iheartmoons · 8 months
one time on tiktok, people were attacking someone in the marauders fandom for not talking about black people during february and it just made me realise how self-centred and unaware some people are (cough cough americans) bc did it ever occur to them for one second that maybe not everyone celebrates black history month in..... the same month....?
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momoffdrugs · 11 months
11/06/2023. 3:27 AM
it was soo hard waking up today. felt like i was hungover af. i ended up sleeping until 12:45. tried out my new make up and loveeeeeddddd. it ate up so bad. tried the heatless curls again last night and when i took it out it looked sooo bad like why me??? anyways. i worked at 4 today. i came in and i had 43 dollars from the tabs last night. nice. i spent it on a fundraiser and got my grandparents a christmas present. a basket of fruit. all prettt much local!! i thought that was cool. one of my regulars gifted me a box of chocolates when i wasn’t there likeeee. so sweet !! he’s actually my fav regular but the first time i served him (on my first day!) he freaked me out haha. he was bawling! but anyways he’s a good guy and tips really well.
but man i want my coworker sooo bad but it’s really probably only because i want what i can’t have. and that’s absolutely why i want him lmfao. but never again am i fucking someone a decade older than me!!! hell no.
started watching the house of gucci and when i was googling the cast i found a vintage necklace for sale for 170 and im like I NEED IT THE VOICESS!!! omg. but!! i’ve decided if i get into the school i applied for, im gifting it to myself. but otherwise, i will be saving !! but i just realized tonight i find out in like two weeks if i get in. so exciting. y’all im praying and manifesting. haha
what else? not much else to say. just looksmaxxing lately. thinking about exercise but it’s so intimidating to me. but i want to look the best me. this years goal is to be the sexiest and scariest version of myself yet !!! imma get there. this year was HUGE in my spiritual growth. this year is going to be HUGE for my educational and physical growth. we’re making it out of the hood ladies 🙏
goodnight loves
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