loverbobby · 1 month
s/o to the girls (gn) that posted their loyal bobby s2 playthroughs on youtube bc u are the realest ones
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castlevaniaobssessed · 3 months
Girl,....YOU GHOSTED HIM????....why are you fuming at him every time he breathes??...I'm so confused....I knew the moment she walked in, it would season 5 all over again😭
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love-islanding · 10 months
my season 2 pookies you will be missed, especially bobby my number one pookie💔💔
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supporthimbos · 5 months
Bring back season 2, I'm miserable 😭😭😭
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anotherrennell · 2 years
"Fusebox doesn't listen to us! 😭😫"
Except, they do? It's very obvious in their script changes.
Suresh stans were devestated when an intimate hug with Suresh got turned into a friendly one. Guess why they did that? Because people are saying they are forced to romance him - well, now they're trying to make a friendly option for y'all.
You wanted to romance Gabi? They added grafting options for you.
What they can not change are major plot lines. Suresh wanting you back is the whole freaking story, so yes, he's going to be a bit overbearing.
During season 2: "I'm sick of all this drama!" - We get season three, friend island.
During season 3: "This is so boring, everyone want MC, that's not realistic and not interesting! I didn't mean no drama, I just wanted it to revolve around MC and not solving everyone elses" - We get season four - You actually get rejected by some, drama is about MC of you want it to be.
During season 4: "Nobody want MC! I hate this!" (That's not even true: James 🥰 and Bruno) "Where is my DRAMA?!". We get season 5 - Filled with drama centered around MC, you are desired and wanted, but not all available right away.
How much to you expect them to change mid season?
It's a game, sit down and relax. It's ok to get emotional, I do too. But, attacking the company who's the reason you have something to get emotional over in the first place or even other people in the community for liking/disliking a certain character is taking it to far.
Fusebox, is not a great company I heard about them firing a bunch of people 🤨, so dramatic. But, this community is getting toxic, and that is not fusebox doing.
Maybe this post is better fitting on Reddit. But I refuse to talk to those people, so here we are.
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mercedesdecorazon · 1 year
Just want to let y'all know that I'm pregnant...
In light of LITG S6, I just want you guys to know that I have a new MC in the family. I don't know her yet but I know that she's black and beautiful 😍 that's it.
(Being under the clutches of FB is a toxic relationship for me 🤧)
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katsie · 2 years
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broken and hoping
She didn’t use her key. Instead she rang the doorbell to her own home, like a stranger. Because it wasn’t her home anymore, at least not after today. Most of her stuff had already been picked up by professional moving trucks, but there were a few things left. She’d debated sending her friends or her family to pick it up, but ultimately decided against it. She wanted to do this on her own, to prove to herself she was strong enough to get through this. She even dressed up in her favourite jeans to try and make herself feel better. It didn’t hurt that she knew they were his favourite as well. She had also done her hair and make-up to try and distract from her puffy face. 
She heard him coming down the stairs in a light jog like he always did, she could picture him. She tried to shake it from her mind, but it refused to let go. 
The door swung open and he stood there, staring at her. She hadn’t seen him since she left. He was usually polished, in smart trousers and fitted shirts. His stubble was always perfect, his hair the same. But now his hair was tousled like he’d just gotten out of bed, his stubble overgrown, and he was wearing sweats. He looked exhausted.
She frowned, refrained from reaching out to touch his face. Then she took a deep breath. “Hi.”
“Hey,” he said and moved out of the way. She stepped inside and he closed the door behind her. The air was thick with tension, neither knowing what to say. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his sweats, bringing his shoulders forward as if shielding himself.
“I’m gonna go upstairs, clear out my closet,” she said.
“Okay,” he said, and watched her jog up the stairs as she always did. He walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on. He readied a mug for them both, pouring in two tablespoons of her favourite instant coffee. He’d ridiculed her when he first found out. “It tastes like shit,” he’d said but she had just stuck her tongue out at him. It was the cutest thing he’d seen. Then whenever he’d slept over at her place, he’d help himself to some. Over time, he’d learn to like it. He even preferred it over the fancy stuff, though he knew it was more sentimental than anything.
