#L is joker bc of his laugh lol
frootloopsl · 7 months
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batjokes lawlight
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sickeninggrelle · 5 years
this shouldve been the first post i made but oh well lol!! (also long post ahead) im a new kuro blog and i just wanted to share some of my standings/opinions on certain kuro topics and certain things/characters/ships that i like and also some things i don’t like ! (also u can ask if i dont state smth u wanna know) i wanted 2 do this just so ppl know in case they rly dont or do agree w/ me on smth
these ones are shorter points then the ones later in the post
 so 2 of the most important things to state for me just to get it out of the wat, seba//ciel and other pedo/incest ships are freaking gross and dont follow me if u support them!! ciel and alois are csa survivors and its nasty that yall would ship em with adults!
i use she/her pronouns for grell bc she is a trans women!
personally i hc grell as straight but ive seen a lot of other ppl call her bi or lesbian which i also think is cute!
some of my most favs are grell, undertaker, (those 2 are my most favorite), seb, claude (ill talk a lil bit more abt them after this point), snake, william, ronald, othello, basically all the shinigami lol, bardoy, finn, lau, ash/angela, joker, doll, vincent, agni, soma, and probs a few others i cant think if rn. and i havent read a lot of the manga as of rn (but i know whats happening) so sry if i didnt list a lot of the characters that have been shown in the manga and not the anime !
im rly invested in this franchise and i love all the characters and they story is so interesting and cool, i love the theories, fanart and fanfics ppl share!!
grell is such a strong and important character and i love her!! i could write a whole essay abt her but i might save that for later :,,))
i like to think that in modern age a lot of grim reapers from the show would still be serving their sentence
and since its been shown the grim reapers are much more advanced than humans, i think that at some point othello studied trans surgeries and was able 2 give grell the sex change shes always wanted :,,) 
i personally agree with the theory that ut is o and r ciels grandfather and was someway in a relationship w/ claudia whether they were married or lovers. i like 2 think they were married even though it would make some more things confusing but i just think theyre so dang cute!! i think most ppl agree w/ this theory lol
ut just wanted his family and funky grandkids 2 be happy and everything turned to big poopoo garbage and i feel so sad for him :(( i think he got messed up even more after the manor burned down and wanted to use his doll expeiriments to try and bring back rciel (even tho thats not how u mourn but hes just that desperate) he might not be as close to the phantomhives in his backstory as i think he is but i just like to think he is lol bc i just rly like cute happy families
o!!m!!g!! i L O V E grelliam!! its such a cute ship,, grell and will fit together so well and they balance each other out so well too?? after being together for like 100 years theyre basically an old married couple and i luv them,, i could literally go on and on but this post is already super long lol,, but if anyone wants 2 talk abt them more w/ me id be more than happy to!!
b4 i get into these next few points i just wanna state that i dont rly like 2 get into kuro drama/discourse these are just simply my opinions. u can feel free 2 not read or not follow if u disagree. these are more wordy and in depth topics i wanted 2 talk abt bc i have a dumb need to over explain things lol
ive seen only a few ppl do this, but ive seen ppl that hate on seb for being horrible and abusive and like i dont rly get why? like obviously hes not the best bc hes a literal demon and just wants his soul in the end and in canon they arent friends but hes never literally abused ciel :/ bad morals and bad ppl is like one of the main themes of the show so its not supposed to be all sunshine and rainbows lol. if u rly look at it, all the characters in kuro have an unlikeable/bad quality abt them. theres barely any characters that havent dont anything wrong. not saying that ciel and all the characters are monsters tho! yana stated herself that ciel is supposed to have bad qualities. idk if any of that made sense lol its like 3 am rn
personally i like to hc that seb and ciel r like funky pals that care for eachother even just a lil bit (not in a shipping way i mean a friend/guardian way). maybe in an au lol
i like the aesthetic and characters in season 2, but imo its the worst season in the anime bc the story line and motives of the characters kinda flopped lol. even tho i know its bad, i still like it mainly cause of the characters that were introduced
i like claude, i like his aesthetic and he actually differs from seb in a lot of ways. his plan 2 achieve his motive to eat ciels soul was super dumb tho, hes a cool character but also a dumbass lol which is why ill laugh at jokes making fun of him.
but unlike seb i actually do think claude emotionally manipulated alois and killed him even tho he didnt deserve it. claude didnt “care” for alois like how seb “cares” for ciel (if that makes sense) seb actually had done a lot to protect ciel and obey his orders and the contract, but claude literally just said fu and killed him just so he could get another kids soul lmao
and once again, pedo ships are gross and horrible!!!
oof sry that was long and probably uneeded lol  but those were just sum things i wanted 2 share! also i didnt proofread all of this so sry if theres mistakes, i might add to this in the future as well
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amorremanet · 7 years
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@gaymoregirls See, I like Heath Ledger’s Joker, but I agree with Amanda that he got (and still gets) a lot of hype that isn’t entirely deserved bc it was Heath’s last complete role before he died (—and now I’m grumpy at L*to for exploiting that as part of his, ““prep”” for Suicide Squad again, oh joy).
