#Lab grown diamond NJ
jewelevina · 2 months
Why Choose Trillion Cut Diamond Engagement Rings
Trillion-cut diamond engagement rings are making waves in the world of bridal jewelry, offering a contemporary and elegant alternative to traditional diamond shapes. With their sleek lines, geometric symmetry, and brilliant sparkle, trillion-cut diamonds capture the hearts of modern couples seeking a unique and distinctive ring to symbolize their love and commitment. Here, you will explore the charm of trillion-cut diamond engagement rings, their versatility in custom-made jewelry, and the growing popularity of lab-grown diamonds in this bridal accessory. Trillion-cut diamonds, also known as trilliant or triangle-cut diamonds, feature a triangular shape with pointed corners and straight or curved sides. This distinctive cut maximizes the diamond's brilliance and fire, creating a mesmerizing display of light and sparkle. Trillion-cut diamonds are a popular choice for engagement rings due to their modern aesthetic and eye-catching appeal, standing out from the crowd. One of the key advantages of trillion-cut diamond engagement rings in NJ is their versatility in custom-made jewelry. Unlike traditional round or princess-cut diamonds, often set in classic solitaire or halo settings, trillion-cut diamonds lend themselves well to creative and unique designs. From sleek and contemporary settings to intricate vintage-inspired styles, trillion-cut diamond engagement rings offer endless possibilities for customization and personalization. Whether you prefer a minimalist bezel setting, an elaborate pavé band, or a bold three-stone design, a trillion-cut diamond can suit your style and preferences. Thanks to the rise of lab-grown diamonds, trillion-cut diamond engagement rings are gaining popularity for their sustainability and ethical credentials, in addition to their aesthetic appeal. Lab-grown diamonds are created in controlled laboratory environments using advanced technology, making them chemically and optically identical to natural diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds in NJ provide an environmentally friendly and socially responsible alternative to mined diamonds without compromising quality or beauty. Modern couples are increasingly opting for lab-grown trillion-cut diamonds for their engagement rings, knowing that they positively impact the planet while still enjoying the timeless beauty of this exquisite gemstone. There are several factors to consider when choosing the perfect trillion-cut diamond engagement ring:
Select a diamond with excellent cut quality to maximize its brilliance and sparkle.
Consider the setting style and metal type that best complements the diamond's shape and enhances its beauty. Select a metal that complements your lifestyle, whether it's the warmth of rose gold, the classic elegance of platinum, or the contemporary chic of white gold.
Ensure the ring reflects your unique love story, design, and craftsmanship, making it timeless and cherished forever.
Trillion-cut diamond engagement rings offer a modern and sophisticated choice for couples seeking a distinctive and eye-catching symbol of their love and commitment. With their beauty, versatility in custom-made jewelry in NJ, and growing popularity of lab-grown diamonds, trillion-cut diamond engagement rings will captivate the hearts of modern brides and grooms for generations to come. Whether you want a contemporary or vintage diamond engagement ring, a trillion-cut is perfect for celebrating your love. JeweleVina is one of the premier diamond jewelry stores, offering a wide range of fine jewelry. Its skilled artisans curate jewelry with meticulous attention to detail. Visit its website to explore its collection of fine jewels. Original Source- https://jewelevina.blogspot.com/2024/03/why-choose-trillion-cut-diamond.html
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cantankerousfeline · 6 years
The Proposal
I knew something was up that morning because he folded the toilet paper in a triangle. I was pretty sure he was just trying to impress the friends who were coming over to pick us up...but these were our closest friends. Who folds toilet paper for friends? Who folds toilet paper at all?
I decided I’d just ask if I remembered later. It was weird but just the sort of weird that fit his character.
It rained. But I love the rain and most of the time, given the choice, I would take the rain over the sun.
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Andy talked the whole way to the winery, which I also thought was odd, but she was also trying not to get carsick in the backseat. I wrote it off as her way of trying to distract herself. She knew though. They both knew. They both knew for AWHILE too.
After the new year, Beau said “I will get you a ring this year. I promise.” and I said he didn’t have to because I didn’t think I would have a good job anytime soon and if we weren’t in a good financial place I didn’t want him spending money on a ring.
I was very wrong about all of it and, by Easter, he had found the ring, we had gone to look at it (I got to choose the diamond), and it was perfect. I shifted my thoughts from “not this year” to “not until much later this year.”
I’ve never been so happy to be so wrong in my life. 
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We settled on a bottle and ordered a stone fired pizza. We sat, we talked, we listened to the rain, I felt suuuuuper great after about my third glass.
We got up to take more photos before heading to the next winery and Beau started a monologue. Sometimes he gets nostalgic when he’s drunk so I just thought he was feeling the feels.
...I really don’t know why I didn’t pick up on any of this. Normally it would be a dead giveaway. But I really truly was not expecting it. He was all official and even included the date right before he knelt.
“And so, on this day, June 3, 2018...”
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I cried. A lot. I was so afraid the ring wouldn’t fit because I had gained 20lbs since I had tried on the sample. But it popped on effortlessly. 
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Today is our four year anniversary and every day I think about how lucky I am.
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Andrea brought celebratory cookies, with lemon elderflower icing, because, you know, it was a royal occasion. It was perfect. It was all perfect.
  Credits -
Andy and Lukas, for photographing/recording the whole event, for making it even more special than it already was, for keeping secrets! All with a straight face!
Dondero Jewelry, in Vineland, NJ, our home state, more specifically “The Doctor” who assisted us through the whole process because we knew nothing.
Cumberland County College, because without Spring 2014, we never ever would have met. God bless Professor Smith who put up with both of us in his class.    
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A Survey of the Best Goldenrods for your Garden (Part I)
Why goldenrods?  
There are currently 136 species in the genus Solidago, three more than the last time I checked the astereae lab. (see https://uwaterloo.ca/astereae-lab/)   Most of these species are native to North America.  For those who see them on the roadsides as masses of weedy generic golden flowers, it seldom occurs to them that from July through October they are most likely witnessing the blooms of a dozen or more species.  By far the most common and most widespread and aggressive goldenrods throughout the Americas are those within the Triplinerviae group, which includes S. canadensis, S. gigantea, and S. altissima all of which can be maddeningly difficult to accurately distinguish even for the experts.  Weedy though they may be, there are many plant lovers including those in the cut flower trade who understand the value of the majestic diamond and pyramidal flower forms of the canadensis types.   A few hybrids have been developed for the cut flower trade that are generally not available to gardeners. Cultivars sold in the nursery like S. canadensis ‘Goldenbaby are smaller diploid forms that are less aggressive and more manageable.  But on the whole, only recently do we see a wider variety of garden worthy species entering the nursery trade.
This is a great benefit to gardeners as many of these varieties are well behaved and very attractive plants that don’t at all resemble their weedy cousins except in their trademark golden flowers. And it must be said, while posing the question, why goldenrods, that they do not cause allergies as they have long been accused of doing.  Their pollen is heavy and sticky and not carried in the wind.  It has been guilt by association, a purely circumstantial case, while the real culprits (one of them ragweed) are off the hook. Goldenrods depend on insects for pollination.
Which brings me to the overwhelming benefit to growing goldenrods: they are one of the most important food sources in the late season for pollinating insects, especially bees.  And goldenrod honey is delicious. Gardeners who are aware of the decline in bee species throughout the world, should straightaway run to their nearest online nursery and begin shopping for appropriate Solidago species for their region of the country.  Lastly, in addition to providing you a pictorial and descriptive list of some of my favorite forms, I do so to show another advantage to growing goldenrods.  It has to do with form.   If you think about most perennials, you notice that many plants come in a variety of colors, but by and large represent a single form.  Goldenrods do it the other way around--they come in only two colors, overwhelmingly yellow/golden and a couple of white ones, but they come in a wide variety of flowering forms.  I hope to introduce the unfamiliar to some of the more striking and unusual ones, that should provide imaginative gardeners with a lot of landscaping and design opportunities.
1 & 2. Solidago bicolor.  Also called silver rod, this is one of the white goldenrods well suited to the garden. Beloved by bees and has a light lily-like or honey suckle fragrance.   Widely adaptable in Eastern North America, from the Maritimes south to Alabama and Georgia and as far west as Michigan and Illinois. In the wild, it is often sparse and underdeveloped and makes little impression. In cultivation it can make a rich flowering stand in late summer and early fall producing refreshing cream-colored wands over a 4 to 6 week period.  Planted in a mass with Helenium, Sedum, Persicaria or Panicum it will have people asking, ‘what’s that’, and ‘goldenrod, really?’  Can sustain winter damage, but I’ve been growing it for 7 years and still have a few of the original seed grown plants.  Reseeds will replace spent plants, and its slender profile won’t take up too much room in your garden.  Full sun and part shade, where it can reach 4ft in height.  Usually about 2 to 3 ft in full sun.
3, 4 & 5.  Solidago riddellii.  In my opinion this is the finest and most versatile goldenrod you can grow in your garden.  It has an elegant and striking presence from May to November that is just as suitable for refined plantings as it is for the wild or natural garden.  What you have here is a distinctive and elegant foliar profile, strong stems and rich, vibrant flowering. Another plus (image 5) is that the spent flowers retract neatly and the golden color of the phyllaries shines through, so there is no drab phase many flowers and most goldenrods pass through.  Rather a pleasant golden/brown appearance enhanced by bright chartreuse leaflets below keep it shining through October, along with flashes of variegated colored fall foliage in shades of gold, orange, red, pink, purple and bronze. Finally soft-gray mounding seed heads complete the show in November.  This long-lived clumper is a native of moist conditions, but it performed beautifully in the drought conditions that 2020 brought. So at the very least it can withstand the occasional drought.  2 1/2 to 3 1/2 ft in height.  Difficult to find in nurseries or from seed.  I purchased my seed from Ernst Conservation Seeds.  The prices per pound are staggering and have gone up considerably since I first purchased seed in 2013 but smaller portions can be purchased at more affordable prices. Pollinator paradise.
6  Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’.  This variation of S. rugosa was discovered in North Carolina in 1973 and registered as a cultivar in 1993.  A more beautiful structural plant is hard to find, that and the thrilling lateral blooms cascading in all directions puts this one in my top 5 goldenrods. Likely a tetraploid as it blooms a good month later than the native S. rugosa that grow in Vermont, and it displays a tetraploid’s vigor.  This plant is tough as nails and completely immune to flopping or collapse.  You can park a bike against it (not saying you would but sometimes kids do the darndest things).  The foliage is unremarkable and coarse (thus the name rough or crinkle leaf goldenrod), but notice in image 6 that even at bloom time it maintains most of its lower foliage, so you don’t have to hide ugly legs as you do with most Asters and many fall blooming perennials. You do have to watch this one over time.  This slow spreader won’t take over your garden, but a single plant will spread outward into a 3 or 4ft stand, with its underground rhizomes working their way into other plants.  Very long lived and hardy.  It blooms so late in the north my experience is that it never has time to set seed before it is cut down, either that or it is sterile.  Long and short you won’t be troubled with seedlings.
