#sakamaki subaru
laitoscupoftea · 1 day
Diabolik Lovers Club Shinmanmaden
Could you please pour some of your finest blood into me?
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afra-blueraz · 3 months
A tiny headcanon... :
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diabolik-art-blog · 2 months
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I miss Subayui so much. After back to writing I really need to write a fanfic for them. They are so adorable.
Artist: aiueooeiuq on Twitter
You can find original post here. Follow and support this artist. Your support will make them happy.
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diabolikpersonals · 7 months
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subaru MB route
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poopfartbyttbutt · 2 months
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i am not okay
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dia-souls · 1 month
DIABOLIK LOVERS Imajin Tokuten Drama CD “Kawaii Plushie, Fanboys' Confusion!!!”
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Original title: かわいいぬいぐるみ、ファンボーイの混乱
Source: Fanmade Tokuten Drama CD
Story by: Admin Afra
Seiyuu: Suegara rie, Midorikawa Hikaru, Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Takashi Kondou, Tomoaki Maeno, Hirakawa Daisuke, Kaji Yuki,
Admin's note: Hey guys Finally, after a long time, a new drama CD by me Admin Afra. Who misses me??? Lol... Although I can't write comedy CDs and scenarios as well as Admin Irsa. But recently, my headcanon for plushie Yui has been very much noticed. That's why I decided to try this CD for this headcanon. If you like it, I will write Mukami and Tsukinami versions soon. This Sakamaki version is presented to you. I hope you like it. Don't forget to review and comment.
_This scene begins in the living room of the Sakamaki mansion. The triplets are watching Kou on a TV show.
Ayato: Why is that stupid idol in all the shows? I'm getting bored.
_Ayato changes the channel.
*Tap Tap*
Kanato: Ayato... can you please choose a channel and let us all watch it?
Ayato: Shut up!!!! Do not order Ore-sama. Ore-sama will watch whatever he likes. I don't want to see the face of that stupid idol on all channels.
_Ayato changes the channel again.
*Tap Tap*
Laito: You are right, Ayato-kun. I am much prettier. If I were an idol, I would have more fans than him. They probably showed me on more channels.
Ayato: If I saw you on TV, then I would blow up the TV.
Kanato: Me too...
Laito: Heeh... don't be so cruel. I'm sure more girls would be my fans.
_Ayato turns off the TV.
Ayato: I don't understand why there are so many channels and TV shows for girls. Why don't they make a TV show for boys? For example, the takoyaki eating contest.
Kanato: Ayato, no boy wants to watch such a show. Only you like it.
Laito: Hmmmmm. I don't like to see some boys with big mouths eating takoyaki. Even thinking about it makes me sick. I prefer to see cute and beautiful girls.
Kanato: There are idol girls too, Laito.
Laito: I know, but none of them can make my heart beat fast like Bitch-chan.
_Ayato swears under his breath.
Ayato: Chhh... Stupid pervert...
_Laito takes the TV remote from Ayato's side and turns the TV back on.
*Tap Tap*
_Laito changes several channels to a plushie advertisement.
Laito: Is that plushie... bitch-chan's plushie???
_Both Ayato and Kanato stare at the TV after hearing this. The TV is promoting the popular school club girl named Komori Yui.
Ayato: What the hell. Chichinashi???? Since when has Chichinashi been famous?
Laito: School club??? Ahhh, now I remember. A few months ago, bitch-chan said she wanted to join a school club. Hmmm, apparently, she is very popular among the boys in the club.
Kanato: IT'S UNFORGIVABLE. How dare that girl participate in the club without my permission? *SOB*.... I.... won't forgive her... *SOB*...
Ayato: That idiot... how dare she go out with other boys without Ore-sama's permission? When I see her, I will punish her.
Laito: Hmmmmm... I'm very sad to see that my dear bitch-chan has become popular with all these boys. She just needs to pay attention to me.
Shu: Pwaahhhhhhh.... can you shut up. Didn't you say just a few seconds ago that you want a TV show for boys? So why are you complaining now?
_Ayato, Kanato, and Laito flinched at Shu's voice.
Ayato: Waaahhhhh... Shu what the hell. What the hell are you doing here? When did you come here?
_Shu was lying on the couch and yawned.
*Rustle Rustle*
Shu: I was here from the beginning. You three idiots did not notice my presence.
Ayato: Shut up. You are always like this. Wherever you go, you sleep without talking to anyone. Obviously, no one will notice your presence.
Shu: Shut up... it's too loud. My ear hurt.
Ayato: Bastard...
_Shu opened one of his eyes and looked at the TV advertisement that was playing.
Shu: Hmmm... interesting... maybe I'll buy one for myself.
