sovaharbor · 18 days
sorry it just pisses me off endlessly how carelessly my mom will spend money on herself but god forbid i ask for. Sunglasses. a new pair of sunglasses. that aren't mom-core from the fucking 2000s that have been sitting in our kitchen junk drawer for years and years. i get a "well if you don't care how they look [in reference to me saying i didn't really care about TRYING THEM ON FIRST because the shape of them isn't a concern of mine] i would prefer you just use them from the drawer"
like i'm going to 1) explode, and 2) cry .
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bravenew-what · 1 year
Anecdotes from Helloween’s show
Y’all. When I say I’m a changed person because of this show, it’s because I fucking am.
The first of them I saw was Sascha, I mean we were DIRECTLY in front of him. He’s giant. A literal giant.
Skyfall was pure chaos. So much was happening at once and I had no idea where to look so I just screamed the words.
I stuck my tongue out at markus and he did it back!!
Kai was all over the stage all night, he was a total flirt with EVERYONE
I headbanged so hard during Future World at the right moment and it cracked my neck for me
The guitarists and Markus were all in sync with the way they danced around during future world AND IT WAS SO CUTE
Weiki and I made funny faces at each other and I know he saw me cause he exaggerated the same face when I made it back at him
Kai chucked the fucking mic stand to the groundjust before his medley
Weiki had guitar trouble TWICE and I felt bad for him
I would later make a lot more eye contact with Andi, like I swear he got a bit of a power trip from it and I was completely under his spell for it. Not even remotely joking
Weiki just being…… Weiki. His stank faces and wizard-like hand movements just make his playing that much better.
Sascha being so fucking sweaty that he could stick a pick right to his forehead without having to lick it or something (though I would have paid money to see that alone)
Sascha’s solo. That’s it.
Sascha actually had guitar trouble during his solo too
Michi pretending to use the stools he and Andi were sitting on as crutches during forever and one
Andi also made some very LEWD gestures during Dr. Stein that I refuse to describe because I have it on video 🤣🤣
Sascha flipped his hair out of his face AND MARKUS LEANED OVER HIM AND BLEW IT RIGHT BACK WHERE IT WAS
Andi and I sang our hearts out to each other during How Many Tears and I honestly thought I was gonna cry 🥹🥹
Sascha bent down and frantically waved and smiled like a total geek at this teenage girl while she was filming and I can just tell it made her whole year!
And oh my god, during Perfect Gentleman. Andi pointed at markus and went “AND SHEEEEEE IS”
Andi and I singing the last chorus of Perfect Gentleman together
Hearing Sascha sing the outro of keepers and then do the guitar melody tol the end was fucking beautiful and he has the voice of a literal Angel
Okay so the moment I had with Andi that I will not shut up about: I had my camera on through all of Keeper of the Seven Keys and I called to Andi after they hit the last note and Andi slowly turned and when he realized it was me he winked and stuck his tongue out just a little like a fucking flirt and I swear I swooned harder than I ever have in my life AND I HAVE THAT MOMENT ON VIDEO SO I CAN HOLD ONTO IT 😭😭😭
Kai calling Weiki a “fucking weirdo”
Dani was a fucking machine all night long, and when he finally came out from behind his kit, the crowd lost their shit for him
Michi popped one of the balloons during I Want Out and tried to run away from it
There were multiple crowd surfers all night, two came directly over us and me and the girl next to me had to duck below the barrier and out of the way so the guys could get them over
I only got bashful one time from the eye contact from the band!!
​Helloween also drink their respect women juice every day cause every single one of them were good with all of the girls in the crowd. End of story.
That was one of the best concert experiences of my life. I feel like a whole new person because of it.
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tearsofperseides · 9 months
I'm making this because I want to post something, but also am in somewhat of a manic episode and this is how I cope so-
Explaining some of my kins
Emily Dickinson (Dickinson)
If anyone knows that "Is this fuckin play about us?!" audio from Tiktok, that's how I felt when I first saw this woman on my screen. Aside from having siblings, there is NOTHING that sets us apart. The inflection in her voice, how she interacts with people around her, her family's dynamic, her internal monologues, and how she copes with things. I have two tattoos dedicated to this show because the show resonated with me to such a high extreme.
Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
Without going into too much detail. Let's just say that I've been season 1 Rebecca in the past. I watched the show back in 2019 and multiple times, at some almost comedic scenes I started crying because I resonated with Rebecca to such a high degree. I saw, not parts of myself, but my whole self in her. A little funny thing is one of my friends is named Patrick, so I often sing "(Tell Me I'm Okay) Patrick" when he's around. And of course, the quote: "It just, it just feels like everyone is in this cabal of normal people, and they're all laughing at me like I'm the jester in my own Truman Show. Patrick, tell me what the secret is."
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
A lil Robin! She's one of the reasons why I changed my name! I love the name, Robin, I always did! I mean there's not much to say about her in terms of kinning. A little ball of anxiety that seems intimidating at first (apparently a lot of my friends found me intimidating when they saw me), a little fun comedic character that actually borders on tragedy (if the show would be written well-). Autistic as well, but that's fanon.
Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
UMM HELLO??? HI?? ME??? Mommy issues, daddy issues. Just issues in general, deflecting with humor??? I actually started hyper-fixating on philosophy because of this show, my friends constantly keep saying I'd be the main character in a sitcom too (which... I am...). I mean just watch the show if you haven't, it's really good.
Edward Teach (Our Flag Means Death)
When I made my friend watch OFMD I asked him which character he thinks I kin and the second Blackbeard showed up he pointed to him and I asked why, his response was "What do you mean, why?! Look at him! ADHD off the charts! He's all over the place! He's fascinated by the simplest of things!", then later on as the show continued, when we got Ed's backstory, he once again said "I can't believe you asked me why when he has daddy issues." And of course, there's more to me relating to him outside of these little traits. Will I share anything else? No, fuck you (/j), it's personal!
Nadine Franklin (The Edge of Seventeen)
This is all for now, some more Robin lore I guess hahaha-
I think this could be classified as a shit-post but honestly I don't know
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homesception · 6 years
May 31, 2013 - part 1: wherein Lobac eats a cookie.
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To be fair, it has been like two hundred years since my last update.  That’s a pretty good nap.  Just means I’m all the more rested to work on new stuff, right?  I mean, I need to keep a spritely pace up if I still plan on catching up to Lobac’s liveblog before said liveblog catches up to the comic.  Which for sure is still an actual thing at all, and not a bit of exclusive humor between friends.
Last time Lobac was getting into some theory crafting and analysis of the classpect system.  I didn’t have much to say about that at the time, particularly not much that wouldn’t qualify as spoilers, so iirc I was mostly just responding with random thoughts and video links, half of which are dead now.  There was a bit left over looking at the troll’s perster names, which was also good stuff, but lacking anything coherent to say about it, I’ll just gloss past the rest of that post, apart from:
Lobac said:
Thank you all for sticking around °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
As if you could ever get rid of me.  ~{@PQ}~
Moving on, we rejoin the comic with PM visiting the Black Queen to retrieve the mysterious GREEN PACKAGE, which had been impounded by agents of the Black Court as a result of a traffic violation.  The Black Queen cuts an imposing figure, and Lobac is, of course, duly imposed.
later, Lobac said:
Are those… tentacles ( ´ _ `) I thought only the imps were affected by the prototypings?
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OH SHIT OH SHIT THAT LOOKS SO COOL HOT DAMN (゜▽゜) Wowow look at her joints! Look at all the carapace-y stuff going on there!
These days, Lobac’s soft spot for this particular sort of shiny, black, possibly betentacled monster-type aesthetic is well documented.  I’m pretty sure she would have loved the black queen’s design even if it wasn’t just objectively cool as hell, but that certainly doesn’t hurt.  I’m kind of sad that we never got a proper fight scene out of this particular version of her.
That’s not a spoiler is it?  I’m pretty sure that’s not a spoiler.
Yeah, the random objects the kids threw in the general directions of their seizuresprites are directly affecting the final boss. NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG HERE EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE
I don’t see the problem here.  Nothing the kids could possibly put in those sprites could be at all unsettling or dangerous.
haa haa.  hee hee.  hoo hoo.
