kid. Doyle’s got him.”
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“The squad car that went by got Doyle’s attention.”
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“You see that?”
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“I’ve got movement.”
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“He’s in there.”
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“He’s going to the roof. JJ, cover the back stairs.”
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“He deserved the same beating he gave Prentiss, but I did not unleash that on him, Senator.”
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Ooh, Doyle is in trouble now.
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“Have you ever been in the field?”
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Oh, Rossi burn!
“Then maybe you can imagine what it was like for Agent Morgan to find Emily Prentiss dying … at the hands of Ian Doyle.”
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“Now ask yourself … was it wrong for him to want to take that man out?”
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“Doyle, where’s Declan?”
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“Where is Declan right now?”
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“You expect me to believe you had nothing to do with his abduction?”
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“Listen to me, you son of a bitch. I am not playing games with you.”
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“If you care about anybody other than yourself, you’ll give me a list of who would have done this.”
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“You tell me.”
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“Someone does.”
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“Because when we followed you to that little rat trap, somebody took him from his house.”
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“Somebody else was watching you, Doyle. Now tell me who.”
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“Your son is missing. So think.”
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“The night he killed Prentiss in Boston. He refused to believe Doyle just vanished.”
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I hate Strauss.
“Why are you surprised?”
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“He seems genuine.”
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“See his carotid? His heart started racing when Morgan told him about Declan.”
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“Damn it.”
“Rossi, it’s me. I just see one ninja-like guy.”
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“Yeah, he came out of nowhere, you sure?”
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“And just clipped the camera.”
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“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry, Garcia. You were busy looking for Doyle.”
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I love papa Rossi.
“She didn’t see a team on the footage. This was well-organized.”
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“One could have cut the camera while the other started in here.”
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“So they cut off the power, but no signs of forced entry.”
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“So how do you overpower two armed agents?”
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“A male and a female.”
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“Maybe whoever did this posed at the next shift?”
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“Make sense. Everything about them seems efficient.”
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“Except they took the time to shove her in the closet.”
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“Only Declan and the caregiver live here, so whose stuff is this?”
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“You still think Doyle’s behind this?”
Oh God, someone bonk Strauss on the head.
“He’s capable of a lot of things, but being two places at once isn’t one of them.”
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“Doyle, I’m gonna ask you one last time … who hates you long enough to take him?”
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“Six hours.”
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“That’s not about to happen.”
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“He didn’t do it.”
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“He’s on his way.”
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“What have you got?”
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“Got a top-ten list of Doyle’s enemies.”
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“Anybody recently in the states?”
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“Richard Gerace’s been here a few weeks. He’s a low-level gun-runner who angrily crossed paths with Doyle. I caught an image of him on the surveillance camera at Declan’s house, confirmed it was him through a scar on his neck.”
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“All right. Get me everything you can on Gerace.”
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“Yeah. What I just told you is everything I’ve got.”
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“Well, that’s a good look.”
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“How was the desert?”
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“You seen Jack yet?”
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“No. Jessica took him to Hershey Park for the weekend.”
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“Well, he’ll love that beard.”
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“Yeah, we Skyped every day. He’s not a fan.”
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“Doyle, do you consider Richard Gerace an enemy?”
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“Tell me about him.”
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“Whose problem was he?”
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“Why not?”
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“That’s correct, sir.”
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I don’t know why Jack didn’t like it, the beard was an improvement.
“Hey, Got your message.”
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“It’s time.”
Time for what?
“Why? Morgan may be able to break Doyle without her.”
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“Declan tried to make a call. She’s on the way.”
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“All right.”
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“I’ll get Morgan.”
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“I’ll tell the others.”
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“You get anywhere with Doyle?”
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“Doyle doesn’t think Gerace had the guts to take them on. But that’s definitely Gerace on the tape.”
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“Welcome back.”
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“Thanks. Everyone have a seat.”
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“Why? What’s going on?”
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“Everything’s all right?”
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“Seven months ago I made a decision that affected this team.”
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“As you all know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle. But the doctors were able to stabilize her.”
“And she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under a covert exfiltration.”
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Wait. WHAT now?
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“Her identity was strictly need-to-know. And she stayed there until she was well enough to travel. She was reassigned to Paris where she was given several identities, none of which we had access to for her security.”
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“She’s alive?”
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Called it.
“But we buried her.”
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“As I said, I take full responsibility for the decision. If anyone has any issues, they should be directed toward me.”
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“Any issues? Yeah, I got issues.”
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“Oh, my God.”
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“At least you’ve got her back.”
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“Did we?”
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Yes, you did! Puppy, get back on track!
YES!!!!!! PAGET!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“I am so sorry. I really am.”
