#LET me know ifyou need me to change anything :-)
everqi · 3 years
@pcachlovc​ ; plotted starter ; rou rou
It was splendid ; the ceremony but what drew his eyes the most was the gowns and robes , unparalleled to much he has seen. Though he wasn’t exactly banned from such gatherings , he wasn’t quite welcomed either , being only a young qilin with no prestige to his own name. Through eavesdropping ( though he wouldn’t admit it ) he had gotten the name of the masterful seamstress. 
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Now he stand outside her door , shifting nervously from foot to foot. He doesn’t mean to pout , but he does not knowing what he could offer the woman in exchange for her work. He had brought some gold coins , qilin scales , and perhaps what he thought was the most valuable of all  — an assortment of small cakes and sweets from the mortal realm. Hastily he leaves them at the entrance of her abode , before running off to hide and watch.
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For the prompt list: 99 and 85 are two I would love to see. 99 takes priority though. I love your writing btw! 😁❤️
Thank you for the compliment! I did 99 with WinterSpider, and I’ll do 85 with Starker in a separate post. :) Conveniently, 99 was requested twice!
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“Would it help if I stayed?”
Rated Teen, Hurt/Comfort, mention of a car accident.
Peter had clocked the car going just a little bit too fast all the way from his perch on the rooftop. He swung down with practiced ease, flipping off the end of his web with a flourish and landing in front of the car right before it collided with the passing bus.
He took the impact of the crash, and set the car down on the road as gently as he could. A quick glance let him know there were three people in the car, including the driver.
The car’s front end was crumpled and would be totalled according to the insurance companies, but he’d stopped dozens of crashes like this before. He’d done all the calculations in his head and known that with the way the car was heading into the bus, the three in the car would’ve been dead, and one or two from the bus. Had he not intervened.
Peter rushed to check if everyone was okay, expecting not to have any issues, but something was wrong.
The woman behind the wheel was slumped forward. He could smell the blood before he saw it dripping from her nose.
Peter ripped off the door, and Karen was already calling for emergency services.
“No, no, no. I don’t understand,” Peter murmured.
The children in the backseat were crying.
“She’s still breathing,” Peter realized. “She’s still breathing!”
He had Karen run an analysis to make sure the lady was safe to move, and then he pulled her out of her seat.
There was only so much he could do, though. He was smart but didn’t have any medical training beyond CPR, but was that even what she needed? She was unconscious, not dead.
Peter panicked. He would’ve been willing to lift the mask to save her, but he didn’t know what saving her entailed.
“Karen, what do I do?” Peter cried.
“She is unconscious, Peter. Paramedics are on the way.”
“I know, but what do I do?” Peter put his hands up to his face. The crying from the kids in the backseat was drowning out all his other senses. Now, a crowd was gathering, watching him fail.
Finally, the paramedics arrived.
“I’m sorry,” Peter said. “I’m sorry. I stopped the crash,but I—I think she hit her head.”
“Would’ve been worse if they’d hit the bus,” the paramedic replied in a clipped tone.
Peter went to help the kids out of the backseat, but they recoiled from him, terrified.
“It’s okay, I’m Spider-Man. I’m here to help,” Peter tried. His voice came off as manic instead of reassuring.
Peter backed away. Obviously he was doing more harm than good here. He’d been patrolling for over three years, and he’d gotten into sticky situations, but he’d never lost anyone before. Was she going to be okay? Did he just orphan two kids?
He had to get out of there.
He cut patrol short and went back home to his apartment. Some days were harder than others, and this was a hard one.
His ears were ringing, even the sound dampeners in the suit hadn’t been enough to quell the sound of screaming kids and sirens. The chattering of the crowd watching him fail.
Peter took off the suit and threw it aside. He disappeared under his comforter and squeezed his eyes shut.
Peter couldn’t get his thoughts to calm down no matter what he tried. Was that woman okay? Thoughts of the ferry incident and Tony having to come and rescue him pervaded his mind. Was that all he was, even with the new suit? A screw up?
