#Konosuba Arcanretia Hot Springs
ashitakaxsan · 1 year
My  Review about Konosuba
Recently I’ve  gotten into “Konosuba”,I watched both two seasons.They’ll be Spoilers ahead.Plus We see that irony in the real Strong Degree.
The whole light novel uses a lot the irony,and that the MC Kazuma’s flaws,perversion and miscalculations really buy him  trouble.He’s a skilled  teenager forming a team of dysfunctional adventurers,in the town of Axel.Namely with the goddess Aqua,the Magician Megumin and the  masochistic crusader named Darkness(her real name is Lalatina Dustiness Ford) .
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“Hold it.How does Kazuma buy by himself troubles?”,you’ll ask me.
Obvious:His perversion to steal(with magic)the panties of rival girls,and relish it.*1 Plus with his misjugdement about where to teleport way the power source of the Ominous fortress Destroyer(before finishing the self destruction).They did..only soon Kazuma gets under arrest because this one ended up destroying a noble's mansion!!Thus he goes on trial.
Below:How embarassing for an Adventurer  all the trial and the accusations of his wrongdoings.
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 Plus  Kazuma is accused of having malevolent business with the Devil King..On the Trial all of his perverted crimes are brought to light.
But unexpectedly to everyone Darkness reveals she’s member of the Dustiness family,and convinces the judge to give Kazuma a stay of trial. Now tasked with proving his innocence and repaying the damages to the mansion, Kazuma quickly sees all his belongings get confiscated to pay his debts.Be aware the scene is a shock.
Just on the end of season 2 the team goes for vacations to  the  Arcanretia Hot Springs.However nothing goes as planned!The team finds out that one of the Devil  King’s generals,Hans the Deadly Poison Slime,contaminates the Hot Springs.Thus the team charges to fight him,the really made it.
But how ironically,albeit the Goddess Aqua purified the Springs She couldn’t make them healing,as in the past. Now they were mere  water,and the citizens kicked out the hero team. Man,it sits so Ugly(:
But not all are so.Because the Explosion mage Megumin has love feelings for Kazuma:)The hints in the first two seasons are subtle,but obvious about how much she cares for Kazuma.Such as when she gives a name to Kazuma’s katana:”Chunchunmaru”.
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How will the third season of Konosuba go?It will be focused on Megumin chan:)
*1:That’s an insult to women.As far as I can tell the “equality on all sexes” doesn’t make you look good,neither justifies this action.
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minnastream · 5 years
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KonoSuba – God’s blessing on this wonderful world!!: 2×9 The party makes their way to Arcanretia, a city known for it's recuperative hot springs! But what they don't know about the city might spell doom for their vacation.
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rowel-anime-trends · 5 years
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The party's hot springs vacation in Arcanretia has taken a turn for a the serious, as they discover a plot by the Devil King's forces. With the help of her friends, will Aqua be able to save the town that worships her?
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recentanimenews · 7 years
KonoSuba 2 – 10 (Fin)
Well, like its last season, KonoSuba only ended up lasting ten episodes, but it delivered an action-packed and generally really good-looking finale that actually covered a bit of plot to go along with its omnipresent comedy. Plus, everyone had a chance to look really cool, even if things ultimately don’t quite work out as planned, as usual.
After using Darkness’ noble status to gain access to a contaminated hot spring, the party encounters Hans, the frustrated man whom Kazuma related with so much last week. Turns out he’s a leader in the Devil King’s army, and a deadly poison slime to boot.
Wiz is content to say hi to her old comrade at first, but when she learns he’s eaten the innocent hot springs overseer, she finally shows her teeth…and Horie Yui finally gets some meaty badass lines.
When the angry mob finally catches up to the party and sees Hans’ true form, they realize Aqua wasn’t a fraud after all. They send healing magic her way as she attempts to purify the spring, while Darkness protects them from errant slime bombs (even though they still hate her for being an Eris cultist).
Kazuma buys time for everyone by serving as a diversion for the slime and getting eaten (but not fully digested, facilitating his resurrection later) so Megumin can use Explosion magic to reduce the slime’s size, allowing Wiz to encase him in a Cursed Crystal Prison.
When even that’s not enough, Aqua draws power from her wishy-washy followers and their ridiculous credo (and that old man chanting about Eris’s padded chest) to land a GOD BLOW and GOD REQUIEM on Hans, finishing him for good, probably.
