#LMFAOOO dw anon u didn’t accidentally send me ur results
itoshit · 3 years
Pushing the paper into my pocket I knocked twice.
The big doors opening, I saw the numerous armed men around the red sofa, where a tanned man was sat, smoking a cigar. The room was full of thick smoke.
'Sano my man! Come here come here. Anything to drink ? Bourbon perhaps?'
'Dante I assume?'
'You assumed good! Dante is my name. You don't mind my men right? Security measures.'
That was where the difference laid between an international mafia like La Costra Nostra and small gangs that I've met before.
They had an army of men, and it made me think of Bonten. We weren't that different at the end.
'Concerning the drink, I won't take anything. And for your men, I would have done the same.'
Quickly counting them, 25. We were on the first floor and a huge window was behind them.
'Scared of poison? I got you. Then sit, we won't lose more time'
Now facing him and his men I could feel the tension. I could even cut the atmosphere with a knife. Chin resting on my hands, I was waiting for him to talk.
'So Sano. You're Bonten's leader. My boss and I have checked your history and it's quite incredible. Bonten is Japan's worst criminal organization, we like that. I'm afraid I need to be honest with you. We have already contacts with the Yamaguchi-gumi. They're the top Yakuza family, it was normal for us to be with them. However, some things... are not of our taste. They're a bit sneaky and we don't like people who get their noses in other's business. The issue here is this one.'
Checking the time on my watch. 7 minutes have passed.
'They heard about our meeting today. Their boss asked us to take care of you and-'
Ready to take my gun out, Dante only chuckled while rising his hands.
'Don't be on your guards already Sano! Wait for the rest. Put that gun back where it belongs, come on'
'Keep talking'
Exhaling the smoke he took his time to resume his speech.
'As I was saying, the Yamaguchi-gumi wants you dead. But you haven't done anything to us yet. La Costra Nostra doesn't like hurting their future associates but we have principles. We help our current contacts.'
11 minutes. 4 minutes left.
'Which means that I've to try something. I want to see if you're a worthy opponent. We wanted to break the contract with Yamaguchi-gumi. That would be the perfect opportunity for us, Bonten and La Costra Nostra, to associate don't you think?'
13 minutes. 2 minutes left.
'But first... I need to check something. I've heard a lot about you. How you were called the Invincible Mikey back then. A ruthless leader. I like that! But I need proof. So...'
14 minutes. 1 minute left.
'Don't hold a grudge alright?'
Multiple things happened at the same time. Dante pulled out his gun aiming at me but I rolled on my left, avoiding the bullet.
Shooting two of his subordinates in the process I heard the door opening in a loud thud.
'Sano!! Fight!'
'And here you are!! I knew a mouse was among us tonight !!'
Gunshots could be heard, blood splashing my face, my clothes. Bodies falling on the ground, I guessed that the girl from before had arrived.
She told me to fight. But that was what I was doing already.
Throwing the empty gun away I punched the nearest man with a loud crack and took his pistol. Using his body as a shield I kept shooting and soon enough I found myself bumping her shoulder.
'Fuck ! I don't have anymore bullets!'
Scanning the room- 10 men still standing and among them, Dante.
'Come on Sano. You're trapped. I don't think-'
I wouldn't have that. Pulling her close by her waist I shoved the body away and ran to the window.
'Wait Manjiro that's not how you-'
'We don't have a choice!'
And I jumped. Bullets hissing around me I felt one piercing my belly and others brushing my skin, opening it slightly.
The landing wouldn't be perfect but we would make it out alive, at least.
Swapping our positions to have her on top of me, my back absorbed the fall. My shoulder was probably dislocated but I stood up directly after with her in my arms.
' We have to leave, come on!!'
Supporting me with her arms we left the sidewalk, stains of blood tainting the concrete.
The loud voice reaching my ears I stumbled, gripping my belly.
'Shit you're losing too much blood! I need to treat your-'
Pinning her against the nearest wall after making sure they didn't follow us, I pressed my arm against her throat, choking her.
'Who the fuck are you?'
'I'm here to help-'
'Who. Are. You.'
'Senju Akashi. But now is not the right time to discuss. We have to- wait. You were shot twice?? We have-'
Darkness. I felt something colliding with my skull. I probably fainted.
And here I told Vee that everything would be fine.
Anyway here is the second part it's bloody long lmao sometimes the scenes got a bit overboard but yeah, we're not finished with this.
Also!! In the plot, Senju isn't Brahman leader
it’s like the moment i tell these mfs be safe they go ‘how can i do the exact opposite?’ 🙄
I couldn’t sit still. A few hours had passed without a single hint or sign Mikey was okay, or that he was even alive. I tried to pass the time any way I could.
I showered. I tried on some clothes, modeling them in the mirror. I watched TV. I played games on my phone. None of them kept my attention too long, the thought of Mikey’s safety or lack thereof looming over me like a storm cloud. And when all avenues of distraction ceased having their effectiveness, I started to pace.
I nearly walked a hole in the floor, and kept walking even though my legs screamed in protest. There was temptation to start biting at my nails, a wicked one, but I persevered. I’d gone too long without the bad habit. Didn’t wanna start it up again.
There was no way to tell how much time passed since he left now. I stopped checking the clock after the third hour. It only made me more nervous.
I all but sob in relief when my phone rings shrill on the table, but my heart falls at the contact name. Sanzu. Clicking the green button, I don’t care to notice that I’m holding my breath.
Wasting no time, Sanzu interrogates me. Is Mikey with you?
Huh? Surely wasn’t the question I was expecting, but it makes me feel no better.
Is. Mikey. With you. He was supposed to check in with us an hour ago but we haven’t got shit.
My heart pounds, the orders Mikey left me with the day previous doing nothing to ease the unsteady beat. If I’m not home by then, call Sanzu. I’ll most likely be dead. And then, as overkill, memories of us in the car, shopping and us being lazy in bed the entire morning come right after.
Could it be..? Was Mikey really dead?
I look around the suite, the one he bought, surrounded by bags of things he purchased, the bed with his scent on it and struggle to swallow the sob down. If Mikey was dead, these would be our last memories together. That just couldn’t be.
Venus? Venus, can you hear me?
I answer steadily which surprises me. Y-yeah, I’m here.
Where the fuck did you ev— Look, just tell me the truth. Is Mikey back at the suite?
What I’m about to do is dangerous, inane, and ridiculously silly, but I do it anyway. He’s here.
Put him on the phone.
I bite my lip, ignore my subconscious screaming at me to tell the fucking truth! consequently digging a larger grave for myself. He’s resting.
Resting? Cut the bullshit. Mikey doesn’t sleep.
Well he is now, I snap, irritated that he doesn’t immediately believe the lie. It makes me have to think on the spot. How can I give myself credibility? Then, like a lightbulb went off in my head, I remember Mikey’s bloody knuckles. The bandages I had to wrap around his hand. He’s injured. The meeting went bad. I had to stitch him up.
Fuck, Sanzu curses. I knew we should have went with him! There’s a loud bang accompanied by glass shattering on the other end, inanimate objects subject to the wrath of Bonten’s volatile number 2. Call me when he wakes up, alright?
The line clicks before I can even reply, and I fall to the ground, my legs too shaky to support me.
Please be alive, I whisper to the ceiling, hoping it reaches him wherever he is.
Because if he’s not, I’m pretty sure I’ll be the one following after him.
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