He didn’t fall asleep, but he hid in his bed for over an hour until the ringing in his ears quieted. A knock at the door was the last thing he wanted, but it was better than the ringing, so he decided not to ignore it.
Peter pushed his blankets away and walked to the door in his boxers . Probably May coming over to check on him
He unlocked the door and pulled it open only to be greeted by Bucky.
“Bucky. What are you doing here?”
He took in the man’s outfit. Much different from what he usually wore when they interacted. Peter had been on missions with him before and trained with him at the compound. They were friendly, but not house-call friendly.
“I was in the area.”
“Oh,” Peter said. “Uh. Come in I guess.”
“Thanks,” Bucky said politely.
The corner of Peter’s mouth lifted up a little bit at that. Bucky’s reputation was way darker than his actual personality.
Peter would’ve offered the guy a drink, or a snack, or something, but it occurred to him that he was almost naked.
“I, uh, I’ll go put something on.”
Bucky nodded. He stayed standing by the door to the apartment. Baseball cap, red henley, jeans, and all. Nothing like the murder costume he usually wore. Peter liked him like this, but still didn’t understand what the hell he was doing there, and why he’d chosen now of all times to visit.
Peter was tempted to put the Spidersuit back on so he could even the status quo of the impromptu encounter, but he didn’t want to look at it quite yet. He opted for his school sweatshirt and jogging pants.
He made is way back into the living room and plopped on the couch.
“You can sit,” Peter said. It was weird that Bucky didn’t do anything he wasn’t told to, but he was a polite person.
Bucky sat on the same couch, leaving a space between them.
“So, what brings you to Queens?” Peter asked.
“Wanted to see how you were doing.”
“I’m good,” Peter lied. “How’re you?”
Bucky ignored the question. “You don’t look so good.”
Peter frowned. “Thanks?”
Bucky sighed. “I saw what happened today.”
“How?” Peter wondered.
“The news.” Bucky shifted in his place.
“Okay.” What do you want?
“How are you doing?”
Peter looked away. Typical. He’d graduated from being under Tony’s watchful eye to being under Bucky’s. Did everyone watch the news to see him make mistakes?
“Shitty,” Peter admitted.
Bucky nodded like he approved of the honesty.
Peter let his expression change to reflect how he felt inside. Miserable.
“I did everything right.” Peter’s voice broke. “I don’t understand what happened. I don’t even know if the lady is okay…and the kids. I can still hear them crying.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” Bucky said. “I watched the clip. Ifyou hadn’t been there, it would’ve been worse.”
“That’s what the paramedic said, but I don’t know. I must’ve grabbed the car wrong. If I hadn’t flipped when I came down…I could’ve been a second earlier.” Peter shook his head.
“You’ve been Spider-Man for so long,” Bucky began. “I’m kinda surprised something like this hasn’t happened sooner.”
Peter frowned. “What kind of advice is that?”
Bucky shook his head. “I mean you can’t save everyone.”
“I’ve saved everyone so far,” Peter replied. “I’ve dealt with guns and knives, and bombs. You’ve seen it yourself. I never lose anyone.”
“Maybe you still haven’t,” Bucky said.
“I’m scared to find out what happened,” Peter said. “You didn’t see the look on those kids’ faces.”
“They would’ve looked worse if they’d crashed,” Bucky countered.
Peter shrugged.
“Anyway.” Peter waved. “Why did you come? No offense, but we’ve never really hung out before, and I know you weren’t just in the area.”
Bucky looked away for a moment. “I get alerts on my phone. I sort of keep tabs on everybody.”
Peter raised his eyebrows.
“I watched the clips, and I could tell that you were freaking out,” Bucky explained. “I’ve never seen you act like that before, so I don’t know. Thought I’d come by.”
“Oh.” That was actually really nice of him. If Bucky had noticed him acting like that, then how many others had? How embarrassing.
“It wasn’t obvious,” Bucky added. “I could just tell ‘cause I know you.”
Bucky nodded again. “I’ll check now to see if there are any updates on that lady, okay?”
Peter nodded. He was glad Bucky was there to do it. He didn’t know what he’d do if he checked the news just to find out that she’d died. It would be all his fault.
