#Konrad as the Baby from Dinosaurs is a delightfully cursed mental image isn't it? you're welcome
nevesmose · 5 months
Crunching Bones and Numbers: A Nostramo Mathpost
Stand well back Night Lords fans, I'm attempting to use mathematics.
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Just how much time did Nostramo have to endure suffer love the brutal effective redemptive actions of its murderer monster king? How long was Konrad actually there to have an effect on them?
This is all going by GW's timeline of the Heresy which can be found here btw.
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Let's intepret this as generously as possible by saying that the 792.M30 date given here refers to the scattering of the primarchs rather than some other point earlier in Big E's fun little project.
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So baby Konrad gets yeeted over to Nostramo. Does he toddle out of his little primarch pod and immediately choose violence?
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Probably, yeah. We can imply some implications from Perturabo's primarch book which is fairly clear on his growth and capabilities.
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So we can interpret this as a """""baby""""" primarch still appearing as an older child and being capable of doing their primarchey tasks either right at the start or very close to it.
So again, in order to be as generous to him as possible, let's assume that Konrad arrived on Nostramo in 792.M30 and immediately started night hauntering.
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896 - 792 = 104 years. Hmm. That's quite a long time, but not immensely long by 30 / 40K standards even for normal humans. Turning back to Perty's book we can see that Calliphone who grew up with him in the 790s is still alive, albeit very old and reliant on augmetics, when he destroys Olympia in 004.M31 which puts her at a bit over 200 years old.
During the same scene she also mentions that Andos "refused the medicines of the Emperor" and died 90 years before then, which still means he lived to about 110.
So taking that as a baseline for a minimally-augmented human in a privileged social class with good access to healthcare and so on, Konrad was on Nostramo for about one aristocrat's natural lifetime.
That's not that long when you're trying to single-handedly overturn millennia of entrenched corruption and hopelessness with extreme violence as your only tool.
Even if we use half that lifespan because Nostramo is Nostramo, that's still about 50 years. Putting it in chunks on a timeline, your parents could've been adults when the Night Haunter came and your kids would be adults after he left. Sucks to be that particular generation in the middle though.
Looking at it that way, I feel like it makes some sense for Nostramo to have gone back to its old ways pretty soon after Konrad left. It didn't spend that long being forced out of them to begin with.
I also really enjoyed this part:
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I just love the idea that Calliphone has been Watching and Judging the primarchs this whole time and has a personal ranking of best to worst. She could've fixed him, 300k word Curziphone fic coming soon.
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