bestialsadist · 7 years
LaPierre Sundays
(Walkin' back in tha house, I expect ta' find @LoyalMasochist laid out on tha sofa readin' o' watchin' TV as she do on Sundays. Relaxin' from tha week an' gettin' ha some much-needed an' well-deserved me time. I left er'ly dis mornin' ta' help Napalm work on his transmi'sion an' replace his brake pads an’ oil. O'ly jus' na finishin' I come home ta' take uh showa an' spend uh lil’ time wit' mah wif'. I had ha fav' flowas deliva'd ta'day from dis 'spensive place Desi an' mah petit loup tell me 'bout.
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I see tha bouquet on tha table, bu' not mah wif' an' she ain't call me an' tell me she got ‘em eitha.
I close tha do' behin' me as I head in an' I hea clankin' dishes an' music in tha distance. I folla ta' tha sound uf whea I thank she is, tha kitchen, an' cain't hol' mah laughin’ when I see ha lil' hips movin' ta' tha music as she wash an’ stack dishes. Tha sun's shinin' through tha kitchen windos makin' ha tatted, brown skin glow an' I feel mah eyes do tha same as I watch ha wit'out ha knowin'. Chea hip-shakin' an' sangin' like she in tha showa 'bout ta' rock out wit' ha clit out. I wanna grab ha bu' mah hand's an' arms oily wit' muck an' grease from Napalm's truck.
I cain't help mah'self tho.
Sneakin' up behin' ha, I slide mah arms through ha's an' inta' tha warm wata. Grinnin', I feel ha body jump fo' she kno' it's me an' she relaxes 'gainst me, lookin' up at me wit' uh big smile.)
"Mm. You were gone when I woke up..." (Chea instantly uses tha soapy, warm wata ta' wash mah hands an’ up mah arms) "Is my Mountain Man home for the day?"
(Plantin’ uh kiss 'gainst ha temple an’ noddin’)
"I'm home, Z."
(Ha eyes close when I kiss ha, noddin' back at mah words. She grabs tha towel on tha counta an' pull mah hands from tha wata an' looks 'em ova befo' bein' satisfied an' dryin' 'em. Mah three lil’ words lika magic switch fa’ ha. She kno’ I ain’t goin’ no whea an’ she’d neva ‘fess up ta’ it, bu’ chea like me home. Lacin’ ha lil’ fangas wit’ mine an’ lettin’ me hug ha inta’ me, she raise mah hands ta’ kiss ‘gainst mah knuckles an’ kiss ha back ‘gainst tha shell uf ha ear. Wit’ no warnin’, she pushes mah cleana hands unda ha cutoff shirt which ain't nuthin' bu' one uf mah old Guns 'N Roses T-shirts she decided was too long fa' ha an' makes me grab ha braless tits.) “Unf.” (Mah own grunt catches me off gaurd bu’ chea let out tha sweetest moan ta' uh man's ears when I take no time pinchin' an' massagin' ha hardenin' nipples. Mah wif' ain't neva been uh shy w'man, e'vn when wees kids, she a'ways tol' me what she wanted. In words o’ acshuns.)
"Mm... Yah missed me, huh?"
(Z nods, tryin' ta' see me an' I take tha chance ta' steal uh longa, deepa kiss from ha. Mah wif' taste like peaches an' cream an' I kno' she been snackin' on ha favorite lil' treat. Prolly why chea was in hea dancin' lika lil' teenaga.
She moans inta' mah mouf as I squeeze an' rub ha sens'tive lil' gems. Bu' chea ain't done callin' tha shots. She hol' one uf mah hands in place, keepin' me toyin' wit' ha lil' mouffuls, an' caressin' mah otha hand down tha centa uf ha belly. I grip an' rake mah nails down ha heated flesh 'long tha way an' she'on't stop me. O'ly whimpas' louda.
Breakin' ou' kiss o'ly ta' tell me she's glad I'm back an’ hopes I’m stayin’ in fa’ tha night. I tug ha back inta' uh passionate kiss dat takes ha breath 'way. Mah way uf tellin' ha me too an’ I ain’t goin’ nowhea. She reach ha lil' sweat shorts an' let mah hand go long enuf ta' tug tha drawstring an’ loosen ha bottom. Grabbin' me 'gain, she slips mah hand in ha shorts an' 'tween ha thighs. Mah fangas feelin' ‘round ha familiar terrain. Findin’ swelled lips, I groan inta' ha mouf—fightin’ not ta’ let ha soft lips lea mine. Chea back melds ‘gainst mah wif’betta cova’d chest whil’ parts ha legs uh lil' mo' an’ pushes mah hand deepa 'til I can roam an' rub ha slick folds mo' freely. I open mah eyes an' pull back from ha lips, o'ly ta' nip an’ peck 'em uh lil' ta' give us both uh chance ta' breathe an' feel dis'ere moment. Mah baritone uh lil' raspy)
"Gahdamn, mamas... Yah feel like I'm playin' in tha lake out'chea."
(Ha eyes hooded whil' ha lil' sedu'tive voice whispas fa' me an’ lips nip back at mine) "Only for you, Papa."
