fromtenthousandfeet · 3 months
Are the numbers for SGMB really as good as they seem?
I'm hearing variations of "Take that, you evildoers at Geffen/Hybe and "suck on it, BandPD!" and I thought about what you said.
They do nothing for him, and yet he makes them money. So, what lesson did they learn?
Meanwhile, I'm out here streaming and buying and watching. Because love for Jimin is stronger than hate for these guys. I guess I willingly, knowingly fall into their trap every time.
If they ever decided to properly support Jimin, imagine the monster they could unleash upon the world. But they prefer to keep him in his cage, isolated on his lovely island, jeering at him while they gleefully go to the bank.
Those first day numbers were something else! And so unexpected given how little promo there was for SGMB.
Here are some things that concern me:
Why so many streams from Thailand? Who paid for the bot farms? Is a huge drop in streams guaranteed? Damn bot streams! Like how could a single country with only 700,000 Spotify premium subscribers pull off more than 2 million streams on the first day, especially when one user account can only stream the song 20x? Thailand streamed more for SGMG than NLG on the first day.
The situation with Geffen really rallied the ARMY troops. They love the underdog/abused by the Western music industry narrative and I suspect more BTS fans tuned in and streamed for Jimin, who might not have otherwise, because they felt Bangtan had been slighted by the bad western man. But this group likely won't stick around for the next few weeks - let alone a day or two - to continue streaming and buying in earnest. FYI: I think Namjoon's new album also benefitted from the brawl with ADOR.
I'm so confused by Big Hit's promo. They're doing a little bit of paid ads. There's TikTok content, and even listening parties on Stationhead. Okay great, but there are still no tools to really support charting, like multiple covers and versions, and of course, playlisting, and even more controversial, radio play. At least not yet. Frankly, I'm stunned they're doing anything.
FYI - I'm also streaming and buying, even if it's against my religion. I'm a total hypocrite.
It's abundantly clear that Jimin is absolutely beloved by so many people across the globe, and especially here in the coveted USA. It was just amazing to watch how quickly SGMB hit #1 on iTunes around the world. And the filtered/unfiltered Spotify numbers were insane.
I hope Jimin eventually gets a chance at an unfettered solo career, supported by talented co-writers and producers (I may be alone in this, but I'm not in love with his current team). Who the hell wants to go back to Jiminless BTS songs?
Anyway, #JiminStrong for sure!
Here's my suggestions for a companion song to Smeraldo Garden Marching Band:
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agirlinhell · 5 years
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                                                   FIGHT LIKE A GIRL.
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adaru32 · 4 years
October 2020 Devil May Cry News Updates
Someone mentioned in September’s news updates about how they don’t like visiting Deviantart due to what’s happened to it. So here’s the full list and links I’ll be sharing here that I’ve shared in the Deviantart journal so you don’t have to visit there.
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Hey, how's it going? Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. Here are this month's Devil May Cry related updates: 1. Asmus Toys has announced a devil Dante Qbitz figure up for preorder. 2. More promo images of Lady for the Pinnacle of Combat mobile game. 3. Rumours of a Devil May Cry 6 in the works are already surfacing. 4. Devil May Cry V getting a SSS pack, which contains a soundtrack, tshirt, and poster. b) Speaking of which, they haven't forgotten about releasing an official Vergil coat. c) Famitsu Interview regarding what may or may not happen in Special Edition. d) Other inclusions and exclusions of Special Edition regarding features, the official Vergil DLC release date, etc. 5. CapCom at one point released stamps to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the 1st Devil May Cry game. Someone got their hands on them. 6. 90 Day Fiance, featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series. 7. Interview of Kyo (aka RedgraveKyo) talking to the voice of Trish from DMC4, Danielle Burgio. 8. Some drama regarding how "casuals" and "elitists" react to different opinions of Devil May Cry 4 and V.
My Thoughts On These Updates:
1. That Qbitz figure's adorable. A friend of mine in my one Facebook group mentioned about how Asmus Toys announces all of these Qbitz figures, but no mention about a release date, which is frustrating. 2. As I mentioned in the previous roundup of updates, Yunchang Games really loves showing off more promo work than their actual work. They are nice images, but they could at least give small tidbits of updates about what's happening with this game. Last I heard, it is supposed to be fully released some time this year. Well, we still have another couple months before the year ends. The other thing I heard for why it's getting delayed again is because of the pandemic, and they're actually listening to feedback from their beta testers so they're fixing whatever they can to please the fans. 3. I'm not surprised that rumours about a Devil May Cry 6 is already in the works. Especially when this rumour is coming from DuskGolemn (aka AestheticGamer1). Sure that person has some history with CapCom, but it doesn't mean whatever comes out of this person's statuses are always 100% true. It's plausible since Devil May Cry V did so well with their sales and such, but I'm gonna be cautiously optimistic about this info given. 4. I feel like for CapCom's SSS pack, they should include a Vergil figure from Prime1Studio or Kotobukiya. Sure a soundtrack, tshirt, and poster are nice, but I feel like there should be more. b) Nice that they haven't forgotten about Vergil's official coat being available for purchase. Sucks that these official coats/jackets are so damn expensive. They're way more than a used or new car for crying out-loud. c & d) Sucks that we PS4, PC, and XboxONE players have to wait longer for the Vergil DLC, but better to be late than never. It's also too bad about Xbox Series S players, but I guess some technology does have their limits. I'm very curious as to what Special Edition has in store. I like how CapCom's not giving away too much info to make up for the mistakes they've made of releasing major spoilers in their trailers for the original game and DMC4. 5. I think I've heard about those stamps before. It's cool that CapCom does things like that. Japan gets really awesome gaming merch stuff...Even their advertisements are more entertaining than us westerners'. 6. Funny how a little tidbit of someone cosplaying as Dante pops up in a TV show. Wonder what was happening down there in San Diego with that guy? 7. I haven't checked out the interview, but it's cool how specific fans can interact with these voice actors to get some more details and such. If any of you watched it, and anything sticks out that seems interesting, don't be afraid to share your thoughts. 8. (Warning: Very long rant, brutal honesty, and swearing ahead)...It really sucks what's happening with the Devil May Cry fandom as of late...More people have been leaving the fandom because someone was trying to be "funny". I'm aware that these kinds of things also happen with other fandoms like Undertale, Bayonetta, etc. for these kinds of drama to occur. I'm just sick of people shitting on one another... Yes, there is good that happens in this fandom as well like fundraisers for good causes, fans supporting other fans, even chill folk that don't like to start drama (Like that wholesome status post I shared in the list of updates for example). My problem is how people are either living under a rock, or are being in denial with the problems that surface with this fandom. Let alone being hypocritical where they share an opinion regarding another opinion that they disagree with in a rude manner, then turn around and  share something more positively eye-opening that's not so rude so they cover their tracks with their mistakes they've made before (Not sure if I worded this properly. Hope you get what I mean. One example is how one of the "elitists" mentioned about how "casual fans" are the most toxic people he's come across. Meanwhile he's complaining and whining in a toxic manner about PC players not getting Special Edition, then he turns around and shares that wholesome post about DMC4 players vs fans to make himself look good). I just want everybody to keep the peace with one another instead of being entitled, egotistical, self-centered, spoiled-rotten, hypocritical, idiots. The other issue this fandom is facing is content thieves. They've been on the rise for quite some time now, and people aren't doing a damn thing. I've been fighting with a few Facebook groups regarding this kind of act, but all they want is clout...Which is ridiculous if you ask me...I ask that if any of you see fan artists', screen captors', meme and mod creators', and cosplayers' content being posted where they state on their images or profiles that they don't want their content shared, or need permission to ask about their content being shared, message these artists or report the images. Even say something to these content thieves. As an artist who's had my stuff stolen before, I don't condone content theft... For those of you who know me in my Original Devil May Cry Sanctuary group on Facebook, and The Red Devil's Chronicles page on there as well, I always credit the content creators for their work, but I am also cautious on who wants their stuff posted or not. And as of late, I've pretty much stopped sharing others' fan art to respect these artists' wishes of not wanting their content shared without permission. If any of you want your stuff shared on the Facebook page, don't be afraid to let me know on here or there, I will give credit. I've been debating about whether to completely delete the fan art album on there and start anew. What do you guys think? As I've said, not all things are bad in the Devil May Cry fandom. We do have the good side of it, too. I'm hoping it gets better regarding that good side of it. It really sucks having to see stuff like this happen. But we good fans can change things for the better if we do something. This may come off as nerdy or cheesy, but as Alucard from Castlevania states in Symphony of The Night, "The only way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".
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bright-molina · 7 years
One Last Time (Part Three)
Summary: You and Ben were the most talked about couple in Auradon. You were a princess, daughter of Cinderella and he was the future king, son of Belle. You were inseparable. That is until a new quartet came into town. After that you were still the most talked about, only this time it was for a very different reason. Everyone’s favorite couple quickly became the most scandalous news anyone had heard in years.
// So one last time I need to be the one who takes you home //
// I’d take it all back just to have you //
Characters: Ben, Chad, Audrey, Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, fem!reader (daughter of Charming and Cinderella)
Warnings: a little bit of angst I guess? 
Word Count: 2796
A/N: I’m excited for this guys! (also shameless self promo, check out my oc’s here) 
Part One (x) Part Two (x)
@purelittleblueberry @stevebuchananparker267
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“What did I do wrong?” You mumbled, your voice hoarse.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, sweetie” Audrey sighed. You had been crying for the past two hours and your head was starting to pound, making everything ten times worse. You hadn’t bothered to change out of your uniform and you were wrapped up in a blanket between Chad and Audrey. Neither one of them had left your side since the whole incident. And for that you were grateful. A knock on the door resonated through the room, interrupting the movie none of you had been paying attention to. You were trying to figure out where you went wrong, there must have been a reason Ben would just leave you like that. Audrey was trying to figure out the best way to get revenge, your now ex-boyfriend had humiliated you and in front of the entire school no less. Chad was figuring out the best way to kick ass and who’s to kick exactly, punching a girl wasn’t gentleman like at all and so he settled for hunting down the person who hurt his baby sister the most, Ben.
Audrey was the one who left your side to answer the door. She didn’t say anything when she saw who was on the other side of it.
“Um,” Evie didn’t know what to say. There wasn’t a situation where she found herself standing in front of Audrey voluntarily. But now there she was along with Jay and Carlos. “W-we just wanted to check on Y/N. See how she’s doing”
“She’s fine,” Audrey said, short and final. “Now if you excuse us” She was about to shut the door when Jay stopped it.
“We want to talk to her,” He ordered more than anything else. None of them felt good about what they had done, that much was clear. “Please”
It was the ‘please’ that made Audrey sigh and let them in. You quickly stood up from the bed when you saw who it was. You wiped away the last of your tears and hoped that your face wasn’t too tear stained. You sniffled and glared at the streaks of makeup that had come off from your face and onto your hands now.
“Hi,” You said quickly. “Sorry, I’m a mess”
“Don’t worry about it” Evie shook her head quickly stopping your rapid movements to look presentable.
“Can we get a minute alone?” Carlos said when he noticed Chad and Audrey watching them carefully. He waited until they had left the room to walk over to you. “I, uh, I’m not very good at these but you look like you could use one right now” He said softly before wrapping you in a hug. You had to shut your eyes tight to keep from crying again.
“Thank you,” You said, wincing when your voice cracked. “Did you need anything? I can do my best to help if-”
“No,” Jay cut you off mid sentence. “No, it's fine,” He reassured you. A look passed between him and Evie and Carlos, one of regret. Even now after what had just happened you treated them no different. “We just wanted to make sure you were...okay”
You crossed your arms and shook your head, chuckling humorlessly. “Honestly I’m not,” You admitted to them. “But I’ll get there” You added quickly when they looked away from you.
“Just out of curiosity,” For a couple seconds Carlos debated whether or not to ask his question. He decided to do it despite his better judgment. “How long were you and Ben dating?”
You couldn’t deny that the question hurt. You hoped desperately that it didn’t show. The softened look on their faces told you otherwise. “Well we’ve known each other since we were kids but we’ve been dating for just over a year and a half,” You paused for a second before shakily speaking again. “We had been anyway”
They watched as you shut your eyes tightly and sighed. “That’s a long time,” Evie said softly, wishing that she never agreed to the love spell in the first place. “You seemed so happy”
“I guess you never really know anyone as well as you think, right?” You tried smiling but found that you couldn’t.
“We’ll leave you alone. It’s getting late” Jay knew that they had to get out of there before you got any more upset and before any of them let anything spill.
“Yeah,” You nodded quickly walking with them to the door. “I’ll see you all tomorrow”
Chad and Audrey almost fell into the room when Carlos opened the door. They were about to walk away when you stopped them. “Wait,” When they turned you reached for your hand slowly pulling off Ben’s ring. You had forgotten you still had it. You were so used to seeing it on your finger that now that it was off it looked odd. “Can I ask you for a favor?” You said cautiously as you twirled the ring around in your hands.
“Anything” Evie nodded, turning back towards you.
“Can you give this to B-” You stopped short, hesitating to say his name. “To Ben” You finally mumbled and placed the ring in her hand. You looked up to see her nod slightly.
“I'll do that” She said before quickly walking away.
“Sweetie if you don't feel like going to classes then don't go. I'll cover for you” Audrey said. You were fixing your makeup in the mirror of your vanity, trying to look as flawless as possible.
“You know as well as I do what they'll all say if I don't go” You sighed. No doubt would everyone in school be talking but so would the reporters that hung around. It simply wasn't an option to skip school. The only thing you could do was put on a brave face and plaster on a smile while you attended your classes. And that was exactly your plan.
“Well in that case you’ll need different clothes” She sighed before smiling at you through the reflection in the mirror and then disappearing to rummage through your closet.
It was your last class of the day and you had been successful in avoiding most of the prying eyes and questions. There was the group of reporters that had practically ambushed you on your way in from that morning's practice but they were easily sent off when Chad threatened them. He and Audrey also made sure to give whoever looked at you the wrong way for too long their signature glares. The entire day you had been walking around with a smile as always, it was convincing enough that some people began wondering if anything had happened at all. It wasn’t until lunch that you lost your composure for just a few minutes. You had been staring too long at where Evie, Carlos, and Jay were sitting, two people very obviously absent.
“Sweetie,” Audrey’s voice brought your attention back to your own table. “You know all those songs we listen to?”
“Your so called ‘femme fatale’ playlist?” You said with a small smirk.
“Exactly!” Audrey laughed. “I mean this in the nicest way possible but you're giving off Get Back vibes,” You had to roll your eyes at her statement. “You should be giving off Sorry Not Sorry vibes. You’re a Charming for crying out loud. And you should never let anyone see that they got to you. Make them see that this princess bows to no one”
“I bow to no one,” You mumbled to yourself as you walked alongside Chad. The two of you were recruited to sing for Family Day that weekend. You had been repeating what Audrey had told you to yourself when you realized that this practice was going to be the first time you had to actually speak to Ben in two days.
“You sure you’re okay for this?” Chad looked at you concerned. “I mean you are talking to yourself. You can plead temporary insanity and get out of it”
You glared in his direction and punched his arm making him in turn glare at you. “Even if I wanted to go with your dumb excuse I can’t. I was roped into doing the choreography, remember?”
“Sucks to be you then,” Chad shrugged easily as the two of you walked into one of the practice rooms where everyone else already was. “I just have to look good”
“That’s gonna be hard then, won’t it?” You shot back easily before walking away, leaving him to think about what you had just said. You laughed when a few seconds later he shouted out ‘hey’.
“Guess we can get started now,” Ben said as he walked to the front of the room. You were standing in between Audrey and Lonnie, none of you really paying attention as Ben was talking.
“Can you believe him?” Audrey scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “He’s acting like everything’s fine”
“I think he thinks it is,” Lonnie agreed with Audrey. “It’s kind of disturbing. You’d think he’d be at least a little more considerate”
“I just want to get out of here as quickly as possible” You said to them. You weren’t exactly in the mood to plan out an entire routine with the one person you were trying to avoid.
“You know, I heard that he and-”
“Ladies,” Ben cut off your conversation without hesitation. “What do you think?” He walked over and stood right in front of you. His smile came easily when he looked at you but it faltered when you didn’t return it. Your face was still, refusing to give him any reaction at all.
“Sounds great,” Audrey said with a fake smile on her face. Ben looked away from you and at her before nodding a little.
“Alright then,” He said after a few seconds, glancing back and forth from you to everyone else. While everyone else was working on the song Ben was trying to piece together thoughts in his head. Everything was blurred together but occasionally he’d remember something. And almost every time that something had to do with you.
That night Ben sat in his room, headphones in with music blasting through them. He was staring at the words in the textbook in front of him, not actually processing any of the information. He was more focused on the words in the song that had come on.
Met this girl when I was three years old we were holding hands tight so I'm told
His pencil dropped from his hand as he listened intently. Those words meant something to him, but why?
