joyswonderland1108 · 2 years
Okay so today this bih is sick af but still decided to drop by, this is by no means an actual post or whatever the fuck i should call it. I wanted to make a separate post about Hope on the street but life had other ideas for me today. 
I’ll quickly start off by saying i was already emotional af while watching Hobi’s live, not emotional in a way that i was sobbing but more like, it was heartwarming, i was smiling the whole time, truly a ray of Sunshine our Hobi. Then On the street dropped and that was such a masterpiece that was beautiful and honestly i felt loved and appreciated and i hope that no matter what Hobi knows that we love him unconditionally despite there being sickos. 
Second thing i wanted to say is, y’all motherfuckers who think it’s okay to go on stalking the boys because you’re a “fan”, you want to see them up close and show them your “support” in real life. The way my ass would’ve been already in jail because of all those sick bastards who think it’s okay and all those who support this by asking to share or asking for more.. Y’all failed lab experiments are giving me homicidal tendencies. 
There’s a huge difference between coming across your favorite idol outside, sure enough snapping a picture without consent is a bit meh but at least most people who do, do it from a distance because of excitement or whatever, doing a story time about accidentally meeting your idol outside, no picture or video included (key word: OUTSIDE, IN PUBLIC) AND willingly looking up places your idol goes to so you can be there like a creep waiting for t THEM to come across YOU not the other way around. 
Y’all are that sick and twisted that you had JK getting drunk to be able to let it out knowing damn well that from his words it means that they’ve been holding back on so many fucking things before. To make it worse JK still fucking shows up after everything you motherfuckers put him through, we’re not even 6 months in 2023 and there’s already shit tons of crap going on about him while he’s busy minding his own goddamn business with an added weight every time a bitch decides to come up with some bullshit story about him or decide it’s okay to invade his privacy. 
Bruh i keep on saying that we do NOT deserve these men, my anger issues could NEVER!! You best believe if that was me i’d turn that fucking live on to curse the shit out everyone flip the bird and never show up online for a good 4 or 5 years. I hope Karma gets their asses real good, imma need her to bite their asses hard enough that they pass out from it. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!! 
Update :
And just when you think it doesn’t get worse.. 
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Translation : 
“I'm bringing it up because Jungkook talked about the boxing gym but one of my coworkers is friends with one of the coaches at the same boxing gym as Jungook. After Jungkooks live (where the video came from) he hasn't gone, no, he isn't able to go. He isn't able to workout freely anymore and it's been decided that he won't be working out at that gym anymore. There were a lot of complaints that day Please respect their private lives”
So not only they stalk him but they probably also make him feel guilty about being the reason why people close to him are being attacked or being put in uncomfortable situations. GOD I FUCKING DESPISE THEM!!! WHEN ARE THEY JUST GOING TO UNALIVE THEMSELVES ALREADY FUCK!
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