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“Not a day went by that I didn’t want to … Really, I … you didn’t deserve that.”
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“And I’m so sorry.”
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“There’s so much I want to tell you guys, and I will. I promise. But right now I really need to know what’s going on with Declan.”
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This is fucking breaking my heart.
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“My friend Tom Koehler. He was raising Declan as his own.”
“I never saw him, where is he?”
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“Go in or out of that house. He was on assignment overseas.”
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“But he’s all right?”
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“Yes. He’s on his way back now.”
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“He got a call from Declan, he called me, and when I landed, Hotch told me that you had Doyle in custody.”
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“And because of Tom’s line of work, that’s why you enrolled Declan in a boarding school.”
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“I made sure that he, Louise, and I were the only ones allowed to take him off campus.”
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“Louise took him home last night because he was sick. Food poisoning.”
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“Yeah, a few of the kids had it, apparently.”
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“So whoever did this got to him on campus. The knew they only had one chance.”
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“Current suspect is Richard Gerace. He’s the most recent arrival into the States.”
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“We’ve been tracking his progress through the city, but we came up empty.”
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“But we know it’s him because he has the scar.”
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“That doesn’t make sense. Gerace gave up on Doyle a long time ago.”
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“He said you were the only one who knew Gerace.”
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“Which is why I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have the balls to pull this off.”
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“There was no forced entry at the house?”
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“I had two agents working security.”
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“We think Gerace and his partner posed as the next shift, and one of the agents was a woman.”
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“She’s the alpha.”
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“So we’re looking for a woman who’s getting back at Doyle.”
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“And our suspect list just got a whole lot longer.”
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“Doyle had relations with all of these ladies?”
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“Hey, can you shoot these into the roundtable room for me?”
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“Anything you say, visitor Prentiss.”
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“I haven’t seen Ashley.”
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“Oh, well, she’s transferred to Andi Swan’s unit.”
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I’m starting to like this season.
“Good for her.”
“So, how, uh, angry is the team?”
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“They’re in shock.”
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“Of course.”
“Thank you.”
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“It is really good to see you.”
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“These women are associates of Doyle’s who may have crossed paths with Gerace.”
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“Anyone with deeper personal connections with Doyle?”
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“Whoever took Declan showed a lot or rage at the nanny.”
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“She had been with Doyle since before Declan was born. The nanny represents a caregiver, a mother figure.”
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“Who is Delcan’s mother?”
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“Doyle told me she was dead.”
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“Which one is Declan’s mom?”
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“How do you know? Did you kill her, too?”
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“She brought tainted cupcakes to the boarding school and just walked right in.”
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“Oh, that is creepy. We thought Doyle was bad.”
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“Check her out.”
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“Yeah, she ran an international prostitution ring before moving on to chemicals. Distribution and trafficking, manufacturing, possession, weapons charges?”
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“Went away for three years.”
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“That’s it?”
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“She hardly seems the mothering type. Why would she take Declan? It isn’t love.”
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“Who were her contacts in the States?”
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“This is about you, Ian. You just told me you kept her a prisoner for nine months.”
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Like it matters.
“Did Louise help deliver Declan?”
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“That’s called revenge, Ian.”
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“Chloe didn’t just forget about what you put her through. Chaining her to a bed wasn’t the answer.”
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“That was torture, Ian.”
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“And you don’t think she spent years figuring out how to do the same to you?”
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“She took the only thing you love.”
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“What else would she and Gerace have to gain from taking Declan?”
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“I need a list of everyone with the kind of money they’re looking for, and anyone else who wants to hurt you.”
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“You know, statistically the abduction of a child by its mother, no matter the psychological disposition of said mother, would be one of low risk to a child.”
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“She’s got plenty of connections. She could go underground.”
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“Is there anywhere in the US where Chloe and Doyle had a history?”
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“No. But they do have a lot of ties in Europe.”
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“Doyle came up with associates of Chloe’s who have healthy bank accounts.”
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“He thinks it’s a trade? For what, weapons? Drugs?”
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“Does it matter?”
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“Garcia, run these names. See if anyone have locals connections.”
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“Yeah. What else should I be looking for, you guys?”
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“Secluded properties. A legitimate business that requires international bank accounts and trade.”
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“It could be mundane. They survive under the radar.”
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“Garcia, start with Irish backgrounds. This type of feud could go back generations.”
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“Oh. It looks like the Doyles and the McDermotts have a thing.”
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“What kind of thing?”
Yeah, what kind of thing?
“Ian Doyle murdered Jimmy McDermott, but his younger brother Lachlan owns an import company.”
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“Do they ship internationally?”
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“You know it.”
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“He has three warehouses, one of which is slated to be demolished.”
