#Krishi loan
currentmediasstuff · 2 months
Government's Leap Towards Digitising Farmer Details in Budget 2024
In a significant move towards modernizing agriculture, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the implementation of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) for agriculture in the Union Budget 2024. This initiative aims to transform agricultural practices and enhance farmer support through digital means.
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A Vision for Digital Agriculture
The DPI will cover farmer details and land data across the country within the next three years. Sitharaman highlighted the success of the DPI pilot project, noting its positive outcomes and the government’s plans to expand it in collaboration with state governments.
Key Highlights of DPI Implementation:
Digital Crop Survey: A digital crop survey for the ongoing Kharif season will be conducted in 400 districts.
Farmer and Land Registries: The initiative will create comprehensive registries for 6 crore farmers and their lands.
Components of DPI
The DPI for agriculture consists of three main components:
AgriStack: This includes foundational registries such as:
. Farmers’ Registry: A unique ID for farmers linked to land records
. Crops Sown Registry: Based on a digital survey of crops sown
. Geo-Referenced Maps: Detailed maps of villages.
Pilots for these registries have already been launched in districts in Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. The aim is to enroll 6 crore farmers by the end of this financial year, with additional enrollment targets in the following years.
Krishi-DSS (Decision Support System): This system will provide customized advisory services for crop planning and management based on the data collected.
Soil Profile Maps: These will offer insights into soil conditions to aid in better farming practices.
Impact and Future Goals
Sitharaman’s announcement underscores the transformative potential of DPI in agriculture:
Enhanced Access to Services: Farmers will benefit from easy access to government schemes like MSP-based procurement, crop insurance, and loans.
Customized Advisory: Farmers will receive tailored advice based on their specific conditions.
Overhauling Estimation Systems: The digital crop survey will improve the accuracy of crop area and production estimates.
Additional Budget Announcements
In addition to DPI, the Budget 2024 includes several other initiatives for the agricultural sector:
Kisan Credit Cards: Enabled issuance in five states through the Jan Samarth platform.
Namo Drone Didi Scheme: ₹500 crore allocated to provide drones to 15,000 women’s self-help groups.
National Cooperation Policy: A new policy for the development of the cooperative sector.
Shrimp Farming Support: Financial aid for shrimp breeding, farming, and export through NABARD.
Natural Farming: Support for 1 crore farmers in natural farming practices, including new bio-input centers and crop varieties.
The DPI initiative marks a major step towards modernizing Indian agriculture, aiming to make farming more efficient and data-driven. With substantial investments and support mechanisms, the government is setting the stage for a more informed and technologically advanced agricultural sector, ultimately benefiting millions of farmers across the country.
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farm-implements · 5 months
Agricultural Machinery in India: Transforming the Farming Landscape
Farming is a big part of life in India, and now more than ever, farmers are using machines to help them grow more food and make their work easier. This move to use more machines is partly because there are fewer farm workers available and hiring people is becoming more expensive.
Tractors are the most popular farm machines in India. They are really useful for many different farm tasks like plowing, planting, and moving things around. Small tractors are especially helpful for farmers with less land because they're affordable and fit well on smaller farms.
Combine harvesters are also becoming more common, especially in the large fields of North India where a lot of wheat and rice grow. Agricultural machinery in India helps farmers harvest their crops much faster and lose less grain compared to harvesting by hand.
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Irrigation equipment like sprinklers and drip systems are important too, because they help farmers use water wisely. This is very important in areas where there isn't much water available.
Another helpful tool is the seed drill, which helps farmers plant seeds evenly and at the right depth. This leads to better crops and makes the most of the available land.
The Indian government is helping farmers buy these machines by offering money help and loans. Programs like the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) and the Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) help farmers afford the equipment they need.
As farming in India gets more modern, machines are becoming essential. They help farmers produce more food and support many people's livelihoods. Looking ahead, it will be important to keep finding ways to use machines in farming that help both the farmers and the environment.
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sayani78544544 · 7 months
Farmers’ Protests: Understanding the Swaminathan Committee's recommendations for farmers
The country faces an upside-down situation with the recent farmer's protests. This has been going on for days regarding different issues. One of the needs that has been constant since 2010 is the execution of the Swaminathan Committee's report. 
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 From Punjab to Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra to Madhya Pradesh, farmers have been asking for these recommendations to be put into action. 
Krishi Gtyan
In the capital city, there is a heavy presence of protesting farmers calling for guarantees on Minimum Support Price (MSP), the enactment of the Swaminathan Committee report, changes to the Electricity Amendment Bill, and debt relief. 
Krishi Vyapari
The BJP-led central government explains they need to take their time to consult everyone before making a law to ensure MSP for crops. Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi, from the Congress party, reassures farmers that if his party wins, they'll ensure every farmer gets legal protection for MSP, following the Swaminathan Commission's recommendations. In 2019, after withdrawing the controversial farm laws, the Narendra Modi government acknowledged 200 out of 201 proposals from the Swaminathan Commission, including the MSP demand. 
What is the Swaminathan Commission all about?
The late Mr MS Swaminathan, a well-known agricultural expert and recipient of the Bharat Ratna award, chaired the National Commission on Farmers. This commission issued a total of five reports between December 2004 and 2006. 
 The then government in 2007 sanctioned the National Policy of Farmers, based on the draft. 
The plan involved improving things like land and other resources and providing farmers with good seeds timely. It also included giving them enough money from banks and confirming farmers come under the national safety plan. The commission ensured fair pricing of crops, among other things. 