Peter held his breath.
“No news,” Bucky announced with a grimace. “She’s still under.”
Peter leaned forward and put his head in his hands. “This is all my fault. I really did it this time. I don’t deserve the suit.”
“Whoa, Pete,” Bucky said, voice surprised. “You can’t say that.”
“It’s true.” Peter spoke into his hands. “What if she dies, Bucky? Her kids are all alone and scared…I probably looked like a freak to them. The last thing they needed.”
“Hey.” Bucky sounded uneasy. “None of this is your fault. How many people would be dead if you weren’t there patrolling? I would probably be dead if you weren’t on the team watching my back. Remember last year?”
Peter really didn’t want to cry, not in front of Bucky. Bucky had been through more than anyone he knew, and he didn’t cry.
“My parents died in a car crash too.” Oh shit. Now he was dry heaving. He should’ve known not to bring that up. “What—what if I—”
Peter was really crying now. He registered Bucky moving closer to him and putting his arms around him uncertainly. Peter leaned into the man’s embrace. If Bucky had come to check on him, then he might as well make it worth his while.
“Do you need me to call anyone?” Bucky asked, voice full of concern. “Can I do anything?”
Peter clutched Bucky’s shirt. He’d have to get him a new one even if the snot and tears were washable. He was crying too hard to speak.
“Would it help if I stayed?”
“Y-yes,” Peter managed. “Please.”
“You got it, Pete. I’ll stay. As long as you want.”
Peter knew he and Bucky weren’t close enough for this to be appropriate, but the man was just so warm and inviting. Peter wanted to keep some semblance of dignity for himself, so he backed away as soon as his sobbing calmed down, wiping his face on his sleeve.
“I’m sorry.” Peter ducked his head. “I didn’t mean to.”
“No harm done,” Bucky said. “I came here to check on you, and I’m glad I did. I would hate to think of you being here all alone like this.”
“Still. It’s embarrassing,” Peter admitted. “I just…the heightened senses are sort of a package deal with heightened emotions, too.”
“Even if that wasn’t the case…you don’t have to apologize for crying.”
“Everyone already thinks of me as a little kid. Youngest one on the team. Nobody else cries like this over an accident.”
“Not that you see,” Bucky argued. “And I don’t think of you like that.”
“Yeah, but you came here to check on me. You wouldn’t have done that for anyone else.”
“You’d do it for me. You have.”
“That’s different,” Peter argued. “You got shot.”
“Seeing people hurt is like bullets to you.”
Peter frowned.
“Besides,” Bucky said. “Everyone else has people to check upon them. We don’t.”
“I guess.” Peter wiped his face on his sleeve again. “Thank you,” he added. “It does suck being here alone most of the time.”
“I know how you feel.” Bucky leaned forward and wiped a straggling tear from Peter’s cheek.
Peter nodded. It really was nice to have Bucky there with him. He was such a quiet and calm presence. Large but not overbearing. Just safe.
“I’ll get you some water,” Bucky said. “Then I’ll check the news again.”
“Okay,” Peter agreed.
He used the opportunity to blow his nose and make sure he didn’t look disgusting. Now that he’d taken the edge off with a good cry, the feeling of excitement that Bucky was in his apartment came to the forefront ofhis mind. Bucky cared about him.
Bucky came back with a smile on his face. “Look.”
Peter stared at the phone with wide eyes. A new viral video of the woman from the car wreck with her kids beside her in the hospital bed thanking him for what he’d done.
Peter almost cried again in relief.
Bucky didn’t say anything, but he looked pleased.
“Thank God,” Peter breathed. “I can’t believe it.”
“Well, pal, I guess I should go then since you got nothing to worry about.”
“What?” Peter asked. “You don’t…you don’t have to go. I mean, unless you want to. I—you can still stay.”
Bucky smiled. “Let’s get something to eat, then. I think you could use it.”
“Okay.” Peter leapt up off the couch, his mood vastly improved. He hadn’t killed anyone. That was as good of a reason as any to be happy. “I’ll get you a different shirt too since I sort of wrecked yours.”