When the kettle went off, he poured in the water, then added six teaspoons (yes, really) of sugar in her mug. He stirred it, then brought both with him upstairs. He found her in their bedroom, folding her clothes and putting them into boxes. He watched her for a moment, watched as she sorted her clothes into the carefully categorised boxes. He never thought he’d meet anyone else as organised as he was, but sometimes he wondered if she might actually be worse than him. Or better. Depended on how you chose to see it.
He held both of the steaming mugs in one hand, knocked on the doorframe with the other. Her head whipped up, noticing the mugs. A small smile tugged at her lips because she knew exactly what it was, and she both loved and hated him for knowing her well enough to understand it would be exactly what she’d want right now. 
He stepped forward and held the mug out for her, and she accepted it with a small smile.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Of course,” he said, stood for a moment, then decided to sit down on the floor opposite her. He made sure to give her space, sitting down by the wall, leaning against it. Watched her close her eyes and sigh with happiness as she took a sip. She was so beautiful. God, what had he done.
When she opened her eyes, she caught his gazing at her with a longing look in his eyes, and she blushed. Cleared her throat. She took another sip, then put the mug down and continued clearing out her clothes from the closet. She froze when she pulled out a hoodie. Her favourite hoodie. His hoodie. She swallowed, trying to rid herself of the growing lump in her throat, but to no avail. She folded it in her lap, held it, stared at it. Should she keep it? Would it be a painful reminder of how it all crumbled, or a joyous reminder of all the good times they’d shared? She didn’t know, and so she put it aside.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and when she looked up at him she could see his eyes were glassed over. The lump in her throat grew. She tried to swallow it away again. It still wouldn’t budge. She looked away and continued to busy herself with the packing. When she was finished with the clothes, she closed the boxes and moved to the bathroom. He stayed put, watching her walk back and forth. He couldn’t help himself from remembering the first night they’d shared in this flat, the first night they’d slept in this bedroom. She had come out of the bathroom in just her knickers and one of his t-shirts. Fresh-faced and damp hair, jumping onto the bed with a grin on her face.
“Much better,” he’d said with a dopey grin, framing her face with his hands. Brought it to him and kissed her. She snorted a laugh as she pulled back and looked at him. “Please, you love it when I doll myself up and wear something tight and fancy,” she’d said.
“I do,” he’d agreed, bringing her back so he could kiss her again. Slid his hands down her sides, giving her bum a pinch, then hooking them under her thighs and lifting her to straddle on top of him. She’d looked down at him through her lashes, and his breath had hitched in his throat. He’d brushed some of her hair behind her ear, letting his thumb brush over her cheek. “I also love it when you take it all off at the end of the day. Because I love you.”
He cleared his throat, shook his head, sniffled, blinked away the tears, rubbed his eyes. 
“Do you–” he cleared his throat again “–do you need any help?”
“No,” she replied from inside the bathroom. Then, “No, thank you.”
Not long after she came out, carrying a box. He got to his feet quickly, picked up two of the boxes with her clothes. She didn’t argue.
They went downstairs, he balanced the boxes and opened the door for her, then helped her over to her car. They did three rounds before her car was full, and he closed her trunk for her. Then he turned to her, his eyes locking with hers. It was clear they both wanted to say something, but neither did. 
“I’m sorry,” he said again, and she covered her face with her hands. 
“Please,” she whispered. “Please don’t.”
He took a deep breath and looked up at the dark sky, the sun having set hours ago. “I fucked up.”
She didn’t say anything, because there was nothing she could say. He had fucked up, badly. She knew it. He knew it.
“I–” She took a deep breath and quickly wiped away the few spilled tears. “I hate you.”
He winced as if she’d slapped him.
“I have spent countless hours, days, crying, trying to forgive you. To believe you when you said you loved me–”
“I do love you–”
“How could you?” she snapped, glaring at him. “How could you possibly love me, then go and screw some random girl?”
The tears were now flowing freely down both their faces.
“I…” He failed to answer, stumbling over his words.
“I hate you,” she cried, and he closed his eyes. “I hate you for everything you’ve put me through. For letting me open up to you, for making me love you, for making me happy. For giving you power over me.”
He looked away, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his jumper. 
“I wasn’t like this. I was strong, independent. Never let anyone get close enough to hurt me. But you tore down all of my walls, you let me believe I was safe, and I would give anything to be able to forgive you. To be able to move on, move past this, but–” She choked on her own words, forcing herself a take a breath to soften the sobs. He turned back to her, regret and guilt in his eyes as he stared at her.