More insights of the commission's report:
Farmers protesting wanted a promise that crop prices would be fair, following the Swaminathan Commission's idea of the 'C2+50% formula.' This means the government should set prices at least 50% higher than what it costs farmers to grow crops. It includes things like the cost of land and capital ensuring that farmers get enough money. They also wanted the three farm laws cancelled: about trading crops, agreements on prices, and about controlling essential goods.
The panel found that problems like lack of land reforms, water issues, and farmers feeling exhausted by outdated technology were causing them to take their lives. Miserable weather conditions also made things worse. The panel wanted farming to be under both state and central government control to help. They also said corporates shouldn't take over farmland for things other than farming. They suggested rules for selling farmland too.
The commission said farmers should have fair and steady access to water for their fields. They also suggested investing more money seeing that there's enough water for farming, but this plan isn't used anymore.
To increase the productivity of Indian agriculture a group suggested putting more money into things like farm buildings and roads. They also said farmers should take better care of the land by not disturbing it too much. The practice helps the soil stay healthy.
They also talked about giving farmers easier ways to borrow money. They said the government should help make loans cheaper. They thought about Kisan Credit Cards for lady farmers so they could get loans too.
The group suggested making a special fund to help make insurance better for people living in the countryside. This fund would help pay for things to make insurance easier for them.
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kisaanhelpline · 1 year
Top farmer app in india for smart farming and a better future
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In the era of technology, the agriculture scenario is rapidly evolving with the integration of smart farming practices. With the advent of smartphones and mobile apps, Indian farmers now have access to a host of tools and resources that can revolutionize their farming practices. These apps not only provide real-time information and guidance but also provide solutions to various challenges faced by farmers. In this blog post, we will learn about the top farmer apps in India that are contributing to the advancement of smart farming and shaping a better future for the agriculture sector.
Power of Technology in Agriculture
The traditional image of a farmer toiling in the fields is being reshaped by technological innovations that empower farmers with data-driven insights and precision farming techniques. Mobile apps are at the forefront of this change, offering a range of features designed to increase productivity, reduce waste and increase profitability.
Kisaan Helpline
Kisan Helpline Mobile Application is a valuable mobile app for the farmers. This app provides farmers with easy access to vital information and assistance. They can get guidance on various aspects of farming, such as crop cultivation, pest control, irrigation techniques and more. Additionally, the app allows farmers to connect with agriculture experts and fellow farmers, enabling them to share knowledge and experiences. The objective of this mobile application is to empower farmers by providing them the necessary support to optimize their agricultural practices and improve their yields.
Agriconnect is a comprehensive farmer app that serves as a one-stop solution for all agriculture needs. From weather forecasts and pest alerts to crop-specific recommendations, the app uses real-time data to provide actionable insights to farmers. With a user-friendly interface, even people with limited technical expertise can take advantage of it. Agriconnect fosters collaboration between farmers, enabling them to share experiences and best practices, which ultimately leads to better yields.
Agricultural Welfare
KrishiKalyan focuses on sustainable agricultural practices and resource optimization. Through its precision agriculture capabilities, the app provides customized irrigation schedules, fertilizer recommendations, and disease management strategies. By reducing the wastage of resources, farmers can not only increase their profits but can also contribute to environmental protection. Krishi Kalyan's emphasis on education and skill building ensures that farmers stay updated with the latest developments in the sector.
Farm Mitra
Farmmitra is known for its integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies enable the app to analyze soil health, predict market trends and suggest ideal crop rotation. By doing so, Farmmitra helps farmers make informed decisions that maximize their yield potential. The marketplace feature of the app facilitates direct interaction between farmers and buyers, eliminating middlemen and ensuring fair prices.
eKrishi addresses one of the most important concerns for Indian farmers: access to credit and financial services. The app connects farmers with financial institutions, helping them secure loans and insurance coverage. Furthermore, eKrishi provides a platform for farmers to sell their produce directly to consumers, eliminating middlemen and increasing their income. This app plays a vital role in uplifting the rural economy and reducing the income disparity between urban and rural areas.
Conclusion: Paving the way for a prosperous agricultural future
The integration of smart farming apps into the lives of Indian farmers has not only improved their productivity and income but also revitalized the entire agriculture sector. These apps empower farmers with data-driven insights, promote knowledge sharing and enable direct market access, thereby reducing dependence on middlemen. The agriculture landscape is evolving, and technology is playing a vital role in ensuring that farming becomes a viable and attractive livelihood option for future generations.
As we move forward, it is necessary to recognize the potential of these apps and promote their adoption among farmers across the country. By harnessing the power of technology, India's farmers can achieve sustainable growth, contribute to food security and create a better future for themselves and the country as a whole. Adopting these farmer apps is not just an option; It is a step towards a brighter and more prosperous agriculture scenario.
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Are there any government schemes or initiatives to support goat farming in India?
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Exploring Government Schemes and Initiatives for Goat Farming in India
India Goats, a land known for its diverse agricultural practices, has a long-standing history of goat farming. Goats play a crucial role in the country's rural economy, providing livelihood opportunities for farmers and serving as a source of nutritious food and income generation. Recognizing the potential of this sector, the Indian government has implemented several schemes and initiatives to support and promote goat farming across the country. In this article, we will delve into the various government programs aimed at bolstering the goat farming industry in India.
National Livestock Mission (NLM)
The National Livestock Mission (NLM) is a flagship program initiated by the Indian government to enhance livestock productivity, including goat farming. Under the NLM, various sub-schemes are implemented to promote scientific breeding, animal health, and feed management. These sub-schemes offer financial assistance to farmers for purchasing improved breed goats, establishing goat rearing units, and implementing best practices for increased productivity. Additionally, the NLM facilitates training and capacity-building programs to educate farmers about modern goat farming techniques.