7 & 8:  Solidago caesia ‘Blue Stem Goldenrod’.  Here is one that can be grown in sun or shade, and a bright graceful addition it is to the shade garden given it blooms in August and September when very little is flowering in anyone’s shade garden.  It has lax stems that tend to arch,  cascading on slopes and showing off the lovely linear quality of its axillary blooms.  Quite bushy in full sun, sparser in shade.  This is one of the more delicate goldenrods with its slender purple stems coated with a blue powder, thus the name (reminding me of wild Concord grapes of childhood that ripen at the same time as these bloom) Image 8.
9 & 10 Solidago speciosa ‘Showy Goldenrod’.  Put this one in your top 5 goldenrods as well.  The shorter diploid version is pictured in image 9 and the much taller bolder tetraploid (image 10) that blooms very late in the North.  Image 10 was harvested from the disturbed ground along the NJ Turnpike about 3 years after construction occurred.  There are foliage differences as well.  The tetraploids I harvested showed no dentation on the leaves (they were entire and longer and smoother than those of the diploids I harvested from Central Massachusetts).  I believe most of what you will find offered in the wildflower nurseries such as Prairie Moon and High Country Gardens are the earlier blooming, shorter diploid types. But don’t ask the nurseries, they will neither know nor care.  If it says to 3ft, it’s probably diploid, if it says to 5ft, possibly tetraploid.  Some of the NJ populations were as tall as 6 1/2 ft, which of course makes a lot of difference if you are planning a garden.  Majestic, non-invasive clumps, with quarter inch individual flowers give these full flower heads their showy quality and what I can only describe as a radiant glow from a distance.  Another plus are the often deep red stems that intensify in color in the fall and make for a spectacular contrast with the cloud-like off-white seed heads.  A stand of these in your pollinator garden is definitely worth growing.
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Top 10 Affordable, Kid-Friendly Suburbs That City Parents Won’t Hate
James Brey/iStock
It’s said there’s a season for everything—a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to scoop up bargains at after-holiday sales, and a time to purge that extra crap you didn’t need in the first place. And many new parents inevitably face the most transformative season of all—the one when they decide they have no choice but to leave the excitement and cramped quarters of city life and head for the bigger houses and better school systems in the suburbs.
Even if they do it kicking and screaming.
But now that many older millennials, those in their 20s to mid-30s, are finally settling down, the ’burbs are getting a boost. Last year marked the first time this decade that the nation’s suburban population grew faster than the population of cities, according to the Brookings Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank. And as these younger homeowners populate America’s bedroom communities, they’re increasingly opting for places offering up some of the big-city perks they’ve grown to know and love.
So where should family folks go when they’re reluctant to say goodbye to late-night pizza delivery, freedom from needing to buy car insurance, bars that don’t have “TGIF” in their names, or honest-to-God culture? We’ve got you covered. The data team at realtor.com® found the most affordable, family-friendly suburbs outside the nation’s biggest cities that offer plenty of amenities parents will enjoy on their own.
“You’re seeing more millennials moving to the suburbs, especially as they have kids,” says realtor.com’s chief economist, Danielle Hale. “People are definitely looking for affordability, better schools, less crime… [So] more outer suburbs have really put in an effort to develop walkable town centers and other places for people to gather, to enjoy similar benefits they’d find in urban centers.”
In order to come up with our move-here-now list for America’s cool moms and dads, we started by looking at the nation’s 10 largest cities. Then we took all the surrounding ZIP codes outside the city limits to find the best ’burb for each major metro. (We excluded a second Texan city, Houston, so we could squeeze in bellwether city San Francisco, the 11th-largest metro.) We looked at*:
Affordability based on realtor.com data, defined as less than $400K ($500K for pricey SF)
Percentage of children residing in each ZIP code
Availability of child care
Number of toystores
School rankings
Number per capita of restaurants, bars, and museums
Low crime rates
Reasonable commuting time (70 minutes or less)
So get over it: Trading the city for the suburbs doesn’t have to be torture. Just check out our list!
The ’burbs
Claire Widman
  1. Edison, NJ
Suburb of: New York City  ZIP code: 08817 Median home price in ZIP code: $295,050
Roosevelt Park in Edison
Sujit kumar/Wikipedia CC
Low crime, good schools, and the 217-acre Roosevelt Park make this town of just over 100,000 residents one of the more attractive suburbs in the New York metro area. It also boasts a genius connection. After all, it gets its name from Thomas Edison, who established his world-changing Menlo Park industrial research lab in 1867. Parents can bring their own young scientists to visit the newly renovated—and way interactive—Thomas Edison Center. Seriously, it’s a fascinating place, even on repeat visits.
There’s no shortage of things to do for just about every kind of kid here, from the fun Rebounderz trampoline center (yo, don’t forget those waivers!) to the Triple C Ranch and Nature Center, a wildlife refuge. And for the grownups, there are plenty of bars and restaurants—over 280 of ’em, according to TripAdvisor. Yes, you can go to the Applebee’s here, but you don’t have to.
“When people are ready to make the move from city limits, they come,” says local real estate agent Marc Rizzo of RE/MAX Diamond Realtors. “We always see a big influx of families from New York City. You get more for your money here. In fact, their [mortgage] payments are probably going to be significantly cheaper than what they’re paying for rent in the city.”
2. Seal Beach, CA
Suburb of: Los Angeles  ZIP code: 90740 Median home price in ZIP code: $355,050
Seal Beach, CA
Kelly Bourquin/iStock
You thought Southern California was out of reach, pricewise? Check out Seal Beach, the northernmost beach town in Orange County. True, downtown Los Angeles and the Silicon Beach area aren’t really within commuting distance, but the town is just down the road from Long Beach, the second-largest city in the greater L.A. metro area.
There’s a real sense of community and camaraderie in this 25,000-person township, and plenty to do, too, with a quaint/California-cool downtown and enough excellent restaurants to justify the popular Seal Beach Food Tour.
And your home is likely to be a solid investment. The local economy is stable, thanks to the presence of a major Pacific naval installation and a Boeing Co. facility that built rocket parts for NASA’s Apollo moon missions. The adjoining Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are the busiest and second-busiest container ports in the nation.
Seal Beach also has some of the highest-rated schools in the nation, according to GreatSchools.org. And did we mention the beaches themselves? Nice. The near-perfect Southern California climate draws families looking to enjoy biking, hiking, surfing, kite-flying, and watching free outdoor movies in the fall at Eisenhower Park. Parents can sign the kiddies up for surf lessons. And hey, why not take one yourself? It’s (almost) never too late.
3. Plainfield, IL
Suburb of: Chicago  ZIP code: 60585 Median home price in ZIP code: $369,475
The Smirnoff bottling facility in Plainfield should help ease your transition to the suburbs.
Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Families looking for a new home with a Main Street USA vibe should look toward Plainfield, about 40 miles southwest of Chicago. The entire downtown has been added to the National Register of Historic Places, for its commitment to various architectural styles of the last century.
“Most of our clients are families who move out to Plainfield for the schools. It’s a nice suburban destination,” says local real estate broker Keith Lang of John Greene Realtor. “We’ve got a really nice selection of newer homes—most built after 2000—and brand-new schools, shopping, and roads.”
The village stands out for its high percentage of child care providers and close proximity to parks, golf courses, and lots of other outdoor recreation. Don’t miss the 839-acre Lake Renwick Preserve, where bald eagles can be spotted, along with nesting herons, egrets, and cormorants.
For those who prefer indoor pursuits, there’s the massively popular Plainfield Lanes. It offers bowling, arcade games, and an escape room that you, um, have to escape from.
4. Keller, TX
Suburb of: Dallas ZIP code: 76244 Median home price in ZIP code: $282,525
Keller, TX
This suburban outpost, located between fast-growing Fort Worth and Dallas, describes itself as “the premier community in which to live, work, play, and invest by balancing big-city comforts with small-town charm.” Yeah, they’re laying it on a bit thick, but the description is pretty accurate. The family vibe starts with the region’s unswerving emphasis on education: Twenty of its schools have been recognized by the Texas Education Agency, and 20 major universities are located within an hour of Keller.
The suburb “is a fabulous area for families,” says Denise Kennedy, of Kennedy & Co. Realty. “They really invest in the community to make it a good place to live.”
It’s also significantly cheaper than Dallas, where homes go for a median $420,000 within city limits.
Keller also benefits from its proximity to well-known attractions, including the 212-acre Six Flags Over Texas amusement park and AT&T Stadium, the $1.2 billion home of the Dallas Cowboys. For more highbrow entertainment, it’s just a quick hop to some of the nation’s top museums, including the Amon Carter Museum of American Art in Fort Worth and the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas.
5. Swedesboro, NJ
Suburb of: Philadelphia ZIP code: 08085 Median home price in ZIP code: $273,500
Old Swedes Inn in Swedesboro, NJ
Jerrye & Roy Klotz/Wikipedia CC
Located about 25 miles southwest of Philadelphia, this tiny town of 2,600 has “a great school system, a vibrant, recently renovated and expanded library, and a downtown business district that is exploding with new restaurants and shops,” according to Swedesboro Mayor Thomas Fromm. Thanks, Mayor Tom!
So what the heck do you actually do here? Eat, for one thing: Swedesboro boasts the area’s best Asian, Italian, and pub restaurants, according to a countywide competition. Parents can rest assured that their young ones are well cared for, since the town is also is to the county’s top day care center, the Goddard School, according to the residents.
Bonus: It’s also home to the family-friendly Bridgeport Speedway, billed as the “fastest dirt track in the East.” Vroom.
6. Chesapeake Beach, MD
Suburb of: Washington, D.C. ZIP code: 20732 Median home price in ZIP code: $349,375
Chesapeake Beach, MD
Danita Delimont/Getty Images
Famed Washington, D.C., suburbs like Falls Church, Arlington, and Alexandria garner lots of attention for their high-powered residents and equally ascendant home prices. But there are other communities that attract capital worker bees in search of a more laid-back lifestyle. Chesapeake Beach, a town of 5,900, was established as a seaside resort in the early 20th century and still maintains much of its early ambience.
The town is home of the Herrington Harbor Marina, routinely voted one of the best marinas on the bay. Combine that with better-than-average schools, affordable homes, and a low crime rate, and the 35-mile drive into Washington seems a lot more palatable.