Ayato: Hahaha... don't tell me you like this ugly doll.
Shu: What's the problem with it? I can use it as a pillow. This way, when she is not with me, I can have her by my side.
Ayato: ...
Laito: ....
Kanato: ... I can't believe that this lazy man came up with such a good idea.
Laito: Nfu... that's a good idea. I would really like to have another version of Yui-chan too. In this way, I can do whatever I want with it.
Kanato: Fufu... Yes, Teddy will also be happy to have a new friend. Ne teddy I can dress up it like dolls to make it the most beautiful doll in the world.
Ayato: Tch... you two are very childish.
Laito: Come on Ayato. Wouldn't you like to have a small version of Bitch-Chan? Whenever Yui-chan is not with you, she can make takoyaki for you.
Ayato: Huh??? Can it really do that?
Shu: You are so stupid.
Ayato: Shut up. I have to try it myself, otherwise I don't believe it.
Laito: Nfu~ So let's go to that store and buy this cute plushie.
_Ayato, Laito and Kanato are walking in the store.
Ayato: Shit... why is it so crowded here?
Kanato: I can't stand people's noise. It's so noisy.
Laito: You two are very impatient. Nfu~ Be patient and then we'll go home with that cute plushie.
???: Oh my... KarlHeinz's sons are in the fanboy store. Hahaha... what a funny subject.
*click click*
_The triplets look behind them when they hear a familiar voice.
Ayato: Haaaaa..... Kino!!!! what are you doing here?
Kino: Isn't it obvious? I came looking for my dear princess. She is not with you?
Ayato: Who said she's yours? She is only my prey. Chichinashi is not with us.
Kino: Huh? what a pity I wanted to go like a lovely couple and buy that cute plushie.
Kanato: Did you come here for the plushie?
Kino: Of course. She is my lovely princess and I am her prince.
Ayato: Don't talk nonsense.
Kino: I myself encouraged her to participate in this club. They were looking for cute and beautiful girls to support animals. My dear princess was so cute and tried for animals that she quickly became popular among the boys. I'm thinking that my princess should have become a famous idol instead that Mukami.
Laito: Although I don't like you, I agree with you. But I don't want to share my beloved Bitch-chan with other boys.
Kino: In any case, this promotion is for promoting this club and because of Yui's new popularity. In addition to boys, she has become very popular among girls.
_A person with a black cape, hat, mask and glasses that completely covers his face enters the store.
Ayato: Hah... Thief...
Laito: Nfu~ He isn't a thief. He is only a shy fanboy who doesn’t like to be known at all.
Kino: Scary. Some fans are very scary.
_The suspicious man buys a plushie and quickly leaves the store.
Kanato: Heyyyyyyyy. I want to leave this store faster.
Kino: I also don't like to see other boys buy my dear princess plushie.
_Ayato goes in front of Kino and grabs his collar tightly in his fist.
*Rustle Rustle*
Ayato: Listen, bastard. I will not let you buy that plushie at all. Chichinashi is only my prey.
Kino: Fufu Ayato-kun, if you think like that... you should stop all those boys who are standing in front of the cash register buying plushies.
_Kino points to the counter and Ayato turns his head to look there. A group of boys lined up in front of the cash register to buy plushies.
Ayato: Chhh... you bastards...
_Ayato quickly releases Kino's collar and goes to stand in front of the cash register in front of all the boys.
Ayato: Everyone listen.
_Ayato takes the speaker from the vendor and speaks through it.
Ayato: Ore-sama is speaking. Get out of the store, you bastards. This girl is my prey and no one but me has the right to buy this plushie.
_All the boys and vendors stare at Ayato.
Ayato: Did you hear what I said? Ore-sama will give you orders. Hurry up and get out of the store
Kanato: Is he serious?
Laito: Oh, oh. I think we are going to be in trouble.
Kino: Pffff.... Hahahahaha.... Your brother is so stupid.
Kanato: Laito. Let's buy the plushie and go before it causes us trouble.
_Laito and Kanato go to the group of boys so that the seller won't notice that they are with Ayato.
Ayato: Oi, Kanato, Laito, why did you go to them? Let's help me get rid of these bastards.
Kino: Hmmmm. Things are getting interesting.
Ayato: Chhh... Ahhhhh... How is the security of that store so strong? The place where he kicked me still hurts.
Kanato: You are so stupid, Ayato.
Ayato: Shut up. It's your fault that you didn't help me, otherwise we would have kicked out all those bastards.
Laito: Shame on you, Ayato-kun... I don't like being beaten by security at all. My beautiful face becomes scarred and I become ugly.
Ayato: You are so pathetic Laito...
_Kino walks behind them while laughing under his breath.
Ayato: You bastard... why are you laughing at us? You got what you wanted. Why are you following us?
Kino: Oh... Ayato-kun don't be so mean. I would like to see my dear princess.
Ayato: Shut up. I won't let you see her.
Laito: At least we could all buy plushies.
Kino: Too bad. I wanted to see my dear princess. But I think it doesn't matter. I will call her when I get home. I can't wait to take a picture of myself and this plushie and send it to her. Her reaction must be very cute... Fufu... Goodbye. I hope to see you very soon.
_Kino moves away from the triplets while waving his hand.
Ayato: Haha... in hell...
_Ayato, Kanato and Laito enter the mansion.
Ayato: Chhch... My body hurts.
Shu: Pwaahh... So you are finally back.
_Shu is lying on the couch while yawning and Yui's plushie is on the pillow next to his head.
Laito: ....
Kanato: ...
Ayato: ...... How???? Oi lazy man, how did you get that plushie without coming to the store?
Shu: Huh? It's... so easy. I ordered online.
Ayato: ....
Shu: I was surprised why the three of you took so much trouble to go to that store. Well, this is not my problem. Now please be quiet. I want to sleep You are very noisy.
Ayato: You bastard...
Laito: Nfu~ I can't wait anymore. I want to do many things with this plushie. Ahhh, even thinking about it makes me hot.
Kanato: I would like to try different clothes on her. My new and beautiful doll is going to be very beautiful.
Ayato: Both of you shut up. This is going to be very interesting. Ahemm... Ahemm... Chichinashi, go make me some takoyaki.
_Laito and Kanato stare at Ayato and Shu smirks.
Kanato: ...
Laito: ....
Shu: Pffffff... you are so stupid.
Ayato: What?
Laito: Did you really expect a plushie to be able to move and make takoyaki for you?
Ayato: Huh? It can't? So why did we try so hard to buy it?
Shu: I am satisfied. It smells like that woman. It is a good pillow. At least when Yui is not here, this plushie will help me.
Kanato: You don't understand how precious dolls are.
Laito: I can also try interesting fantasies on it.
_Yui rushes into the room.
Yui: Ayato-kun, Reiji-san is very angry with you. He said that you in the store___
_The triplets stare at Yui.
Yui: What the..... !!!!!
Ayato: Oi Chichinashi. This ridiculous doll can't make takoyaki for me. Hurry up, make me takoyaki.
Yui: ...
_Meanwhile in Subaru's room.
Subaru: Hah... hah... I did it. I really i did it.
_Subaru enters his room while wearing a black coat, glasses and a mask and quickly goes to his coffin and puts Yui plushie in it and looks at it.
Subaru: I did it...
_Subaru blushes while staring at Yui plushie.
Subaru: Damn it... this is so cute...
_Subaru hugs Plushie and sleeps inside the coffin.
Subaru: Yui, please always stay with me...
_Meanwhile in Reiji's room. Reiji is sitting on a chair and brushing the plushie hair that was pre-ordered a few days ago.
Reiji: Good grief... these things are not for me.
_Reiji covered his face with his hand to hide his embarrassment.
Reiji: No one should know about this. NO ONE.
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mikalara-dracula · 1 month
Karl justifying the reasons for his science experiments:
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Tagging: @liannelara-dracula
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arthotsglasses · 4 months
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Some more studies I was doing and then put Subaru's face on it lel
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shuusocks · 2 months
NSFW headcanons: Ayato, Kanato and Subaru (Sakamaki ver.) (pt. 2)
Content warning: 18+ themes, explicit mentions of sexual activity 🤺
Ayato Sakamaki:
➤ "Ayato is definitely a one possessive and jealous prick, especially when it comes to you. The thought of sharing you with someone else never really crossed his mind until now.
As Ayato sat on the coach, in your shared room, watching Laito ruthlessly take you on your bed, he couldn’t help but let out a few strangled moans while slowly touching himself. Never taking his eyes off of you. The sound of your soft moans, your aching body begging to be touched by Laito. The view made Ayato furious but his body was completely betraying him. Tiny beads of sweat forming on his forehead, his chest raising and falling back down unrhythmically. How dare someone else make you feel this good."
Physical touch.
➤ "Ayato is a really touchy person. He absolutely loves feeling up your body, kissing you, just being around you in general. Everytime you two get intimate he can’t keep his hands off of you. Grabbing your waist, fondling your butt, attacking your neck with kisses which leave dark hickeys after. 
Pda is afraid of this dude. He will show you off in public like you’re a trophy. Your hands will always be intertwined or one of his hands will be wrapped around your waist, securing you in place next to him and marking you as taken."
Public teasing.