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“Inner Harbor, Baltimore.”
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“Let’s go.”
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“No, sir.”
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“He’s gone.”
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“Over here!”
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“Doyle said Chloe would clean house. So what the hell is she doing now?”
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“She’s getting out of the country.”
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“Gerace was dead weight. She thinks she’s gonna get more for the kid without him.”
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“Yeah. Declan’s disappeared.”
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“They had him at the warehouse, but now they’re gone.”
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“Your ex is working with Lachlan McDermott. How would he leave the country?”
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“He hates you, doesn’t he?”
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“Then I think we should give him what he really wants.”
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“A young boy’s life was at stake. I ran the probability of his survival and it wasn’t good.”
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“If you want to punish me for taking a risk, then I encourage you to do that, but do not put the rest of my team on trial for something that I suggested.”
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“This is calm, and it’s doctor.”
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“No, we are not letting him out of here, Reid.”
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Wait, he wants to let Doyle out? What the hell is going on in my poodle’s brain?
“Prentiss, I will chain myself to him if I have to.”
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“He’ll find a way to escape.”
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“No, he won’t, and we’re running out of time. If we find McDermott now, we have a chance to save Declan.”
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“New York City, July 2010, referred to as the spy swap. Igor …”
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“You can’t change the rules, sir.”
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Ooh, don’t mess with my doctor.
“Is Strauss still here?”
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“We need full support.”
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“Doyle said McDermott’s family imported weapons to a private airfield in Maryland.”
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“I fully understand that, ma’am, but I’m telling you, it’s only a matter of minutes before they leave the country with him.”
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“We won’t let that happen.”
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“I am certain that without this move, there is a good chance that little boy is going to die.”
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“Yes, ma’am.”
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“Lachlan McDermott and Chloe Donaghy, this is the FBI.”
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“We know you have Dechlan.”
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My badass cupcakes
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“To ensure his safety we would like to trade. We will give you Ian Doyle and you send us the boy.”
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“Hotch, are we really gonna do this?”
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Poodle shooting!
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“May I?”
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“The journey was not traditional, but this team neutralized four international criminals and saved the life of a young boy in the process.”
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“Agent Prentiss, we’re not done.”
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“I never thought we’d be taking one of these down.”
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“I already tried. It’s screwed in.”
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“You’re kidding me.”
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“I got this.”
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“I also have Sergio.’
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“Oh, I knew you would.”
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“I need visitation rights.”
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“He’s a love, isn’t he?”
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“Yeah, he takes after his mom.”
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“I know what you’ve been through.”
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“I understand that you’re angry, but I hope that you understand that this is not about you … or me.”
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“This was about saving Emily.”
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“We need to talk.”
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So Emily saved them all XD I love this woman so much.
“So we’re okay?”
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“Thank you, ma’am.”
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So she’s invited back on the team and she needs to think about it?
“May I think about it?”
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“I’m in.”
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Emily, you little shit.
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“I have a stack of cases on my desk. I’m happy to pass them all off to you.”
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“I’ll pick them up in the morning.”
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“Emily, uh … what did you tell him?”
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“The only people I know who could accomplish that mission just walked out.”
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“They do their jobs with integrity, and most importantly, they honor their oath.”
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FBI oath: “I will support and defend the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. That I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God.”
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So ... that happened.
Oh my fucking god, I am so fucking excited about this season! Also, it is not fair how hurt Derek is bec axuse my heart is literally breaking here.
But, thi sseason is foing to be off the chian, bro! So, as ever, thank you so much for sticking around, and here is a series of photos of Derek.
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2 notes · View notes
stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds S06E24 “Supply & Demand” review - or more aptly named, sixth season finale, where has the time gone?
Episode 24 – Supply and Demand
Hey everyone! Oh my freaking goodness, this is it! The end of season six! What the frick???? Almost halfway through the entire series! This shit is definitely addicting <3
Let’s see what happens.
“That’s not my point.”
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“He doesn’t do this. He doesn’t call us in at the pre-crack.”
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“Who the hell keeps texting you every day?”
Oh God, Lynch ...
“Him, but this is different.”
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“He left a voice message.”
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“It’s gotta be life-altering.”
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“Yeah, well, given this year, I’m allowed that.”
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Yeah, that’s where you met, Lynch. You met after she’s been shot!
“I know.”
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“I love you.”
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You do?
“Where’s Hotch?”
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Wait. So he calls them, and he’s still not there? Classic boss maneuver.
“I didn’t get a file sent to me. Did a case go directly to him?”
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“Don’t know.”
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“When’s the last time he called a meeting this early?”
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“Three years, eight months ago.”
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“And what happened?”
Um ...
“Gideon left.”
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Oh shit.