7. Coral Springs, FL
Suburb of: Miami ZIP code: 33065 Median home price in ZIP code: $376,175
Aerial view of Coral Springs, FL
This master-planned community of 126,300 has long been an attractive destination for families fleeing lousy schools and high crime in inner-city Miami. While a rush-hour drive to the sun-washed metro can take more than hour, there’s no need to make the trip for entertainment options. Coral Springs boasts an arts museum, theater, golf course, and the annual OurTownAmerica arts and entertainment festival, which has been held every March for nearly 40 years.
Appearances are important in Coral Springs. The city is spending roughly $700 million on a downtown revitalization plan. Unlike other Florida municipalities, it keeps a tight rein on commercial development, so much so that it was the first U.S. city to have a McDonald’s that didn’t have the chain’s signature golden arches. Fight the man!
“[It’s] a welcoming place,” says Lynn Pineda, of Keller Williams Realty. “There are so many activities to keep kids active—and happy.”
8. Dacula, GA
Suburb of: Atlanta ZIP code: 30019 Median home price in ZIP code: $312,915
Dacula, GA
Dacula may only be about 40 miles northeast of Atlanta, but this small town might as well be on the other side of the planet. The town’s centerpiece is a 76-acre city park regularly used by more than more than 2,000 families, boasting a pool, sports fields, playgrounds, and even an outdoor classroom.
It also has the advantage of being close to family activities that don’t require a trek into Hotlanta. It’s less than 10 miles from the Mall of Georgia, the largest shopping center in the Southeast, and a scant 20 miles from Lake Lanier, a 38,000-acre reservoir that draws about 7.5 million visitors annually.
9. North Chelmsford, MA
Suburb of: Boston ZIP code: 01863 Median home price in ZIP code: $294,275
Barely 30 miles northwest of Boston, this village is within an easy drive of some of the most monumental sites in U.S. history. They range from the North Bridge in Concord, site of the first battle in the American Revolution, to Walden Pond, where Henry David Thoreau famously contemplated the meaning of life.
Not all of the Merrimack River Valley village’s attractions are in the past, though—neighboring Lowell is home to more than a dozen seasonal festivals, and Chelmsford itself hosts one of the nation’s better small-town Independence Day celebrations.
Besides history and festivals, families can also enjoy an increasingly diverse dining scene. Restaurants offering tapas and top-notch sushi sit next to more classic New England joints pushing chowdah and lobster rolls. And for the outdoor-minded, the 24.5-mile Bruce Freeman Rail Trail from Lowell to Framingham is a work in progress for runners and cyclists, with the bulk of what’s been completed so far passing through Chelmsford.
10. Walnut Creek, CA
Suburb of: San Francisco ZIP code: 94595 Median home price in ZIP code: $485,025
Walnut Creek, CA
City of Walnut Creek
Walnut Creek may not be as affordable as the other suburbs on our list. But given that it’s barely 25 miles from San Francisco, where the median home price is a whopping $1.3 million, half a mil is a steal. Plus, Walnut Creek boasts good schools, low crime, and a burgeoning foodie scene.
“It has everything that you would be looking for in terms of food and activities that most major cities have, without the hassle of traffic and parking,” says Shauna Springer, a psychologist who has lived in Walnut Creek for 10 years and has two children, ages 4 and 6.
Springer also loves the access to nature. Walnut Creek claims 16 parks and 3,000 acres of undeveloped space. One of them is Heather Farms, a 102-acre park that features a sprawling, all-abilities playground, a lake, and botanical gardens.
“If you’ve got kids, you can get them on their bikes and get them on the Iron Horse [bike] trail, and just go from one park to another park to downtown,” Springer says.
And to groom your little culture vultures, the Lesher Center for the Arts offers kid-friendly theatrical productions like “The Little Mermaid.” Parents might be able to catch big-name speakers like Jill Biden, while the resident theater company, which just turned 50, puts on an array of new and classic plays. The city even has its own ballet and symphony.
*Data sources: realtor.com, Census Bureau, 2011-16 American Community Survey, Statistics of U.S. Businesses, Greatschools.org, FBI Uniform Crime Report, Google Maps. 
The post Top 10 Affordable, Kid-Friendly Suburbs That City Parents Won’t Hate appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/family-friendly-affordable-suburbs/
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restate30201 · 6 years
Top 10 Affordable, Kid-Friendly Suburbs That City Parents Won’t Hate
James Brey/iStock
It’s said there’s a season for everything—a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to scoop up bargains at after-holiday sales, and a time to purge that extra crap you didn’t need in the first place. And many new parents inevitably face the most transformative season of all—the one when they decide they have no choice but to leave the excitement and cramped quarters of city life and head for the bigger houses and better school systems in the suburbs.
Even if they do it kicking and screaming.
But now that many older millennials, those in their 20s to mid-30s, are finally settling down, the ’burbs are getting a boost. Last year marked the first time this decade that the nation’s suburban population grew faster than the population of cities, according to the Brookings Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank. And as these younger homeowners populate America’s bedroom communities, they’re increasingly opting for places offering up some of the big-city perks they’ve grown to know and love.
So where should family folks go when they’re reluctant to say goodbye to late-night pizza delivery, freedom from needing to buy car insurance, bars that don’t have “TGIF” in their names, or honest-to-God culture? We’ve got you covered. The data team at realtor.com® found the most affordable, family-friendly suburbs outside the nation’s biggest cities that offer plenty of amenities parents will enjoy on their own.
“You’re seeing more millennials moving to the suburbs, especially as they have kids,” says realtor.com’s chief economist, Danielle Hale. “People are definitely looking for affordability, better schools, less crime… [So] more outer suburbs have really put in an effort to develop walkable town centers and other places for people to gather, to enjoy similar benefits they’d find in urban centers.”
In order to come up with our move-here-now list for America’s cool moms and dads, we started by looking at the nation’s 10 largest cities. Then we took all the surrounding ZIP codes outside the city limits to find the best ’burb for each major metro. (We excluded a second Texan city, Houston, so we could squeeze in bellwether city San Francisco, the 11th-largest metro.) We looked at*:
Affordability based on realtor.com data, defined as less than $400K ($500K for pricey SF)
Percentage of children residing in each ZIP code
Availability of child care
Number of toystores
School rankings
Number per capita of restaurants, bars, and museums
Low crime rates
Reasonable commuting time (70 minutes or less)
So get over it: Trading the city for the suburbs doesn’t have to be torture. Just check out our list!
The ’burbs
Claire Widman
1. Edison, NJ
Suburb of: New York City  ZIP code: 08817 Median home price in ZIP code: $295,050
Roosevelt Park in Edison
Sujit kumar/Wikipedia CC
Low crime, good schools, and the 217-acre Roosevelt Park make this town of just over 100,000 residents one of the more attractive suburbs in the New York metro area. It also boasts a genius connection. After all, it gets its name from Thomas Edison, who established his world-changing Menlo Park industrial research lab in 1867. Parents can bring their own young scientists to visit the newly renovated—and way interactive—Thomas Edison Center. Seriously, it’s a fascinating place, even on repeat visits.
There’s no shortage of things to do for just about every kind of kid here, from the fun Rebounderz trampoline center (yo, don’t forget those waivers!) to the Triple C Ranch and Nature Center, a wildlife refuge. And for the grownups, there are plenty of bars and restaurants—over 280 of ’em, according to TripAdvisor. Yes, you can go to the Applebee’s here, but you don’t have to.
“When people are ready to make the move from city limits, they come,” says local real estate agent Marc Rizzo of RE/MAX Diamond Realtors. “We always see a big influx of families from New York City. You get more for your money here. In fact, their [mortgage] payments are probably going to be significantly cheaper than what they’re paying for rent in the city.”
2. Seal Beach, CA
Suburb of: Los Angeles  ZIP code: 90740 Median home price in ZIP code: $355,050
Seal Beach, CA
Kelly Bourquin/iStock
You thought Southern California was out of reach, pricewise? Check out Seal Beach, the northernmost beach town in Orange County. True, downtown Los Angeles and the Silicon Beach area aren’t really within commuting distance, but the town is just down the road from Long Beach, the second-largest city in the greater L.A. metro area.
There’s a real sense of community and camaraderie in this 25,000-person township, and plenty to do, too, with a quaint/California-cool downtown and enough excellent restaurants to justify the popular Seal Beach Food Tour.
And your home is likely to be a solid investment. The local economy is stable, thanks to the presence of a major Pacific naval installation and a Boeing Co. facility that built rocket parts for NASA’s Apollo moon missions. The adjoining Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are the busiest and second-busiest container ports in the nation.
Seal Beach also has some of the highest-rated schools in the nation, according to GreatSchools.org. And did we mention the beaches themselves? Nice. The near-perfect Southern California climate draws families looking to enjoy biking, hiking, surfing, kite-flying, and watching free outdoor movies in the fall at Eisenhower Park. Parents can sign the kiddies up for surf lessons. And hey, why not take one yourself? It’s (almost) never too late.
3. Plainfield, IL
Suburb of: Chicago  ZIP code: 60585 Median home price in ZIP code: $369,475
The Smirnoff bottling facility in Plainfield should help ease your transition to the suburbs.
Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Families looking for a new home with a Main Street USA vibe should look toward Plainfield, about 40 miles southwest of Chicago. The entire downtown has been added to the National Register of Historic Places, for its commitment to various architectural styles of the last century.
“Most of our clients are families who move out to Plainfield for the schools. It’s a nice suburban destination,” says local real estate broker Keith Lang of John Greene Realtor. “We’ve got a really nice selection of newer homes—most built after 2000—and brand-new schools, shopping, and roads.”
The village stands out for its high percentage of child care providers and close proximity to parks, golf courses, and lots of other outdoor recreation. Don’t miss the 839-acre Lake Renwick Preserve, where bald eagles can be spotted, along with nesting herons, egrets, and cormorants.
For those who prefer indoor pursuits, there’s the massively popular Plainfield Lanes. It offers bowling, arcade games, and an escape room that you, um, have to escape from.
4. Keller, TX
Suburb of: Dallas ZIP code: 76244 Median home price in ZIP code: $282,525
Keller, TX
This suburban outpost, located between fast-growing Fort Worth and Dallas, describes itself as “the premier community in which to live, work, play, and invest by balancing big-city comforts with small-town charm.” Yeah, they’re laying it on a bit thick, but the description is pretty accurate. The family vibe starts with the region’s unswerving emphasis on education: Twenty of its schools have been recognized by the Texas Education Agency, and 20 major universities are located within an hour of Keller.