➤ "This ties up with the whole pda thing. Ayato will not only be affectionate with you in public, he will tease the hell out of you. To the point you're so bothered you’ll be begging him to take you home and make it up for the state he put you in.
If you're wearing a revealing outfit, he’ll randomly start touching your knees, slowly making his way up to your thighs, gently caressing them, while his other hand firmly holds onto your waist keeping you in place. Ayato will get up close to your neck and breathlessly whisper all the things he’s planning on doing to you. 
Of course he’ll make sure at least one random person sees this little show of his."
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Kanato Sakamaki:
Food kink.
➤ "Kanato definitely has a food kink. Mainly sweets. He loves squirting soft whipped cream all over your body, letting it drip down your skin as he slowly licks it off. Getting dirty isn’t something Kanato is afraid of. The more embarrassed and messy you become the more turned on he gets. 
The sight of you squirming, whining all because he’s making you feel so good while you’re uncomfortably covered in sticky chocolate - caramel syrup is all Kanato needs to finish instantly."
Gags and chains.
➤ "I absolutely believe he would be in some kind of BDSM aspect. Maybe not as extreme as Reiji is but Kanato definitely has his share. I think he would mostly be into gags and chains. 
He’d restrain you to the bed and put a choker gag in your mouth so you’d be a salivating mess while you try to plead for his forgiveness. (He probably caught you with one of his brothers and the jealousy got the better of him.) It would be like torture but in the best way possible. Kanato would edge you for hours. Your restrained, frail body burning with desire it can’t quite reach… until you suddenly finish without his permission."
➤ "Diving deeper into his sadistic tendencies can definitely bring out a lot of things. And one of them for sure being a degradation kink. This boy looooves throwing out insults, embarrassing, degrading nicknames at you. 
He’ll do anything to make you feel like a vulnerable little pet that he can easily control. Seeing your cute expression filled with a mix of pain and pleasure while he's mercilessly pounding into you, sends him completely over the edge.
But of course even Kanato knows where your limits lie. After you two are done, he’ll kiss your tear stained, swollen face, caress your delicate skin and cuddle you until you’re asleep."
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Subaru Sakamaki:
➤ "Subaru is a shy boy. He hates being put in the spotlight or getting attention from literally anyone except you.
But in the bedroom his personality completely shifts. His demeanor, his movements are rough. He can’t stand being on the bottom, it makes him feel powerless. Sure he’ll let you tease him by being on top, but it usually doesn't last long. When things get too heated Subaru flips you two back to the original position, leaving you beneath him again as he grabs your waist, gently yet firmly pressing you up against the mattress while you both hastily make out, leaving each other's necks, collar bones bruised beyond belief."
➤ "Since you and Subaru were both innocent when you started dating, your intimate life wasn't too crazy either. The smallest things made you both crave for each other.
Simple praises that left you soft lips made Subaru go insane. Whispering how good of a job he’s doing right into his ear while in the middle of sex was everything he wanted to hear. Your words made him feel validated, they made him feel like he’s the only one who can make your body feel this good. Your hazy, desperate pleas for him to give you more, your body arching in his hands, completely filled with desire was the end of him.
You were the end of him."
Temperature play.
➤ "Subaru, unlike his siblings, isn't really into the hardcore stuff, but he does quite enjoy temperature play.
A significant part of your foreplay includes messing around with different temperatures. Whether it be ice cubes, being slid around your hardened buds, sending full body shivers down your back, or maybe hot candle wax dripping on your stomach, your thighs. The excitement, the curiosity waiting for your reaction always gets Subarus blood going. Waiting for the facial expressions that are going to appear on your face, how your body twitches with every little thing touching your skin, how your thighs instinctively clench from all the different sensations."
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Also thank you for your suggestions! I will take each and every one into consideration :)
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yohanejitou · 7 months
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Many years ago, I used to call my beloved Subaru a lone wolf because he always looked lonely but still very strong. By 2023, I think the lone wolf title won't be that simple anymore:v
Reup: October 17, 2023 - March 4, 2024
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suzuran-desu · 4 months
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👘 スバル 👘
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afra-blueraz · 13 days
Dreams Of Love
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When Yui has nightmares, she goes to Subaru first. She trusts Subaru more than other Sakamakis ❤️.
I started drawing short comics again. Need more training with shades.
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dialoverslog · 4 months
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Bloody Songs Super Best Countdown Arts.
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diabolikpersonals · 6 months
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diabolik-art-blog · 5 months
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This artist is back. I miss them so much. Another amazing artwork of group sakamaki x Yui. God bless this artist.
Artist: CfC_9487 on Twitter
You can find original post here. Follow and support this artist. Your support will make them happy.
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