“Who’s leaving?”
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“Nobody’s leaving.”
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They better not!
Oh shit! That is one nasty bruising!
“I appreciate everyone coming in early.”
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“What’s going on?”
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“The Director called a meeting last night to discuss budget.”
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“They skipped over Strauss?”
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“She’s away.”
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So everything goes ballistic? Damn.
“The Bureau is facing a lot of changes and this unit is no exception. Over the next few weeks, each of you is going to be asked if you’d like to stay with the unit.”
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Why wouldn’t they?
“Why wouldn’t we?”
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“There are other options for you out there.”
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Um. Nope.
“And while I want the unit to stay together, I understand completely if you want to see what the alternatives are. Morgan, there’s renewed interest in you from the New York office.”
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Oh no they didn’t.
“Nobody’s called me.”
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“They will.”
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“That doesn’t mean I’m gonna go.”
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“Oh, I know.”
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“Are you staying here?”
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“That’s my intention.”
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“All I ask is if you are contacted by another division that you let me know.”
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I am so not happy right now.
“Hotchner. Yes. Right. We can be there in twenty minutes.”
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That’s fast.
“Virginia State police believe they’ve uncovered a serial killer. They need us at Zacha Road and Route 7 as soon as possible.”
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Oh, it’s local.
“Morgan, you and Dave get out there.”
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“What about this?”
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“We can talk about it later.”
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Or not talk about it at all.
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Yeesh, that car was pretzeled like hell.
“They get anything from the driver before he died?”
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“Severe head trauma. He stopped making sense.”
“State PD said they couldn’t find any ID anywhere. Ran his prints – nothing.”
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“Well, the guy’s gotta have a record.”
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“They’re both young and healthy.”
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“Hey, Rossi, look at what he did to them. This can’t be his first time.”
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I don’t want to know what he did to them.
“Just because he’s bad doesn’t mean he’s been busted.”
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I love Rossi.
“What about the VIN and plates?”
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“Running them now.”
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“Both victims seem to have on some type of uniform. Shorts and tanks.”
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“Are we dealing with a cult?”
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Ooh, could be fun!
“That usually ends in suicide, not torture.”
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Well, crap.
“I mean, he was beaten and strangled.”
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“She was … oh.”
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Oh dear fuck. I’m with you, guys.
“Completely different injuries. Looks like more than one offender.”
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“They can’t be more than twenty years old. Somebody’s gotta be missing them.”
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Wow, they’ve seriously gone digital. But how can Morgan go digital if he can’t use a fucking phone right?
“Here’s the thing. I can’t get prints unless they’re on the missing persons list.”
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“Which they are. Jake Wattey has been missing since December and Paige Hawley since February.”
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“Local kids?”
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“No. Not even remotely. Jake is from Arizona, Paige is from Ohio.”
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“Was he a junior in Arizona State?”
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What? How the fuck …
“How did … wait. We consulted on this case during Christmas?”
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And why didn’t we see that one?
“Yeah, he was academically burned out. We thought it might be suicide.”
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Well, shit.
“His body was never found.”
Until now.
“Until now.”
“So how did he end up 2,000 miles away?”
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“He had been missing for moths. Why kill him now?”
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Ooh. Good questions.
Thomas Hardy: “And yet to every bad there is a worse.”
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And that is why that guy always freaked me out.
Again with my hunky puppy using technology that is way beyond his phone-fumbling capabilities.
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“Unsub depot.”
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“He kills them, throws them in the trunk.”
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“But why not use this wherever he’s done the deed?”
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Ugh. A chainsaw? Gross.
“It’s loud and time-consuming. It’d leave a messy trail.”
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Yup. Exactly what I was thinking …. (not really, I’m not that clever)
“Forensic countermeasure. Doesn’t want to lead us to where he kills them.”
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“Maybe he was gonna bury them in the woods or dump them in the river.”
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“It’s pretty damn secluded out here.”
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“We need to figure out what happened before they got in the car.”
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“When was the last time it rained out here?”
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“Do I look like a weatherman?”
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“Come here. There’s mud caked all over the tires.”
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“That may be what was in the victims’ hair. They could have been dragged through it.”
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“Let’s find out where it was raining in the last 24 hours.”
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I have a distinct feeling he’s calling my poodle.
“The only reason we have this case is because of an accident.”
So what? You have a case, solve it.
“You know the odds of that?”
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I don’t, but I know you do.
“Is that rhetorical?”
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“Combined with the chance that this is his first time dumping bodies.”
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“You think he’s working alone?”
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“What do you think?”
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“Unlikely. It’s high-risk to move one body out of state, but two?”
I guess she does have a point.