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Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)
The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) is a central government scheme aimed at strengthening the agricultural sector, including animal husbandry. Goat farming falls under the purview of the RKVY, and it provides financial support to farmers for establishing and expanding goat rearing units. The scheme promotes breed improvement, fodder development, and healthcare services for goats. It also emphasizes the adoption of scientific practices and encourages the formation of self-help groups and cooperatives to enhance market linkages for goat farmers.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) Schemes
NABARD, a leading financial institution, offers various credit-linked schemes to support goat farming in India. These schemes include the Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS) and the Integrated Development of Small Ruminants and Rabbits (IDSRR). The DEDS provides subsidized loans to entrepreneurs for setting up goat farming units, while the IDSRR focuses on the holistic development of small ruminants like goats and rabbits. Both schemes offer financial assistance for infrastructure development, breed improvement, and capacity-building initiatives.
Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY)
The Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) aims to provide financial support to small-scale entrepreneurs, including goat farmers, by facilitating easy access to credit. The scheme offers collateral-free loans through various financial institutions, allowing individuals to establish or expand their goat farming businesses. The PMMY empowers farmers to procure quality breeds, enhance infrastructure, and improve productivity, thereby fostering the growth of the goat farming sector in India.
State-specific Initiatives
Apart from the central government schemes, several states in India have implemented their own initiatives to promote goat farming. For instance, the Telangana State Sheep and Goat Development Cooperative Federation (TSSGDCF) focuses on breed improvement, healthcare services, and market linkages for goat farmers in Telangana. Similarly, the Maharashtra Sheep and Goat Development Corporation (MSGDC) offers financial assistance and support for goat farming activities in Maharashtra. These state-specific initiatives complement the central government schemes and cater to the specific needs of local farmers.
In recent years, the Indian government has recognized the potential of goat farming as a sustainable and economically viable agricultural practice. The implementation of various schemes and initiatives at both the central and state levels has provided significant support to the goat farming sector. These programs offer financial assistance, technical guidance, and market linkages, empowering farmers to adopt modern practices and improve their livelihoods. By continuing to invest in such initiatives, India can unlock the full potential of its goat farming industry and contribute to rural development and food security in the country.
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kisaantrade · 1 year
Unlocking the Potential of Agriculture B2B Trade Portals for New Startups
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The agricultural sector in India is at a turning point. When India gained its independence from Britain 75 years ago, agriculture dominated the economy and accounted for more than 50% of its GDP. India continues to be one of the largest and most diverse food producers in the world, and agriculture—which accounts for more than 20% of India's income—remains a key sector of the country's economy.
However, serious issues prevent the country from reaching its full potential. If the problem could be resolved, a thriving agriculture sector would benefit the economy and greatly enhance farmer livelihoods and income. With a 50% increase from its contribution in 2020, agriculture could contribute about $600 billion to India's GDP by 2030. To get there, though, India must boost the sector's productivity and growth. Let us discuss the potential of agriculture B2B trade portals for new startups.
Indian agriculture has already benefited from Ag Tech
The number of agtech start-ups in India increased from less than 50 in 2013 to more than 1,000 by 2020, thanks to growing farmer awareness, increased internet access in rural areas, and the need for increased efficiency in the agricultural industry. 3 Additionally, the regulatory environment in India is gradually changing to support the expansion of digital technologies in agriculture.
Agtech in India is still growing, with innovations coming from both start-ups, or "agri fintechs," and major technology firms. Core companies in the value chain are using digital technologies like "super apps" to innovate and recognise the potential of agriculture B2B trade portals for new startups.
Suppliers are evolving into buyers, and financial services are being added by advisers
1) Agrochemical, fertiliser, and seed suppliers are utilising technology to develop direct-to-farmer sales channels that eschew middlemen and retailers. For instance, through its digital platform, nurture.farm, UPL (traditionally a core player in agrochemicals) offers mechanization services and agrochemicals to farmers. Additionally, the business has grown to offer market, advisory, and financing services.
2) Businesses, including banks and nonbanks, that specialize in lending money through farm and rural loans are utilising technology to better understand farmers, offer specialized products, and lower the risk of loans. As an illustration, the State Bank of India (SBI) created the YONO Krishi app to address the financial, input, and advisory needs of farmers.
3) Farm equipment retailers have begun offering mechanization as a service to farmers. Mahindra, for example, offers a tractor rental service.
4) Companies that deal with the buying, processing, or selling of agricultural goods have begun to integrate backward into the supply chain and build connections to the farmer's market. For instance, over the past 20 years, ITC, a core output player, has expanded direct-from-farm procurement using its e-Choupal network. The super app for ITC MARS has now been released. The app gives farmers access to contemporary equipment, high-quality inputs at reasonable prices, and financing through a partnership model.
Agriculture's potential B2B trade portals for emerging businesses
1) Wide Range of Customers Available: Startups have immediate access to a broad and diverse customer base made up of potential partners and customers in the agriculture sector thanks to B2B trade portals. As a result, startups are no longer required to make significant investments in creating their own customer networks from scratch.
2) Market Validation and Exposure: Startups can get important market validation and exposure for their goods or services by taking part in an agriculture B2B trade portal. They can increase their visibility and draw in potential clients by showcasing their offerings to a niche market of companies that are only interested in agricultural products.
3) Streamlined Sales and Marketing: B2B trade portals provide startups with a streamlined sales and marketing channel. For startups, they offer a centralized platform where they can create product listings, interact with potential customers, handle inquiries, and carry out transactions. This streamlines the sales procedure and enables startups to concentrate on developing relationships with customers.