The suburb “is a fabulous area for families,” says Denise Kennedy, of Kennedy & Co. Realty. “They really invest in the community to make it a good place to live.”
It’s also significantly cheaper than Dallas, where homes go for a median $420,000 within city limits.
Keller also benefits from its proximity to well-known attractions, including the 212-acre Six Flags Over Texas amusement park and AT&T Stadium, the $1.2 billion home of the Dallas Cowboys. For more highbrow entertainment, it’s just a quick hop to some of the nation’s top museums, including the Amon Carter Museum of American Art in Fort Worth and the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas.
5. Swedesboro, NJ
Suburb of: Philadelphia ZIP code: 08085 Median home price in ZIP code: $273,500
Old Swedes Inn in Swedesboro, NJ
Jerrye & Roy Klotz/Wikipedia CC
Located about 25 miles southwest of Philadelphia, this tiny town of 2,600 has “a great school system, a vibrant, recently renovated and expanded library, and a downtown business district that is exploding with new restaurants and shops,” according to Swedesboro Mayor Thomas Fromm. Thanks, Mayor Tom!
So what the heck do you actually do here? Eat, for one thing: Swedesboro boasts the area’s best Asian, Italian, and pub restaurants, according to a countywide competition. Parents can rest assured that their young ones are well cared for, since the town is also is to the county’s top day care center, the Goddard School, according to the residents.
Bonus: It’s also home to the family-friendly Bridgeport Speedway, billed as the “fastest dirt track in the East.” Vroom.
6. Chesapeake Beach, MD
Suburb of: Washington, D.C. ZIP code: 20732 Median home price in ZIP code: $349,375
Chesapeake Beach, MD
Danita Delimont/Getty Images
Famed Washington, D.C., suburbs like Falls Church, Arlington, and Alexandria garner lots of attention for their high-powered residents and equally ascendant home prices. But there are other communities that attract capital worker bees in search of a more laid-back lifestyle. Chesapeake Beach, a town of 5,900, was established as a seaside resort in the early 20th century and still maintains much of its early ambience.
The town is home of the Herrington Harbor Marina, routinely voted one of the best marinas on the bay. Combine that with better-than-average schools, affordable homes, and a low crime rate, and the 35-mile drive into Washington seems a lot more palatable.
7. Coral Springs, FL
Suburb of: Miami ZIP code: 33065 Median home price in ZIP code: $376,175
Aerial view of Coral Springs, FL
This master-planned community of 126,300 has long been an attractive destination for families fleeing lousy schools and high crime in inner-city Miami. While a rush-hour drive to the sun-washed metro can take more than hour, there’s no need to make the trip for entertainment options. Coral Springs boasts an arts museum, theater, golf course, and the annual OurTownAmerica arts and entertainment festival, which has been held every March for nearly 40 years.
Appearances are important in Coral Springs. The city is spending roughly $700 million on a downtown revitalization plan. Unlike other Florida municipalities, it keeps a tight rein on commercial development, so much so that it was the first U.S. city to have a McDonald’s that didn’t have the chain’s signature golden arches. Fight the man!
“[It’s] a welcoming place,” says Lynn Pineda, of Keller Williams Realty. “There are so many activities to keep kids active—and happy.”
8. Dacula, GA
Suburb of: Atlanta ZIP code: 30019 Median home price in ZIP code: $312,915
Dacula, GA
Dacula may only be about 40 miles northeast of Atlanta, but this small town might as well be on the other side of the planet. The town’s centerpiece is a 76-acre city park regularly used by more than more than 2,000 families, boasting a pool, sports fields, playgrounds, and even an outdoor classroom.
It also has the advantage of being close to family activities that don’t require a trek into Hotlanta. It’s less than 10 miles from the Mall of Georgia, the largest shopping center in the Southeast, and a scant 20 miles from Lake Lanier, a 38,000-acre reservoir that draws about 7.5 million visitors annually.
9. North Chelmsford, MA
Suburb of: Boston ZIP code: 01863 Median home price in ZIP code: $294,275
Barely 30 miles northwest of Boston, this village is within an easy drive of some of the most monumental sites in U.S. history. They range from the North Bridge in Concord, site of the first battle in the American Revolution, to Walden Pond, where Henry David Thoreau famously contemplated the meaning of life.
Not all of the Merrimack River Valley village’s attractions are in the past, though—neighboring Lowell is home to more than a dozen seasonal festivals, and Chelmsford itself hosts one of the nation’s better small-town Independence Day celebrations.
Besides history and festivals, families can also enjoy an increasingly diverse dining scene. Restaurants offering tapas and top-notch sushi sit next to more classic New England joints pushing chowdah and lobster rolls. And for the outdoor-minded, the 24.5-mile Bruce Freeman Rail Trail from Lowell to Framingham is a work in progress for runners and cyclists, with the bulk of what’s been completed so far passing through Chelmsford.
10. Walnut Creek, CA
Suburb of: San Francisco ZIP code: 94595 Median home price in ZIP code: $485,025
Walnut Creek, CA
City of Walnut Creek
Walnut Creek may not be as affordable as the other suburbs on our list. But given that it’s barely 25 miles from San Francisco, where the median home price is a whopping $1.3 million, half a mil is a steal. Plus,��Walnut Creek boasts good schools, low crime, and a burgeoning foodie scene.
“It has everything that you would be looking for in terms of food and activities that most major cities have, without the hassle of traffic and parking,” says Shauna Springer, a psychologist who has lived in Walnut Creek for 10 years and has two children, ages 4 and 6.
Springer also loves the access to nature. Walnut Creek claims 16 parks and 3,000 acres of undeveloped space. One of them is Heather Farms, a 102-acre park that features a sprawling, all-abilities playground, a lake, and botanical gardens.
“If you’ve got kids, you can get them on their bikes and get them on the Iron Horse [bike] trail, and just go from one park to another park to downtown,” Springer says.
And to groom your little culture vultures, the Lesher Center for the Arts offers kid-friendly theatrical productions like “The Little Mermaid.” Parents might be able to catch big-name speakers like Jill Biden, while the resident theater company, which just turned 50, puts on an array of new and classic plays. The city even has its own ballet and symphony.
*Data sources: realtor.com, Census Bureau, 2011-16 American Community Survey, Statistics of U.S. Businesses, Greatschools.org, FBI Uniform Crime Report, Google Maps. 
The post Top 10 Affordable, Kid-Friendly Suburbs That City Parents Won’t Hate appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2G473ln
0 notes
Top 10 Affordable, Kid-Friendly Suburbs That City Parents Won’t Hate
James Brey/iStock
It’s said there’s a season for everything—a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to scoop up bargains at after-holiday sales, and a time to purge that extra crap you didn’t need in the first place. And many new parents inevitably face the most transformative season of all—the one when they decide they have no choice but to leave the excitement and cramped quarters of city life and head for the bigger houses and better school systems in the suburbs.
Even if they do it kicking and screaming.
But now that many older millennials, those in their 20s to mid-30s, are finally settling down, the ’burbs are getting a boost. Last year marked the first time this decade that the nation’s suburban population grew faster than the population of cities, according to the Brookings Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank. And as these younger homeowners populate America’s bedroom communities, they’re increasingly opting for places offering up some of the big-city perks they’ve grown to know and love.
So where should family folks go when they’re reluctant to say goodbye to late-night pizza delivery, freedom from needing to buy car insurance, bars that don’t have “TGIF” in their names, or honest-to-God culture? We’ve got you covered. The data team at realtor.com® found the most affordable, family-friendly suburbs outside the nation’s biggest cities that offer plenty of amenities parents will enjoy on their own.
“You’re seeing more millennials moving to the suburbs, especially as they have kids,” says realtor.com’s chief economist, Danielle Hale. “People are definitely looking for affordability, better schools, less crime… [So] more outer suburbs have really put in an effort to develop walkable town centers and other places for people to gather, to enjoy similar benefits they’d find in urban centers.”
In order to come up with our move-here-now list for America’s cool moms and dads, we started by looking at the nation’s 10 largest cities. Then we took all the surrounding ZIP codes outside the city limits to find the best ’burb for each major metro. (We excluded a second Texan city, Houston, so we could squeeze in bellwether city San Francisco, the 11th-largest metro.) We looked at*:
Affordability based on realtor.com data, defined as less than $400K ($500K for pricey SF)
Percentage of children residing in each ZIP code
Availability of child care
Number of toystores
School rankings
Number per capita of restaurants, bars, and museums
Low crime rates
Reasonable commuting time (70 minutes or less)
So get over it: Trading the city for the suburbs doesn’t have to be torture. Just check out our list!
The ’burbs
Claire Widman
1. Edison, NJ
Suburb of: New York City  ZIP code: 08817 Median home price in ZIP code: $295,050
Roosevelt Park in Edison
Sujit kumar/Wikipedia CC
Low crime, good schools, and the 217-acre Roosevelt Park make this town of just over 100,000 residents one of the more attractive suburbs in the New York metro area. It also boasts a genius connection. After all, it gets its name from Thomas Edison, who established his world-changing Menlo Park industrial research lab in 1867. Parents can bring their own young scientists to visit the newly renovated—and way interactive—Thomas Edison Center. Seriously, it’s a fascinating place, even on repeat visits.
There’s no shortage of things to do for just about every kind of kid here, from the fun Rebounderz trampoline center (yo, don’t forget those waivers!) to the Triple C Ranch and Nature Center, a wildlife refuge. And for the grownups, there are plenty of bars and restaurants—over 280 of ’em, according to TripAdvisor. Yes, you can go to the Applebee’s here, but you don’t have to.
“When people are ready to make the move from city limits, they come,” says local real estate agent Marc Rizzo of RE/MAX Diamond Realtors. “We always see a big influx of families from New York City. You get more for your money here. In fact, their [mortgage] payments are probably going to be significantly cheaper than what they’re paying for rent in the city.”
2. Seal Beach, CA
Suburb of: Los Angeles  ZIP code: 90740 Median home price in ZIP code: $355,050
Seal Beach, CA
Kelly Bourquin/iStock
You thought Southern California was out of reach, pricewise? Check out Seal Beach, the northernmost beach town in Orange County. True, downtown Los Angeles and the Silicon Beach area aren’t really within commuting distance, but the town is just down the road from Long Beach, the second-largest city in the greater L.A. metro area.
There’s a real sense of community and camaraderie in this 25,000-person township, and plenty to do, too, with a quaint/California-cool downtown and enough excellent restaurants to justify the popular Seal Beach Food Tour.
And your home is likely to be a solid investment. The local economy is stable, thanks to the presence of a major Pacific naval installation and a Boeing Co. facility that built rocket parts for NASA’s Apollo moon missions. The adjoining Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are the busiest and second-busiest container ports in the nation.
