#Laketaj writes
laketaj24 · 6 years
Played pt. 6
A/N: Smut. Language. Side note.... He so damn fine. MASTERLIST
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12 Years Ago
“Stay right here.” Liam whispers to Chance. “It will be quick. I swear.”
“Man. Mama said for you to come straight home.” Chance shoves his hands into his pocket shaking his head. “She said-.”
“Man, Chance just sit yo’ ass back and I will be right back.” Liam reaches into his pocket grabbing the small handgun. “And I mean stay right there no matter what.”
“Ivar!” Bjorn yells from across the street. