hadesrise · 9 months
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y'know what, it's fucking funny that henry said "just casual" but he's over there kissing alex like he's been starved for years, flying the FUCK out of london just to see alex in texas, telling his fucking sister about alex, going on dates, writing absolutely romantic poems in his emails, spending together in paris, THEN says "i think we should make love" that night. who the fuck were you fucking fooling, hrh prince henry of little shit. your fine idiot ass thinking alex wouldn't love you back after pulling all that shit??? i'm still laughing my ass off what the fuck
swimming away while your crush is confessing his love to you definitely was NOT COOL I'M SORRY I LAUGH OVER THAT SHIT HASUAHDJAKDISHSDODSODJWNSK
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harryfeatgaga · 7 years
If you could have any job what would it be? :) realistically and one that's like a dream!!!
Well idk if it’s realistic but I always wanted to be an actress lmaossoso I did theatre for 10 years and had planned on going to school for it lmao rip but I'd also like to be a director or producer and behind the scenes stuff but also maybe a journalist of some kind like this is dumb but the e news kind of job just cause I’m v into pop culture
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