Bucky followed him into the bedroom this time. He took his dirty shirt off. “You sure I’ll fit? You’re kinda tiny.”
“I wear my clothes baggy.” Peter turned around while he answered, his breath getting caught in his throat at the sight of Bucky, shirtless.In his room. “Um. Here you go.” He grabbed blindly in his closet and ended up selecting a shirt with a science pun that totally wasn’t Bucky’s style.
Bucky put it on with a grin.
 “Thanks again for coming,” Peter said once he was locking the door to his apartment with Bucky at his side.
“Thanks for letting me stay.”
Peter already had a crush, and this was not helping those feelings go away. He’d already embarrassed himself enough. Go big or go home,right? And he’d already locked the door, so…
He stood up on his tippy toes and kissed Bucky on the mouth.
“Sorry,” Peter offered. Was he really sorry, or just using that as a balm in case Bucky wasn’t happy about it? Both, probably.
“Don’t be,” Bucky said. His cheeks were rosy which Peter found to be the absolute cutest thing.
Bucky reached his hand out, and Peter took it. Somehow the worst day had turned into the best one.
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deonheim30 · 6 years
2019 Hyundai Santa Fe: First Drive — Cars.com
hi there we’re here in Utah with the 2019 Hyundai Santa Feit’s the redesigned version of Hyundai’s midsize two row SUV and it replaces theSanta Fe sport in Hyundai’s lineup it’s a little bit bigger than the Santa Fesport overall and Hyundai has packed it with a lot of standard active safetyfeatures this is our first chance to drive the vehicle so let’s go for a ridewe’ve been driving the Santa Fe for a little bit on the roads outside of ParkCity Utah and the initial theme I’m getting is that this is a very smoothvehicle and it comes through in a lot of different ways and I think that’s theright tuning for it because you see in some SUVs where automakers really fourcould focus on sportiness Hyundai I think has found a good balance here inthis focus on smoothness we’re in a model with the optional 2-literfour-cylinder engine and it’s a very smooth revving engine it gets up tospeed quickly and easily highway passing power drops off a little bit it workswith an 8-speed automatic transmission and again it makes smooth shifts it’svery unobtrusive and it’s willing to make part throttle kick downs easilyit’s a responsive transmission that feeling of smoothness comes through inthe steering too it doesn’t offer a ton of feedback but the car steers welloverall and it rides well overall – it’s not too firmly sprung one of the thingsthat Hyundai focused on when redesigning the Santa Fe was improving itsvisibility and you know from driving it just now you can you can really see howthey’ve done that the car has really thin eight pillars the front roof pillarand that really helps you have a good view forward they’ve movedthe side mirrors to the door so there’s better visibility at the base of thedoor and even over shoulder views when checking your blind spotthose are good if they’re relatively unobstructed so we’re testing right nowa high-end ultimate trim level of the Santa Fe it has the optional turbo forceover like I mentioned all-wheel drive and the as tested price is nearly$40,000 but the Santa Fe starts at around twenty five thousand five hundreddollars and at that base level you get all the important active safety featureslike automatic emergency braking blind spot warning lane keeping assist of rearcross traffic alert adaptive cruise control it’s a long list of features andone of the features you can feel it really makes itself known when drivingand that’s the lane keeping function because as we’ve been driving on thesewinding roads you feel it following the road it’s it’s keeping track of wherethe lane is it’s it’s not intrusive but it’s definitely present another thingHyundai changed in the redesigned Santa Fe are the seats they have differentdensities of foam and with firmer foam for the bolsters and kind of a mediumfoam for the seat bottoms and their comfort is OKthe seats are wide so they’re not too restrictive which is nice but the bottomcushion in the backrest feel a little flat to me and not particularly sculptedHyundai included a bit of light off-roading on the drive route with thehill climb up a dirt trail we arrived at the hill just as a hail storm waspassing through but we stopped put the Santa Fe in 4×4 lock mode and thenpowered up the hill about a quarter of the way up I could feel it start to slipa bit but then I felt the rear wheels engageand the rest of the Hill is fine so inside the Santa Fe features a restyleddashboard that gets the tablet-style display screen that we’re seeing on moreand more Hyundai’s it’s it’s kind of on top of the dash propped out a little bitand below it are simple