“Do you remember what you told me, when you asked me to be your girlfriend?” she asked.
He nodded.
“Say it,” she said, her tone icy. 
He winced again. “I’ll never hurt you.”
“I was stupid for believing you, but I wanted so badly for you to be the one I would be happy with. The one I could always rely on, that would always be there for me, always have my back.”
“I meant it,” he said.
“You cheated on me!” she screamed, not caring if the neighbours heard her. “You cheated, Suresh.”
“I know,” he said and walked up to her. Their chests pressed together, their faces only a few inches apart. They could feel each other’s breath on their faces. They stared at each other through teary eyes. He dared cup her face with his hands, brush away the tears on her cheeks with his thumbs. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” she whispered, her hand reaching up to linger on his. Then she removed it from her face, placed her key in his palm, and took a step back. “That’s what hurts the most. I can’t forgive you. I can’t, I…” She took a deep breath. “I just can’t.”
He closed his eyes again and listened to her footsteps as she walked away. The car door opened and closed. The engine revved to life. Then she was gone.
He stepped back into the flat and closed the door behind him, leaning his forehead against it. He knitted his hands into fists, his knuckles whitening. The pain and guilt and rage built up inside his chest, and he gritted his teeth together as his fist smashed into the door, then again, and again, and again. He slipped to the floor, banging his head into the hard wood one, two, three times. Dragged a hand through his already tousled hair, not bothering to suppress his sobs. He stared up at the stairs, forced himself to climb them, stepped into the bedroom. Now his bedroom, no longer theirs. The mugs were still placed on the floor, no longer steaming. He didn’t want to remove the cup. It was, in a sad way, the last piece he had of her. Everything else was gone. Her clothes from the closet, her shampoo from the shower, her perfume from the dresser, her favourite mug from the kitchen. Her bedside table was cleared out, only his shoes occupying the hallway. He sat down, back against the bed, and picked up the mug he’d given her. She’d drank it all, as he knew she would. He held it tightly, as if he was trying to hold on to her, wishing, hoping, begging for this all to be a horrible nightmare he could wake up from. That he would find himself in bed next to her at any moment, her adorable light snoring and charming scrunched-up nose welcoming him as he woke.
But he was never going to experience that again, because he’d broken the best thing that had ever happened to him.
@future-mrs-suresh @luckyqueenreign
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ttswl · 1 year
replaying season 2 (for the millionth time, season 2 always on top) i’m more convinced than ever that fb is using ai in some way. s2 has you bond with ALL the islanders, the routes (most of the time, they go to shit after casa) are unique to each li, and the sense of friendship between all islanders is actually there. you can sit with multiple people can just talk to them, whereas in litg2 you only really talk to one person at a time and then you don’t feel that sense of “family” they tend to push towards the end of the seasons
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justtuesdays · 1 year
i’m sorry if this is like intrusive but how do u have SO many gems on love island???? 😭😭😭😭 i’m sick of spending my money on them and need do be let in on this hack if their is one pls….🤗🤗
anon, friend, it's not intrusive at all. mutuals of mine, @caitkaminski who helped figure how to mod the game and @rebelrayne who helped troubleshoot made the 9 million gems possible (is it a million? all i know it's a huge amount).
under the cut you'll find a hybrid of the tips sent by jessie and the mod post created by cait. link to their original post here.
Delete Facebook app and LITG2 app on your phone.
Download Bluestacks onto your PC/Mac.
Download the mod on Modyolo.
Install Modyolo version of LITG2 on Bluestacks. (It's going to open up to Season 4, don't worry play for a few until you see the button that takes you to the Homescreen)
On the Homescreen, Connect Facebook account.
Play [1] episode all the way through and purchase one outfit. You have to spend gems and a ticket. This is done on Bluestacks PC - not the phone.
Start [2] episode just to make sure that the game registers that use of a ticket.
On your Phone, download LITG2 and connect Facebook (do not download Facebook again until the gems/tickets show in app).
Once you have downloaded LITG2 and the gems/tickets show, you can download Facebook again. Gems/tickets will stay in tact. You do not need to play another episode before downloading Facebook again.
** The game may give you a choice to keep a Local or Cloud save, choose the one with the millions of gems. **
10. By now, if it all went well you can delete Bluestacks and everything else off your computer (at this point you no longer need it).