“Paige was abducted months after having Jake in captivity, and he traveled with both, which means he’s criminally sophisticated. It seems more like an organized operation as opposed to an individual offender.”
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See? He’s still on track. You just have to work those curls, blondie.
“Then he’s probably done this before. You think there are more victims out there.”
Oh my fucking god.
“Impossible to say until we figure out how those two were targeted.”
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“Come in.”
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Hello, and come in, my ray of sunshine.
“This is the information I have on the casualties from today. I’m running open cases from last year now.”
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“Is there anything else you’d like me to do?”
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Yes, but my posts have been starting to get a little NSFW and I want more followers.
“No, that’s all. Thank you.”
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Party pooper.
“Um, sir, I’m worried that everything isn’t okay, and if there’s anything you want to talk to …”
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Aww! I love her so fucking much!
“Garcia, we’ll talk about it later.”
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“Garcia, you need to widen this search. Go back two years.”
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“Really? That’s a lot of people. Is there any parameters to narrow that down?”
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“No, not yet. Unfortunately, transporting victims across state line is not an issue for this group.”
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“Group? How do you know it’s a group?”
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“We’ve got different genders from different parts of the country. That’s not a traditional unsub.”
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Well, shit. My poodle was right.
“Come in.”
Wow, his office is seriously saloon doors today.
Well, hello hottie!
“Hey, Andi. Uh, Garcia, this is SSA Andi Swan. She’s head of the Domestic Trafficking Task Force.”
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Whew. That’s a mouthful.
“Andi, this is …”
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“Penelope Garcia.”
Whoa. She is seriously star-struck! Damn.
“I went to your online trafficking seminar last fall. You terrify me.”
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XD I love her so much.
Of course she remembers her! How can you not?
“Uh-uh, really?”
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Ha. She thought she hacked into her powerpoint.
“I didn’t, but I could.”
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“I will get you that list. Let me know if you need anything else.”
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“Very nice to see you again.”
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“She’s not easy to forget.”
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Damn straight.
Why is she tired?
So they’re downsizing her too … damn. So this is gonna be a joint case. Awesome.
Wait. So an organization has been kidnapping college kids for over three years and they haven’t been caught yet? Yeesh.
“Do you think this is their work?”
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It’s their type.
“They’re all from good families, making them low-risk for abduction.”
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“Young innocents are worth more money.”
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And once again schooled.
“And they’re harder to lure, so they hold on to them for a longer period of time.”
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“How many victims are they holding at once?”
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So there’s a lot of turnover.
“Customers don’t want to see the same face twice.”
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Oh god, this is sick.
They hold events? What?
“What kind of events?”
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Oh shit. I’m about to throw up and skip dinner.
“It seems impossible to trace.”
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Wait, they have an undercover unit? HOW?
“Wait, how can you infiltrate them? Wouldn’t your agents have to commit a crime to be accepted as a customer?”
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Wait. So they send them in as victims? Damn.
“Do you have anybody under now?”
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“They might be able to help.”
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Oh shit. This is sick.
“Tank’s ¾ full.”
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“Well, it says here capacity’s 18 gallons.”
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“15 miles per gallon. So he used ¼ tank. He must have fueled up about 70 miles ago.”
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Okay … who are you and since when have you joined brains with Reid?
“Okay, Reid.”
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“What’s the mileage?”
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“33, 823.”
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“On a 2011? What the hell’s he been doing?”
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Oh my puppy and his cars.
“Crossing state lines. Looks like he enjoys the long way. Avoids interstates. No GPS.”
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“No cell phone.”
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Like you can handle one.
Sorry, it’s just a recurring thing that I’ve noticed and can’t let go of.
“Low-tech. Nothing traceable.”
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“But if he’s working with a group and he has no phone, how’s he checking in?”
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Well, hello genius puppy!
Uh-oh, someone’s got a phone call.
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“Big storm.”
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“You run the registration?”
“Of course I did. And it’s bogus. Led to a guy who’s been dead three years.”
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I’m detecting edginess, and where the hell are her glasses?
“Do you really think these ratfinks that are dumping bodies in the middle of nowhere would leave a paper trail?”
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“Hey, you okay?”
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“No. Clearly I am not.”
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And finally the glasses are back.
“Okay, so talk to me.”
“I am sick of the sickos.”
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Me too.
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“There has got to be more to life than being surrounded by this.”
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“Okay, whoa, whoa, slow down. Since when is Penelope Garcia gonna throw in the towel?”
“Since exactly now.”
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“Baby girl, listen to me. I know you’re upset. So am I. But what you’re trying to do right now is distance yourself from any more loss, and I get it. I do the same thing.”
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Aww, he’s so fucking cute!
“I am not some unsub that you can try and relate to and then break down.”
