diakaoniii · 2 years
— kou mukami
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“I outdo any guy in this world. I am a wealthy and powerful vampire. Everyone loves me because I am a handsome and famous idol. In that case, who are you? You're just another face in the crowd that nobody pays attention to. You're a lowlife, and I won't shed a tear if you die.”
The things he spoke… broke your heart. The fact that the guy you love told you this hurt like hell. As he said that, he sent a demeaning glance in your direction.
He stared at you like you was a piece of trash.
Your eyes welled up with tears as you gazed at him. You tried to hold back the tears but you couldn't help it. You no longer wanted to be treated like an object in his eyes.
He consistently cannot grasp even basic concepts. He claims you no longer love him if you have casual conversations with other men.
At other times, he could be quite devastating. He was clearly a guy of two faces.
How thrilled is he that he broke your heart?
“Fufu, M-Neko-Chan, are you crying~? What an adorable little~…”
His once upbeat tone soured, and his once-amused eyes became cold and icy. Slowly, he encircled your delicate neck with his hands.
“I mean, you have every right to feel down. And even though you had a partner at the time, you still felt comfortable talking openly to a guy who wasn't me. Have you have fun?”
Your eyes enlarged, your chest tightened, and black dots appeared in front of your eyes. You put your little hands on his chest and attempted to push him away, but it didn't work.
After all, he was a vampire.
“Fufu, poor little cat, can't you breathe~? Good. This is your punishment. You should feel blessed that an idol like me is loved in a whore like you, who wags her tail at each guy who crosses her path.”
In a fit of fear, you closed your eyes. It became impossible to make out what he was saying. Your body gradually loosened up, and you stopped fighting.
Then, without warning, he freed his hands from around your neck and you crashed to the floor.
You gulped deeply and then coughed fiercely. That's your hands up around your neck. A bruising on your soft neck was a certainty.
While coughing furiously, you gazed at Kou with horror; he gave you the disdainful glare.
“You should be grateful to me for loving a harlot as filthy, repulsive, and useless as you. I'm the only one who gives a damn about you.”
His disdainful expression and stern tone faded with a sigh. His old, upbeat self had returned.
“M-Neko-Chaan, you don't need to be so frightened~. I have no intention of eating you. I'm just a bit pissed off~.”
A grin spread over his face as he moved nearer you and gently stroked your chin and hair.
“Right, M-Neko-Chan~! Making a trip to the ice cream freezer seems like a good idea. I've heard there's a place opened nearby with delicious ice cream~!
He laughed as he gently brushed your tears away with his thumb and smiled at you.
You always forget the hurt he inflicted whenever he looks at you lovingly or touches you affectionately, such as when he kisses or embraces you.
The love of his kiss made you forget all about the harm he had done again.
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afortoru · 1 year
aar kit maasir jonnyo kono bhalobasha nei, bujhi?
*goes to the corner of a room and starts weeping*
Omooo kit masir jonno to jhuli bhore bhore bhalobasha...etogunno bhalobasha ki kit masi puro chaan kore nibe!! <3
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Kou says hi , Sai wants a fist bump from her favv and cool masi ❣️❣️
A oo kit masi ke khub bhalo bhase mwah mwah mwah...it's just I'm overwhelmed by what Zen made for me 🥺❣️
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diabolikalovers · 7 years
[At the Mukami dinner table, Yui is passing out napkins to everyone]
Yui: Here is one for you, Ruki-kun.
Ruki: Thanks.
Yui: One for you Kou-kun.
Kou: Thanks, M-neko-chaan~
Yui: And one for you, Azusa-kun.
Azusa: Thank you, Eve.
Yui: Here you go, Sugarbear.
*Kou drops his fried shrimp, and Azusa stares*
Yuma: *hisses* I told you that was only supposed to be our safe word!
Ruki: *chokes on his drink*
Yui: But I thought ‘Kinkybear’ was our safe word!
Yuma: Shit… It was… *awkwardly avoids eye contact with his brothers*
(For once, there was no fighting at the table. No, the only sound that may be heard is the click of chopsticks and the clang of silverware.)
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mythicamagic · 7 years
What will be all the brothers reaction if Yui worn a sexy Santa outfit (NOSEBLEEDS EVERYWHERE)
This isn’t a scenario blog, but because it’s close to Christmas, I’ll reply to this. But please bare in mind this ain’t my usual stuff. This is a one off x 
Shuu: Heh...Lewd woman. You obviously wore that to try and entice me, huh? Oi...where are you going? *tugs her down to him* You’re not leaving this room...
