mmonamona · 4 years
petty fights and lonely nights [corpse husband x reader]
synopsis: it’s the first time visiting your boyfriend, and with new experiences comes you first serious argument. fluffy ending cus I’m a sap.
a/n: ahhhhhh I’m nervous to post this but I’ve been simping too long and I need to get this idea out of my head. Also if you follow me and you see this, no you didn’t❤️ also also if anyone want to request anything, go ahead. Uni is kinda hectic but writing relaxes me so feel free to do so.
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It was just another night, really. You could hear Corpse’s laughter from beyond the wall of his recording room as you prepped dinner, remembering the intricacies of his diet and preferences. You weren’t an amazing cook, but you were definitely better than him when it came down to it, and you refused to have him order takeout once again.
Since you had come to visit Corpse for the week, you noticed he seemed apologetic about pretty much everything in his life. He apologised his apartment wasn’t clean enough; he apologised he couldn’t do anything but order takeout for every meal; he apologised about his irregular sleeping pattern, and so on. Over and over you assured him that it was no problem, to which he would give a somewhat wary smile and a kiss on your forehead, only to continue with his everyday tasks. The week had almost gone by and already his apartment was looking tidier and his cupboards more stocked. It wasn’t that you were a clean freak per se, but you wanted to help the man you loved. You opted to doing smaller everyday tasks he wouldn’t normally be able to do without much effort because of his anxiety, like buying groceries and taking out the garbage. It was almost as if you already lived together.
With dinner now arranged, you wandered over to his door of his recording room to be greeted with silence. A peek inside confirmed that he had ended his stream and was now editing, so you walked in and tapped him on the shoulder.
“Hey babe, dinners ready. You should come eat,” you smiled encouragingly.
“I’ll come later, gotta finish editing this.” He said, giving you a quick glance before looking back down wrapping himself back up in his work. The pressure of gaining fame so quickly was clearly taking a toll on him, and you couldn't help but notice even with how much as he tried to hide it from you.
“Corpse, you’ve barely eaten anything all day. And you have to eat soon if you wanna fall asleep-”
“I know ok? Stop coddling me.” He grunted, not taking his eyes off the screen, but he seemed to halt his work on the computer in front of him. You paused, processing his words.
“...Coddling you? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” You huffed, crossing your arms.
“You’ve been treating me like a child this whole week. I’m not bedridden, I can do things for myself.” He said, not even having to raise his voice for his words to sting.
“So thats what this is about? You think I-“
“Just fuck off, I don’t need you mothering me.”
His words lingered in the silence of the room like a bitter taste you couldn't wash down, and neither of you seemed to have a rebuttal. You could’ve shouted at him real nice and loud, given him a piece of you mind, but as you stood there imprisoned in your own thoughts, you realised it wouldn't be worth it. 
You rolled your eyes, letting out a huff of air. “Fine.”
With that, you left the room, the door closing shut behind you as you stomped across the apartment. Your stubbornness had you in a frenzy, impulsively pushing you through the living room and past the dining table, your mind set on leaving there and now. You opened the front door and- ..oh.
You didn’t have any shoes on. Or a jacket. And where would you even go? It’s not like you had any friends in the area. Or a car. And your phone was still inside.
These realisations were enough to snap you out of your stubbornness and make you roll your eyes at you rash behaviour. Fuck, you were really dramatic when angry.
You lived nowhere near, and you sure as hell weren’t getting a hotel room just because of a silly argument. With a sigh you stepped back into the apartment and slammed the front door shut, walking back into the living room and spreading yourself on the couch.
‘Our first fight’ you thought. It was so stupid, and now that you were calming down, you realised you could’ve handled that so much better. You peeked at the door of his recording room, guilt and regret flooding your mind. Admittedly, you didn’t know what you were expecting, but there was no sign that he had even moved from the position you left him in. As much as you wanted to go back and give him a hug and apologise, you thought it was best if you let him cool down too.
You figured he wasn’t coming out anytime soon, so you grabbed your dinner plate and sat back on the couch, settling for eating in silence. Watching a movie or something on your phone just didn’t attract you right now, not when you had so much on your mind.
Had you been coddling him? It wasn’t like you meant to baby him around, it’s just that you wanted to help him. You wanted to show him that you cared, that he could rely on you and that you would help him in any way. You didn’t even realise he could have taken it the wrong way, and it made you feel even more guilty. You frowned as you munched on your food, feeling lonely for the first time since you stepped foot into the apartment. Sure, you weren’t always with each other even now, but with the tension between the two of you, you couldn’t help but think that you missed him, even if it had barely been 10 minutes since you exchanged words.
God you wanted to slap yourself. You had only been dating him for a couple of months and yet you had fallen so hard. You almost laughed at yourself as you got up and put your empty plate in the sink, realising just how whipped you were. You turned back to the dining table, the remaining plate making you frown again, but you just walked back to the couch and sat down, pondering on how you could spend your time. You figured mindlessly scrolling through twitter could help you pass the time.
It couldn’t have been 20 minutes before you heard a door open, the sound of footsteps and sniffles echoing in the silent apartment. 
...Wait- sniffles?
Your head whipped around, and you were met with the sight of your boyfriend standing in the doorway of his recording room, his face stained with tears so uncharacteristic of him, his eyes clearly searching for you in the dark living room. His eyes hadn’t yet adjusted to the darkness and the fact that he couldn’t find you with his temporarily impaired vision was freaking him out, the eyepatch he still had on not doing him any favours.
“Y/n?” His voice wavered, lip trembling as if he was on the verge of tears once again.
“Babe. I’m here,” you replied quickly, getting up off the couch and towards him, where he met you in a warm embrace. You felt his figure relax against you; he released a shaky sigh to calm his breathing and held you tight, almost as if he was afraid you'd disappear from between his arms.
“I thought you left,” he whimpered, face buried in your neck. You rubbed his back in a comforting manner, and your other hand went up to play with his hair like you had every night all week when he couldn’t sleep, “I heard the front door-”
“No baby, I would never leave you. I was just angry, you know I’d never do that.” you whispered, tears gathering in your eyes.
“I’m so fucking sorry, I’m such an idiot and I s-shouldn’t have-”
“It’s okay Corpse, I know you didn't mean it,” you cooed, reassuring him with a kiss on the cheek as his breathing steadied, “I just- I don’t mean to pamper you or whatever,” you started. “And I don’t do it because of your health or because I pity you. I do it because I love you. Because you mean the world to me and I wish-“ your voice cracked, and you felt him tighten his arms around you even more; you recognised the sound of him holding back his cries. 
“I wish I could love all your problems away, but I know I can’t so I just.. I love you in the ways I can. You’re never a burden to me. And you deserve the world and I just wish I could give it to you.” You rambled, voice heavy with emotions. You buried your face in the soft fabric of his hoodie, wishing you could remain like this until the end of time.
“I love you too,” he sighed, “and I don’t need the world. I just need you.”
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