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No, he’s a hunky chocolate god and he can break me in any time …
Shit. I promised myself I’d try and make this more PG ... okay, fine, PG-13.
“You have every right to be angry, but there’s really nothing you can do.”
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“No, Derek, you do not understand me. I don’t like change. I have major control issues.”
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“No, say it ain’t so. Not you.”
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You little shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“I just made you smile, didn’t I?”
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“I hate you.”
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I love you, too.
“This group needs space and solitude, especially if they’re holding multiple victims.”
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“These two lived thousands of miles apart but were somehow both targeted.”
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“They send scouts to campuses, malls, clubs.”
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“The victims are assets. Why would they unsubs kill their profit?”
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“Maybe the victims are escaping, or the clients are adapting.”
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Oh god. Blondie, your dad was a fucking serial killer, how the fuck did you turn out so innocent?
“These clients are extremely depraved when the act of sex isn’t enough for them anymore, they may be demanding more extreme forms of release.”
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Oh sweet lordy of kitties and poodles. Someone save my brain.
Wait. So one of her undercover agents missed two check-ins and that didn’t alert them when she missed her first? What the fuck?
Oh, Andi Swan pissed is seriously turning me on right now.
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“Andi, you don’t know for sure that she was taken.”
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Um, I do. It’s basic logic.
“She probably asked the wrong person the right question.”
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Wait, she went on her own initiative? Damn, I like that Renee girl.
“Well, her initiative is why you hired her. Probably reminded you of someone.”
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Aw, you cutie flirt, Aaron.
“When were they killed?”
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About eight hours ago. Damn. And she got a lot of hits. Shit.
“What about her?”
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Tortured. Shit.
“So they were dragged around.”
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“Rossi. This unsub’s hands must be huge.”
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Larger than yours? Mmm….
“They’ve got mud and dirt on them, but no signs of being held for months.”
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Well, that’s just plain weird.
“They were taken care of.”
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Sick fuckers.
Wait. So the dude was drugged and tortured by the dick? Fuck.
“Not surprising. Probably uppers and downers, too.”
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“What’s that?”
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“Can I ask what’s going on here?”
Do you really want to know, bub?
“We believe they may be victims of a trafficking ring.”
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Uh oh, there’s an ‘except’.
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Oh, the taking care of and then killing them questionnaire. Well, they fit right into the sicko segment Penelope and I are sick of.
“Here are the missing coeds since 2009.”
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“Wow. Okay, uh, we still need to narrow this down. Let’s look at last-known locations. Maybe there’s an overlap.”
Oh you can see her face fall after the words ‘narrow this down’.
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“They’re from all over the place.”
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“These guys hunt in target-rich environments.”
“Right. Clubs, malls, that kind of thing.”
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“What are Morgan and Rossi’s finding?”
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“Uh, a lot of mad on the car and the victims.”
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“Mud? Did it rain there?”
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Wait. Morgan didn’t call him? Oh that puppy is exceeding expectations and getting and Outstanding in my O.W.L.s (and you do not want to know the meaning of that).
“No, not here. South. Morgan has a theory that, based on the gas mileage, they must have filled up within 70 miles of the accident.”
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“Gotcha. How many gas stations you find?”
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“How’d you narrow that down.”
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“I didn’t.”
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Wait. That’s the initial????
“Why not?”
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“I didn’t have any more parameters.”
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“Never stopped you before.”
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I love her so fucking much.
“Thanks, Reid.”
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Screw you, blondie.
“Her internet history’s been cleared.”
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It’s a habit of hers? Can I be undercover then?
“So something must have happened yesterday morning.”
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“Is she a runner?”
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Um. Okay.
“You see any running shoes anywhere?”
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And she just got a voicemail to her phone. Weird.
“She’s marked an article about upcoming marathons in DC. Maybe she’s in training.”
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Nope. Cautious.
“What are her brother’s treatments for?”
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Hodgkin’s. Brutal.
“She might be running for the cause. We could find out if she showed up for a group run yesterday morning.”
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“All that from a pair of missing sneakers.”
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Oh dear lord, I’m in love all over again.
“Garcia, find out everything you can about marathon training groups in Manassas.”
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Did she just give Morgan the finger?
“Yes, sir.”
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“And focus on any groups that fund-raise for cancer.”
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“Thanks, bye.”
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“Reid says we have a missing undercover?”
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“Yeah. Andi Swan’s agent. Her name’s Renee Matlin. She’s 25. She’s been undercover for about a year.”
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“Entry level. She couldn’t have got that far into the world.”
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“Yeah, then how’d she get taken?”
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“Well, knowing Swan, she hired somebody just like her. Driven.”
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“You know her, too?”