Seal Beach also has some of the highest-rated schools in the nation, according to GreatSchools.org. And did we mention the beaches themselves? Nice. The near-perfect Southern California climate draws families looking to enjoy biking, hiking, surfing, kite-flying, and watching free outdoor movies in the fall at Eisenhower Park. Parents can sign the kiddies up for surf lessons. And hey, why not take one yourself? It’s (almost) never too late.
3. Plainfield, IL
Suburb of: Chicago  ZIP code: 60585 Median home price in ZIP code: $369,475
The Smirnoff bottling facility in Plainfield should help ease your transition to the suburbs.
Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Families looking for a new home with a Main Street USA vibe should look toward Plainfield, about 40 miles southwest of Chicago. The entire downtown has been added to the National Register of Historic Places, for its commitment to various architectural styles of the last century.
“Most of our clients are families who move out to Plainfield for the schools. It’s a nice suburban destination,” says local real estate broker Keith Lang of John Greene Realtor. “We’ve got a really nice selection of newer homes—most built after 2000—and brand-new schools, shopping, and roads.”
The village stands out for its high percentage of child care providers and close proximity to parks, golf courses, and lots of other outdoor recreation. Don’t miss the 839-acre Lake Renwick Preserve, where bald eagles can be spotted, along with nesting herons, egrets, and cormorants.
For those who prefer indoor pursuits, there’s the massively popular Plainfield Lanes. It offers bowling, arcade games, and an escape room that you, um, have to escape from.
4. Keller, TX
Suburb of: Dallas ZIP code: 76244 Median home price in ZIP code: $282,525
Keller, TX
This suburban outpost, located between fast-growing Fort Worth and Dallas, describes itself as “the premier community in which to live, work, play, and invest by balancing big-city comforts with small-town charm.” Yeah, they’re laying it on a bit thick, but the description is pretty accurate. The family vibe starts with the region’s unswerving emphasis on education: Twenty of its schools have been recognized by the Texas Education Agency, and 20 major universities are located within an hour of Keller.
The suburb “is a fabulous area for families,” says Denise Kennedy, of Kennedy & Co. Realty. “They really invest in the community to make it a good place to live.”
It’s also significantly cheaper than Dallas, where homes go for a median $420,000 within city limits.
Keller also benefits from its proximity to well-known attractions, including the 212-acre Six Flags Over Texas amusement park and AT&T Stadium, the $1.2 billion home of the Dallas Cowboys. For more highbrow entertainment, it’s just a quick hop to some of the nation’s top museums, including the Amon Carter Museum of American Art in Fort Worth and the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas.
5. Swedesboro, NJ
Suburb of: Philadelphia ZIP code: 08085 Median home price in ZIP code: $273,500
Old Swedes Inn in Swedesboro, NJ
Jerrye & Roy Klotz/Wikipedia CC
Located about 25 miles southwest of Philadelphia, this tiny town of 2,600 has “a great school system, a vibrant, recently renovated and expanded library, and a downtown business district that is exploding with new restaurants and shops,” according to Swedesboro Mayor Thomas Fromm. Thanks, Mayor Tom!
So what the heck do you actually do here? Eat, for one thing: Swedesboro boasts the area’s best Asian, Italian, and pub restaurants, according to a countywide competition. Parents can rest assured that their young ones are well cared for, since the town is also is to the county’s top day care center, the Goddard School, according to the residents.
Bonus: It’s also home to the family-friendly Bridgeport Speedway, billed as the “fastest dirt track in the East.” Vroom.
6. Chesapeake Beach, MD
Suburb of: Washington, D.C. ZIP code: 20732 Median home price in ZIP code: $349,375
Chesapeake Beach, MD
Danita Delimont/Getty Images
Famed Washington, D.C., suburbs like Falls Church, Arlington, and Alexandria garner lots of attention for their high-powered residents and equally ascendant home prices. But there are other communities that attract capital worker bees in search of a more laid-back lifestyle. Chesapeake Beach, a town of 5,900, was established as a seaside resort in the early 20th century and still maintains much of its early ambience.
The town is home of the Herrington Harbor Marina, routinely voted one of the best marinas on the bay. Combine that with better-than-average schools, affordable homes, and a low crime rate, and the 35-mile drive into Washington seems a lot more palatable.
7. Coral Springs, FL
Suburb of: Miami ZIP code: 33065 Median home price in ZIP code: $376,175
Aerial view of Coral Springs, FL
This master-planned community of 126,300 has long been an attractive destination for families fleeing lousy schools and high crime in inner-city Miami. While a rush-hour drive to the sun-washed metro can take more than hour, there’s no need to make the trip for entertainment options. Coral Springs boasts an arts museum, theater, golf course, and the annual OurTownAmerica arts and entertainment festival, which has been held every March for nearly 40 years.
Appearances are important in Coral Springs. The city is spending roughly $700 million on a downtown revitalization plan. Unlike other Florida municipalities, it keeps a tight rein on commercial development, so much so that it was the first U.S. city to have a McDonald’s that didn’t have the chain’s signature golden arches. Fight the man!
“[It’s] a welcoming place,” says Lynn Pineda, of Keller Williams Realty. “There are so many activities to keep kids active—and happy.”
8. Dacula, GA
Suburb of: Atlanta ZIP code: 30019 Median home price in ZIP code: $312,915
Dacula, GA
Dacula may only be about 40 miles northeast of Atlanta, but this small town might as well be on the other side of the planet. The town’s centerpiece is a 76-acre city park regularly used by more than more than 2,000 families, boasting a pool, sports fields, playgrounds, and even an outdoor classroom.
It also has the advantage of being close to family activities that don’t require a trek into Hotlanta. It’s less than 10 miles from the Mall of Georgia, the largest shopping center in the Southeast, and a scant 20 miles from Lake Lanier, a 38,000-acre reservoir that draws about 7.5 million visitors annually.
9. North Chelmsford, MA
Suburb of: Boston ZIP code: 01863 Median home price in ZIP code: $294,275
Barely 30 miles northwest of Boston, this village is within an easy drive of some of the most monumental sites in U.S. history. They range from the North Bridge in Concord, site of the first battle in the American Revolution, to Walden Pond, where Henry David Thoreau famously contemplated the meaning of life.
Not all of the Merrimack River Valley village’s attractions are in the past, though—neighboring Lowell is home to more than a dozen seasonal festivals, and Chelmsford itself hosts one of the nation’s better small-town Independence Day celebrations.
Besides history and festivals, families can also enjoy an increasingly diverse dining scene. Restaurants offering tapas and top-notch sushi sit next to more classic New England joints pushing chowdah and lobster rolls. And for the outdoor-minded, the 24.5-mile Bruce Freeman Rail Trail from Lowell to Framingham is a work in progress for runners and cyclists, with the bulk of what’s been completed so far passing through Chelmsford.
10. Walnut Creek, CA
Suburb of: San Francisco ZIP code: 94595 Median home price in ZIP code: $485,025
Walnut Creek, CA
City of Walnut Creek
Walnut Creek may not be as affordable as the other suburbs on our list. But given that it’s barely 25 miles from San Francisco, where the median home price is a whopping $1.3 million, half a mil is a steal. Plus, Walnut Creek boasts good schools, low crime, and a burgeoning foodie scene.
“It has everything that you would be looking for in terms of food and activities that most major cities have, without the hassle of traffic and parking,” says Shauna Springer, a psychologist who has lived in Walnut Creek for 10 years and has two children, ages 4 and 6.
Springer also loves the access to nature. Walnut Creek claims 16 parks and 3,000 acres of undeveloped space. One of them is Heather Farms, a 102-acre park that features a sprawling, all-abilities playground, a lake, and botanical gardens.
“If you’ve got kids, you can get them on their bikes and get them on the Iron Horse [bike] trail, and just go from one park to another park to downtown,” Springer says.
And to groom your little culture vultures, the Lesher Center for the Arts offers kid-friendly theatrical productions like “The Little Mermaid.” Parents might be able to catch big-name speakers like Jill Biden, while the resident theater company, which just turned 50, puts on an array of new and classic plays. The city even has its own ballet and symphony.
*Data sources: realtor.com, Census Bureau, 2011-16 American Community Survey, Statistics of U.S. Businesses, Greatschools.org, FBI Uniform Crime Report, Google Maps. 
The post Top 10 Affordable, Kid-Friendly Suburbs That City Parents Won’t Hate appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2G473ln
0 notes
realestateagent532 · 6 years
Top 10 Affordable, Kid-Friendly Suburbs That City Parents Won’t Hate
James Brey/iStock
It’s said there’s a season for everything—a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to scoop up bargains at after-holiday sales, and a time to purge that extra crap you didn’t need in the first place. And many new parents inevitably face the most transformative season of all—the one when they decide they have no choice but to leave the excitement and cramped quarters of city life and head for the bigger houses and better school systems in the suburbs.
Even if they do it kicking and screaming.
But now that many older millennials, those in their 20s to mid-30s, are finally settling down, the ’burbs are getting a boost. Last year marked the first time this decade that the nation’s suburban population grew faster than the population of cities, according to the Brookings Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank. And as these younger homeowners populate America’s bedroom communities, they’re increasingly opting for places offering up some of the big-city perks they’ve grown to know and love.
So where should family folks go when they’re reluctant to say goodbye to late-night pizza delivery, freedom from needing to buy car insurance, bars that don’t have “TGIF” in their names, or honest-to-God culture? We’ve got you covered. The data team at realtor.com® found the most affordable, family-friendly suburbs outside the nation’s biggest cities that offer plenty of amenities parents will enjoy on their own.
“You’re seeing more millennials moving to the suburbs, especially as they have kids,” says realtor.com’s chief economist, Danielle Hale. “People are definitely looking for affordability, better schools, less crime… [So] more outer suburbs have really put in an effort to develop walkable town centers and other places for people to gather, to enjoy similar benefits they’d find in urban centers.”
In order to come up with our move-here-now list for America’s cool moms and dads, we started by looking at the nation’s 10 largest cities. Then we took all the surrounding ZIP codes outside the city limits to find the best ’burb for each major metro. (We excluded a second Texan city, Houston, so we could squeeze in bellwether city San Francisco, the 11th-largest metro.) We looked at*:
Affordability based on realtor.com data, defined as less than $400K ($500K for pricey SF)
Percentage of children residing in each ZIP code
Availability of child care
Number of toystores
School rankings
Number per capita of restaurants, bars, and museums
Low crime rates
Reasonable commuting time (70 minutes or less)
So get over it: Trading the city for the suburbs doesn’t have to be torture. Just check out our list!