Her face is so weird though It’s Jaspers-shaped, and her eyes are constantly narrowed, I can’t even tell whether it’s in distaste or amusement
Why not both?
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Andrew sure is proud of that hand’s close-up She’s not even dramatically pointing she’s literally just saying “yeah I dunno anything about that kinda shit you best go down there and ask my pretty princess, I mean, subordinate”
It is a pretty great hand, honestly.  I think this particular image gets called back to a few more times yet.
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Yeah Rose! You go and fulfill your as of yet unclear vaguely Seering-related destiny
Yeah, Rose!  Get on that, maybe!
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ROSE NO YOU ARE 13 THAT IS GONNA TASTE AWFUL TO YOU Heh I legitimately don’t know whether her mom would be proud of or disappointed in her if she could see her now Is this an act of defiance or emulation Just silly teenage antics, probably, but I’d like to think she misses her
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Rooooooose Rose nooooooooooooooooo ( ´ω`) Ehehe I love how the artstyle turns super silly to reflect how upset/surprised she is
These two panels constitute one of the most iconic funny moments in the comic.  It works really well.  Shoot, I should have done the post topper-edit based on these, huh?  Oh, well.  The one I already did took like four hours, mostly due to my extreme rustiness, so I’m not going back now.
Otherwise, I also like to think of Rose missing her mom here.  Maybe not admitting it to herself, but still.  I also still ascribe to the “everything Mom ever did was 110% unironic, Rose made up the whole passive aggressive conflict between them in her head, her mom wasn’t passive agressive she was just a bonkers drunk rich lady” headcannon that I think I spoke about ages ago in this very liveblog.
Anyway, yeah, this is both a hilarious joke and a fantastic little character moment for Rose.  Another contributing factor to Rose being my big early favorite with a seemingly insurmountable head start in the ‘best character’ race.
Actually, lately, since the end of the comic, she’s been gaining ground again for me?  I mean, one of the trolls definitely surpassed her for most of my Homestuck fan life, but... eh, whatever.  There’s no way I can getting into how my feelings about those characters developed over the comics life without being way more spoilery than even I’ve already been, so that kind of talk will have to wait for later.  Even if later means ‘years from now’ or ‘never’.
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BOO FUCKING YAH, IT’S THE WHITE QUEEN Or Windswept Questant, for now She’s also as of yet uncorrupted by the kids’ silly sprite shenanigans
Lobac had been waiting for this reveal for a while, I think.
PM: Command John to put the carved tablet into a pyxis.
You follow the command telling you to command John to put the carved tablet in the pyxis and type, “John, put the carved tablet into the pyxis.” You successfully do that, and he successfully does that too. Everyone is friendly and cooperative.
Ah yes, you so rarely get this kind of friendly cooperation from narrators these days
It was a rather uncommonly tidy sequence, for this comic.
Shit I just remembered those typing hands we saw when trying to name Jack, the reader is like a physically present entity??? Maybe???
What prompted this thought?  The earlier black queen hand image hanging in your head, then a bit about narrators entering text, and that old bit just pops up?  It’s cool how brains work, making intuitive connections and all that.
What if we eventually zoom out to reveal a human exile commanding everyone. We’ve only been watching that human mess around up until now. The real story begins when they just suddenly go “whelp that was kinda fun. gotta look for food tho” at an incredibly dramatic moment.They turn away from the console.  And then we watch them slump through the desert for thousands of pages and their journey of introspective self-discovery is the actual story. Yes.
Shit, Lobac just predicted the whole narrative!  No point in continuing this liveblog, I guess.  “[#P%]t
Well, obviously this means that WV has an uncanny knack for distances and PM has one for sounds AR can probably track down crimes by their scent He’s like McGruff the Crime Dog, but a little less fluffy
I used to love McGruff the Crime Dog.  Until I grew up and realized he was a tool of THE MAN.
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dear gOD SHE REALLY IS PUTTING JACK IN DRESSES (*≧▽≦)ノシ He and Slick are basically the same person, right? Oh man he is gonna stab the shit out of her one of these days
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I’d say this is a “be careful what you wish for” moment, but I think Lobac knew exactly what she was doing here.