It’s perhaps the coolest and most badass we’ve seen Aqua look yet, and the shortened season clearly freed up significant fundage for a dazzlingly-animated battle…though Kazuma is dead for a full half of it, the camera still cuts to his dry bones often. He did his part!
Naturally, despite all the displays of badassdom, Aqua’s magic finishing moves ended up turning all the profitable hot spring water in Arcanretia into plain ‘ol water, and she’s run out of town by her justifiably angry, ungrateful followers.
The gang heads home the same way they arrived: by wagon (Wiz was greatly weakened and almost killed, again, by Aqua’s magic), and everyone is just happy to be home. Even after all he’s been through and all the failure and destruction his party has wrought, he still feels blessed to be living in such a beautiful, if often hard, world. It’s certainly better than being cooped up in his bedroom back in Japan, right?
KonoSuba is the kind of show that could simply keep on going, and the parting message that thanks us for watching doesn’t rule out a third season. But ten is a good number for a season of KonoSuba, and a year is a good amount of time to have in between those seasons, so no rush.
By: magicalchurlsukui
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rowel-anime-trends · 5 years
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The party's hot springs vacation in Arcanretia has taken a turn for a the serious, as they discover a plot by the Devil King's forces. With the help of her friends, will Aqua be able to save the town that worships her?
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rowel-anime-trends · 4 years
The party makes their way to Arcanretia, a city known for it's recuperative hot springs! But what they don't know about the city might spell doom for their vacation.
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rowel-anime-trends · 4 years
The party's hot springs vacation in Arcanretia has taken a turn for a the serious, as they discover a plot by the Devil King's forces. With the help of her friends, will Aqua be able to save the town that worships her?
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rowel-anime-trends · 5 years
The party makes their way to Arcanretia, a city known for it's recuperative hot springs! But what they don't know about the city might spell doom for their vacation.
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rowel-anime-trends · 5 years
The party makes their way to Arcanretia, a city known for it's recuperative hot springs! But what they don't know about the city might spell doom for their vacation.
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recentanimenews · 7 years
KonoSuba 2 – 07
For the first act of this particularly energetic, at times hyper KonoSuba, Megumin is the straight man, watching aghast as Kazuma and Aqua act disgustingly pleasant to each other; even as Aqua purifies Kazuma’s finest tea into plain hot water, he just keeps politely drinking it.
They’re acting this way because they think they’re rich, after a visit from Vanir results in an IP transfer deal that could net them 300 million Eris (or 1 mil a month). After, well, dying last week, I can understand why Kazuma wouldn’t mind hanging up his adventurers’ boots and living comfortably ever after.
Of course, I neither expect the windfall to come (unless its made of wind, not cash) as Vanir is a sneaky slippery demon, nor for Kazuma to give up his overarching mission to defeat the Devil King; as annoying and useless as Aqua is, he still made a promise to her, and Kazuma is (usually) a man of his word (I can’t speak to Vanir).
Anyway, Kaz holds off on making a decision (lol he’s never getting that cash) and accepts Megumin’s suggestion the party head to Arcanretia, the city of water and (hopefully for Kazuma, mixed) hot springs so he can convalesce after cheating death. They bring Wiz along as well…Wiz being kind of a waste of Horie Yui.
After winning every game of rock-paper-scissors against an increasingly flustered and desperate Aqua, and using Darkness’ vitality to heal Wiz (who was blown up by Vanir, long story) the party heads off aboard hired wagons in a beautifully-shot scene that is played straight.
Naturally, I was expecting something ridiculous to kill all the good normal vibes before the convoy left the city walls, but surprisingly, nothing happens!
Instead, the ridiculousness happens en route, as a flock of ground-based birds known for stampeding toward the hardest objects they can find in a chicken-like mating ritual target Darkness.
I liked the fact the convoy had its own party of adventurers to take care of any problems, but once Kazuma learns it’s their—or rather Dark’s—fault the birds are there at all, his party mobilizes.
Or, I should say, Darkness runs out to meet the herd, a hired adventurer accidentally binds her, and…well, not sure what happened next, but afterwards Kazuma is apologizing profusely. Presumably, at some point, they’ll arrive at Arcanretia.
By: magicalchurlsukui
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