masterkongfazi · 7 months
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§ Luck Dragon §
The Luck Dragon Guru can birth whole solar systems, can teleport and uses telekinesis to locate long-missing Sacremental Articles. The Luck Dragon Guru is the original and first Luck Dragon and cannot be destroyed; after having been murdered by an unknowing and unsuspecting (later, Saint) Patrick, who was duped by greedy gold-digger vagabonds to kill the Dragon Guru by accusing the Dragon of terrorizing villagers and setting crops alight, catching and setting alight and then eating live sheep and goats and so on.
When, really, all these pirates wanted was access to the Sacaremany and "mountains of gold, as far as the eye can see but it's all Sacaremany and not booty or treasure, for human eyes, but Sacred and for Sacremental use, when the time is right. That old Dragon, he knows the time and the hour..."
The true story was that these pirate so-called villagers had arrived as hungry, filthy and starved travellers and had found hospitable, welcoming and kind hosts in the indigenous peoples. For their efforts, these peoples, of the lands, had had their men's throats slit, in their sleep and the women had been passed around and boy-children had been eunuched and girl-children had been forced to work the lands and be servants and wenches at night, waiting on these new lords of the realm.
The Dragon Guru Suroosh, had known these goings-on but had been on quest, in faraway lands, at the time but took an oath: by all things, sacred, to avenge the gentle folk, who had lost their lives and freedoms, so harshly and without their Pray-Elector present. They were perilous times, in which the destruction of Creation itself, had to stopped. This is the only purpose that could have moved the Dragon Guru from the mountain he guarded so religiously. Upon leaving he assembled the Council of Elders and told them to take care and that he would be away, on a quest to negate the approaching darkness that was on everyone's minds and lips.
Getting his leave, Dragon Guru left only to return to an enslaved people and the Council of Elders, dead.
His wrath was fair: burning EVERY man, woman and child, amongst the pirates, he spared every single living villager and upon the Dragon assaination, by a Knight by the name Patrick, all the dead villagers awoke in their beds, the very next morning. The Sacaremany, the mountain, the Dragon Guru and the Old Magix was gone.
Many years later, in our times, the Dragon Guru, Suroosh, is reborn to us.
This Luck Dragon wears a tunic, a mosaic of duck egg blue, hot pink and laiz lazuli. He is emblazoned with trims of the finest Rose Gold, ever to have been smythed and silver devices, dazzle the eyes,. Ironically, seagreen and lime trefoil buttons hold this tunic in place and express the Luck Dragon Guru's will to feed on herbivorous Trefoil Lucerne alone, having lost his taste for toasting squealing creatures, alive to then swallow their crispy corpses, whole.
A magical medallion of pure gold, in the shape of the labrynth hangs about his neck, a reminder to all of his close family tie to the Sphinx, which can only be consulted after a riddle is answered correctly. The answer to negating the need to be caught in this unsolvable riddle is to look at the bearing of the Sphinx, of which there should be a pair. That would tell the gazer whether they were welcome or not. And whether there were good tidings in the city behind them or whether they were "On Guard. Who goes there?"
This genetic remnant is also apparent in the 2 sets of eyes of the Luck Dragon Guru, Suroosh, on atop the other.
Another distant relative is the silkworm, a vicious insect with a drill, infront of his mouth, which the medallion transforms into when the Dragon Guru chooses a home in the mountains, to cut through granite, marble, onyx and obsidian.
The Luck Dragon Guru, Suroosh, is the Commander of an elite 13 Luck Dragon, he births, at a whim.
The Luck Dragon Master is his Lieutenant and responsible for the training of the 13.
☘️Defender and Upholder of the Faith
☘️Keeper of Sacred texts
☘️Defender of the peoples of the realm
☘️Pray-Elector of the Council of Elders
☘️Guard of Sacaremany
☘️Keeper of the flame and reignitor when necessary
☘️Luck Dragon Guru of young Dragons, which come in dens of 13 + 1 Master Luck Dragon
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