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Ticket? Oh, this thing. Ha, ha, look at that, you are holding a ticket. How did that get in your hand? It belongs on the desk with the others. No, you are not here to pay a parking ticket. You explain to the frightening man that you are here to pick up that green parcel.
Honestly, they’re all cuties.  the cuteness of the entire cast, even the villains mostly, in both visual depiction and personality, really is a big selling point of the whole comic.
There was a time when I wasn’t super into cute things.  I was never viscerally opposed to cuteness, never when through a virulently anti-girly-stuff phase, but these days I’m MUCH more into things being cute.  I just like cute characters!  Sure, I like things that are somber and spooky, but the best is when they’re somber and spooky AND super cute!
Like, Hollow Knight.  That whole game is like exactly my favorite aesthetic these days.  Sad and morose and dark and adorable.
But more often than not homestuck still comes pretty close to that ideal.  You just want to hug the shit out of all of these doofuses, a few stab wounds here or there be damned.  Speaking of stab wounds...
Maybe Lobac didn’t know what she was asking for earlier.
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Wait, the crowns, what the fuck, he wants her to KILL THE KING AND QUEEN??? SHE’S JUST A MAIL LADY ヾ(´・-・`)ノ”
How does he even know she’s desperate enough to kill people just to get one package?
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The PARCEL MISTRESS departs with her mission of double agency. You wonder if she’ll actually be so foolish as to attempt to uphold her end of the lopsided bargain. You make a policy of handing out a REGISWORD and a HITLIST to just about everyone who enters your office. But you never think anyone’s actually going to GO THROUGH with it. 
What a phenomenal asshole That explains that
pretty much.  As for the box itself...
Yeeeeah you’re not actually gonna show me so, go ahead, taunt me, get it over with
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Hahah, \[&P%]/
Anyway, at this point the action cuts back to the kids, and that seems a good a time as any to take a break.  I could just save this as a draft and finish the rest of lobac’s post later?  I mean, then I wouldn’t have to take extra time for another panel edit?  But I kind of want to post something now, so I guess well do this one in parts again.  part 2 scheduled for, let’s be ambitious and say may 2022
How did I ever use to have the time for this blogging shit?  I’ve been working on this for like six hours, and only got like a third of the way through one update?  I guess I was just younger then.
I’m so old now.  Time just gets away from me.
And my back hurts all the time.
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The House Party
(Alternatively titled I love High School Au’s and am horrible at titles)
Hunk X Reader: Every boy loves the girl next door and Hunk is no different. Except the girl next door is less his best friend and more of a ‘run away as soon as she spots him’ type of acquaintance. But of course with his best friends at his side with money on the line for when they are finally going to get together its all going to change. Or so they hope and what better way to make young love blossom than a kick ass house party?
Warnings: none really other than some light swearing and a bit of underage drinking
~3200 words
"Guys I know its great that everyone is excited for Spring break but this ... seems excessive," Shiro said with a grimace as he and Keith watched as Lance ran around in the basement setting up for the party. A party he had promised was going to be 'a small gathering' but was quickly turning into the makings for a major raver. Complete with more alcohol than Shiro wanted to pay attention too and all closets conspicuously clean from any clutter as if making room for … other things.
"I agee, this is childish and I don't get why it had to be my house. If anything gets broke Lance I am billing you directly," Keith added flipping his bangs out of his eyes. "Come on where is your sense of adventure! And spring break means hotter weather which means all those pretty girls in a lot less clothing. Clothing that will hopefully be removed with a little help from my friend Keg. HUNK HURRY UP WITH IT ALREADY I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR THAT!" Lance called out the back door where the last coconspirator came into the house dragging the heavy container behind him. "And not to mention the pool on Hunk hooking up with a certain neighbor is coming very close to Pidge winning and I will not let that happen," he added patting the larger teen on the back.
"Who, y/n? Sheeeeee most definitely thinks I am an idiot. Remember when I tried helping her at the school fair? She jumped out of her skin if I came within a foot of her. She probably still hates me for getting gum in her hair in the 6th grade," he groaned, blowing a large bubble with the offending gum in question. They all couldn't help but roll their eyes, except for Shiro who merely became very intent on cleaning under his nails.