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What if Kelly had been an OG islander?
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garebearandnan · 1 year
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A Bit of Me - EP12 Pt2 The Hoodie And The Damage Done (Day 10 and part 2.)
Summary: There are changes afoot in the Villa.
Narrator Iain Stirling (voice over): Previously on Love Island… Some of our Islanders settled into their cosy couples… While others decided to stir the pot!  The excitement and drama of the Villa is in high gear!
Who would steal a rubber ring out of the smoothie box? You smiled after making a humorous remark and laughing at yourself. “I’d steal an O-ring.”
The corner of Gary's lips hung open for a moment. ”What?” After that, he gave you a curious look before asking, "Is that meant to be rude?"
You said, "A little," and your gazes became fixed on each other. You bit your bottom lip. Gary laughed and grinned cheekily at you before saying, "Let's hope it's not little, then!"
Beach Hut Lucas: “Priya is fit. She is stylish, confident and ambitious. Up until now she carried herself really well. It looks like she wants Noah now. But I’m not sure she really knows what she wants.”
Beach Hut Gary: “That could cause a little battle there, innit? Yeah. They could end up butting heads, to be honest. Noah’s gonna have a tricky situation here. Two confident, ambitious, and beautiful women in front of him.”
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ixivmoon · 2 years
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I miss Willem so much :(
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castlevaniaobssessed · 3 months
The option to elbow Kat's face.......fusebox did something right
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love-islanding · 1 year
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THIS is my roman empire
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nerdychick13 · 1 year
Hello lovelies. It’s Finesse with another report from the Love Island villa. I have seen so much in this villa, but today was one for the record books. So Amelia keeps wanting to talk to me. Every time I turn around she needs to say something. Why can’t she talk to Jamal? Or Grace? She really needs more friends.
I quire liked the Doghouse challenge. It wasn’t hard to just follow the instructions. I saw some islanders doing their own thing and (unless you’re a master carpenter) you can’t expect to have any success building without a plan. Thankfully, Elliot is of the same mind and that is what won us the challenge! Amelia kept coming over to talk. How dare she? But I stayed focused on my little dog house. I don’t have to resort to cheating to win.
Roberto tried to make a grand gesture and dance for me. Oh I could have melted into the ground out of embarrassment! He needs more help with his rhythm I’m afraid. Too bad it won’t be me to get him straight. Then Elliot took me to the roof terrace for a sweet chat. I appreciate he knows he and I aren’t in the “grand gesture” phase of our relationship. It was even too soon for Roberto but that didn’t stop him from being extra. It was nice getting away from everything, wrapped in a blanket with Elliot. We even had a very passionate snog up there. But before all of that, Ozzy and Grace have finally hit the rocks! She is a nice girl but so naive. She kept denying Ozzy’s eggs were in my basket and I was completely forthcoming with her. However she acts like I stabbed her in the back? That’s gratitude for you. But Ozzy took me to the swing seat and laid all his cards on the table. We promised to couple up at our first opportunity and shared a perfect kiss to seal it. I’m quite taken by him honestly. Of course Grace was furious when Ozzy told her about our secret romance. Oh well.
Elliot and I had to vote for the least compatible couple. I chose Amelia and Jamal. They do get on well, but I need space from my twin. Elliot felt that Chloe and Roberto were least compatible but they have so much potential. Imagine my surprise when the first safe couple is Amelia and Jamal! Chloe and Roberto were also safe so Bella and Lewie left. I was absolutely gutted because two nicer people have never entered the villa. I hope they find love because their friendship is 100% goals. Then we got a shocking text about another girl leaving. Once again I prayed for Amelia to leave. Little did I know I hit pretty close to home. I got dumped from the villa. Maybe I did too much hoing and not enough grafting on one partner. Anyway, I get to go to Casa Amor with four gorgeous lads!! Lucky me, right? I still plan to play the field. After all, I have to secure my spot back in the villa. Now which sucker is gonna help me? I’m guessing he will have dark eyes, long hair, and a quiet confidence that speaks to his maturity. At any rate, I’ll have fun looking. See you in Casa Amor lovelies!!
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supporthimbos · 1 year
Not me going to replay season 2 where my choices actually matter and I can be happy for more than one recoupling with the love of my life.
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