Otoh, Heath also got a lot of over-hype because he was in the Nolanverse, which gets a lot of over-hype as a general rule because it has Chris Nolan at the helm and it’s supposed to be all ~Serious And Edgy And Artsy And Cool, Ooooo~ — I mean, it even has parts that I enjoy, but is the Dark Knight trilogy overall really better than the average comic book movie series, or does it get hyped up because it’s the cinematic cousin of shit like The Dark Knight Returns (which gets over-hyped because it’s supposedly an ~Edgy Deconstruction~ when…… actually, it’s more like “Why Pseudo-Fascism Is Totally Legit If You Are Filthy Rich And Wear A Batman Costume,” by Frank Miller)
Example of this principle in action with someone other than Heath: when The Dark Knight Rises came out, Actual Marxist Intellectual Guy, Slavoj Žižek, put out some “think-piece” about how Tom Hardy!Bane is a the real hero, a crusader for the common people, representing the rising up not of The Dark Knight but of the people who are oppressed and downtrodden by late-stage Capitalism, and this means the movie is totally a crypto-Marxist treatise, even though……… no, man, I’m preeeeetty sure it’s not?
—but, y’know, the movies are Serious And Shit, so Bane must have some legit deep, intentional sociopolitical significance (—I mean, I would say there’s a level where you can read him with that in mind, but it’s not that deep, it’s probably not intentional, and he’s definitely not a Marxist hero or whatever)
and because Žižek is a Marxist Intellectual (which I guess means that he isn’t allowed to just enjoy a movie anymore, he has to come up with some kind of ~Deep Reason~ or other for that), that (alleged) deep significance must be that Bane is the REAL hero of TDKR and blah blah blah, Bane In Leather Pants With A Marxist Paint-Job
…which all goes back to Heath’s Joker because a huge part of him being overhyped, in addition to the whole, “Heath died” thing? Has generally been that he’s a Nihilistic weirdo who spouts off a lot of lines that he cribbed from, like… a badly translated Edgelord’s Introduction to Nietzsche, The Killing Joke, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, the Man Who Laughs story, a badly translated Edgelord’s Introduction to Camus, and some How To Be A Nihilist series on youtube. Because…… being on the nose and open about your ““philosophical ideas”” means you’re Serious and Artsy or something??
So… idk. I enjoy him — and there was definitely always an element of it that came down to The Heath Factor, because I’m fangirl garbage, oops — but it’s also kind of like? He’s the best Joker for the Nolanverse, but trying to apply him to non-Nolanverse Bat-stories isn’t going to work, not because, ““nobody can replace Heath,”” but because he has a very particular mood and way of doing things that only really works as a take on the Joker within the walls and by the rules of the Nolanverse.
Then, his appeal (at least, in my experience) tends to depend a lot on how people feel about the Nolanverse in general. Like, it’s rare to find anyone saying that Heath didn’t create a good performance with the material — and arguably salvaged it from being a complete dumpster fire, given how many things he improvised or went, “hey, Chris, what if we did this differently” about — but a lot of the bigger, broader criticisms of the Nolanverse have a clearly expressed form in Heath’s Joker, so it’s like…… If their take on the Bat-Mythos isn’t something general-you like, his Joker isn’t likely to be high up your list, either
……idk, my favorite reading of him is that all of his “philosophy”-spouting nonsense is actually an in-character tic (—I mean, even by the kinda broken standards of the Nolanverse, the Heath Joker parrots on about “philosophy” more than the average person), and that he’s essentially a pretentious performance artist who woke up one morning and went, “I think I’ll go be a criminal today” because he had an abusive dad, or his wife left him, or he was a US soldier in Iraq and something something Hollywood PTSD, or whatever reason anybody likes, and he has a lot in common with some of the other creative arts people who I went to undergrad with
(namely, the ones who insisted that everything they did was Hella Significant, even when they literally just threw paint at a canvas while on their fourth day without sleep, because it was finals time and their portfolio was still a few pieces short, or who made shit up in all their theatre classes because they didn’t do the work but didn’t want to get called on it, and they were so charming and had a passable familiarity with the terms and concepts, so they got away with it, or similar)
—but that’s also clearly not the reading that CNolan wanted the audience to walk away from the movie with (I mean, he clearly wanted us to see Heath Joker as a criminal mastermind and a terrorist — which he really wasn’t subtle about, even by Nolanverse standards, between the, “lol let’s invoke the popular imagery of Osama bin Laden and his video threats” shit, and Alfred and Harvey literally calling the Joker a terrorist when they said shit like, “Should we give in to this terrorist’s demands?” and, “Perhaps both Bruce and Mr. Dent believe that Batman stands for something more important than the whims of a terrorist, Ms. Dawes”)
So, TL;DR: as much as I personally like Heath’s Joker…… eh? There are a lot of very fair reasons why someone wouldn’t like him, he’s over-hyped just like everything about the Nolanverse, and he really only works in the Nolanverse, which limits his appeal by a lot
@megaevolvedthot …I had something more that I wanted to say here before I got distracted and over-talkative at Boxy, but I can’t remember what it was, apart from, “Yeah, I agree. He’s one of my personal favorites because I’m fangirl garbage and have a very non-Nolan-approved reading of him that I like better than the official one……
“……but he really doesn’t have the versatility of, say, Mark Hamill’s Joker, and being one of the most notable Grimdark McEdgelord Jokers — and probably the most popular of them, since the ones who go further in that than he does tend to be in the comics, more contentious with fans, and definitely not as widely-seen as the Nolanverse flicks — affects things in several ways”
—sooo… yeah. I agree, and that thing I just said
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