#Kiwis go NOOT!|OOC Ask Answered
infinitexmuses-archive Β· 7 months
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Anon asked: What are your favorite ships with your ocs? Umprompted
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It's been so long since I've gotten a question like this, honestly!~ If we wanted to go based on my previous anon ask and mention my favorites, I'd have to say the following:
For Dianne, my favorite tends to bounce a lot, since I use her pretty often to get used to the way people write when I don't use canons for a first interaction. My favorite ship currently with her would have to be Dianne x Hatori with @kitxkatrp. We have a lot of ships together, so I'll just stick to one with Kitten for this post.
For Fisk, it'd have to be Fisk x Zayn via @universal-legacy. Two traumatized babies making it through the world together. Another person I have a lot of ships with, so imma leave it at that before I gush about them-
Another favorite OC of mine is Maika, who has the best ship with @diverse-hearts and 707. It's been a hot minute since we've gone into depth with the ship, but it was one of my first-ever long-term ships, so it always makes me happy to think about it!
These are my three most used OCs, with it being rarer to make use of my other OCs, but I'm always looking for the opportunity to use them and get some interesting interactions that could lead to ships!
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infinitexmuses-m Β· 2 years
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@wxrld-xf-cxts​ asked: strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate milkshakes? why or why not? Mint πŸ₯πŸ₯🍰🍨the SWEETS headcanon meme!🍨🍰πŸ₯πŸ₯
Mint doesn’t mind any of the three classic flavors, and loves eating neapolitan ice cream as a result. However, her preferred flavor of the three is Vanilla, followed by Strawberry, then Chocolate.Β 
Vanilla milkshakes can have plenty of addins that taste great without ruining the fact that it is a vanilla milkshake. Strawberry certainly doesn’t have as much, but the simple taste of strawberries draws her in. Chocolate can have more than strawberry, but she is used to being told that chocolate was bad for the figure, so she doesn’t wat it as often as the other two.
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infinitexmuses-archive Β· 7 months
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@eternalstarlights asked: Your anon was turned off but I want to send an ask. Just thought it would be interesting if Chongyun would meet the Shibuya Psychic Research. You know since he is an exorcist and his Yang energy would easily scare away all the spirits. Just random thoughts. Unprompted
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You know, I had completely forgotten that I turned off Anon for a bit.
As for the concept, I could definitely see it being pretty interesting. There's more than just Chingyun that would be pretty cool, too, honestly. Other spirit major characters, and even Hu Tao would be pretty cool to have interact.
I'd moreso probably do it with modern AUs than putting the Ghost Hunt cast in Genshin, personally. I had thought about making verses for them in the past but it'd be pretty difficult to come up with concepts for them that would fit properly into the universe, especially since it'd make more sense for most of them to be visionless and how religion-heavy they are.
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infinitexmuses-archive Β· 10 months
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@aceofmuses89 asked: Infinite Kiwi screeches! (Also hi, I'm kiwi as well) Password accepted!
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infinitexmuses-archive Β· 6 months
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Anon asked: munday no-no and yes-yes list ☠️ βœ‹ πŸ’˜ πŸ’ž πŸ” 😊 🐢 munday no-no and yes-yes list
Ohhh boy, here's a long one-
Send ☠️ for something that will result in a instant unfollow from you
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This one is simple. One thing I absolutely will not stand for is guilt-tripping on the dash. If I see you posting stuff that makes people feel guilty about something, especially things they can't help, then I definitely won't stick around for it. I see people all too often hating on the dash because they don't get any interactions, or some sort of drama that's going on. Most of the time, it's people who get interactions, but they ignore most attempts, and drama that does NOT need to be brought up to other people.
I also am heavily against people who use their mental health as a guilt mechanism. It's incredibly selfish to do, and as a person who also suffers from mental health issues, I hate seeing it. Don't make people feel bad because of your mental health. It just means that perhaps a difference in how it's being treated is needed. If you really need to get it out somewhere, your RP blog isn't the place for it.
