chapter 6, the end is near (Meet me inside - Hamilton in rdr2)
Dutch: Son-
Arthur: Don't call me son.
Dutch: -this war is hard enough without you not listening.
Arthur: John was caught and we let him out.
Dutch: You solved nothing I would've sent for him
Arthur: You're absolutely right, I should've shot Micah in the mouth that would've shut him up
Dutch: Son-
Arthur: I'm not your son
Dutch: -watch your tone, I have a plan that is in progress, I know what I'm doing-
Arthur: Hosea, Lenny and Sean, they ran with us for long and now they're dead laying in the mud
Dutch: We've been through a lot, but my plan is set
Arthur: Well I don't have a plan, I don't believe Micah and these people will die but if you-
Dutch: No.
Arthur: -if you'd listened to me in Blackwater or stayed away from Wapiti. If you would let Micah go and we could go west with no war.
Dutch: Or we could die, the gang could all die-
Arthur: I'm sure that's a lie
Dutch: Little Jack could die, son you could die-
Dutch: ...
Arthur: ...
Dutch: Take a walk Arthur. I have bussiness to finish with Micah
Arthur: Dutch,
Dutch: Take. a. walk.
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