Cause I knew back when if we get too close when the time is right maybe I'll propose baby climb on up, show me the ropes
And then he realized why he knew every word. Why the song meant something. It’s our song. He remembered the first time the two of you heard it, it was playing in the background the night of your first date.
Darling I want all the strings attached I love it when you look at me like that and you're the only girl that brings me back cause baby I want all the strings attached
He remembered the feeling that overcame him when he looked at you. There was only one way to describe it. But he couldn’t tell you, not yet.
It's like always and forever, I won't let a moment pass and when I'm with you I feel better I want all the strings attached
It came on again the night he told you he loved you. He had gone silent and when you looked at him it spilled out. I love you. After that he couldn’t stop telling you so.
And baby when you fall down, I fall too. And if you get lost, then I'll get lost with you. And when the waves crash down then baby I won't move cause I need all the strings attached
Those memories disappeared as soon as they showed up. Ben’s mind was left blank again once the song had ended. Slowly he stood up and threw his things aside, knowing exactly where it was he needed to go.
It was almost midnight when a knock sounded at your door. You and Audrey locked eyes, both of you equally confused.
“Should we open it?” She asked as set down another gossip magazine.
Another knock at the door gave you your answer. “We don’t have much of a choice, do we?” You said as you stood up. You walked to the door and slowly pulled it open. When you saw who it was your face fell.
“H-Hi,” Ben stuttered when he saw you. You didn’t say anything to him at all. You simply stared, it was the first time he had voluntarily come to see you. No classes, or practices, just you and him. Sort of.
“What do you want Ben” You finally managed to say. It was when you said his name that Audrey looked up. She was about to walk over when you held up your hand making her stay in place. She sighed before settling for watching from her bed.
“I, uh,” He looked confused as he searched for what to say. “I was listening to music,” He looked away from the floor and at you instead. “Our song came on and I needed to talk to you after hearing it”
“Please don’t,” You shook your head. “Don’t act like everything is going to be okay, Ben”
“But Y/N-”
“No!” You tried not to yell too loud. “No buts, okay?” You scoffed as you crossed your arms in front of you. “You’re the one who broke up with me. Not only that, I was humiliated. In front of our friends, in front of the entire school!” You kept on going, not letting him get a word in. “You’ve known me for years and you know that I don’t care what people say. But you haven’t heard what people are saying now”
It was silent for a few seconds before either of you said anything. “I’m sorry,” He tried to reach for you and frowned when you took a step backwards.
“Don’t tell me that you’re sorry” You refused to look at him when you felt the sting in your eyes and the feeling of tears, all previous reservations going out the window. You knew he could see you crying and yet you refused to back down. Ben’s face softened but he knew better than to reach for you again. Instead you took in a shaky breath before looking up at him again. “Did you ever love me?”
Your words took him by surprise. He was shocked that you’d even ask such a question. “Of course I did. I still-”
“Then leave” You cut him off before he could continue. You didn’t want to hear it. “If you ever loved me at all then you’ll leave right now and you won’t come back”
“Y/N,” He sounded broken. That was the only way to describe it. He didn’t know what he was expecting when he decided to come see you. But it for sure wasn’t that.
“Leave” You repeated, your voice cracking in the process. That time Ben didn’t argue. You closed the door and for a second refused to move. You wanted more than anything for him to put up a bigger fight. But your situation was different than his. You were heartbroken whereas he was still happy only with someone else. The smallest part of you resented him for that. 
You didn’t have a chance to walk away before your door opened again. When you turned Ben was standing in the doorway looking more determined than ever. He didn’t say anything. Instead he took your face in his hands and kissed you. You hated that you melted against his touch so easily. Your lips moved in sync for a few seconds before you came to your senses. It took everything you had to push Ben away.
“I said leave,” You were breathing heavily, mind still spinning from the kiss. The look in your eyes betrayed what you were trying to say. You held the door open for him and waited for him to go, all while refusing to look at him again. Ben looked confused more than anything but eventually he did leave. He looked back just in time to see your door close behind him and the lock click. 
It wasn’t until he looked up that he saw Evie watching, her arms filled with bundles of different materials and her expression shocked. Evie could see how confused he looked. She had seen and heard everything. Ben’s voice came out shaky when he spoke.
“What did I do?”
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