The ’burbs
Claire Widman
1. Edison, NJ
Suburb of: New York City  ZIP code: 08817 Median home price in ZIP code: $295,050
Roosevelt Park in Edison
Sujit kumar/Wikipedia CC
Low crime, good schools, and the 217-acre Roosevelt Park make this town of just over 100,000 residents one of the more attractive suburbs in the New York metro area. It also boasts a genius connection. After all, it gets its name from Thomas Edison, who established his world-changing Menlo Park industrial research lab in 1867. Parents can bring their own young scientists to visit the newly renovated—and way interactive—Thomas Edison Center. Seriously, it’s a fascinating place, even on repeat visits.
There’s no shortage of things to do for just about every kind of kid here, from the fun Rebounderz trampoline center (yo, don’t forget those waivers!) to the Triple C Ranch and Nature Center, a wildlife refuge. And for the grownups, there are plenty of bars and restaurants—over 280 of ’em, according to TripAdvisor. Yes, you can go to the Applebee’s here, but you don’t have to.
“When people are ready to make the move from city limits, they come,” says local real estate agent Marc Rizzo of RE/MAX Diamond Realtors. “We always see a big influx of families from New York City. You get more for your money here. In fact, their [mortgage] payments are probably going to be significantly cheaper than what they’re paying for rent in the city.”
2. Seal Beach, CA
Suburb of: Los Angeles  ZIP code: 90740 Median home price in ZIP code: $355,050
Seal Beach, CA
Kelly Bourquin/iStock
You thought Southern California was out of reach, pricewise? Check out Seal Beach, the northernmost beach town in Orange County. True, downtown Los Angeles and the Silicon Beach area aren’t really within commuting distance, but the town is just down the road from Long Beach, the second-largest city in the greater L.A. metro area.
There’s a real sense of community and camaraderie in this 25,000-person township, and plenty to do, too, with a quaint/California-cool downtown and enough excellent restaurants to justify the popular Seal Beach Food Tour.
And your home is likely to be a solid investment. The local economy is stable, thanks to the presence of a major Pacific naval installation and a Boeing Co. facility that built rocket parts for NASA’s Apollo moon missions. The adjoining Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are the busiest and second-busiest container ports in the nation.
Seal Beach also has some of the highest-rated schools in the nation, according to GreatSchools.org. And did we mention the beaches themselves? Nice. The near-perfect Southern California climate draws families looking to enjoy biking, hiking, surfing, kite-flying, and watching free outdoor movies in the fall at Eisenhower Park. Parents can sign the kiddies up for surf lessons. And hey, why not take one yourself? It’s (almost) never too late.
3. Plainfield, IL
Suburb of: Chicago  ZIP code: 60585 Median home price in ZIP code: $369,475
The Smirnoff bottling facility in Plainfield should help ease your transition to the suburbs.
Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Families looking for a new home with a Main Street USA vibe should look toward Plainfield, about 40 miles southwest of Chicago. The entire downtown has been added to the National Register of Historic Places, for its commitment to various architectural styles of the last century.
“Most of our clients are families who move out to Plainfield for the schools. It’s a nice suburban destination,” says local real estate broker Keith Lang of John Greene Realtor. “We’ve got a really nice selection of newer homes—most built after 2000—and brand-new schools, shopping, and roads.”
The village stands out for its high percentage of child care providers and close proximity to parks, golf courses, and lots of other outdoor recreation. Don’t miss the 839-acre Lake Renwick Preserve, where bald eagles can be spotted, along with nesting herons, egrets, and cormorants.
For those who prefer indoor pursuits, there’s the massively popular Plainfield Lanes. It offers bowling, arcade games, and an escape room that you, um, have to escape from.
4. Keller, TX
Suburb of: Dallas ZIP code: 76244 Median home price in ZIP code: $282,525
Keller, TX
This suburban outpost, located between fast-growing Fort Worth and Dallas, describes itself as “the premier community in which to live, work, play, and invest by balancing big-city comforts with small-town charm.” Yeah, they’re laying it on a bit thick, but the description is pretty accurate. The family vibe starts with the region’s unswerving emphasis on education: Twenty of its schools have been recognized by the Texas Education Agency, and 20 major universities are located within an hour of Keller.
The suburb “is a fabulous area for families,” says Denise Kennedy, of Kennedy & Co. Realty. “They really invest in the community to make it a good place to live.”
It’s also significantly cheaper than Dallas, where homes go for a median $420,000 within city limits.
Keller also benefits from its proximity to well-known attractions, including the 212-acre Six Flags Over Texas amusement park and AT&T Stadium, the $1.2 billion home of the Dallas Cowboys. For more highbrow entertainment, it’s just a quick hop to some of the nation’s top museums, including the Amon Carter Museum of American Art in Fort Worth and the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas.
5. Swedesboro, NJ
Suburb of: Philadelphia ZIP code: 08085 Median home price in ZIP code: $273,500
Old Swedes Inn in Swedesboro, NJ
Jerrye & Roy Klotz/Wikipedia CC
Located about 25 miles southwest of Philadelphia, this tiny town of 2,600 has “a great school system, a vibrant, recently renovated and expanded library, and a downtown business district that is exploding with new restaurants and shops,” according to Swedesboro Mayor Thomas Fromm. Thanks, Mayor Tom!
So what the heck do you actually do here? Eat, for one thing: Swedesboro boasts the area’s best Asian, Italian, and pub restaurants, according to a countywide competition. Parents can rest assured that their young ones are well cared for, since the town is also is to the county’s top day care center, the Goddard School, according to the residents.
Bonus: It’s also home to the family-friendly Bridgeport Speedway, billed as the “fastest dirt track in the East.” Vroom.
6. Chesapeake Beach, MD
Suburb of: Washington, D.C. ZIP code: 20732 Median home price in ZIP code: $349,375
Chesapeake Beach, MD
Danita Delimont/Getty Images
Famed Washington, D.C., suburbs like Falls Church, Arlington, and Alexandria garner lots of attention for their high-powered residents and equally ascendant home prices. But there are other communities that attract capital worker bees in search of a more laid-back lifestyle. Chesapeake Beach, a town of 5,900, was established as a seaside resort in the early 20th century and still maintains much of its early ambience.
The town is home of the Herrington Harbor Marina, routinely voted one of the best marinas on the bay. Combine that with better-than-average schools, affordable homes, and a low crime rate, and the 35-mile drive into Washington seems a lot more palatable.
7. Coral Springs, FL
Suburb of: Miami ZIP code: 33065 Median home price in ZIP code: $376,175
Aerial view of Coral Springs, FL
This master-planned community of 126,300 has long been an attractive destination for families fleeing lousy schools and high crime in inner-city Miami. While a rush-hour drive to the sun-washed metro can take more than hour, there’s no need to make the trip for entertainment options. Coral Springs boasts an arts museum, theater, golf course, and the annual OurTownAmerica arts and entertainment festival, which has been held every March for nearly 40 years.
Appearances are important in Coral Springs. The city is spending roughly $700 million on a downtown revitalization plan. Unlike other Florida municipalities, it keeps a tight rein on commercial development, so much so that it was the first U.S. city to have a McDonald’s that didn’t have the chain’s signature golden arches. Fight the man!
“[It’s] a welcoming place,” says Lynn Pineda, of Keller Williams Realty. “There are so many activities to keep kids active—and happy.”
8. Dacula, GA
Suburb of: Atlanta ZIP code: 30019 Median home price in ZIP code: $312,915
Dacula, GA
Dacula may only be about 40 miles northeast of Atlanta, but this small town might as well be on the other side of the planet. The town’s centerpiece is a 76-acre city park regularly used by more than more than 2,000 families, boasting a pool, sports fields, playgrounds, and even an outdoor classroom.
It also has the advantage of being close to family activities that don’t require a trek into Hotlanta. It’s less than 10 miles from the Mall of Georgia, the largest shopping center in the Southeast, and a scant 20 miles from Lake Lanier, a 38,000-acre reservoir that draws about 7.5 million visitors annually.
9. North Chelmsford, MA
Suburb of: Boston ZIP code: 01863 Median home price in ZIP code: $294,275
Barely 30 miles northwest of Boston, this village is within an easy drive of some of the most monumental sites in U.S. history. They range from the North Bridge in Concord, site of the first battle in the American Revolution, to Walden Pond, where Henry David Thoreau famously contemplated the meaning of life.
Not all of the Merrimack River Valley village’s attractions are in the past, though—neighboring Lowell is home to more than a dozen seasonal festivals, and Chelmsford itself hosts one of the nation’s better small-town Independence Day celebrations.
Besides history and festivals, families can also enjoy an increasingly diverse dining scene. Restaurants offering tapas and top-notch sushi sit next to more classic New England joints pushing chowdah and lobster rolls. And for the outdoor-minded, the 24.5-mile Bruce Freeman Rail Trail from Lowell to Framingham is a work in progress for runners and cyclists, with the bulk of what’s been completed so far passing through Chelmsford.
10. Walnut Creek, CA
Suburb of: San Francisco ZIP code: 94595 Median home price in ZIP code: $485,025
Walnut Creek, CA
City of Walnut Creek
Walnut Creek may not be as affordable as the other suburbs on our list. But given that it’s barely 25 miles from San Francisco, where the median home price is a whopping $1.3 million, half a mil is a steal. Plus, Walnut Creek boasts good schools, low crime, and a burgeoning foodie scene.
“It has everything that you would be looking for in terms of food and activities that most major cities have, without the hassle of traffic and parking,” says Shauna Springer, a psychologist who has lived in Walnut Creek for 10 years and has two children, ages 4 and 6.
Springer also loves the access to nature. Walnut Creek claims 16 parks and 3,000 acres of undeveloped space. One of them is Heather Farms, a 102-acre park that features a sprawling, all-abilities playground, a lake, and botanical gardens.
“If you’ve got kids, you can get them on their bikes and get them on the Iron Horse [bike] trail, and just go from one park to another park to downtown,” Springer says.
And to groom your little culture vultures, the Lesher Center for the Arts offers kid-friendly theatrical productions like “The Little Mermaid.” Parents might be able to catch big-name speakers like Jill Biden, while the resident theater company, which just turned 50, puts on an array of new and classic plays. The city even has its own ballet and symphony.
*Data sources: realtor.com, Census Bureau, 2011-16 American Community Survey, Statistics of U.S. Businesses, Greatschools.org, FBI Uniform Crime Report, Google Maps. 
The post Top 10 Affordable, Kid-Friendly Suburbs That City Parents Won’t Hate appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2G473ln
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diamondringsnj · 7 years
Scottish Island Rings Collection, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Round brilliant-cut solitaire named after the Scottish island of Westray. Delicate four-prong setting with flowing side profile and neatly tailored shank.
