#Koiuzumi Itsuki
starspatter · 4 years
itsuharu, poorly timed confessions, time travel
Ahh poor Itsuki still hasn’t gone on a time-traveling adventure, has he…  I have toyed with the idea of writing one where he does get to go back to three years ago on Tanabata, since we don’t yet know his whereabouts that fateful night.  There he meets his younger self, who I imagine might’ve hopped a train and traveled halfway across the country to Haruhi’s junior high because he felt a “calling”…  Itsuki actually prevents himself from approaching her at the school gate though, and they both watch as another “mysterious high school boy” comes along and helps her break in instead.  Idk if that counts as “poorly timed confession” considering they don’t even get to the “confessing” part (and probably never will OTL), but hopefully something along those lines will suffice?
Alternatively, an explanation for this:
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