controls for the air conditioning system and otherfeatures in the car so the Santa Fe offers a number ofupscale features and those include a head-up display wireless device chargingfor your smartphone heated and cooled front seats this huge panoramic moonroofand a 360-degree camera system for enhanced visibility the rear seat uses a60/40 split design and both sections can slide forward and backwards so if youwant to share space with the cargo area or have more legroom you can do that andthe seats also recline if you prefer to kind of lean back a little bit and lookout the panoramic sunroof it’s a comfortable spot for adult passengers onabout 6 feet tall and the seats are high enough to offer decent thigh supportit’s not too low to the ground so the cargo area is a good-size space withoutany significant intrusions and it does have two underfloor storage areasthere’s this back one here it has this little space on the left-hand side and abigger cargo space under the forward portion which has these deep bins whichis kind of nice and you want to keep anything out of the way and hidden ifyou need even more space than that there’s buttons on the side thatpressing down releases the second row seats and they fold flat with the cargofloor automakers have been adding a lot of SUVs to their lineup slightly to meetconsumer demand especially small models but the mid-size class has held prettysteady with not a lot of new competitors for models like the Santa Fe but that’sabout to change as chevrolet is poised to reintroduce its blazer as a crossoverSUV and honda is promising a new passport model to compete as well so thenew santa fe is here at the right time it’s arriving at dealerships right nowand it should offer a lot of value especially considering its long list ofactive safety featuresyou
//<![CDATA[ featureBoxVar = ""; //]]> source https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/09/29/2019-hyundai-santa-fe-first-drive-cars-com-2/ from Auto Dealing Services http://cardetailingphx.blogspot.com/2018/09/2019-hyundai-santa-fe-first-drive_29.html
0 notes
howardlyontx · 6 years
2019 Hyundai Santa Fe: First Drive — Cars.com
hi there we’re here in Utah with the 2019 Hyundai Santa Feit’s the redesigned version of Hyundai’s midsize two row SUV and it replaces theSanta Fe sport in Hyundai’s lineup it’s a little bit bigger than the Santa Fesport overall and Hyundai has packed it with a lot of standard active safetyfeatures this is our first chance to drive the vehicle so let’s go for a ridewe’ve been driving the Santa Fe for a little bit on the roads outside of ParkCity Utah and the initial theme I’m getting is that this is a very smoothvehicle and it comes through in a lot of different ways and I think that’s theright tuning for it because you see in some SUVs where automakers really fourcould focus on sportiness Hyundai I think has found a good balance here inthis focus on smoothness we’re in a model with the optional 2-literfour-cylinder engine and it’s a very smooth revving engine it gets up tospeed quickly and easily highway passing power drops off a little bit it workswith an 8-speed automatic transmission and again it makes smooth shifts it’svery unobtrusive and it’s willing to make part throttle kick downs easilyit’s a responsive transmission that feeling of smoothness comes through inthe steering too it doesn’t offer a ton of feedback but the car steers welloverall and it rides well overall – it’s not too firmly sprung one of the thingsthat Hyundai focused on when redesigning the Santa Fe was improving itsvisibility and you know from driving it just now you can you can really see howthey’ve done that the car has really thin eight pillars the front roof pillarand that really helps you have a good view forward they’ve movedthe side mirrors to the door so there’s better visibility at the base of thedoor and even over shoulder views when checking your blind spotthose are good if they’re relatively unobstructed so we’re testing right nowa high-end ultimate trim level of the Santa Fe it has the optional turbo forceover like I mentioned all-wheel drive and the as tested price is nearly$40,000 but the Santa Fe starts at around twenty five thousand five hundreddollars and at that base level you get all the important active safety featureslike automatic emergency braking blind spot warning lane keeping assist of rearcross traffic alert adaptive cruise control it’s a long list of features andone of the features you can feel it really makes itself known when drivingand that’s the lane keeping function because as we’ve been driving on thesewinding roads you feel it following the road it’s it’s keeping track of wherethe lane is it’s it’s not intrusive but it’s definitely present another thingHyundai changed in the redesigned Santa Fe are the seats