mincedpeaches · 4 months
Let Lewis pilot a living robot. My man jumping straight into the goo just for the chance. He's trying his best and he deserves a robot being gay for him. Thank you.
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msa but it’s a mecha anime
-there’s a pretty sizeable base of operations, with like a hangar for the robots and everything, but the only people consistently staffing it are vivi, lewis and arthur
-there should be more but whatever organization runs this place is like, stretched super thin right now. anyone who would normally get assigned to help them is dealing with way more pressing concerns so they’re left to deal with the local disasters and monsters basically alone
-compared to whatever world-ending threats the home team is dealing with, they’re pretty minor, but they feel pretty fucking big and important to the people flying two robots into the middle of them
-the robots are piloted by feelings or thoughts or whatever also. of course
-vivi and lewis are both pilots. their robots are a team. vivi’s is light and agile and can get swatted out of the sky and roll with it like it’s nothing, it probably looks a little foxlike
-lewis’s is bigger comparatively but is less mobile. it sort of resembles ghost lewis (in the very loose sense of black body + ribs + skull) it also has flamethrowers because of course.
-arthur’s not a pilot, he’s the mechanic making sure the robots work for more than one fight. he patches them up every night after they run them through fights. and during the day he’s fixing random shit on their high-tech base
-a running theme throughout the series is that the base is held together with duct tape and things are breaking constantly. this is because arthur’s doing the work of like five people minimum and ideally twice that. he barely has time to fix all the important systems that are actively broken, let alone do any kind of maintenance before things completely break down
-if he sleeps for more than half an hour at a time it’s a fucking miracle from god
-the shortage of hands is hitting vi+lew super hard, too. piloting the mechs isn’t easy and they’re in constant danger of getting hit, stabbed, impaled by shards of glass and metal, you name it. and if they get hurt? tough shit, there’s no time to sit around recovering, they get a break of maybe a couple days in between disasters and that’s if they’re lucky.
-in Mech Pilot School they’re like “do not operate a robot for more than two days in succession, seriously, it can do serious mental and physical damage” and then they tossed these two into the middle of nowhere where Everything Wants To Kill You with basically just a thumbs-up and a “hang in there!” poster
-so far they’ve managed to juggle stuff and take breaks and not die but oh man is it tough
-vivi’s the one more prone to getting injured, since her whole job is bouncing around in front of shit like an annoying little bug, but when lewis gets hurt it’s usually worse because it takes some strong stuff to breach his mech’s hull
-everyone’s got some level of medical training and they take turns medicing for each other. lewis will look after vivi if (when) she gets hit too bad to take care of it herself, she’ll do the same to him, and if they’re both out of commission arthur’ll take a break from sprinting back and forth across the ship to look after them
-lewis in particular is like, super anxious about both vivi and himself constantly. which only gets worse as he realizes he actually really likes his teammate and cannot stop caring about her even more
-at some point his mech (which again, is piloted by thoughts/feelings) is having recurring seemingly random problems and finally arthur has to just be like “there’s no physical problem you just can’t fucking focus on your job you very clearly need to talk about something”
-uhh on a less “i wanna hurt my favs” topic
-everyone’s got separate nicknames for the robots and all of them will vehemently deny that they do because that’s dorky and dumb, they’re better than that obviously (they all want everyone else to think they’re cool)
-not sure what mystery’s role in this is? i think he’s maybe a character that shows up sometimes when a threat’s too big for them to deal with on their own
-he flew with mushi back when she was alive/working and clearly still remembers her fondly. it makes vivi a little self conscious about like, living up to that awesome ancestor whose job she copied, and so she’s a little more prone to doing dumb risky shit when mystery’s around
-mystery’s actually trying his best to like, be a good role model and mentor her kind of, but he’s uhhh. not very good at it. he doesn’t know what he’s doing ok he specialized into being really good at piloting not talking to kids
-(vivi’s a whole adult but everyone younger than him is a kid)
-(nobody’s worked up the courage yet to ask how old he's even supposed to be considering he was mushi’s partner) 
-anyway basically it’s primarily a monster of the week show about giant robot fights and everyone being dorks and worrying about each other
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