SendΒ βœ‹ for a prompt/plot/concept/ anything you refuse to role play
I have actually, surprisingly, never come across anything I won't RP. So I can't offer a proper answer to this, but one thing I will mention is that I don't see what I write as reality. Just because I write something, doesn't mean I condone it. This seems to be a hard thing for people to grasp nowadays. But I do write some of the topics I do because of trauma, and it's a way to relieve it, especially when it's heavy on my mind. If you don't like something I write, please block the trigger tag, as I try to be as careful as possible about it.
SendΒ πŸ’˜ for your policy on shipping with your muse(s)
Chemistry is one of the biggest things in regard to this. I do not write to ship. I do not write to get sexual interactions. If it leads to that, that's great! But I want chemistry in my relations for my muses. I want things to be explored for the characters in these relationships, to see how they tackle various things that can come up.
I have some ships that I like more than others, but that does NOT mean I will instantly ship. We need to interact first, to gain chemistry and see what kind of relationships our muses can have. Just because A muse is in a relationship with one version of a character, does not mean it'll end the same way between our muses. Sometimes it just doesn't click, and sometimes it does, and that's okay.
SendΒ πŸ’ž for your policy on pre-established relationships with your muse(s)
More often than not, this is mainly in regard to canon characters. I don't mind preestablished relations, for most types. I only really accept romantic relations after talking with the mun in question. This should be a given, but sadly it isn't anymore.
As long as it's talked about beforehand in regards to something outside of canon, I don't mind doing it. It'll take effort on both sides and once again, communication is key for this sort of thing. If you can properly communicate with me, I'm all for it.
SendΒ πŸ” for something you look for on other’s blogs
There are a handful of things I look for, and I doubt I'll be sent anymore for this meme, so I'll answer for more than one thing here. Muse pages, rules pages, intractability status (Mutuals only, Hiatus, etc.), and mun age are big ones. These are considered common courtesy and should be on every RP blog. Sadly, it isn't, and it leads me to usually result in not following.
Are people mobile-friendly? It's more common now, but there are still people who refuse to admit to the fact that not everyone has the time to get on a computer, and there are even people who don't have one to use. However, I also just prefer to use mobile-friendly links a lot on my own laptop, if only because it's literally one of the only ways to see links on some blogs. People have them so hard to find anymore, so these quick links make it easier to see their pages.
These are the biggest ones I look for, though there are other things, too.
Send 😊 for likable quality for a role play mun to have
Communication. Please. I feel like my answers so far make that obvious.
Send  🐢 for a role play related pet peeve.
The. Grainy. Icons.
The tiny icons where you can barely even see who the character is, much less what they look like. The fact this is so common makes me question if people recall the purpose of icons. Sure, they're not needed, but I'd prefer people not use them at all to interact with me than put a heavily bordered 80 x 80 PSD heavy icon in a reply. I have bad eyesight, and even if I didn't if I can show people that icon and they can't tell what's on it while knowing the characters, then there's an issue.
Make icons great again 2024-
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infinitexmuses-archive Β· 6 months
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@kitxkatrp asked: SendΒ πŸ“ for a rule you think is important when it comes to role playing munday no-no and yes-yes list
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This feels like this should be a given, but communication has become so hard to find anymore that it makes me wonder if people recall that roleplay is a collaborative effort. There's another person on the side of the screen, it isn't just a bunch of bots that you're responding to.
Talk to people. Plot with them, communicate what you're after in interacting, and talk about possible character dynamics that you could see, and see if they agree. Don't push something onto someone and expect them to be fine with it. Boundaries need to be set, what people are and are not willing to write is important.
It's so hard to get things as simple as this anymore, and the trend of the moment something going wrong, to block, feels so wrong. It leaves the other person confused, and if you want me to be honest? It makes it feel like it's middle school all over again. Be a proper person and talk to the other, try to see what went wrong and what can be fixed.