they have differentdensities of foam and with firmer foam for the bolsters and kind of a mediumfoam for the seat bottoms and their comfort is OKthe seats are wide so they’re not too restrictive which is nice but the bottomcushion in the backrest feel a little flat to me and not particularly sculptedHyundai included a bit of light off-roading on the drive route with thehill climb up a dirt trail we arrived at the hill just as a hail storm waspassing through but we stopped put the Santa Fe in 4×4 lock mode and thenpowered up the hill about a quarter of the way up I could feel it start to slipa bit but then I felt the rear wheels engageand the rest of the Hill is fine so inside the Santa Fe features a restyleddashboard that gets the tablet-style display screen that we’re seeing on moreand more Hyundai’s it’s it’s kind of on top of the dash propped out a little bitand below it are simple controls for the air conditioning system and otherfeatures in the car so the Santa Fe offers a number ofupscale features and those include a head-up display wireless device chargingfor your smartphone heated and cooled front seats this huge panoramic moonroofand a 360-degree camera system for enhanced visibility the rear seat uses a60/40 split design and both sections can slide forward and backwards so if youwant to share space with the cargo area or have more legroom you can do that andthe seats also recline if you prefer to kind of lean back a little bit and lookout the panoramic sunroof it’s a comfortable spot for adult passengers onabout 6 feet tall and the seats are high enough to offer decent thigh supportit’s not too low to the ground so the cargo area is a good-size space withoutany significant intrusions and it does have two underfloor storage areasthere’s this back one here it has this little space on the left-hand side and abigger cargo space under the forward portion which has these deep bins whichis kind of nice and you want to keep anything out of the way and hidden ifyou need even more space than that there’s buttons on the side thatpressing down releases the second row seats and they fold flat with the cargofloor automakers have been adding a lot of SUVs to their lineup slightly to meetconsumer demand especially small models but the mid-size class has held prettysteady with not a lot of new competitors for models like the Santa Fe but that’sabout to change as chevrolet is poised to reintroduce its blazer as a crossoverSUV and honda is promising a new passport model to compete as well so thenew santa fe is here at the right time it’s arriving at dealerships right nowand it should offer a lot of value especially considering its long list ofactive safety featuresyou
featureBoxVar = ""; from Auto Detailing Services (480)233-1529 Call or Text Now https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/09/29/2019-hyundai-santa-fe-first-drive-cars-com-2/ from Auto Dealing Services https://cardetailingphx.tumblr.com/post/178582718466
0 notes
howardlyontx · 6 years
2019 Hyundai Santa Fe: First Drive — Cars.com
hi there we’re here in Utah with the 2019 Hyundai Santa Feit’s the redesigned version of Hyundai’s midsize two row SUV and it replaces theSanta Fe sport in Hyundai’s lineup it’s a little bit bigger than the Santa Fesport overall and Hyundai has packed it with a lot of standard active safetyfeatures this is our first chance to drive the vehicle so let’s go for a ridewe’ve been driving the Santa Fe for a little bit on the roads outside of ParkCity Utah and the initial theme I’m getting is that this is a very smoothvehicle and it comes through in a lot of different ways and I think that’s theright tuning for it because you see in some SUVs where automakers really fourcould focus on sportiness Hyundai I think has found a good balance here inthis focus on smoothness we’re in a model with the optional 2-literfour-cylinder engine and it’s a very smooth revving engine it gets up tospeed quickly and easily highway passing power drops off a little bit it workswith an 8-speed automatic transmission and again it makes smooth shifts it’svery unobtrusive and it’s willing to make part throttle kick downs easilyit’s a responsive transmission that feeling of smoothness comes through inthe steering too it doesn’t offer a ton of feedback but the car steers welloverall and it rides well overall – it’s not too firmly sprung one of the thingsthat Hyundai focused on when redesigning the Santa Fe was improving itsvisibility and you know from driving it just now you can you can really see howthey’ve done that the car has really thin eight pillars the front roof pillarand that really helps you have a good view forward they’ve movedthe side mirrors to the door so there’s better visibility at the base of thedoor and even over shoulder views when checking your blind