"So she is coming for sure then?" he asked trying to seem interested in a bowl of pretzels "Huh that probably means Allura is coming too ... might want to behave ourselves if the class president is going to be around. She has all the assets to have our asses suspended for just short of forever. What ... why are you all staring?" he asked with a small glare and his ears turning red.
"Yeah you've been paying plenty of attention to her assets lately haven't you?" Hunk asked with a snickering Lance making a hand gesture that was supposed to represent large breasts. "I'm gonna kick your ass and your ass," Shiro said between his teeth pointing a finger at one and then the other ... even if they were technically right.
"Alluraaaaaaaa" I whined, constantly fidgeting with the hem of my skirt as we walked towards the thundering music and source of loud fits of screaming laughter. "Seriously a house party? I don't even get invited to people’s birthdays," I said pouting and keeping close to her. This was so far out of my comfort zone, not only the party but what I was wearing and god why had I ever agreed to something like this? Well I kind of knew the reason, one was because she had asked and me being the very big push over I was knew that I would give in to my best friend. Two was because Hunk had asked me. Well ask was a strong word, he had told me it was happening and made a point about it being not a big deal but if I wanted to come it would be awesome and ugh I was a weak person.
"You would get more invites if you actually talked to people. You seem to think everyone hates you but you just don't put yourself out there. And tonight you are getting out there like it or not," she scolded me as she confidently pushed her way through the crowd, a few people stopping to wave and call out to us. As soon as we stepped foot into the basement we were instantly cornered off by the host of this whole event, Lance, who so graciously wrapped his arms around us and offered us each a drink. I took mine to be polite but quickly dumped it into a house plant as soon as possible. I didn't trust anything he gave me to be honest.
"Ladies so glad you could finally make it. Hard to get things started when our guests of honor want to be fashionably late. But all can be forgiven with how hot you look cause damn girls you went all out!" he said ushering us over to the snack table. I ducked out from under his arm with a large blush and turned to him with my hands on my hips.
"What exactly is that supposed to mean, guests of honor?" I asked with a sinking feeling in my stomach. If anyone would throw an elaborate party just to try to pull something on us it would be Lance. He was a drama queen extraordinaire.
"What two outstanding members of our class council can't be guests of honor? I am ... hurt. Nothing you couldn't make up to me though," he said picking up a cup and giving us a toast before downing it in one quick gulp making me wince just thinking about it. "But I see a pretty little cheerleader in a tube top taking up way too much of Shiros time. Care to help solve that issue Allura? Hunk you don't mind entertaining this little lady do you?" he asked seeming to produce his friend from thin air before grabbing Nya by the arm and dragging her off into the general direction of where I could just see Shiros standing with a red headed cheerleader who had a place near the top of the pyramid.
I didnt have time to think about that though as I suddenly found myself pressed very close to Hunk with no way to back up, my ass already bumping into the snack table. I offered a shaky smile and I wiggled my fingers up at him. "H-hey, nice party ... too bad your friend is a complete jackass" I said suddenly clamming up like I always did around him, making it sound much colder than I had intended.
“Huh Lance? He may be a bit pushy but I promise he’s harmless. He’s had his shots and everything so totally safe to be around people,” Hunk said placing a hand against the wall and leaning in even closer with a boyish grin. I don’t think I had ever been this close to him and seeing his bangs fall into his eyes which were focused on me I could have fainted. Instead I just shrunk in on myself slightly and bit on my lip unsure of what to say. He always left me so speechless.
He waited another couple of heartbeats before seeming to decide that the fact I wasn’t running away was a good sign. He ran his fingers through his hair and glanced over his shoulder to the mass of bodies making up the dance floor. “As much as I love snacks and could totally stand here all night with just you and food, do you want to dance?” he asked brown eyes sparkling as he peered out from underneath his bangs, so hopeful and somehow breathtakingly sexy I wondered if he even knew.