Reiji: You look ridiculously indecent in that outfit. Remove it at once. *sighs* No, wait a moment. Allow me. It’s obviously too complicated a command for you to follow on your own.
Ayato: Damn, Chichinashi. You almost look like you have breasts- *is slapped on the arm* Oi! I’m kidding. Heh..your shoulders are bared. You really want me to bite you there, huh? Ore-sama will oblige...Be grateful.
Kanato: Hn..Teddy...this perverted woman is weary skimpy clothes. Fufu...ne, Yui-san? Loosen a few more of your buttons. Mn? What’s wrong? You’re not defying me are you? You want me to enjoy your outfit, don’t you? It’s fine, I’ll do it myself. *takes out a knife and cuts the buttons*
Laito: Ah~! Bitch-chaan, you look so sexy in that outfit! Fufu, come here and sit on my lap. You can tell me all about what a naughty little girl you’ve been~
Subaru: THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING. TAKE IT OFF-HAH?! NO WAIT-IDIOT! I DIDN’T MEAN RIGHT NOW. *grabs her hands* Now you’ve done it...tch, don’t resist, this is your own damn fault.
Ruki: *subtly slides his hand to rest on her ass while they’re doing something mundane like cooking* Meet me in my room in 10 minutes. Keep the outfit on. Don’t think to defy me Livestock, you knew this would happen. Accept your punishment.
Kou: Wah! Mneko-chan! You look so cute! Hey, let’s take a few photos~ hm? Ahh don’t get all shy. I’m the only one who’ll see them. *shoves her down* Because I’m the only one who get’s to see Mneko-chan’s needy expression. I’ll give you my fangs like you want, so give me something in return, k~?
Yuma: Hah? Sow...the fuck are you wearing? *she tells him it’s a Christmas outfit* Tch...weird way to try and seduce me, Sow, but whatever...*leans down to her* I’ll rip it to shreds for ya...starting here...*rips her skirt playfully*
Azusa: Eve...you look beautiful. Oh..the ties on your boots are loose. Here...I’ll help. *kneels down to her legs and ties the laces too tight* Mn? It hurts? Fufu...that’s good. I’m glad. I want to...make Eve feel lots of pleasurable things...when you look like that...
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Como le insinuarian a su chica que... (7u7) quieren tener... Turururur
Shu: Oi, ¿Por qué no me ayudas a despertarme completamente?
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Reiji: Toda pareja necesita mostrar su confianza entre ellos, ¿qué mejor ocasión para probarla se te ocurre?
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Ayato: Oye, Chichinasi, últimamente te veo con menos pechos de lo normal. ¿¡Mentira!? ¡DEMUESTRALO!
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Laito: Biiitch-Chaan, ¿por qué no te pruebas esta nueva lenceriiia? Nfú~Te quedará per-fec-ta~
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Kanato: Nee, *Sniff* Teddy y yo nos preguntabamos si de verdad *Sniff* nos amas. *Sniff* Si de verdad lo haces, *Sniff* ¿por qué no vienes conmigo?
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Subaru: -El albino se acercó lentamente a la joven, posando su cabeza sobre la de su pareja. Acto seguido, la abrazó por detrás, dándole a entender lo que deseaba.-
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Ruki: Kachiku, ¿no querías una recompensa por tu buen comportamiento?
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Kou: Neee, M-Neko-Chan, ayuuudame a desatarme esta camiiisa. ¡Oi! No se desatar botones, ¿recuerdas? Además, tengo bastante calor para estar con camisa, fufú~
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Yuma: Oi Mesubuta, necesitas recompensarme por la ayuda que te di el otro día, ¿recuerdas? ¿Por qué no me recompensas de “esa” manera?
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Azusa: Eeve…te encuentro…especialmente linda…hoy…Me gustaría…ver tu rostro…más cerca…Eeve…
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Carla: Kisama, creo que es hora de intentar seguir con nuestra especie, ¿no crees?
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Shin: … Oye, ¿No te apetece probar “eso”? ¡OI! Tch, no me grites, sabes que no soy bueno disimulando.
