Looking for RP!
Hey there, y’all! I’m Noka, age 21 (22 in April!) and I’m looking for an RP partner. Here’s the gist of it.
I want to do some MRP/ERP with some story behind it. I’m solely interested in M/M rp, and I tend to make characters for RP. I also like (but don’t require) people who generally match my content and pace. I tend to give several paragraphs starting out, and then peter out to matching my partner (which is usually 1-3 paragraphs, depending.) I have a variety of interests, but I’m mainly interested in bara-type RP right now. In other words, I want to play characters with mostly more ‘masculine’ personalities. I am incredibly flexible on this though, so I encourage y’all to approach me if you’re even mildly interested.
I would like to RP like this on Discord or Skype. I try and be flexible here, so GDocs is also an option, but I prefer to be able to receive notifications in real time, which would be a requirement if you really wanted to RP with me - if you prefer email or docs, I’d want to be notified over messengers. It isn’t that I’m not interested otherwise, but I can be terribly unobservant and entirely miss I’ve been replied to without a ping.
Overall, I can be contacted by reblogging this post with a comment, sending me an ask or Tumblr message, or Skyping me at rinkour. Any method will work, and I won’t be miffed if you ‘mess up’. Promise.
I am not interested in solely Tumblr RP (I find Tumblr’s interface difficult to work with), group RP (I prefer 1x1), or anything like that at this time. I love RP and I love working with people, but I’m just getting back into it. I like to keep things private and personal until I’m more comfortable.
I am interested in FFXIV and I love FFXIV RP, and I also love creating my own stories in joint or personally created worlds. I find the process fun all the time, and I really REALLY enjoy it.
With all that in mind, please, feel free to hit me up. :)
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Looking for RP Partner
Hey there, y’all! I’m Noka, age 21 (22 in April!) and I’m looking for an RP partner. Here’s the gist of it.
I want to do some MRP/ERP with some story behind it. I’m solely interested in M/M rp, and I tend to make characters for RP. I also like (but don’t require) people who generally match my content and pace. I tend to give several paragraphs starting out, and then peter out to matching my partner (which is usually 1-3 paragraphs, depending.) I have a variety of interests, but I’m mainly interested in bara-type RP right now. In other words, I want to play characters with mostly more ‘masculine’ personalities. I am incredibly flexible on this though, so I encourage y’all to approach me if you’re even mildly interested.
I would like to RP like this on Discord or Skype. I try and be flexible here, so GDocs is also an option, but I prefer to be able to receive notifications in real time, which would be a requirement if you really wanted to RP with me - if you prefer email or docs, I’d want to be notified over messengers. It isn’t that I’m not interested otherwise, but I can be terribly unobservant and entirely miss I’ve been replied to without a ping.
Overall, I can be contacted by reblogging this post with a comment, sending me an ask or Tumblr message, or Skyping me at rinkour. Any method will work, and I won’t be miffed if you ‘mess up’. Promise.
I am not interested in solely Tumblr RP (I find Tumblr’s interface difficult to work with), group RP (I prefer 1x1), or anything like that at this time. I love RP and I love working with people, but I’m just getting back into it. I like to keep things private and personal until I’m more comfortable.
I am interested in FFXIV and I love FFXIV RP, and I also love creating my own stories in joint or personally created worlds. I find the process fun all the time, and I really REALLY enjoy it.
With all that in mind, please, feel free to hit me up. :)
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