#LK. CONNECTING THE DOTS / 002. main verse
arachnidiots-a · 9 months
they’re just about to stand and shake all the glitter and streamers off of them, bat an arm at the paint that’s come over their suit and most certainly damaged it beyond this world’s repair when—
@lvebug : "hang on, i’m taking a picture"
“NO!” it’s practically a screech, liam jumping out of the mess of fallen party supplies and after andie whose got her phone already out. the spider starts in a quick pursuit of the other, but it’s slowed by the number of obstacles in their path. “you better not- you better delete that!”  
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arachnidiots-a · 10 months
"look, that's all great and well, seriously. this sounds like hitting gold, but i've been a hero long enough to know that things very rarely are exactly as advertised. there's some give and take." god, what has the multiverse done to liam? the person who got bit by the spider was much more optimistic, willing to believe. "so, i'll ask you again. what's the catch here?" they hold up the bracelet- watch- band- whatever it is, shaking it slightly.
( starter call for @xenjoyedthat , accepting )
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arachnidiots-a · 11 months
@wallcrawld: "take a deep breath, okay, I'm going to help."
shame. it’s a newer feeling growing in liam when it comes to asking for help. they didn’t use to be so stubborn— learning to be spider-man alongside roxy meant getting good at that sort of thing. it meant helping roxy get better, because liam was never that bad at asking for help, despite being as independent as they were. on this stint, alone in the multiverse, she doesn’t even know who there is to ask for help from. every face and name she knows doesn’t know her.
but liam isn’t thinking about the ways she’s changed from the expedition, or how they might get how roxy feels, or that there’s no reason to fear asking for help when nobody’s going to remember you. liam’s thinking about how breathing is HARD and their leg HURTS like a motherfucker. listening to the other, they take the deep breath anyways.
“it’s what we do best…” they try to joke, spider-man to spider-man. sitting up, she wastes no time in trying to help herself by yanking bricks off of where they’ve piled on her lower half.
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
@muerteface :  SAID  “welcome. and just in time for dinner” TO  LIAM  KAZ
“dinner?” liam crossed the open threshold, gently trying to shut the door behind her before following after gwen. she slipped one shoe off at a time while trying to follow, a little surprised but pleasantly enjoying the warmth of the home. “didn’t realize there would be dinner when you invited me.”
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arachnidiots-a · 7 months
liam doesn’t know from the look on the other’s face what she’s about to say— but they can guess it’s something in the area of how liam looks. they feel better than they look, for what it’s worth, but there’s still a slow run of blood starting to roll from their nose. it pairs nicely with the busted lip. when it reaches their lip, there’s already blood on their tongue and it goes almost missed. there’s a sniffle.
@mcmorare : “ your nose is bleeding. ”
her hand moves up, dabbing lightly under their nose to see it stain true and red. “fuck.” they don’t bother digging in the backpack that they wear for tissues or napkins, there aren’t any to find in there. “fucking fantastic,” head tilting back and forth, they sigh. they’re very much in their spider suit, under a layer or two of sweaters and jackets. spider casual, as liam calls it. “at least this is new york. i doubt i’ll be the craziest thing anyone sees today.”
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
@thorrncrowned  :   ✐
"it's an option, sure." it's not one that liam would consider for themself, but it certainly is an option, even if one that just happens to work for some and not others. "but if that is the option you take, you have to ask yourself, and answer honestly, who are you talking to? who are you going to about the things going on in your life? because you have to have someone." liam hopes that if they leave him with anything, it's to consider finding some kind of network-- even if only a network of one.
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
@dereiserne  :   ✐
                “ – You know I said RED AND GOLD because those are kinda my colors? Sure, I got a few variations now, but if you ask people to describe IRON MAN, it’s always gonna be red and gold.” A SHRUG; he was pretty sure he didn’t have to go into more detail; after all, she was just proving that she was pretty clever. And the smile he gave them, just proved, too, that he wasn’t offended by their words. Oh well, maybe A LITTLE. According to color theory, it was right that copper was BROWN – but just didn’t seem to be fair to something that once had kept him alive, too. COPPER WIRE AND A CAR BATTERY.              “ – or maybe I was just hoping for that secret HEART OF GOLD already.”
“always red and gold. got it. noted... anyone ever tell you you’re mildly defensive over your image?” to call the expression on their face obnoxious would not be enough to truly capture how amused liam was. they could hardly lift their head up from where it was bowed down to hide the small chuckle. "it's not a bad thing- seriously. it's a good spirit to have."
liam turns towards him now, a bit more sincere and a whole lot less smug, "like i said, i don't pick this stuff out, and it's pointless to try and make any meaning out of it, because it'll probably drive you crazy. i'm not a psychic, but that's one guarantee i can dish out if you go down that path."
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
@inhxuman  :    liked    for    a    starter  with   liam   kaz  (   still  accepting   )
" i don’t think i’ve ever seen you laugh before."
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
@everwrote  /  ANA  :  SAID ❝ you remind me of myself when i was younger. ❞   TO OW VERSE LIAM
their head tilts up, they’re honored by the sentiment, how could they not be? ana amari is a legend, always have been, and the young vigilante can’t help but think back to the stories they grew up on about her. liam shifts, turning more towards the other. in herself she struggles to find anything that warrants the comparison, instead plainly asking, “how’s that?” 