4) Partnerships and Networking: B2B trade portals act as platforms for networking, bringing together startups and potential customers, suppliers, and distributors in the agriculture sector. Through these connections, startups may be able to scale their businesses and broaden their reach through valuable partnerships, collaborations, and joint ventures.
5) Reduced Time and Costs: For startups, joining a B2B trade portal for agriculture can greatly reduce the time and costs involved with entering the market. Startups can use the existing platform to reach potential customers, streamline transactions, and hasten their go-to-market strategy rather than developing their own sales infrastructure.
6) Credibility and Trust: Participating in a reputable B2B trade portal helps startups gain credibility and trust. The portal's verified profiles, product reviews, and customer ratings instill trust in prospective customers. This can assist new businesses in breaking through the initial trust barrier and establishing themselves as dependable suppliers in the agriculture sector.
Significant Obstacles for Agritech Startups
1) Information on Pre-harvest and Sowing Activities: Large businesses that rely on agricultural products want details on sowing and pre-harvest activities leading up to harvest. They also need an example of how farming communities can use technology to create benefits that last, like weather alerts on phones, advice on best farming practices, and guidance on how to deal with pest attacks.
2) A Lack of Visibility and Low Productivity: Another factor that has an impact on the agritech industry is low productivity and a lack of visibility in the supply chain. Blockchain technology and artificial intelligence are being used by many startups to address these problems.
3) Governmental Measures: Although the government has changed its agricultural policies, there is still a long way to go.
4) Lack of Commercial Guidance: Many of the existing agri-enterprises are having trouble growing their businesses past a certain point, despite experiencing some initial success. Project incubators typically offer such assistance to start-ups by assisting them with networking, building capacity, gaining access to information and resources, and other types of required expertise. Unfortunately, few of the roughly 300 incubators and accelerators currently in operation possess the knowledge and skills necessary to support farm-oriented businesses.
5) Droughts, Water Availability, and Climate Change: According to trends, the nation is concerned about disaster management, particularly when it comes to drought. To solve these issues, startups should concentrate more on cutting-edge technology.
How can Kisaan Trade assist new startups in maximising the benefits of agriculture B2B trade portals?
For new startups, Kisaan Trade can be extremely helpful in maximising the potential of agriculture B2B trade portals in the following ways:
1) Dedicated Platform for Agriculture: Kisaan Trade targets the agriculture market specifically, giving startups a dedicated space to network with potential customers, suppliers, and collaborators. Startups can benefit from the agricultural expertise and niche audience of Kisaan Trade by joining, increasing their visibility, and gaining access to pertinent opportunities.
2) Access to a Wide Customer Base: Kisaan Trade provides startups with immediate access to a large customer base made up of companies in the agriculture sector. This saves startups the time and effort of starting from scratch when creating their own customer network. Startups can reach a large audience of potential customers and improve their chances of generating sales leads by showcasing their goods or services on Kisaan Trade.
3) Increased Visibility and Branding: Kisaan Trade gives startups a platform to build a thorough profile showcasing their products, business details, and domain knowledge. The targeted audience benefits from increased visibility and brand recognition as a result. Startups can use the platform's features to highlight their distinctive selling propositions and set themselves apart from rivals, drawing in potential clients.
4) Opportunities for Networking and Collaboration: Kisaan Trade promotes networking and cooperation between start-ups and other agriculture sector participants. Startups have the opportunity to connect with potential partners, suppliers, distributors, and service providers, paving the way for fruitful partnerships and collaborations. Startups may be able to do this to increase their reach, gain access to resources, and find new growth opportunities.
5) Market Trends: Kisaan Trade might provide market trends, analytics, and insights tailored to the agriculture sector. Startups have access to information on consumer preferences, market trends, pricing dynamics, and market demands. Startups can use this information to understand the market environment, spot opportunities or gaps, and modify their strategies to meet changing customer needs.
In conclusion, Kisaan Trade is a useful B2B platform created especially for the agriculture sector. It functions as a specialized platform that links farmers, vendors, distributors, and other companies engaged in the agricultural industry. Businesses, especially startups, can access a wealth of advantages and opportunities by joining Kisaan Trade.
With immediate market access and exposure to potential buyers in the agriculture sector, Kisaan Trade gives startups access to a large customer base. The platform improves visibility and branding, enabling startups to present their goods or services to a specific audience and stand out from rivals.
You can reach out to us at any time with questions or for more information.
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Top 5 Central Government Scheme For Farmers
Farming is an important sector in India, and the Central Government has introduced several schemes to support farmers and improve their livelihood. These schemes aim to provide financial assistance, agricultural inputs, and other resources to farmers to boost their production and income. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 Central Government schemes for farmers in India.
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana:
The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) is a crop insurance scheme launched by the Government of India to provide financial support to farmers in case of crop failure due to natural calamities, pests, or diseases. This scheme was launched in 2016 and has since then benefited millions of farmers across the country. Under this scheme, farmers are required to pay a nominal premium, and the rest of the cost is borne by the government. The scheme covers all crops and is available to all farmers who have taken a crop loan or not. PMFBY aims to provide risk management in agriculture and help farmers manage their agricultural risks.
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana:
The Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) is an irrigation scheme launched by the Government of India in 2015 to provide water to every agricultural field and improve farm productivity. The scheme aims to achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level, expand cultivable area under assured irrigation, and improve on-farm water use efficiency. The scheme also aims to promote sustainable water conservation practices among farmers. PMKSY focuses on creating new irrigation infrastructure and maintaining the existing ones.