spotthose are good if they’re relatively unobstructed so we’re testing right nowa high-end ultimate trim level of the Santa Fe it has the optional turbo forceover like I mentioned all-wheel drive and the as tested price is nearly$40,000 but the Santa Fe starts at around twenty five thousand five hundreddollars and at that base level you get all the important active safety featureslike automatic emergency braking blind spot warning lane keeping assist of rearcross traffic alert adaptive cruise control it’s a long list of features andone of the features you can feel it really makes itself known when drivingand that’s the lane keeping function because as we’ve been driving on thesewinding roads you feel it following the road it’s it’s keeping track of wherethe lane is it’s it’s not intrusive but it’s definitely present another thingHyundai changed in the redesigned Santa Fe are the seats they have differentdensities of foam and with firmer foam for the bolsters and kind of a mediumfoam for the seat bottoms and their comfort is OKthe seats are wide so they’re not too restrictive which is nice but the bottomcushion in the backrest feel a little flat to me and not particularly sculptedHyundai included a bit of light off-roading on the drive route with thehill climb up a dirt trail we arrived at the hill just as a hail storm waspassing through but we stopped put the Santa Fe in 4×4 lock mode and thenpowered up the hill about a quarter of the way up I could feel it start to slipa bit but then I felt the rear wheels engageand the rest of the Hill is fine so inside the Santa Fe features a restyleddashboard that gets the tablet-style display screen that we’re seeing on moreand more Hyundai’s it’s it’s kind of on top of the dash propped out a little bitand below it are simple controls for the air conditioning system and otherfeatures in the car so the Santa Fe offers a number ofupscale features and those include a head-up display wireless device chargingfor your smartphone heated and cooled front seats this huge panoramic moonroofand a 360-degree camera system for enhanced visibility the rear seat uses a60/40 split design and both sections can slide forward and backwards so if youwant to share space with the cargo area or have more legroom you can do that andthe seats also recline if you prefer to kind of lean back a little bit and lookout the panoramic sunroof it’s a comfortable spot for adult passengers onabout 6 feet tall and the seats are high enough to offer decent thigh supportit’s not too low to the ground so the cargo area is a good-size space withoutany significant intrusions and it does have two underfloor storage areasthere’s this back one here it has this little space on the left-hand side and abigger cargo space under the forward portion which has these deep bins whichis kind of nice and you want to keep anything out of the way and hidden ifyou need even more space than that there’s buttons on the side thatpressing down releases the second row seats and they fold flat with the cargofloor automakers have been adding a lot of SUVs to their lineup slightly to meetconsumer demand especially small models but the mid-size class has held prettysteady with not a lot of new competitors for models like the Santa Fe but that’sabout to change as chevrolet is poised to reintroduce its blazer as a crossoverSUV and honda is promising a new passport model to compete as well so thenew santa fe is here at the right time it’s arriving at dealerships right nowand it should offer a lot of value especially considering its long list ofactive safety featuresyou
featureBoxVar = ""; from Auto Detailing Services (480)233-1529 Call or Text Now https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/09/07/2019-hyundai-santa-fe-first-drive-cars-com/ from Auto Dealing Services https://cardetailingphx.tumblr.com/post/177845510186
0 notes
deonheim30 · 6 years
2019 Hyundai Santa Fe: First Drive — Cars.com
hi there we’re here in Utah with the 2019 Hyundai Santa Feit’s the redesigned version of Hyundai’s midsize two row SUV and it replaces theSanta Fe sport in Hyundai’s lineup it’s a little bit bigger than the Santa Fesport overall and Hyundai has packed it with a lot of standard active safetyfeatures this is our first chance to drive the vehicle so let’s go for a ridewe’ve been driving the Santa Fe for a little bit on the roads outside of ParkCity Utah and the initial theme I’m getting is that this is a very smoothvehicle and it comes through in a lot of different ways and I think that’s theright tuning for it because you see in some SUVs where automakers really fourcould focus on sportiness Hyundai I think has found a good balance here inthis focus on smoothness we’re in a model with the optional 2-literfour-cylinder engine and it’s a very smooth revving