And when people DO actually do this, others see it as a personal attack and block on the spot. Instead of seeing that someone sees that there is something to improve, they go on the defensive and come up with any excuse to ignore the fact there's an issue in the first place. It makes talking in the RPC so hard to do.
Please, for the love of all, communicate with people. Such a small thing would make the RPC so much better and has been a silent rule for as long as most people can remember. It's a shame it's a forgotten one.
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infinitexmuses-archive Β· 7 months
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Generated - - - > Obtained #28 Would you play a "Bitter Exes" Relationship?
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Heeeellllllll Yeahhhh-
I'd totally do that! Hell, I'd do most kinds of things that I'm sure people would consider questionable. It's a key part of my rules and the main thing that most anyone would see about me before following me (Assuming people read my rules beforehand). Bitter exes is light, I'd love to take it a step forward.
Ruining one another's attempts at relationships? Finding out they're in the same complex and tormenting one another. Acting like friends and lightly sarcasming everything, or even full-on causing pure chaos? Even with it eventually causing them to fall for one another once again eventually? I live for this kind of stuff.
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infinitexmuses-archive Β· 7 months
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@kitxkatrp asked: Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of β€˜meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book? Who are your longest rp friends? Would you write with duplicate characters? How do you think your muse would react? Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music? Questions for the mun. & β™‘ Munday Meme β™‘
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of β€˜meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
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Weeellllll, I meannn-
It's one of the key things about me, actually. I like taking characters that are a bit more meh than the others, ones that I feel I can muse about, and making them a bit more interesting than what was given to us. I'm also pretty into adding character to characters that don't show up much, but I enjoy doing both. I initially found a lot of my cast to be meh or otherwise could use improvement in some way. Though I will be honest, I'm pretty pleased with the ones I did alter to make a bit better.
Who are your longest rp friends?
Well, you are, obviously! I feel like that's a given. Another few of my longest friends would also include @universal-legacy and @diverse-hearts. At least, these are the friends that have stuck around for how long I've been about this hellsite.
Would you write with duplicate characters? How do you think your muse would react?
I love interacting with dupes! It depends on the intention of the thread, as well as which character it is, but I always find the idea interesting, despite a lack of actual dupe interactions happening. I'm always up for it and would love to chat with muns about the prospect someday!
Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music?
I do, actually! I have several playlists for various muses and character types that I go to when I'm writing. In most cases, I have a default music playlist that I skim through to get my brain flowing for canons and some OC interactions. But a lot of my OCs have their own custom playlist, and the batch of them have a playlist that I lovingly call 'Heavenly Overlords'. Yes, it's a play on the verse of @xndlxsscycle
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infinitexmuses-archive Β· 11 months
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@kitxkatrp asked: When do they fake a smile? How often? Kissu WEIRDLY SPECIFIC BUT HELPFUL CHARACTER BUILDING QUESTIONS
Kisshu tends to fake a smile more often than not, which isn't really even much of a headcanon. It's proven in the anime that he smiles when around the mews in 'amusement and entertainment' but the moment he's back where he's taking orders from, he isn't smiling anymore. He's serious about his task, but Ichigo slowly grew on him over time to the point where those smiles were likely starting to become genuine in regards to her or tormenting her.
Initially, they were fake, but over the course of the events, it is very likely that he was offering them genuinely. By the end of the series he smiles around Ichigo the most genuinely, but others rarely get a true smile out of him.
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@fukushn asked: Infinite Kiwi screeches!!! Thank you SM for the follow over here and on my Dazai blog <3 I have another BSD blog that's more of a multi muse if you want other charaters to interact with too! Password accepted!
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Thanks so much for the password! I took a look at your other BSD blog, but I don't recall a lot of the characters off the top of my head. I haven't watched S4 yet so that's probably why.