National Agriculture Market:
The National Agriculture Market (eNAM) is an online trading platform launched by the Government of India to connect farmers with traders and buyers across the country. eNAM aims to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities by integrating existing Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) markets. This platform provides transparent price discovery and better price realization to farmers. eNAM also helps farmers in selling their products at a competitive price without intermediaries.
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana:
The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana (PM-Kisan) is a scheme launched by the Government of India in 2019 to provide direct income support to farmers. Under this scheme, small and marginal farmers with less than two hectares of land are eligible to receive income support of Rs 6,000 per year. The scheme aims to provide financial assistance to farmers for meeting their various needs such as purchasing seeds, fertilizers, and other inputs. The scheme is entirely funded by the Central Government and is credited directly into the bank accounts of the beneficiaries.
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana:
The Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) is a scheme launched by the Government of India in 2015 to promote organic farming in the country. The scheme aims to encourage farmers to adopt eco-friendly and sustainable practices for improving soil health and increasing farm productivity. Under this scheme, farmers are encouraged to form groups and take up organic farming. The government provides financial assistance to these groups for inputs such as bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, vermicompost, and other organic inputs. PKVY also provides support for terrace farming and other innovative farming practices.
The government of India has launched various schemes for the welfare of farmers, and these schemes have played a crucial role in the growth and development of the agriculture sector. The schemes mentioned above aim to promote farming activities, enhance crop productivity, and protect the income of farmers from agricultural risks. The schemes also offer several benefits to farmers such as providing financial assistance, promoting the use of modern technologies, and enhancing farming analytics.
It is important to note that these schemes are designed to help farmers, and it is the responsibility of the government to ensure that the benefits reach the targeted audience. It is also essential for farmers to be aware of these schemes and take advantage of them to improve their livelihoods.
Overall, these central government schemes for farmers have been successful in supporting the growth and development of the agriculture sector in India, and they continue to play a significant role in promoting the welfare of farmers in the country.
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krishakjagat · 2 years
Best and the most effective way to reach farming audience in India
Krishak Jagat is the largest agriculture newspaper in India and has been serving the farming community for more than 75 years. It is published in Hindi languages and is distributed across the country. The newspaper provides timely information to farmers regarding market prices, government policies and other related topics. It also serves as an effective platform for companies to reach the farming audience and market their products and services.
Krishak Jagat has played a significant role in helping farmers adopt new technologies, products and services. It has been instrumental in promoting new technologies, like improved seeds and modern farming techniques, among the farming community. The newspaper also provides information about agricultural inputs, such as fertilizers and pesticides, that are essential for efficient farm production. Companies have been utilizing Krishak Jagat to market their products and services to the farming community.
Krishak Jagat has also been instrumental in helping farmers access credit, with banks and other financial institutions offering loans to farmers at attractive interest rates. The newspaper has also been helping farmers access government schemes, such as the Prime Minister’s Crop Insurance Scheme, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana, etc.
Krishak Jagat has been a great source of support for farmers in India for the last 75 years and has helped companies reach the farming audience and market their products and services. It has been instrumental in helping farmers adopt new technologies, products and services that have helped them increase their productivity and improve their livelihoods.
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getallsarkariyojana · 2 years
PM Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana and PM Garib Kalyan Yojana
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PM Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana and PM Garib Kalyan Yojana are two government schemes that aim to provide financial assistance to the poor. The schemes provide direct assistance, such as interest-free loan and subsidies on food items, for the purchase of essential goods and services. 
Why is this important? 
Well, as the population grows increasingly affluent, it's becoming increasingly difficult for people in lower income brackets to afford basic needs like food and shelter. 
These schemes help bridge the gap by providing financial assistance in these crucial areas. Plus, they also stimulate economic activity - which is always a good thing. 
How do I sign up? 
If you're eligible for either scheme, you can sign up online or through your local district office. Both schemes have specific eligibility criteria, so be sure to check before signing up.
What is the PM Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana?
The Prime Minister’s Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana (PM Shram Yogi Mandhan) is a scheme launched by the Narendra Modi-led government in June 2016 to provide financial assistance of Rs.24,000 to farmers for availing advance interest free crop loans. 
The scheme has been extended till 31 December 2020. Under this scheme, a beneficiary farmer can avail an interest free loan of up to Rs 2 lakh from a designated lending institution. The loan can be used for any agricultural purpose, including crop production, fertigation, dairy farming and poultry farming. 
The farmer will also be entitled to receive benefits under other schemes such as Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana. To date, the PM Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana has benefitted over 1 crore farmers across the country. The government has plans to augment this scheme with various measures such as increasing the limit of loan amount available under the scheme, extending the benefits of other schemes such as Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana to farmers who avail loans under PM Shram Yogi Mandhan, and creating an online portal for easy access to information about the scheme and its benefits for beneficiaries.
What is the PM Garib Kalyan Yojana?
The Prime Minister's Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (PM Garib Kalyan Yojana) is a government-sponsored scheme to provide jobs to the rural population. The scheme was launched by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in October 2016. The PM Garib Kalyan Yojana provides employment-oriented support to villages and provides financial assistance of Rs 5,000 per individual per year for a period of three years. The scheme also provides free employment-related training to the beneficiaries. The PM Garib Kalyan Yojana has been designed to target the rural poor and unemployed people living in small and marginalised villages. The scheme will provide jobs to approximately 100 million people over the next three years. Under the PM Garib Kalyan Yojana, companies hiring from among the unemployed residents of these villages will be granted an exemption from paying social security taxes for a period of four years. In addition, companies hiring from among the beneficiaries of the scheme will be exempted from customs duty for a period of six months. The programme is expected to create nearly two crore direct and indirect jobs in rural areas during its three-year implementation period.
How are these schemes different from other financial schemes?