engine it gets up tospeed quickly and easily highway passing power drops off a little bit it workswith an 8-speed automatic transmission and again it makes smooth shifts it’svery unobtrusive and it’s willing to make part throttle kick downs easilyit’s a responsive transmission that feeling of smoothness comes through inthe steering too it doesn’t offer a ton of feedback but the car steers welloverall and it rides well overall – it’s not too firmly sprung one of the thingsthat Hyundai focused on when redesigning the Santa Fe was improving itsvisibility and you know from driving it just now you can you can really see howthey’ve done that the car has really thin eight pillars the front roof pillarand that really helps you have a good view forward they’ve movedthe side mirrors to the door so there’s better visibility at the base of thedoor and even over shoulder views when checking your blind spotthose are good if they’re relatively unobstructed so we’re testing right nowa high-end ultimate trim level of the Santa Fe it has the optional turbo forceover like I mentioned all-wheel drive and the as tested price is nearly$40,000 but the Santa Fe starts at around twenty five thousand five hundreddollars and at that base level you get all the important active safety featureslike automatic emergency braking blind spot warning lane keeping assist of rearcross traffic alert adaptive cruise control it’s a long list of features andone of the features you can feel it really makes itself known when drivingand that’s the lane keeping function because as we’ve been driving on thesewinding roads you feel it following the road it’s it’s keeping track of wherethe lane is it’s it’s not intrusive but it’s definitely present another thingHyundai changed in the redesigned Santa Fe are the seats they have differentdensities of foam and with firmer foam for the bolsters and kind of a mediumfoam for the seat bottoms and their comfort is OKthe seats are wide so they’re not too restrictive which is nice but the bottomcushion in the backrest feel a little flat to me and not particularly sculptedHyundai included a bit of light off-roading on the drive route with thehill climb up a dirt trail we arrived at the hill just as a hail storm waspassing through but we stopped put the Santa Fe in 4×4 lock mode and thenpowered up the hill about a quarter of the way up I could feel it start to slipa bit but then I felt the rear wheels engageand the rest of the Hill is fine so inside the Santa Fe features a restyleddashboard that gets the tablet-style display screen that we’re seeing on moreand more Hyundai’s it’s it’s kind of on top of the dash propped out a little bitand below it are simple controls for the air conditioning system and otherfeatures in the car so the Santa Fe offers a number ofupscale features and those include a head-up display wireless device chargingfor your smartphone heated and cooled front seats this huge panoramic moonroofand a 360-degree camera system for enhanced visibility the rear seat uses a60/40 split design and both sections can slide forward and backwards so if youwant to share space with the cargo area or have more legroom you can do that andthe seats also recline if you prefer to kind of lean back a little bit and lookout the panoramic sunroof it’s a comfortable spot for adult passengers onabout 6 feet tall and the seats are high enough to offer decent thigh supportit’s not too low to the ground so the cargo area is a good-size space withoutany significant intrusions and it does have two underfloor storage areasthere’s this back one here it has this little space on the left-hand side and abigger cargo space under the forward portion which has these deep bins whichis kind of nice and you want to keep anything out of the way and hidden ifyou need even more space than that there’s buttons on the side thatpressing down releases the second row seats and they fold flat with the cargofloor automakers have been adding a lot of SUVs to their lineup slightly to meetconsumer demand especially small models but the mid-size class has held prettysteady with not a lot of new competitors for models like the Santa Fe but that’sabout to change as chevrolet is poised to reintroduce its blazer as a crossoverSUV and honda is promising a new passport model to compete as well so thenew santa fe is here at the right time it’s arriving at dealerships right nowand it should offer a lot of value especially considering its long list ofactive safety featuresyou
//<![CDATA[ featureBoxVar = ""; //]]> source https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/09/07/2019-hyundai-santa-fe-first-drive-cars-com/ from Auto Dealing Services http://cardetailingphx.blogspot.com/2018/09/2019-hyundai-santa-fe-first-drive.html
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