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“We consulted a long time ago. You got any leads on the gas stations?”
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“But, the kind that sells this egg and cheese sandwich and Cramer’s coffee – there’s only one.”
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“Yes, there is.”
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I love you two.
“You good?”
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“Better now.”
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“Thanks for visiting.”
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I was hoping for some hanky panky.
But they’re still cute.
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So Rossi is filling up gas while Derek interrogates. I love those two.
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So people pay in cash, and he charges more for credit cards? Fucker.
“Well, in these hard times, people pay what, 30-40 bucks?”
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“Yeah, well, this guy would have filled up his tank, probably spent 80.”
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Just like Rossi.
“What are you looking at?”
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“They got cameras.”
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Finally, a break.
“Back it up.”
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“He already paid. Where’s he going?”
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“What’s around this corner?”
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Bathrooms. Out of order.
Also, who the fuck uses the public restroom? At a gas station?
“It’s a payphone.”
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Smart honey.
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“Hey, I need you, baby girl.”
Me, too.
“I need to be needed.”
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Normally I would put in a filler for myself, but … that’s pretty accurate XD
“Can you pull outgoing calls from a payphone?”
“Is that hypothetical? Give me the digits.”
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“Let me see. It’s, uh …”
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Sorry, I don’t do phone numbers here. It’s boring and uses up Shemar Moore photo space.
“Okay. Outgoing call at 6:04 AM. To a local number, which is a payphone.”
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“Is it close by?”
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“Pharmacy’s three miles away.”
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“Well, these guys cover their tracks. They don’t even use disposable phones.”
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“Sorry I couldn’t be more help.”
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Are you freaking kidding me? Okay, I need to punch Hotch.
“No, actually, you did. Local calls tell me that they’re not in the middle of their journey. Those kids were killed somewhere close to here.”
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“Thanks, mama.”
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So Renee went out running, but with a brunette girl that probably abducted her. Fuck.
Wait. So they abducted Lucy too? The girl she ran with? Damn.
“So Renee’s done a lot of homework. These people have all been to clubs over the weekend and vanished within three days, including this morning’s victims.”
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“Using the club as a template, there are potentially 63 others who were taken by the same offenders.”
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Fuck, that’s a lot of people.
“Andi Swan. How you been?”
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Wait. So everyone knows her? Cool! I like it when they like the newcomer.
“Nice to see you again, Andi.”
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Hey! No! No flirting, baby boy! Save that for me and Garcia.
“We tracked the driver to a gas station outside Culpepper.”
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“He used a payphone to call another one in the same town.”
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So they’re close.
“And careful.”
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“What’s their budget on locations?”
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Oh. Okay I get it. How much they invest in location. Jeez, I need to wake up those brain cells and can’t afford any more coffee or I’ll go into zombie mode and I have to work tomorrow.
“This guy’s found a place to hold, what, a dozen victims?”
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“So we’re looking for a secluded spot in rural Virginia. Well, that shouldn’t be hard to find.”
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Sarcastic Rossi!
Wait. That Lucy is the fucking leader? FUCK!
“It doesn’t seem like they stay in one location long after an abduction.”
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“They’ve lost their driver now, so they’re in jeopardy.”
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“It’s all about survival for them. They’ll move out tonight.”
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“But they’ve got customers and victims lined up. They don’t want to lose the money.”
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“And their location hasn’t been compromised yet.”
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So there’s hope?
“Based on Reid’s theory, we need to see if Renee had been to any clubs before she disappeared.”
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“What was the last club?”
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So if she’s uncovered, she’s fucked.
“This team’s got to be very well-coordinated to be pulling this off.”
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Or be dick-whipped by Lucy.
“What are your thoughts on who the leader might be?”
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“We need to look at this from the leader’s point of view. A group like this requires a strong leader.”
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“Do you have any theories?”
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Fear. Huh.
“Look at the progression of this network. They started abducting victims for sex and then adapted to killing.”
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“Because he saw the growth potential in his assets. Instead of just disposing of them, he made it into a show.”
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Shit. That is fucking sick.
“And that’s why his victims are so young. The customers would pay top dollar to see them tortured.”
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“The average guy doesn’t have that kind of money laying around. So they’re successful.”
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“And incredibly deviant. That’s their big secret. If it was revealed, they’d be ruined.”
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Damn. My puppy is smart.
“Wouldn’t they have to criminally prove themselves to join the club? If they’re upstanding citizens, how do they do that?”
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“It could be a white-collar crime, like money-laundering.”
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“Garcia, who owned the club where the victims were missing?”
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“Bruce Harmon owns the club in Arizona.”
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“And in Ohio?”
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Bob Moore. Fuck you.
“Do any of them own property in Virginia?”