The Prime Minister’s Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana and the Prime Minister’s Garib Kalyan Yojana are two different financial schemes launched by the Indian government in order to help the citizens of India. The Prime Minister’s Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana, also referred to as the Jan Dhan Yojana, is an initiative that was started in August 2014 in order to provide banking facilities to the citizens of India.
 The Prime Minister’s Garib Kalyan Yojana, also referred to as the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, was launched in November 2016 in order to provide insurance and other financial services to the citizens of India. The main differences between the Prime Minister’s Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana and the Prime Minister’s Garib Kalyan Yojana are that the Prime Minister’s Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana is aimed at providing basic banking services to low-income residents of India, while the Prime Minister’s Garib Kalyan Yojana is aimed at providing insurance and other financial services to all Indian citizens.
Additionally, the Prime Minister’s Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana has been limited to providing bank accounts only, while the Prime Minister’s Garib Kalyan Yojana has been expanded to provide insurance products such as
Who is eligible for these schemes?
The Prime Minister's Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, popularly known as the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Yojana (MGNREGS), provides employment-oriented guarantee of 100 days' Unemployment benefit to households in rural areas. 
The scheme is implemented by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Eligible categories of persons are all those whose income is below a certain threshold. As per 2016-17, the income limit for an individual under the MGNREGS is Rs 6,000 per month. For a family of five members, the monthly income limit is Rs 12,000. The unemployed have to be verified by the local authorities and must have been continuously residing in the same village/hamlet for at least 30 days before claiming unemployment benefits. 
The family gets 80% of the unemployment allowance granted to an employed person in that area. If there are more than one member unemployed, then each member gets 50% of the allowance as against 60% if it is just one member who is unemployed.
When can I apply for these schemes?
Under the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana and the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana, eligible individuals can avail of benefits starting January 1, 2019. 
Eligibility criteria for both schemes are as follows: 1) Individuals must be citizens of India aged 65 years or older. 2) Individuals must have a minimum bank balance of Rs 2 lakh. 3) Applicants must reside in a district notified as having been affected by poverty or rural poverty as per the National Family Health Survey-4. 4) Applicants must not be already receiving any form of social welfare assistance from the government or any other source.
What are the benefits of these schemes?
Under the PM Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana, individuals can avail of interest rate subsidy of up to Rs.1.5 lakh per annum on lending to MSMEs. The scheme offers concessional rate of interest ranging from 9% to 12%. The scheme also offers a corpus fund credit guarantee of upto Rs 1 crore for loans made to MSMEs. The scheme is aimed at mobilising finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) which are considered crucial for creating jobs and generating growth in the economy. It provides much-needed relief to these businesses, which are often burdened by high borrowing costs and difficulty finding appropriate sources of long-term funding. The PM Garib Kalyan Yojana offers a similar incentive package for lending to MSMEs. Under this scheme, borrowers can avail of interest rate subsidies ranging from 10% to 12%, and a corpus fund credit guarantee of upto Rs 2 crore. 
Both schemes offer significant benefits over conventional banking products and financing arrangements available to MSMEs. These schemes provide much-needed relief to these businesses, which are often hampered by high borrowing costs and difficulty finding appropriate sources of long-term funding. 
They also promote entrepreneurship and growth in the economy by helping MSMEs expand their operations and create more jobs
As we move into the festive season, many of us are likely to find ourselves spending a lot of time with family and friends. If you're looking for ways to save money while you're here, be sure to check out our post on the PM Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana and PM Garib Kalyan Yojana. 
These schemes offer concessional rates on railway tickets so that you can travel home at a discounted price. Whether you're planning a trip home or just want to take advantage of some great railway deals this holiday season, make sure to check them out!
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poonamranius · 2 years
Krishi Upaj Rahan Loan Yojana Latest Update 2022: कृषि उपज रहन ऋण योजना?
Krishi Upaj Rahan Loan Yojana Latest Update 2022: कृषि उपज रहन ऋण योजना?
Krishi Upaj Rahan Loan Yojana Latest Update : राजस्थान राज्य सरकार ने कृषि उपज रहान ऋण योजना शुरू की है। इस योजना के तहत राज्य के सभी छोटे और सीमांत किसानों को ऋण की सुविधा मिलेगी जिसके अनुसार किसानों को आर्थिक मदद मिलेगी। वित्तीय सहायता से किसानों को उनकी उपज की कीमत का उचित लाभ मिल सकेगा। इस कृषि उपज बंधक ऋण योजना ( Krishi Upaj Rahan Loan Yojana ) के तहत राज्य के 25,000 से अधिक किसान जुड़ चुके…
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newsfire · 3 years
Are you a dairy farmer? Know how to avail pre-approved SBI YONO Krishi Safal Dairy Loan without collateral
Are you a dairy farmer? Know how to avail pre-approved SBI YONO Krishi Safal Dairy Loan without collateral
YONO Krishi Dairy Loan Scheme: The State Bank of India (SBI) provides a financial armoury for the dairy farmers. The SBI aims to fulfill the farmers’ wish with the YONO Krishi Safal Dairy Loan. The interested farmers can apply for the loan through SBI YONO. For further details on the Krishi loans, one can login to the official website of SBI at sbi.co.in. See Zee Business Live TV Streaming…
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kisaantrade · 1 year
Unlocking the potential of agriculture B2B trade portals for new startups
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The majority of farmers in India have long experienced losses in the agricultural sector. Low land ownership, a lack of modern technology, and high-interest loans from the unregulated lending market are some of the causes of this situation. Agritech startups are working to address all of these problems by utilising cutting-edge loan underwriting techniques and technology. Opportunities for agritech startups abound as a result of the widespread use of smartphones and the internet, changes in policy, and growing investor interest.