It was at this point that I realized that I could very easily follow the same path I usually took when he showed any interest in talking to me: run away and make excuses to stay as far away from him as possible. Then Allura’s words echoed in my head ‘you are getting out there tonight like it or not’ and with a deep breath offered a smile. She was right, if I ever wanted anything to actually come from Hunk’s flirting I needed to actually take a chance.
“When you put it like that it sounds like you’re calling me a snack,” I said raising an eyebrow and feeling a sense of pride seeing his cheeks flush red for a change that only swelled when he threw his head back and laughed. It felt good to know that he was enjoying my company as much as I was enjoying his. “But hey I’ll let it slide lets go dance,” I said reaching out to take his hand but then losing the guile halfway and instead pushing past him to join the bustle.
I wasn’t much of a dancer but luckily Lance had similar taste in music so I could kind of follow the beat, even if I couldn’t exactly be called graceful. Hunk didn’t seem to mind though as his own wild movements were easily drawing eyes away from me. I couldn’t help but laugh a little, feeling much lighter knowing that I was in good company when it came to my own bad dancing skills. Then somehow the music seemed to skip a beat and switched to a slower melody, I thought I spied a thumbs up and a flash of light on glasses from the stereo, not that I minded.
I looked back over to my partner expecting to find him quickly closing the distance but felt a rush of gratitude when he instead held up his hands and nodded back to the snack table. He was giving me an out if I wanted one which only made me want to stay even more. “What, want to escape me that bad?” I asked with a breathy laugh. His eyes lit up again sending that increasingly familiar jolt of warmth down my spine that was mixed with a shock of electricity when his hands found my hips.
“Of course not, I just didn’t know how much you valued your toes,” he said rolling his shoulders so that my hesitating hands were forced to rest on top of them. It was weird that even though I could feel the heat of everyone around me making the air humid I still felt like he really saw no one else but me. My lips pursed and eyebrows knitted together as I wondered how he managed to do that and if he actually meant to or if maybe he just had too much to drink that made his eyes glaze over like that.
“Ohhh no geez I’m sorry did I do something wrong. Did I actually step on your toes? Or oh my god my hands did they brush something they shouldn’t have? I’m sorry whatever it was,” he suddenly started to ramble and tensed, hands moving up and eyes darting wildly to confirm they hadn’t somehow slipped down into ass territory. It left me completely dumb founded, I thought we had been having such a good time, did I do something wrong?
“What are you talking about everything is fine or uh I thought it was?!?” I asked in equal panic stopping the gentle sway we had been doing so that we were stopped dead center in the middle of the dance floor. The comfortable rhythm between us was suddenly lost and I could feel my chest tightening wanting to run away, my worst nightmare of what could happen seeming to come true.
“No no no it was er I mean it is! Oh god I am such an idiot, I’m sorry it’s just well … well you kind of had that ice queen look on your face that always makes me think that you hate me and goooood I don’t want you to hate me,” he said all in one breath and then slumped over slightly bringing his face close down to mine. It should have been something that made me happy to hear, obviously he was putting as much effort into this night as I was and yet my frown only deepened.
“You think I’m an ice queen?” I asked taking half a step back and blinking rapidly. I had heard similar things before, a lot of people seemed to think that I was a bitch or told me to smile more. Each and every time it never failed to hurt me, it wasn’t like I was walking around bitter or anything. Actually most of the time I was in a pretty good mood but I guess I may have inherited a bit of resting bitch face. Or maybe constantly being next to Allura who was forever upbeat and sociable just made me seem more dower than I really was.
Either way hearing it out of Hunks mouth stung worse than every time put together. He seemed to realize this though because he closed the space between us quickly, blocking everyone else from view. “No you’re not an ice queen but I am king of the idiots,” he said softly bending down even further trying to catch my eye, taking my hands in his own to stroke soothing circles against my skin. “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to say that, instead of stepping on your toes it looks like I ended up putting my foot in my mouth,” he snorted, I still felt guarded but he was the first person to ever apologize for saying something like that. It made me a bit more willing to listen.
