magicxc · 2 years
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Ok honestly 1899 was super good. Like I was GLUED to my tv screen the entire day. It def gave Ghost Ship/Titanic vibes and I’m ALWAYS here for a good mystery. But there’s literally SOOOO much shit that went unanswered.
Like for one, if Maura created this fake ass simulation, why does she have it so that she forgot about it? And why does it seem like her dad MAKES her forget about it by injecting God knows what into her neck?? If he’s truly just as trapped, wouldn’t he want her to remember wtf is going on so she can help him get out??
Apparently the simulation was created because “the boy” was dying and both Maura and Daniel wanted a way to spend more time with him. That would explain why she doesn’t remember giving birth, having remembered your child is dying is traumatic enough for anyone. But why go through the whole process of making something that ensures his memory lasts forever if she can’t even recognize him in the first place?
If Daniel and Maura created the simulation, how did her father and the first mate get involved?
I absolutely love the characters and the different dynamics they bring to the show with their backgrounds, languages, and all that jazz but whats the point?? What purpose do they serve really?
It def gave a good backstory, but we never quite came to understand why Ramiro had to kill the priest? Maybe because he found out Angel was gay? Or Eyk’s family? Was the fire started on purpose and what was the point of bringing them back in robotic forms just to catch on fire every time he spoke to them?? Can you say traumatizing 😭 they had that man drinking rum for breakfast and thinking he was losing his shit. Also Clemence and Lucien?? Did she really only marry him because she thought he was rich?? Because he talks to that woman RECKLESS every chance he gets. And what was with he and Jerome on that abandoned ass boat with the dead Lieutenant?? Were they prisoners? AND WHAT THE FUCK WAS JEROME’S purpose? I’ve never seen someone so intent to do the right thing, constantly, and at the potential cost of his life, several times might I add. Like not once did he take that super save a hoe ass cape off.
UHMMM DO WE EVER FIGURE OUT WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT TICKING CLOCK THAT HAD MFS JUMPING SHIP?? And did they really die?? Because homegirl threw that lil boy overboard and he sure did end up back in a cabin somewhere so like?? Where did they go considering it’s a simulation and all? And those people that just drop dead with the push of a button, are they asleep until the next infamous “wake up”?
Also doubling back to Maura creating the simulation, why involve other people if it was solely meant for her son? Like why go through the trouble of creating all these other places in reference to the passengers past traumas? Why get them involved in the first place? Daniel said the first simulation started out as just a bunker, so how and why did it expand? And at what point did it stop being about their son and about the human brain, since that’s her fascination. And I’m pretty sure the others and their traumas and how they respond to it got interwoven into each design as well. Also everyone else, as far as I can remember, got flashbacks about their backstory, but Toven? What was up with her just dashing in and out of reality like that? She was legit searching for passengers and would just dip from dimension to dimension. And at one point, she had blood on her face as if the shooting JUST happened.
But in the end, how did they get everyone to participate? They were hooked up too? Did they promise them mental help and then made them slaves to their own minds? Maybe injected them with the infamous two needle cocktail to knock em out and thus they wake up in another reality? And what the fuck is up with the year 2099?? Have they been in there for 200 years? How are they all alive? Why are they in space? Is Earth still a thing? AND HOW DOES CAIRAN BENEFIT FROM ANY OF THIS???
Lissennnnn I absolutely enjoyed the show. It had me HOOKED okay. From start to finish, my Sunday was a wrap, only managing to finish small tasks in between episodes. Love that each episode revealed a little more because lemme tell you, that’s how they got me. But by the end, I was damn near just as confused watching it as I was at the beginning. For ME, there were so many questions left unanswered. I think the hype around it will make way for a second season and maybe then it’ll get cleared up. But as for now, I sit in a mixture of emotions ranging from awe, impressed, confused, and disappointed.
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