Westray is one of the remarkable Orkney islands off the Northern tip of Scotland, where some of the earliest settlements known to man exist. The spectacular Noltland Castle, dating back to the 1560s, is one of the Northern Isles finest castles, featuring a stunningly large spiral staircase. Thanks to its fertile, lush landscape, Westray thrives on farming industries, and is notable for its exceptional birdlife and marine life. Westray is also known for its ecological development vision, planning renewable energy and recycling initiatives that aim to make the island entirely self-sufficient within a few years
Find Matching Band at these links: Tahay Plain Band Tahay Single Row Pave Band Tahay Double Row Pave Band Irvine Diamond Band
All accent diamonds are included in the price, in your choice of G VS or H SI quality. All rings are available in a range of center carat sizes, custom made to fit your center stone or a MaeVona center stone, in 14K gold, 18K gold or Platinum.
We offer GIA-certified mined diamonds and IGI-certified lab-grown diamonds in a wide range of sizes, shapes and qualities, as well as color gemstones and Charles& Colvard moissanite to suit all budgets.
Browse our selections or contact Customer Service at [email protected] / 1-888-MAEVONA.
For other jewelry visit us: Solitaire Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U…
Halo Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U…
Floral Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U…
Eco Bridal Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U…
We provide Servicing to all of Englewood Cliffs NJ, 07632 USA and surrounding areas, including but not limited to, the following cities: New York NY, Los Angeles CA, Chicago IL, Atlanta GA, San Francisco CA, Denver CO, Washington D.C WA, Denver County CO, Seattle WA, San Diego CA, Las Vegas NV.
Visit our Jewelry store: 619 East Palisade Avenue Suite 102 Englewood Cliffs NJ, 07632 USA
from Maevona Jewelers http://ift.tt/2szaEVt
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maevonajewelry · 7 years
Scottish Island Rings Collection, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Round brilliant-cut solitaire named after the Scottish island of Westray. Delicate four-prong setting with flowing side profile and neatly tailored shank. THE STORY Westray is one of the remarkable Orkney islands off the Northern tip of Scotland, where some of the earliest settlements known to man exist. The spectacular Noltland Castle, dating back to the 1560s, is one of the Northern Isles finest castles, featuring a stunningly large spiral staircase. Thanks to its fertile, lush landscape, Westray thrives on farming industries, and is notable for its exceptional birdlife and marine life. Westray is also known for its ecological development vision, planning renewable energy and recycling initiatives that aim to make the island entirely self-sufficient within a few years Find Matching Band at these links: Tahay Plain Band Tahay Single Row Pave Band Tahay Double Row Pave Band Irvine Diamond Band All accent diamonds are included in the price, in your choice of G VS or H SI quality. All rings are available in a range of center carat sizes, custom made to fit your center stone or a MaeVona center stone, in 14K gold, 18K gold or Platinum. We offer GIA-certified mined diamonds and IGI-certified lab-grown diamonds in a wide range of sizes, shapes and qualities, as well as color gemstones and Charles& Colvard moissanite to suit all budgets. Browse our selections or contact Customer Service at [email protected] / 1-888-MAEVONA. For other jewelry visit us: Solitaire Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U... Halo Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U... Floral Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U... Eco Bridal Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U... We provide Servicing to all of Englewood Cliffs NJ, 07632 USA and surrounding areas, including but not limited to, the following cities: New York NY, Los Angeles CA, Chicago IL, Atlanta GA, San Francisco CA, Denver CO, Washington D.C WA, Denver County CO, Seattle WA, San Diego CA, Las Vegas NV. Visit our Jewelry store: 619 East Palisade Avenue Suite 102 Englewood Cliffs NJ, 07632 USA
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jewelevina · 3 months
7 Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring Trends in 2024
2024 has already begun, and lab-grown diamond engagement rings in NJ continue revolutionizing the jewelry industry with their sustainability, affordability, and ethical sourcing practices. With technological advancements and growing consumer awareness, lab-grown diamond rings are gaining popularity among couples seeking beautiful, eco-friendly alternatives to traditional mined diamonds. Here, you will explore the latest trends shaping lab-grown diamond engagement rings in 2024.
Sustainable Sparkle Sustainability is a driving force behind the popularity of lab-grown diamond engagement rings in 2024. Consumers like you, who have become more environmentally conscious, are turning to lab-grown diamonds created in controlled laboratory environments using minimal resources and without the adverse effects of mining diamonds.
Affordable Luxury Lab-grown diamond engagement rings allow you to appreciate diamonds' stunning appearance and radiance at a significantly lower price than mined diamonds. In 2024, the affordability of lab-created diamond rings continues to be a crucial factor driving their popularity. This makes them more accessible to a broader range of budgets without sacrificing quality or artistry.
Variety Of Styles & Designs Lab-grown diamond engagement rings are available in various styles and designs catering to your tastes and preferences. From traditional solitaire settings to elaborate halo designs and vintage-inspired settings, there are countless options to choose from. In 2024, minimalist and contemporary designs are expected to be in vogue, along with unconventional locations highlighting the beauty of lab-grown diamonds.
Colorful Choices Colored lab-grown diamonds in NJ are becoming increasingly popular for engagement rings in 2024. While traditional white diamonds are still a popular choice, colored diamonds offer you a unique and bold statement. Available in striking blues, vibrant yellows, soft pinks, and romantic purples, colored lab-grown diamonds can be used as center or accent stones, adding personality and color to your engagement ring.
Customization & Personalization Custom-made jewelry continues to be a significant trend in lab-grown diamond engagement rings even in 2024. You can design a unique ring that reflects your style and love story. You can select the shape and size of the diamond, as well as the metal and setting used. Customization options also include the addition of engraved initials, wedding dates, or other special messages, which add a sentimental touch to the ring.
Transparency & Traceability Lab-grown diamond engagement rings provide peace of mind by ensuring your diamonds are ethically sourced and conflict-free. As a result, in 2024, transparency and traceability will be critical for you when choosing your engagement rings. Many lab-grown diamond manufacturers share comprehensive information about their diamonds' origin and production process, empowering consumers to make informed decisions that align with their values.
Celebrity Influence Celebrities and influencers continue to influence engagement ring trends in 2024, with many opting for lab-grown diamond rings for their beauty, affordability, and sustainability. High-profile engagements featuring lab-grown diamonds help raise awareness and visibility of these eco-friendly alternatives, inspiring couples worldwide to consider lab-grown diamonds for their engagement rings.
Therefore, lab-grown diamond engagement rings will be at the forefront of innovation and sustainability in the jewelry industry in 2024. With their eco-friendly production methods, affordability, and stunning beauty, lab-grown diamond rings are an attractive option for your ethical symbol of love. JeweleVina is one of the premier jewelry stores in Elizabeth, NJ offering a wide range of natural and lab-grown diamond jewelry. Whether you want rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, or pendants; they have got it all. Visit their website to explore the brilliance offered by them. Original Source: https://jewelevina.blogspot.com/2024/02/2024-has-already-begun-and-lab-grown.html
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jewelevina · 4 months
Why Is a Knife Edge Suitable For Your Engagement Ring?
Proposing to the love of your life and declaring your love to her is a challenging task that requires careful consideration of various factors. From choosing the perfect location for the proposal to selecting the ideal engagement ring, many things must be organized to make it a memorable occasion.
The first and most crucial step in this process is determining the type of ring you want and where to buy it. With countless options available, selecting the right design can be overwhelming. A knife-edge engagement ring may be an excellent choice if your partner has a modern and sophisticated style.
What are Knife-Edge Engagement Rings?
A knife-edge ring is a type of engagement ring that features sharp edges extending from the center of the band, creating an arch on each side. This setting allows more light to reflect off the metal, enhancing the ring's overall shine. It will give your partner a unique look and make her stand out.
If you want to know more about this ring type, let's explore the history of knife-edge engagement rings.
History of Knife-Edge Engagement Rings
In 1886, Tiffany & Co. introduced the knife-edge ring, which revolutionized the engagement ring's overall style and appearance. This iconic design in the jewelry industry elevates the metal luster and lab grown diamond in NJ. Before knife-edge engagement rings, engagement rings were bulkier, had wider bands, and sometimes even did not contain diamonds. These rings introduced modern simplicity by employing a thin band and a raised diamond.
Now that you know how this set came into existence, you might be curious to know if it holds any symbolism.
Knife-Edge Engagement Rings & Their Symbolism
Like all rings and their designs, knife-edge engagement rings also have symbolic meanings. The circle symbolizes strength, stability, and endurance with its sharp, clean lines. The raised ridge at the center denotes couples' challenges and obstacles. It represents a couple's ability to overcome adversity and come out stronger together.
The symbolism of this ring makes it an excellent choice for an engagement ring. You can buy or opt for custom made jewelry in NJ. Having learned so much about this ring, there is one last thing that you need to know.
How To Care For Knife-Edge Engagement Rings?
Like any other engagement ring, knife-edge engagement rings require proper care. Whenever you wear this piece of jewelry, you should avoid impacting it against rough surfaces, gripping it with force, or applying firm pressure to the hand or jewelry. You can clean it using warm water and regular dishwashing soap. Another option is to take the piece of jewelry to a local jeweler for professional cleaning.
Knife-edge engagement rings have a classic and contemporary feel, making them an excellent choice for couples who want a ring that blends the best of both worlds.
JeweleVina is one of the top jewelry stores offering a variety of jewelry pieces. Their collection not only limits fine jewelry but also includes luxury timepieces like Rolex watches in NJ. Visit them to experience brilliance from the parallel world.