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Reacción de los vampiros sonrojándose por algo que haya dicho su novia 7u7 saludos desde Chile!! ❤
Shu: -Al oir la frase de la joven, miró por unos instantes a su derecha, intentando ocultar su leve sonrojo. No estaba acostumbrado a sonrojarse, por lo que tampoco sabía como ocultarlo.-
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Reiji: -Simplemente dejó que su pareja observase su rostro, algo rojo. No le agradaba ocultar sus sentimientos a la joven.-
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Ayato: Tch, Chichinasi, no estoy sonrojado, solo tengo calor.-Decía mientras miraba hacia todas las direcciones, sin encontrar escapatoria.-
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Laito: Awww, Biitch-Chan, conseguiste sonrojarme, nfú~Estamos en paz~
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Kanato: -Al notar cómo el calor en sus mejillas iba aumentando, puso su querido peluche a la altura de sus ojos, dejando solo estos a la vista.-
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Subaru: -El tsundere frunció el ceño al notar su sonrojo, por lo que simplemente le dió la espalda a la joven, agarrandola de la mano para andar hasta otro lugar. De esta manera, su sonrojo iría disminuyendo.-
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Ruki: -El vampiro le dió una sincera sonrisa a su pareja, la cuál al verlo sonrojado comenzó a sonrojarse también.- No tienes remedio, Kachiku.
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Kou: ¡Woooah, M-Neko-Chaan! ¿Qué debería hacer ahora para devolverte la jugada?~
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Yuma: Mesubuta, ¿has visto eso de ahí? -Intentaba distraer a la joven hasta que su sonrojo cesase.-
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Azusa: Eeve…No tienes…por qué…decirme…eso…-Decía lentamente, haciendo que la chica se sonrojase también. Los dos estaban igualados.-
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Carla: -No es algo a lo que le daba demasiada importancia, por lo que continuó la conversación con una sincera sonrisa en su rostro.-
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Shin: Tch…Esto…¡OH MIRA! -Señaló de repente la puerta, aprovechando para transformarse y salir por la ventana, evitando la embarazosa escena.-
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Mun: Saluuuudooos! ♥
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llevan 3 semanas peleados y no se hablan para nada y se viene san valentin. lo dejan asi sin hablarse o prefieren intentar arreglar las cosas? Mun te extrañe... mi kokoro se estaba muriendo sin ti
Shu: Arreglar las cosas a tiempo es lo mejor que uno puede hacer.
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Reiji: No sería de mi agrado, pero supongo que estar perdonados en un día especial sería la mejor situación.
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Ayato: Tch, Ore-Sama es el que debe ser perdonado.
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Laito: Arreglariiia las cosas con Bitch-Chaan~San Valentín siempre es interesante, fufú~
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Kanato: Nee, Teddy, ella tendría que perdonarse primero, ¿cierto?
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Subaru: … Arreglaría la situacion lo antes posible.
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Ruki: Una buena disculpa nunca esta mal, Kachiku.
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Kou: Uuughh, arreglaría las cosas por ser San Valentín~
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Yuma: Tch, aun que no quisiese, se que terminaría arreglando todo, Mesubuta.
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Azusa: Arreglaría…todo…con Eeve…para pasar…un buen…San Valentín…
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Carla: Supongo que llegaría a un acuerdo con ella para arreglar las cosas.
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Shin: Ugh, que ella arregle la situación.
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Mun: Mueero de ternura cuando me decis eso T_T
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Bien, obligatorio a todos los chicos, que cancion me cantarian >:3 y debe ser mona, muchos salu2 mun-chan, espero te la hayas pasado comiendo chocolate como yo en dia de san valentin.
Shu: Ninguna.
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Reiji: En primer lugar, no es de mi agrado cantar. Y en segundo lugar, no conozco ninguna canción “mona”, tal como tú dices.
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Laito: Fufu~Cantaría cualquier canción con tal de satisfacer a Bitch-Chan~
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Kanato: Teddy y yo creemos que “Scarborough Fair”  te agradaría. No es asi, ¿teddy?
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Subaru: …
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Ruki: No creo que cantar una canción, especialmente “mona”; vaya conmigo, Kachiku.
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Kou: Whooooaa~¿Cantar para M-Neko-Chaan? Te podriiia cantar cualquiera de miiis temas~
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Yuma: “Seiron Syndrome” te gustaría, Mesubuta. (Mun: Vago hasta para pensar una canción ¬¬).
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Azusa: Eeve…estaría dispuesto…a cantarte…cualquier cosa…
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Carla: Kisama, ¿de verdad crees que estaría dispuesto a cantar una canción “mona”?
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Shin: … Tch, ¿es obligatorio responder a esto? No tengo ninguna canción en mente ahora mismo. -Sale de la sala intentando huir de la pregunta-.
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Mun: Pues la verdad es que no he comido mucho chocolate este San Valentín :v Saluuudoos
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