monterraverde · 6 months
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Had this foreign woman known anything about Venalos' endemic Pokémon, chances are she would have soiled herself in fear.
Before her stood an utterly massive beast, monstrous and saurian in appearance as if it had stepped right out of prehistory. Its jaws looked fit to rend flesh and crush bone, its winged forelegs looked ready to trample all in its way. Its eyes were red, bloodshot, its tail could shatter trees.
Neptune, the nigh peerless Grimclaw Tigrex, held his head high as he examined the human woman he had encountered. The winds of the Avado Desert swirled and danced around him, only adding to his threatening presence. Neptune exhaled sharply through his nose in a grunt, lowering his head as he slowly approached her. In that moment he truly looked like an apex predator to end all apex predators, stalking across the sands and glaring down prey.
He opened his jaws, revealing rows of spike-like teeth...!
And immediately a big, fat, wet tongue was dragged right over her face, from one cheek to the other. Neptune grunted again, kicking up dust as his belly and head plopped onto the sand. Any air of danger disappeared in an instance, even if the two were still at eye level even with him lying down. He seemed to like this woman quite a bit.
... His saliva smelled awful.
[ [KISS] Sender kisses receiver on the cheek ]
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The promise of giant pokemon proved too much of a bait for her. This relatively unknown region seemed famous for that, and it was a lifestyle she was used too.
Man vs. Nature in its purest form.
Rather then subduing the creatures, though, this was the promise of pure sport for the thrill of it. She’d never kill a pokemon deliberately of course, but a good wrestling match was hard to ignore.
This one, though… This thing staring her down did initially cone with a pang of fear- Any creature would be scared facing down a mass of jagged teeth and claws- but that fears so quickly replaced by a sudden cry from a violently shaking ball on her belt.
“You wanna go?” She asks quietly, reaching for a pair of white, metallic, glowing blue scabbards on her back…
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Well, that was the plan, anyway, until the creature suddenly lumbered forward and licked almost her entire body in one swoop, causing her to lose her composure completely and stumble backwards. She’s laughing in hysterics as the creature fell down on its belly, reaching up to gently pat its snout.
“Gods you’re like a giant dachsbun! Adorable! What’re YOU?!”
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