berrisweetsiren · 4 years
~ Dance of the Poison Ivy ~
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Anyway if tumblr could Not butcher the quality that'd be fantastic.
Ivy stared down at the dress she wore, slowly taking deep breaths. In... and out. In, and out again. Herself, her sister Serenity, and the two's best friend Farren, had all been getting ready at the former's house for the wedding of a lifetime- between Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour.
Still, she felt... uncertain. Even after all these years- all the struggles she went through not just with the cursed vaults but with her own being, dysphoria was ever present in the back of her mind.
Serenity watched her sister as she looked over herself in the mirror, sighing softly with a somber smile as she walked over.
"Ivy? Is everything okay?" She asked, not wanting to push her younger sister into a response. Ivy simply fiddled with a chunk of her hair- most of it being strewn down her back as she looked between herself in the mirror, and the dark haired ravenclaw beside her.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Just feeling a bit uneasy. Are you sure I look alright? Was yellow a good choice to wear?" She smoothed out the dress, it's pastel yellow form practically bouncing as she stood. Serenity only motioned for Ivy to sit down on the chair next to her, before shaking her head.
"You look gorgeous, Ivy. Mom wouldn't have it any other way, you know," As Ivy sat down, Serenity tended to the mass of wavy hair, snagging one of Ivy's favorite hair ties off the dresser and slowly beginning to bunch the lot of chestnut locks together, "Plus, that potion we found hasn't even worn off. It's been years since you drank it, whats the chances of it wearing off now?"
"Mm..." It was true, after Serenity found the correct potion in order to properly compose Ivy's body to her own ways years prior, but even still... something still felt off.
As Serenity finished up with Ivy's hair- adjusting the little preserved red rose that was clasped to the hair tie- she turned Ivy around to fix some of her sister's makeup.
"Of all days to get dysphoria, why oh why did it have to be today?!" Ivy remarked with a forlorn sigh, closing her eyes as Serenity touched up the light eyeliner along her eyes. Ivy had decided prior not to do too much for makeup- a light dose of eyeliner would suit just fine. Often, she didn’t wear too much- just enough to look a bit fancy. She does like going all out on occasion though- during pride month or around her birthday. 
Farren only chuckled, as they ran a hand through aburn hair in attempts to fix a single little scrap that wouldn't line up right.
"Hey, look on the flip side, Vee. At least you don't have to watch out for a wayward prankster that is my girlfriend," Farren joked lightly, adjusting the tie they wore and then their vest, twirling to look at themselves in the mirror to make sure there were no creases in their outfit.
Ivy stuttered, trying to make a comeback, but eventually groaned and huffed.
"Fair enough, I guess. I wish you luck keeping her from interrupting the wedding," Ivy said bluntly, Serenity having gotten up- satisfied with her work- and busied herself with the last touches on her own ensemble.
Farren huffed and shook their head, shooting the brunette a teasing side look as Ivy got up.
"It'll be easier than keeping a certain slythrin's hands off ya, I'd say," They rebutted, making Ivy flush bright red.
"I...N-nooooo...??" Ivy stuttered over herself, biting her lip. Serenity giggled a bit.
"I'm fairly sure if any of our brothers caught wind of what we got up to with our partners at this point, they'd all be dead," Serenity responded with, gently meandering over and adding a secondary smaller broach to Ivy's dress, "I still can't believe everyone's coming.."
"Well, so goes the hope anyway." Ivy put in, sighing and running a hand over her face- careful not to mess up the intricate makeup in the process, “Our brothers might not come. Not like any of them were too close to Bill before all of this.” 
“You never know, Ivy,” Serenity added, “At the very least, our parent’s aren’t coming.” 
“Which I think is the only safe-escape here,” Ivy joked, “After last summer, I don’t think mom and dad would let Merula near me again under their supervision.” 
“Look at it this way-” Farren said, “-at least you know your family now truly cares about you, Ivy.”
“Oh no, don’t get me started on that nostalgia trip, I’ll cry-” Ivy said with a little laugh. Ever since the court case, ever since that day over the summer...she’s been a Hortensia. She’s been Serenity’s little sister. She’s been...home. Just thinking about how far she’s come- it always makes her emotional. 
Feeling tears well up in the corners of her eyes, she fights off the urge to rub at her eyes- instead letting them fall into her dress- wiping off the tears from her cheek.
“I still can’t believe it’s been 11 years since all of that happened...” Ivy said softly, as Farren and Serenity kneel beside her, looking at the trio in the mirror, “...I can’t believe I got through it.” 
“I know. I can’t believe I never heard about any of this until I came to visit in late July!” Farren exclaimed, “I’m still disappointed in you both!”
The two sister’s burst into giggles, “I know, I know, we’re sorry!” Ivy exclaimed, “With everything happening, we didn’t have much time to think.”
A set of chuckles fill the room, soft memories of the past dancing through their minds. From everything that happened- meeting the trio and becoming best friends, to discovering the secrets of the vaults, to getting partners, to Ivy becoming a Hortensia, to finding their brothers and all the way up...to this very moment.
Quiet falls over the room a few moments later, Serenity, Ivy, and Farren all looking to each other in the mirror. Serenity with her bright blue, overly poofy dress; and Farren with their sleek crimson red suit. 
“You guys have always been there for me. I don’t think I ever could thank you enough...” Ivy eventually mumbles, leaning her head against Serenity’s arm. Farren wraps an arm over the brunette’s shoulder, slowly smiling and nuzzling close to their best friend- their family.
“Of course, Ivy. We’ve all been there for eachother,” They said quietly, “Remember- we’re the cursed trio.”
“...And we’ll always be together.” Ivy concluded, giggling before hugging the duo close, “I know.”
Silence fills the dressing room for several minutes, slowly taking a few deep breaths before Farren and Serenity let their arms fall, and Ivy gets up.
“Ready?” Serenity and Farren smile to Ivy, who smiles in return- that bold, confident smile she always held with her. 
Ivy smiles, taking her sibling’s hands, headed out of the dressing room to address the crowd. 
-- ⭐ --
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