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@hiircgi asked:πŸ€” + family (for touya!) Send a πŸ€” and I'll write a random headcanon
Touya actually wanted to go to college in order to get a degree and could've graduated high school early if he chose to. But high school offered more time to work at jobs than college, so he decided to stay behind in order to be able to support his family more. After all, what his father made didn't amount to the money they needed to afford bills, even with how much work and love he put into his job. And Sakura couldn't work at the age she was other than odd jobs. But he didn't want to make Sakura have to do such a thing and instead be a child while she still could, so he decided to cover the burden.
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infinitexmuses-archive Β· 11 months
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@trattcria asked: Γ– !! Send aΒ Γ– and I’ll reveal a character I’d consider rping.
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Another series I absolutely adore and wish had more traction or at least a cult following has this cutie as the main protag! Mayura is a girl that absolutely loves mysteries to an overwhelming degree. So for a detective of the odd and strange to show up in her town? Of course she latches onto him to be able to see as many out-of-this-world things as she can!
This show is The Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok, and it has around 25 episodes along with a manga! I completely recommend it if you like Norse mythology. It isn't completely accurate but the references are great for what it is!
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infinitexmuses-archive Β· 11 months
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@kitxkatrp asked: What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it? Kenji WEIRDLY SPECIFIC BUT HELPFUL CHARACTER BUILDING QUESTIONS
Shoes. Kanji hates shoes with a passion. Having lived in a place where shoes weren't quite needed, he always hates having to put them on. Most of the time, he doesn't bother to do so, unless absolutely needed. They feel uncomfortable and unnatural to him. And so, when around the office, the guy keeps himself barefoot. At most he'll wear flip-flops, but actual shoes would be far too horrid for him.
Though he MIGHT wear crocs with socks to make people screech on April fools.
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@demon-blood-youths asked: πŸ’– ― you seem like a genuinely nice person β˜€οΈ ― your posts always bring me joy πŸŽ€ ― i love your aesthetic / graphics ✨ ― i love the way you write 🐝 Β *  ―  𝑺𝑴𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝒀𝑴𝑩𝑢𝑳𝑺 𝑢𝑭 𝑲𝑰𝑡𝑫𝑡𝑬𝑺𝑺.
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Thanks?? So much?? It's like, I'm a smol kiwi in this big online world so for anyone at all to think anything of me makes me pretty happy! I'm glad you enjoy following me! May we continue to write together in the future! ^^
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@hiircgi asked: 🧸 (for tohru!) 🧸 - Does your muse own any sentimental objects from their past? What makes it/them so special? ☠ ― π‘€π‘–π‘ π‘π‘’π‘™π‘™π‘Žπ‘›π‘’π‘œπ‘’π‘  π‘†π‘¦π‘šπ‘π‘œπ‘™ π»π‘’π‘Žπ‘‘π‘π‘Žπ‘›π‘œπ‘›π‘ .
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There are quite a few things that Tohru herself would find important to her. There are things seen within canon that count, definitely. But let's talk about a headcanon of mine moreso.
The original ribbons Tohru has in her hair come from what was once a dress belt of Kyoko's. She had accidentally ripped it while putting the outfit away one day and felt overly guilty about the incident. Kyoko, however, helped her to realize that sometimes, mistakes are okay, and can even lead to some good at times. She did this by using the materials left over from the belt and made it into hair bows so that Tohru could style her hair a bit better.
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infinitexmuses-archive Β· 2 months
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Anon asked: Does Rou have a favorite sleeping arrangement? In their human form or Pokemon form? Or both? No Meme Here
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When he's in his Pokemon form, he prefers to sleep on his back, mainly because any other position is uncomfortable for him. He has a mostly flat back so it's easier to lay on it than trying to endure his barbs trying to sleep on one of his sides.
Though, this does mean he sleeps on his sides in his human form. In fact, he tends to roll around a lot in his sleep. It's easier to do and more comfortable. He 100% recommends all Pokemon have a human form to sleep in.
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