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“Moore also is a partner in the development of a private facility.”
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“What happened to it?”
Yeah, what?
“It looks like bad guys go through hardships, too. Financiers pulled all the money out in 2009, so it’s not anything.”
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“It was supposed to be a tough-love rehab center, but now – now it’s just an abandoned factory in the middle of nowhere.”
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“With a lot of acreage and mud.”
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“How close to the gas station?”
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Eight miles west.
“Let’s go.”
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Shit. Renee’s made. Fuck.
Oh god, this is sick.
Please find her in time.
Get them, Morgan!
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You know, this shouldn’t be turning me on so fucking much.
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I mean, those guys know how to film hot women.
Come on! Get ‘em!
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Why is my Morgan going down the hallway alone?
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Oh god.
I don’t like this.
Oh shit!
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That guy is ginormous! Fuck!
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Oh shit!
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Leave Morgan alone!
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“Just give me an excuse to blow your brains out!”
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Yes, Rossi to the fucking rescue!
Fuck you!
Oh my god.
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Thank god he’s fine.
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Oh shit!!!!!!!!!
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That’s a mean right-hook, man!
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Oh thank fuck, Renee is alive.
“This is the last one.”
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“How many arrests?”
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Whoa. What the fuck is up with that fucking truck?
What the fuck???
You fucking try to escape while the place is surrounded by feds and then crash into a police car?
How dumb/genius are you?
Driver’s down.
Wait. Lucy is still playing that same old routine? Damn.
“We need to get you some help.”
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Oh you’re so cute, Rossi. But you’re a dumbass in this one.
“We know what happened here.”
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Um … do you?
“You’re right. I can’t imagine.”
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You so cute!
“Strapped down?”
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“And how long have you been gone?
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Since she was seventeen? Oh Lucy, you idiot.
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“He’s the only one who got out.”
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Thank you.
“And she’s the only victim he took with him.”
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“Why don’t I give you a ride?”
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Oh boy.
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Oh shit!
YAY! Morgan saved his ass!!!!
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My team of superheroes never fail to make me smile with happiness.
Even when they’re killing people.
Penelope and Kevin in front of an elevator. I don’t know why I don’t like this, but I don’t.
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Wait. What? He asks her about leaving it all?
“Yeah, sometimes.”
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What? No!
A farm?
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I’m with her.
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“Yeah, that’s all a bad guy needs to torture you.”
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Thank you.
“Well, it’s true.”
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“You, Kevin Lynch, would give up all things digital?”
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He would? For her??? Oh my goodness.
So he wants sheep. But he’s allergic to wool. Oh dear lord.
“Wouldn’t that mean we’re dead?”
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What? That don’t make sense.
And hail the conquering heroes.
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“Hey, Kevin.”
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I’m with Morgan, he’s weird.
“Is he all right?”
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“Yeah. Are you all right?”
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“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
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Oh you cutie.
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Oh my lovely goddess.
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“What happened to you?”
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“That guy was huge. Seriously.”
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Word. I was there.
“You should start working out.”
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“Oh, you got jokes now?”
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“What is it, kid?”
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So she wanted to save them all? Well, what can you do?
I’m sorry, but it’s true. You can’t do it all. Even with a team as badass as this.
“It never ends.”
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“But today I think we did good.”
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Damn straight.
“Yeah, we did.”
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“Yeah, if we weren’t so exhausted I would toast us.”
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“Good work, everybody. Go home and get some rest. Nobody needs to come in till 9:00.”
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“We were supposed to talk ab … has he ever left before us?”
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“Baby girl, I don’t blame him. It’s been a long-ass day.”
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He said ass XD
“Well, you heard the man. Go home.”
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“Hey, is anyone hungry?”
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“There’s this super good Indian restaurant. It’s a little ways away, but it’s open 24 hours and they have amazing chicken tandoori.”
And I’d be on board with that, if I didn’t have this amazingly sensitive olfactory sense and cannot step into an Indian restaurant. Seriously. I put one foot in and do a 180 turn.
Oh my sweet baby girl goddess, I know what it feels like to not have all the answers you need.
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Aristotle: “What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.”
Oh shit! That is so powerful, man!
So a woman with long, sexy legs is waiting in Rossi’s office at night. Damn.
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“You said we needed to talk, but at 2AM?”
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“I saw the lights were on.”
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“And you couldn’t sleep. Which tells me you’ve given some thought to what we discussed.”
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“I haven’t stopped thinking about it.”
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“I’m coming back.”
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Okay, I’m just gonna leave it here and go see what happens next season - JJ IS BACK!
Again, thank you ever so much for sticking around <3
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cerseis-lannister · 13 years
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cerseis-lannister · 13 years
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