bakatenshii · 4 years
Angel!!!! It’s Steff!!!! Aahhhhhh!! Congrats on the blazin milestone! I wanna participate in your event! How about 🤔 Bokuto & Kiri if it hasn’t been done yet 🥰 ... love you!
STEFF!! My love, I miss u!! (PS Please go follow her @red-riot-girl642 she’s such an inspiration and badass) Thank u so much hehe, I got u <33
Bokuto sober is already a lot, arguably too much, so Akaashi and Konoha tried to shut him up by getting him high. Indica only, sativa with Bo marks the beginning of the end of the world.
Couldn’t figure out how to inhale, poor innocent baby, so they ended up baking him brownies. Didn’t get the chance to warn him that they’re potent asf and hit like a truck an hour later before he wolfed down three. F in the chat
No one speaks of the Edible Incident, all we know is it wasn’t without vomit, tears, and Akaashi coming out with years taken off of his life.
Properly smokes up with Kuroo and Tsukki, fucking professional stoners ™️. Kuroo coaches him through clearing a bowl, and gets high as a kite.
So fucking giggly, so fucking giddy, honestly one big overgrown child and he’s the cutest cuddly fucking thing when he’s frassed. Keeps telling Kuroo and Tsukki how much he loves them, and cries about how much he loves Akaashi BokuAka canon
Chilled out happy Bo, easier to handle, sometimes Fukurodani sends him off to them when he’s too much and come pick him up when he’s more pliant.
Smokes whatever Kuroo has! Personal preference would be a bong, he thinks it’s easiest to handle, likes to watch the water bubble, and he won’t accidentally drench the joint in saliva (slobbery Bo, okay, someone tell me he isn’t, I dare you)
Munchies hit him like a mf, but he’s always eating anyways, so tbh it’s not even that drastic of a difference. Will eat anything, barbecue? pizza? barbecue on pizza? He’ll eat the cardboard box as well
Likes to chat about random shit, watch reruns of volleyball matches, or Animal Planet. Honestly a good fun high, Bokuto LITE, for when you want a good helping of Bo but can’t handle all the calories and trans fats and grease
I’d recommend still keeping either Akaashi of Kuroo around though, just in case
done here
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