#LETS GO TO THE DESERT RN!!! ill be the one carrying a bunch of water tho
fatuismooches · 9 months
ok im going to talk about dottore with a lover who hates wearing sunblock but is also pale because guess what (poses) also brought to you by the tiny sunburn on my shoulder (im korean so it's not as bad and i just tan but i also got the vampire genes) (aka: pale and looks young forever)
Dottore who has to sneak aloe or sunblock into lotion for his lover because they will just Not Wear Sunblock
In the deserts of sumeru and they're wearing clothes that show skin because its Fucking Hot? Refuse, absolutely not
"You're going to get burnt."
"If the sun decides it is my time it is my time"
"Absolutely not."
Dottore's lover who will whine and complain about having to wear sunblock because "it feels weird" as if getting sunburnt is any better
Dottore who KNOWS his lover knows why they should wear sunscreen but it's always a boss battle when he tries to get them to wear it.
One day, Dottore doesn't make them, figuring they'll learn their lesson, cue his lover covered in sunburns.. do they complain? no. do they learn from their mistakes? ALSO NO?? he's so confused and i think that's funny
It gets to the point where Dottore just makes his lover carry an umbrella because, then at least they're both somewhat happy
- 🎈 who spent too long at a water park, slipped and hurt their ankle, then caught air when on a water slide
🎈 ANON?? ARE YOU OKAY ??? I hope your ankle is okay!! 😭 Though i hope you had fun at the water park, that sounds fun ❤️
Anyway... 🎈 anon would you be alarmed if i said i like. never wear sunscreen... 💀 I don't think I've ever gotten really sunburnt though? Dottore will probably have to introduce me to sunscreen because I honestly forget it exists sometimes 😅
Regardless, this idea is so funny to me because he's going out of his way to care for you and you're just going to... deny his kind act? Who do you think you are? You're wearing this sunscreen, whether you like it or not. He will not hear of it when you start complaining of your skin hurting and cracking and will leave you to fend for yourself! (You never ended up complaining for some odd reason, but anyway, he begrudgingly applied some soothing cream on you while he just went on about how you need to listen to him otherwise this wouldn't have happened!! + insult insult insult) (he is still worried for you) (this has happened more than once) (for once he is unsure what to do and thinks you're a weirdo, affectionately though)
Reader is the kind of person to use the guise of the heat to pull Zandik under the umbrella with them, so they have an excuse to be close to him (too bad this isn't a perfect romantic novel rainy-day situation, Zandik doesn't fall for it because he wears sunscreen unlike someone else, he scowls)
Good thing in Snezhnaya sunscreen isn't needed anymore! You still keep the umbrella for memories though, it has probably gone through many trials but you love it anyway <3
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