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
@wnterslder SAID : ❛ i am never coming back to this place. ❜ TO LIAM KAZ
they land feet first and move quickly to rise up from the crouch. the mask comes off, not without some effort, and from under it the mess of hair and sweat is revealed. hopping into worlds where
liam is unknown has made them pretty incautious about their identity. the fact they’re home hasn’t sunk in yet. “listen i miss alpine too, but that’s a little dramatic don’t you think?”
they’re attempting to downplay the whirlwind both of them have been caught in, leaning against a street pole that almost immediately bends and then collapses amongst the rest of the wreckage. liam’s grin doesn’t fade. the adrenaline and pride are too strong for her to be cringing at the destruction of the streets like usual. in a strange way, fighting at home is a relief to return to. granted, her world is filled with it’s own mess of villains and bad guys that have been waiting for her return.
“haven’t you fought aliens?”
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arachnidiots-a · 11 months
@xenjoyedthat liked for a short starter ( still accepting ) !
liam's quick to switch out each pair, flicking through them with impressive speeds. it's almost like they've practice just for a moment like this, showing off to the other their impressive collection of heart shaped sunglasses. "right, i've got red, i've got pink-- they look the same, they're very much not. see? one," switching pairs, "two," switching back, "one. they're different. i've also got yellow, and orange, and look here's blue. i've gotta carry them all around with me though, kind of a hassle."
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
@whitesuited  :  SAID ❝ you’ll stay with me. i need all the heroes i can get. ❞ TO LIAM KAZ
“got it,” liam nods, not at all opposed to having someone to follow around for once— showing them the ways of the world even if unintentional. maybe for once being in someone’s company will also save her from wandering aimlessly through the nights and sleeping on benches. of course she follows, only an afterthought to suddenly ask sharon, “for what exactly? do you need all the heroes you can get…”
the extent of what liam knows is that there is danger afoot. but there’s always danger afoot, so it’s hardly a clue into what shit storm she’ll be facing. clearly it must be big, if there’s a chance she won’t be going in the only one beside sharon. regardless of what feels like a blind draft pick for a sports team, she’s happy to help. always is.
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
@dereiserne  :   ✐
                          “Please tell me you’re just joking –” // @arachnidiots​ LIKED.
“JOKE I DO NOT!” head high and eyes narrow at the other. staring, watching, and then the seriousness falls away with liam dropping their shoulders, and starting to remove a totally soaked sweatshirt. “well joke i occasionally do, but you’ll know when i’m joking. i’m quite a hoot.” the palm of her hand gently slaps against the wall, “however, this is not one of those times, there actually is a… puddle almost like an aquarium just without the glass in the other room. i can’t even take credit— that’s on the universe and it’s… dedication to making an entrance.”
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
@attercopus said -- " okay - okay -- now the important question, what color is . . . 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 ?! " he's striking a little pose with his tail, whipping it around to look almost like ... the number seven ? ( he's fascinated by the young spider's synesthesia; can you tell ? ) -- to liam kaz
voice a rich deep blue, it takes them to even spot the other color amongst the discussion. a blink and she would’ve missed it, waving like a child out of frame in a photo. as soon as he’s done talking, red takes over. 
the air shifts around the tail, wind vibrating so subtly in small gusts that to the regular eye mean NOTHING. to liam, they’re small red waves that ripple. crashing lightly against the air, the already pale red fades away. they let the other carry on with the pose and the action strikes— it’s almost peaceful for once. this trick, or what have you, of liam’s is rarely so calm, and they hope to bask in it a little longer. head tilting from side to side, trying to make out some shape or detail in the way the tail moves, she dares not to disturb the calmness that’s lulled over the otherwise overwhelming power. her own voice wouldn’t do anything— it’s not like everybody else, there’s no colors attached to it, and yet she holds off on answering should this be the day that changes. 
it feels long— but it’s maybe a minute at most before a very matter-of-fact, “red.”
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
@pistoiet SENT : ‘don’t fight it. it will only hurt more if you do.’ TO LIAM KAZ
they hardly listen, yet again twisting their arm in the slim spot where it’s pinned beneath rubble. sure enough, liam cannot hold back a pained groan from all the movement, her arm further torn and strained. their chest rises and falls from all the stress that they’re failing miserably to hide. granted, they’re no longer trying. the thought to hide it away faded moments after their arm was crushed in. “fuck— fuck. fuck!” their free hand slams against the rubble uselessly. they have little in them left in endurance, asking now, “how do i get it out? anything but losing it.”
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
yelena belova of @bledf1rst said : “alright, that's it. you're going to bed, and i’m not taking no for an answer.” to liam kaz
they stand too fast— vision compromise beyond belief. it’s never been so quiet before in liam’s eyes. there’s not even a vagueness of a color left to float around, it’s just darkness. if they weren’t so out of it maybe a part of them would be terrified. they have nothing in them to feel such fear, not now as they struggle to even stand upright and still. once the darkness disappears from their eyes, and they’ve adjusted back to seeing yelena before them, they’re quick to protest:
“you-- don’t have to take anything. i’ll take a no. i’m taking a no— no.” how liam can even manage to cross their arms so grandly and not fall over is a miracle. “i can keep watch, swear it. let me do this.”
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