"-Betta- be..."
(Makin' uh teasin' lil' grin touch ha lips like it do mine, I pull ha back inta' uh dominatin’ kiss. Ha lips tusslin' wit' mine in uh blaze uh Alpha v Alpha, bu' she'll neva win. I’m pure, pr’mal instincts wit’ ha. Wantin’ ta’ claim ha in ev’ry lil’ way I can an’ wheneva I can. Bu’ ha wolf’s clawin’ fa’ mine an’ I growl jus’ ta’ dare ha ta’ come outchea. She growls back, makin’ me grin. I flip mah fangas through ha folds, feelin' she slick all ova an' o'ly gettin' wetta. Tha whol' time I ain't touched ha clit, o'ly caressin' an' pinchin' at ha plump lips jus' ta' feel ha buzzin' fa' me. I want ha throbin' fa' me like I am fa' ha. Tha way ha hips rotate inta' ma tell me she kno' I am, bu' ha claws diggin' in mah hand say I betta stop fuckin' 'round wit' ha. Grinnin' inta' lips, I growl 'gain.)
"Say yah wan' me ta' play wit' dat pre'ty lil' peach uf yah's, chea."
(She wimpas 'gainst mah lips as she ansa’s) "I want you to... I wanna feel your fingers inside me... deep...Right here...Touch me... Please, Papa..."
(Ha hand pushes on mine, nudging me ta' gih ha wha she wants. Bu' it ain't 'til she say "Please, Papa..." in dat lil' voice o'ly meant fa' mah ears dat I gih it ta' ha. Long, thick digits, wet wit’ ha juices, slide 'tween ha lips an' rub slo' circles on ha clit. Afta each coupla full rings, I slide mah mid'le an’ ring fangas deep 'tween ha walls. O’ly ta’ restart tha cycle ova an’ ova ‘gin. Ha head drops back 'gainst mah chest an' ha eyes start ta' roll in tha back uf ha head. Massagin' ha tits, neva doin' ta' one wit'out doin' tha same ta' tha otha, I push up ha shirt an' nip ha nipple inta' mah mouf. Tastin’ anotha part uf ha. It o'ly take sec’nds fa' me ta' feel ha bitin' at tha side uh mah neck. Ha univ’rsal way uf sayin' I betta not stop wha' I'm doin'.
Grinnin', lettin' ha flesh slide through mah teeth, I feel ha walls start tightenin' wit' each dive deep inside. So, I rub fasta an' stroke ha walls like I'm leavin' mah last name in thea all ova ‘gain. Bitin' an' moanin', she getta cursin' out fa' me not ta' stop. Ha hips tryna keep up wit' mah pace bu' tremblin' thighs not lettin' ha. Chea on tha brink an' she bury ha face inta' mah arm, chewin’ at mah bicep.)
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”
(She yell “fucks” through ha bites like it’s ev’ry inch off tha cliff an’ push ha hands inta’ mah hair, tuggin’ handfuls like she wan’ me ta’ fall wit’ ha. Ha lips manages out some form uf “I’m there” an’ I feel tha electricity shootin’ down ha spine, makin’ tha firs’ shockwaves run through ha—signalin’ she’s done fa’. I hol’ ha tighta an’ let mah fangas an’ mouf drag ha ova tha edge ‘til I hea feet behin’ me stompin’ wit’ uh attitude. We both freeze in place, holin’ on ta’ each otha like tha tighta we hol’ tha mo’ invisible we’d be. Dis o’viosuly ain’t how it works.)
“SINCE yah fa’got I was hea, I’m goin’ ta’ BJ an’ Nico’s!”
(Dis’ere time tha “fuck” come from me an’ I crack up laughin’ hard when I hea tha front do’ slam behin’ Nika. Mah wif’ on tha otha hand, don’t find it so fu’ny.)
“Gahdammit, Lie!”
“Whyah gahdamnin’ me?! Yah started dis.”
(I culdn’t stop laughin’ if I tried. Ha anga o’ly makin’ me laugh mo’ as she try ta’ push me off—slappin’ at mah chest.)
“Let me go, let me go after her!”
(Knowin’ I can’t rea’ly letta go ‘cos she’d surely fall ova on jellied legs, I hol’ on ta’ ha an’ pull ha inta’ me e’vn tho she pissed.)
“Whacha gon’ do? Run afta ha? She’ll be fine, Z. She’ll get ova it.”
(Mah wif’ looks like she’s dyin’ inside an’ tha world jus’ endin’ whil’ I’m still crackin’ up.)
“This isn’t funny!”
(Laughin’ harda) “Cock-blocked by yah own daughta. Tell me, mamas… Yah mo’ mad ‘cos yah ain’t get yah nut o’ ‘cos she caught us?”
(Smackin’ ha lips an’ punchin’ mah otha arm, she growls mah way o’ly makin’ me laugh that much mo’)
“Fuck you, Lie…”
“Na, Z…” (Tries ta’ pull off stern papa befo’ I crack tha fuck up ‘gain) “Ain’t dat whyah in dis pred’cament na?”
[©Post to @BestialSadist: 12-10-17] 
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