He seemed to take this as a good sign or rather it seemed that since he started he couldn’t stop his rambling “Like cause obviously you’re not an ice queen because you didn’t leave me here slow dancing with myself which thank you because honestly? I probably don’t deserve it but ugh I’m glad you didn’t walk away, but you totally still can if you want! I don’t want to keep you even though I realllllllly like whats going on right now. Not the you kind of upset with me thing but the being close and smelling you’re perfume cause its really nice, it reminds me of this cherry ice cream my grandma makes. Wow that was weird but no going back now.
‘Anyway uh back to the point if there is one? Oh yeah there is! The point is I’m sorry I just thought you looked like you weren’t having fun anymore and I want to make sure you are because I love seeing you smile and when I can make you laugh that’s the best thing ever cause I feel like I don’t hear you laugh nearly enough. Shit I’ve been talking for like four, five minutes now? I wonder how much I’ve had to drink because usually I’m speechless from how pretty you are,” he finally finished off his whole body unwinding after a great sigh, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. That is until he seemed to realize exactly what he had said and he tensed all over again, eyes wide with fear. The fear only seemed to increase tenfold when I started to laugh, a real laugh without me worrying about holding back or keeping quiet and I only stopped when it led to a loud snort. “Ok wow I know I just embarrassed the hell out of myself but that’s the cutest thing I have ever heard and even if you don’t talk to me ever again, which is a valid response, I’m so glad I got to hear that,” he said with a goofy sappy smile.
“Hunk,” I said when I finally found my voice and brought a hand up to his cheek to turn his head so that he was looking at me “I do want to talk to you again. Actually I-I want to talk to you like a lot. I have for a while now but I don’t know I always kind of just freeze. I’m not as good with this whole flirting or even just talking thing as Allura is. That’s why I got so jumpy when you worked that bake sale with me at the school fair. She knew that I liked you and I just thought you were being so helpful and sweet and everyone likes you that I didn’t know what to do. I think that I just need a little help warming up is all,” I said stumbling over the last few words because now his forehead was resting against my own and nothing had ever felt as good.
At least that’s what I thought until his arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me into a kiss. I had had kisses before, teeth clashing and foul breathed kisses. This was nothing like that. Instead I felt his plump lips warm and honey sweet working against mine in such a talented way I didn’t even care that my lipstick was smearing. I rolled onto the balls of my feet to press closer to him, refusing to let him pull away until I was sure I was drunk off the faint alcohol on his breath and the feel of his muscles keeping me securely in place.
It felt right to be there with him, the warmth of his body radiating safety and comfort and it took all of my will power not to stay like that all night. In the end it left me dizzy and seeing stars and craving so much more. “I think I know a few good ways to help you with that,” he said his lips brushing mine. And this time it didn’t even matter that I was speechless because I think I knew exactly what to do with my lips in the meantime.
“I told you that this would be exactly like the movies. Everyone knows that parties are always the perfect place to force a couple together. Hollywood said so,” Lance said puffing out his chest proudly and nodding at the whole scene like a king observing his court.
“Yeah except you forgot it was my idea in the first place,” Allura said next to him, watching y/n from across the room with clasped hands “ohhhhh I am so happy for them! It really was about time you know.”
“Yeah its about time they pulled up for some air too, just ugh someone keep an eye out and make sure no one including those two ends up in any of the bedrooms. I have enough messes to clean up as it is,” Keith said sticking his tongue out and staring pointedly up towards the ceiling.
“It’s a shame they couldn’t just wait until the end of the school year. I was riding all my money on a summer romance sparking between them,” Pidge said as she counted out a stack of money “you know I don’t even mind losing its just that I lost to Lance. It’s just adding insult to injury.”
“Well then it’s a good thing that Lance didn’t win,” Shiro said finally joining the group, coming up behind the couches they were sitting on, leaning over to hand Allura her drink and snatched the money from Pidge’s hand “he got his dates wrong and because of that I actually had him schedule the party for my bet. Its what you get for making fun of my calendar keeping skills.”
This was met with a sudden outburst from the entire group, mostly laughs as Lance screamed about sabotage. But when all was quiet and all money to the rightful winner the friends looked over towards the new couple who were smiling warmly at each other as they continued to dance closely. “The important thing is that they are together now though, right?” Lance said in a wistful voice and everyone nodded with matching smiles.
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