#Knux is my baby and I can do what I want; my baby skilled
fastfists · 2 years
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Not me thinking of this video and going ‘Knuckles can 110% do this without a doubt’ cause I say so and cause my lad is skilled after all. No doubt he’d be able to do this shit.
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glapplebloom · 7 months
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My last one about Sonic Prime, and one I don’t think a lot of people talk about.
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While a lot of people were excited about a Multiverse Story with Sonic, I think people were disappointed where it wasn’t really as explored as it could be. We got three Variants: New Yoke City (your bad alternate timeline deal), Boscage Maze (Jungle themed) and No Place (Pirates meet Water World). But one thing I began to wonder is do these variants reflect the main version of them?
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Let’s start off with Eggman, the only one with more than three variants and also the only one contained in one dimension. Mr. Doctor Eggman, Doctor Babble, Doctor Deep, Doctor Don't and Doctor Done-It. Babble is a baby, indicating some of Eggman’s childish tendencies (like complaining and wanting to build an amusement park). Deep could be Eggman’s surprisingly decent tendencies (he’s a feminist and does work out). Don’t have Eggman’s non-caring nature or anything other than his own doings. And Done-It could be Eggman’s feelings for doing all this for so long that he’s growing tired of it.
That leaves Mr. Doctor Eggman, who is honestly the closest to the Main Eggman. So you could say that the attributes that didn’t leave him remained with this version of Eggman. It also kind of shows that when they work together they could accomplish a lot of things if not for a certain blue Hedgehog. It also shows that it is these flaws that could also be the key reasons Eggman could be defeated by said Hedgehog, especially with that ending.
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The next up is Amy Rose who got three representatives: Rusty Rose, Thorn Rose and Black Rose. Thorn is obviously Amy’s love for nature and her desire to want to protect it. Black is Amy’s skills as a fighter and a leader. She’s very skilled with that sword and when Knux’s double dropped the role to her, she fits it like a glove. So what is Rusty’s connection to Amy Rose? I believe it is how she feels about Sonic.
The idea for Rusty Rose is that she needs the Birdie within her to keep her powered up, like how at Amy’s worst she feels she needs Sonic. So she does everything in her power to contain it, or be close to it as possible. When Rusty freed the bird, it showed that she doesn’t need anyone else but herself, a revelation we see similarly in Sonic Frontiers. 
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Knuckles are super easy, barely an inconvenience to figure out. Knucks, Gnarly, Dread are Knuckles desires to help people, his naivety not shackled by the others and his obsessive nature of protecting the Master Emerald. Dread also showed that even though he does know it is important, he is willing to give it up to help others. Big is basically just Big three times. Nothing really seems that much of a stretch for him.
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Now onto the tricky ones. Tails is represented by Nine, Mangey, Sails. Nine obviously has Tails tragic history, only without anyone to help him nor the other sides to show him a better path. Sails is the loyalty Tails has with his friends, also the little bit of cowardness Tails has. But that leaves Mangey, who really seems way off to anything you can think of Tails. And all three Tails show his mastery of machinery so he can’t be that. Can he?
I think this is a stretch, but I think Mangey is Tails’ adaptability. His natural ability to be part of a group or interact with things. Like despite being feral, he showed to work great with the others. And despite not being in a world of technology, he was able to improve the energy shields of the Chaos Council to the point that he and Sails can rival Nine when it comes to technological knowledge.
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That leaves Rouge the Bat. Her representatives are Rebel, Prim, and Batten. Honestly, I think this is the hardest part of my theory since I don’t think I see a lot of aspects of Rouge within them. Starting with Rebel, and straight from the Wiki, Rebel is made from the part of her mainstream counterpart who is a confident leader, and more importantly, the part of her who is not greedy or selfish. While this was an unsourced claim, we do see Rouge is willing to be part of a team as the Leader of Team Dark as well as her willing to help Pro-Bono in Sonic Forces.
Prim according to the Wiki is manipulative, but I don’t recall many scenes with that. Maybe because the rest of her crew were not the brightest, I could see it as manipulating. But I think Prim is Rouge’s caring nature for her friends. She wants to help them. She makes amends when she finds out why Thorn forced them out of the forest. And when lying to Sonic, it was so he can help her friends. So that leaves Batten.
Honestly, I don’t remember much of Batten outside the Pirate theme. Though the Wiki says she is shown to be very energetic, a little frantic, always full of energy and ready to fight when it's necessary. Even when she never engaged in combat prior to Rusty Rose arriving in No Place. This is my biggest stretch, but I think this is her feelings when it comes to jewels. She’s always energetic when it comes to getting them, ready to fight for them, and a little frantic when she can’t get them. We could have seen more if she tried to go after the Gem like Dread did, but that’s a thing.
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Besides Rouge fully and Mange, I think this is what each version represents to the characters. Could I be wrong? Do you see something different? Try this for yourself and see if you can make better connections. It is a fun thought experiment.
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