India's agritech startups have exploded onto the scene in the last five years, creating farm-to-fork brands, B2B agri marketplaces, rural fintech businesses, farmer platforms, and more.
Opportunities for Business and Creative Solutions
In India, the agritech industry has opened up a number of new market opportunities, particularly in terms of creating and improving market connections. These innovations include bringing farmer products directly to consumers, digitising agriculture, enhancing farmers' access to real-time information, increasing transparency throughout the value chain, giving farmers better implements to increase yields, and giving farmers micro financing options to manage risks. With the overarching objective of increasing farmer share in crop sales profits, all of these solutions show that improving the supply chain is a key focus area for agritech start-ups.
Government Programmes and Projects
The development of the agritech industry has been accelerated by the government. The National Centre for Management and Agricultural Extension (MANAGE) has been established in Hyderabad. A food and agribusiness accelerator was also organised by the Department of Science and Technology, GOI, in collaboration with a-IDEA, TBI, and NAARM. This programme's main objective was to hasten the development of new agribusinesses through mentoring, industry connections, and advice on investor pitches.
Recently, the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) was also unveiled and put into action, with a major emphasis on water conservation and expanding the country's irrigation coverage. 7.64 billion US dollars worth of funding has been set aside under this programme for investments in source creation, distribution, management, field application, and extension end-to-end solutions.
Agriculture B2B trade portals for new startups
1) Market Research: Access to real-time market data is one of the main advantages of using agriculture B2B trade portals for market research. These portals frequently offer current details on costs, supply and demand, and market trends, which can assist startups in making educated decisions about the products to sell and the markets to target.
Startups can use B2B trade portals to investigate both the level of demand and the prices at which buyers are willing to pay for particular agricultural products. Startups can use this information to determine which markets are most promising and which products are most profitable to sell.
B2B trade portals may provide tools for competitor analysis in addition to market data, enabling startups to see what other companies are doing.
2) Access to Buyers and Suppliers: A wider network of buyers and suppliers may be available to new startups thanks to agriculture B2B trade portals. These portals can link new businesses with global suppliers and customers, enabling them to grow their clientele and find high-quality agricultural products.
B2B trade portals can be a great way for startups selling agricultural products to find new customers. Startups can use the search and filtering features of these portals to find prospective customers because they frequently have large networks of registered buyers who are looking for particular products. For startups that are just getting started and may not yet have established relationships with industry buyers, this can be especially helpful.
3) Reduced Marketing Costs: Additionally, using agriculture B2B trade portals can assist new businesses in lowering their marketing expenses. These portals give companies a stage on which to present their goods and services to a sizable audience of potential customers and suppliers. Startups can target particular audiences and highlight their products to those who are most likely to be interested by using the search and filtering features of the portal.
Using B2B trade portals can be significantly more cost-effective than using more conventional marketing strategies like advertising or direct mail. These portals frequently provide low-cost or even free registration for new businesses, enabling startups to expose their goods to potential customers without having to spend a lot of money on marketing.
4) Online Transactions: B2B trade portals for agriculture can make it simple for new businesses to conduct transactions online. These portals frequently offer businesses safe and effective platforms to conduct transactions, including the buying and selling of agricultural goods and services. Startups can streamline their transaction processes and spend less time and money on them by utilising these portals.
The fact that B2B trade portals offer a level of security that can help shield businesses from fraudulent activity is one of the advantages of using them for online transactions. To ensure that only parties with permission can access and use the platform, these portals frequently have stringent verification and authentication procedures.
5) Logistics Support: Agriculture B2B trade portals can help new businesses with their logistics needs. Through these portals, companies can connect with logistics and shipping service providers, streamlining their supply chain and enhancing their overall operations.
Startups can connect with logistics providers through B2B trade portals and gain access to a variety of services, such as shipping, warehousing, and inventory control. These services can aid companies in more efficiently managing their supply chains and guaranteeing that their goods are delivered to clients on schedule and in good condition.
Additionally, B2B trade portals can provide businesses with the tools and resources they need to manage their logistics more effectively.
Business models change over time, sometimes as a result of market changes and other times as a result of technological advancements, which leads to the emergence of exciting new trends. Our company, Kisaan Trade, keeps a close eye on the startup ecosystem around the globe. As a result, we have discovered a number of intriguing new themes that are gaining popularity, one of which is B2B farm produce e-commerce.
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zaras2424 · 3 years
Find out the Combine Harvester Market Research and Analysis to 2030
The scarcity of manpower is pushing the adoption of automation in agriculture sector thus, propelling the demand for combine harvesters. Recent trend of urbanization has led to rise in migration from rural areas to metro cities for better income opportunities and extravagant lifestyle. United Nations stated in the press release of May 2018, that by 2050 68% of the global population is expected to live in urban areas. This has created scarcity of labors in the agriculture sector. The recent outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has further added up to the shortage of manpower. In order to overcome this challenge of manpower, farmers are adopting mechanized solutions including combine harvesters, which reduces the number of labors required and performs the activities such as reaping, threshing and winnowing at faster rates. Government agencies are also helping farmers by providing subsidy to procure machinery to improve farm input and farm power availability. For instance, the Government of Australia announced the Farm Machinery Grants in March 2020 to assist farm businesses for purchasing and maintaining essential on-farm machinery and equipment. In a similar instance, Government of India has introduced various national as well as state level schemes such as Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana and Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization amongst others, which provide subsidies to the farmers on purchase of farm machinery. Also, the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development of India provides loans and a 30% subsidy for purchase of agriculture machinery. Thus, the growing need and encouragement towards adoption of automation in agriculture sector is driving the growth of global combine harvester market.