Original Source-
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jewelevina · 6 months
Create Your Happily Ever After With Custom Disney-Inspired Engagement Rings
Couples often seek designs for engagement rings that reflect their unique love stories and personal interests. For Disney enthusiasts, there's a special allure to customizing a Disney-inspired diamond engagement ring that brings their favorite fairy tales to life—creating your own "happily ever after" with a one-of-a-kind ring is a magical journey filled with endless possibilities. The Power Of Personalization A customized Disney-inspired diamond engagement ring in NJallows you to infuse your love story with the enchantment of your favorite Disney movies. From classic tales like "Cinderella" and "Beauty and the Beast" to modern favorites like "Frozen" and "Up," the world of Disney offers a wealth of inspiration. Choosing Your Disney Muse The first step in creating a Disney-inspired engagement ring is choosing the Disney movie or character that resonates with your love story. Are you drawn to the romance of "The Little Mermaid" or the notion of "Alice in Wonderland"? Each Disney story offers a unique theme that can be translated into the design of your ring. Elements & Symbols Once you've selected your Disney muse, it's time to consider the elements and symbols that best represent the story. For example, a "Beauty and the Beast-inspired ring might feature rose motifs, while an "Aladdin-inspired design could incorporate magic lamps or genie-themed elements. Work with a skilled jeweler specializing in custom designs to bring these elements to life. Materials & Gemstones Choosing suitable materials and gemstones is crucial in creating a Disney-inspired engagement ring. Opt for metals and gems that align with the chosen Disney theme. For example, a "Frozen" ring could feature icy blue sapphires and lab-grown diamonds in NJ, while a "Tangled" design might incorporate golden hues to represent Rapunzel's hair. Unique Engravings A personal touch can be added to your Disney-inspired ring through meaningful engravings. Consider engraving a line from your favorite Disney movie or a special message representing your love story. These inscriptions add a layer of sentiment to your ring, making it even more unique. Work with a Skilled Jeweler Creating a custom Disney-inspired diamond engagement ring is a collaborative process. Partner with an experienced jeweler who understands your vision and can bring it to life. They will work closely with you to ensure that every detail, from the setting to the choice of gemstones, aligns perfectly with your Disney theme. The Final Result: A Ring Fit for Royalty The outcome of your custom Disney-inspired engagement ring journey is a ring that's truly fit for royalty. It will reflect your love story and favorite Disney magic and symbolize your unique bond and commitment to creating your own "happily ever after." Customizing a Disney-inspired diamond engagement ring is a beautiful way to infuse your love story with the enchantment of Disney's timeless tales. You can create a ring as magical as your love story by carefully choosing your muse, elements, materials, gemstones, and engravings and collaborating with a skilled jeweler. After all, in the world of Disney, every love story is a fairy tale waiting to come true. JeweleVinais one of the renowned jewelry stores offering custom-made jewelry in NJ. With over three decades of experience in the jewelry industry, they have gained goodwill among their customer for providing the finest jewels. From fine jewelry to luxury watches, you can fulfill all your accessory needs with them.  Original Source-https://jewelevina.blogspot.com/2023/11/create-your-happily-ever-after-with.html
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jewelevina · 5 months
Timeless Trio: Crafting Elegance with Lab-Grown Diamond Three-Stone Rings
The charm of lab-grown diamonds meets the timeless symbolism of the past, present, and future in the exquisite world of custom three-stone rings. Combining ethical sourcing, personalized design, and profound meaning, these timeless trios become more than just jewelry—they become a wearable narrative of love and commitment.
The Symbolic Symphony: Past, Present, and Future
The concept of a three-stone ring revolves around a profound symbolism, representing the journey a couple embarks upon together. The central stone embodies the present, flanked by two smaller stones symbolizing the past and the future. This trinity encapsulates the enduring nature of love, making it a poignant choice for diamond engagement rings in NJ.
Lab-Grown Diamonds: Ethical and Radiant
Choosing lab-grown diamonds for a three-stone ring aligns with ethical and sustainable values. These diamonds, created in controlled environments, exhibit the same brilliance, hardness, and beauty as mined diamonds but with a reduced environmental impact. Opting for lab-grown diamonds ensures that each stone is ethically sourced, contributing to a more responsible and eco-friendly jewelry industry.
Designing a Custom Trio: Tailoring to Personal Stories
The charm of lab-grown diamond three-stone rings lies in their customizability. Couples can actively participate in the design process, selecting the shapes, sizes, and settings that resonate with their unique love story. From classic round cuts to more contemporary princess or emerald cuts, the choices are as varied as the love stories they represent.
Versatility in Design: Setting the Stage
The versatility of three-stone rings extends to the design of the setting. Whether set in a traditional prong setting, a bezel setting for a modern touch, or a vintage-inspired halo, the setting complements the chosen diamonds and adds an extra layer of personalization. The choice of metal, whether platinum, white gold, yellow gold, or rose gold, further enhances the ring's aesthetic appeal.
Milestone Moments: Perfect for Engagements and Anniversaries
While three-stone rings are often associated with engagement, their significance extends to anniversary celebrations. Whether marking a milestone year or renewing vows, a three-stone ring made with lab-grown diamonds in NJ becomes a meaningful and timeless expression of enduring love.
Affordability without Compromise: The Lab-Grown Advantage
Beyond their ethical credentials, lab-grown diamonds offer affordability without compromising quality. This advantage allows couples to allocate resources strategically, perhaps opting for a larger center stone or more intricate detailing in the setting, ensuring the ring is meaningful and visually stunning.
Legacy in the Making: Family Heirlooms
Lab-grown diamond three-stone rings have the potential to become cherished family heirlooms. Their timeless design and enduring symbolism make them perfect for passing down through generations, creating a legacy rooted in love, commitment, and ethical values.
Lab-grown diamond three-stone rings epitomize the union of ethical choices, personalized design, and timeless symbolism. As couples embark on choosing or designing these rings, they weave their unique stories into each facet, creating a piece of jewelry that stands the test of time—a timeless trio that mirrors the enduring beauty of love.
JeweleVina is one of the top jewelry stores offering a variety of jewelry pieces. They have everything you require from bracelets to diamond wedding bands in NJ. Visit them to experience brilliance from the parallel world. 
Original Source:https://jewelevina.blogspot.com/2023/12/timeless-trio-crafting-elegance-with.html
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diamondringsnj · 7 years
Round brilliant-cut solitaire named after the Scottish island of...
Round brilliant-cut solitaire named after the Scottish island of Westray. Delicate four-prong setting with flowing side profile and neatly tailored shank. THE STORY Westray is one of the remarkable Orkney islands off the Northern tip of Scotland, where some of the earliest settlements known to man exist. The spectacular Noltland Castle, dating back to the 1560s, is one of the Northern Isles finest castles, featuring a stunningly large spiral staircase. Thanks to its fertile, lush landscape, Westray thrives on farming industries, and is notable for its exceptional birdlife and marine life. Westray is also known for its ecological development vision, planning renewable energy and recycling initiatives that aim to make the island entirely self-sufficient within a few years Find Matching Band at these links: Tahay Plain Band Tahay Single Row Pave Band Tahay Double Row Pave Band Irvine Diamond Band All accent diamonds are included in the price, in your choice of G VS or H SI quality. All rings are available in a range of center carat sizes, custom made to fit your center stone or a MaeVona center stone, in 14K gold, 18K gold or Platinum. We offer GIA-certified mined diamonds and IGI-certified lab-grown diamonds in a wide range of sizes, shapes and qualities, as well as color gemstones and Charles& Colvard moissanite to suit all budgets. Browse our selections or contact Customer Service at [email protected] / 1-888-MAEVONA. For other jewelry visit us: Solitaire Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U… Halo Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U… Floral Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U… Eco Bridal Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U… We provide Servicing to all of Englewood Cliffs NJ, 07632 USA and surrounding areas, including but not limited to, the following cities: New York NY, Los Angeles CA, Chicago IL, Atlanta GA, San Francisco CA, Denver CO, Washington D.C WA, Denver County CO, Seattle WA, San Diego CA, Las Vegas NV. Visit our Jewelry store: 619 East Palisade Avenue Suite 102 Englewood Cliffs NJ, 07632 USA
from Maevona Jewelers http://ift.tt/2uhnS6H
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maevonajewelry · 7 years
Round brilliant-cut solitaire named after the Scottish island of Westray. Delicate four-prong setting with flowing side profile and neatly tailored shank. THE STORY Westray is one of the remarkable Orkney islands off the Northern tip of Scotland, where some of the earliest settlements known to man exist. The spectacular Noltland Castle, dating back to the 1560s, is one of the Northern Isles finest castles, featuring a stunningly large spiral staircase. Thanks to its fertile, lush landscape, Westray thrives on farming industries, and is notable for its exceptional birdlife and marine life. Westray is also known for its ecological development vision, planning renewable energy and recycling initiatives that aim to make the island entirely self-sufficient within a few years Find Matching Band at these links: Tahay Plain Band Tahay Single Row Pave Band Tahay Double Row Pave Band Irvine Diamond Band All accent diamonds are included in the price, in your choice of G VS or H SI quality. All rings are available in a range of center carat sizes, custom made to fit your center stone or a MaeVona center stone, in 14K gold, 18K gold or Platinum. We offer GIA-certified mined diamonds and IGI-certified lab-grown diamonds in a wide range of sizes, shapes and qualities, as well as color gemstones and Charles& Colvard moissanite to suit all budgets. Browse our selections or contact Customer Service at [email protected] / 1-888-MAEVONA. For other jewelry visit us: Solitaire Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U... Halo Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U... Floral Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U... Eco Bridal Collection http://ift.tt/2r9oW9U... We provide Servicing to all of Englewood Cliffs NJ, 07632 USA and surrounding areas, including but not limited to, the following cities: New York NY, Los Angeles CA, Chicago IL, Atlanta GA, San Francisco CA, Denver CO, Washington D.C WA, Denver County CO, Seattle WA, San Diego CA, Las Vegas NV. Visit our Jewelry store: 619 East Palisade Avenue Suite 102 Englewood Cliffs NJ, 07632 USA
0 notes
diamondringsnj · 7 years
MaeVona Lab Created Diamonds - Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Lab Grown Diamonds and Diamond Jewelry from MaeVona Jewelers in Englewood Cliffs NJ.
Synthetic diamond is also widely known as HPHT diamond or CVD diamond after the two common production methods (referring to the high-pressure high-temperature and chemical vapor deposition crystal formation methods, respectively). Artificial diamonds are made of the same material (pure carbon, crystallized in isotropic 3D form).
MaeVona Jewelers have a unique collection of Engagement Rings, Diamond Rings, Wedding Rings, Wedding Bands, Fashion Bands, Men’s Jewelry, Bridal Jewelry feel free to visit us at: http://www.maevona.com/
Visit our Jewelry store: 619 East Palisade Avenue Suite 102 Englewood Cliffs NJ, 07632 USA
For other diamond jewelry visit us: Solitaire Engagement Rings https://goo.gl/Do5Hg9
Halo Engagement Rings https://goo.gl/AsfsDr
Floral Engagement Rings https://goo.gl/ka6nVu
Eco Bridal Engagement Rings https://goo.gl/jF0BDZ
We provide Service in all of Englewood Cliffs NJ, 07632 USA and surrounding areas, including but not limited to, the following cities: New York NY, Los Angeles CA, Chicago IL, Atlanta GA, San Francisco CA, Denver CO, Washington D.C WA, Denver County CO, Seattle WA, San Diego CA, Las Vegas NV.
from Maevona Jewelers http://ift.tt/2rPXn6Z
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