In terms of revenue, global combine harvester market was valued at US$ 7994.69 Mn in 2018 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 4.2% over the forecast period. The study analyses the market in terms of revenue across all the major regions, which have been bifurcated into countries.
Access the Full Report @ https://www.absolutemarketsinsights.com/reports/Global-Combine-Harvester-Market-2019-2027-698
The detailed research study provides qualitative and quantitative analysis of combine harvester market. The market has been analyzed from demand as well as supply side. The demand side analysis covers market revenue across regions and further across all the major countries. The supply side analysis covers the major market players and their regional and global presence and strategies. The geographical analysis done emphasizes on each of the major countries across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America.
Key Findings of the Report:
The global combine harvester market was valued at US$ 7994.69 Mn in 2018 and is anticipated to witness a compound annual growth rate of 4.2% over the forecast period owing to the necessity for increasing food productivity to meet the growing demand.
Based on offerings, self-powered combine harvesters contribute significant share in the global combine harvester market owing to their high efficiency, speed and maneuverability.
North America held the highest market share in global combine harvester market in 2018 owing to the high technology adoption rate and existence of developed agriculture infrastructure in the region. Asia Pacific is expected to register the highest compound annual growth rate over the period of next eight years.
Some of the players operating in the combine harvester market are AGCO GmbH, CLAAS KGaA mbH, CNH Industrial America LLC, CNH INDUSTRIAL N.V., Deere & Company, Dewulf BV, Gomselmash India Private Limited, KUBOTA Corporation., KUHN S.A., Lovol Heavy Industry CO., LTD., Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Ploeger Machines bv, PÖTTINGER Landtechnik GmbH, Sampo-Rosenlew Oy, SDF S.p.A., Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited and YANMAR CO., LTD. amongst others.
Global Combine Harvester Market:
By Offering
Self-Powered Combine Harvesters
Tractor Pulled/Mounted Combine Harvesters
Parts & Accessories
Camera System
Lubricants & Coolants
Spare PartsKnife Blades Double Fingers Chains Others
Maintenance Services
Product Training & Support Services
By Movement Type
By Type
By Power
Less than 50HP
50HP -100HP
100HP -150HP
More than 150HP
By Crop Type
Leafy Vegetables
By Farm Size
Small and Medium Farms
Large Farms
By Sales Channel
By Region
North America
Rest of North America
The UK
Nordic CountriesDenmark Finland Iceland Sweden Norway
Benelux UnionBelgium The Netherlands Luxembourg
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
New Zealand
South Korea
Southeast AsiaIndonesia Thailand Malaysia Singapore Rest of Southeast Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Contact Us:
Company: Absolute Markets Insights
Phone: +91-740-024-2424
Contact Name: Shreyas Tanna
Website: https://www.absolutemarketsinsights.com
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worldbanksnews · 3 years
Bangladesh Krishi Bank
[vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Bangladesh Krishi Bank Establishment: Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB), the largest specialized bank of the country, was established under the President Order No. 27 of 1973 to finance climate-dependent uncertain and risky agriculture sector. BKB performs all sorts of banking activities including deposit, loan and foreign…
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National Dairy Research Institute - [NDRI], Karnal
National Dairy Research Institute is a deemed university, which laid its foundation in 1923. The government of India approved the institute to function as a university. The university has its location in Karnal, Haryana. The University Grants Commission recognized the National Dairy Research Institute. The Institution has many campuses across India. Specifically
Southern Campus, Bengaluru
Eastern Campus, Kalyani
Krishi and Dairy Vikas Kendra, Piprakothi – Motihari
Model Dairy Centre, Lalukheri – Muzaffarnagar
The National Dairy Research Institute offers five courses. National Dairy Research Institute offers courses only full time. For instance, the university offers courses in bachelors, masters and doctorate courses. Specifically
Diploma in Dairy Technology
Diploma in Animal Husbandry & Dairying
B. Tech. (Dairy Technology)
Masters Programme
Doctoral Programme
Moreover, the National Dairy Research Institute has various clubs on its campus. It enhances the students’ development. Also, the university has a ragging free and anti-sexual harassment campus. Thus, it gives more confidence and provides a comfort zone to the students.
Admissions in National Dairy Research Institute takes place in both online and offline mode. Therefore, students have to seek the admission form on the college website. Also, students have to complete and fill the application form online to get admission. However, the admission criteria are purely merit-based on the All India Combined Entrance Examination conducted by the Education Division of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, depending on the courses. Hence students should take up the All India Combined Entrance Examination conducted by the Education Division of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. Besides, the eligibility for each course will be mentioned on the college website.
Placements in the National Dairy Research Institute work in harmony with the students. Furthermore, the university has a Placement cell to train the students to get placed. Thus, 80% of students get their job through placement cell. Moreover, the university trains and prepares the student through mock interviews. Also, they conduct workshops to help the students for getting them placed. The average salary offered was 8 – 11 lakhs per annum. Moreover, various renowned companies such as Abbott Nutrition, Ananda Dairies, GCMMF, Mother Dairy (Delhi), Nestle India, Perfetti Van Melle India, Punjab Milk Federation, SPX Technologies, Tetra Pak India etc., visited the campus.
National Dairy Research Institute offers a huge range of scholarships to the students to lift their excellence and attributes in specific fields. Hence, National Dairy Research Institute attracts young minds to fulfil their desire. Additionally, the university helps financially weak students by providing educational loans to pursue their education without any interruption.
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24daynews · 3 years
Required Documents, List, Apply Online
Required Documents, List, Apply Online
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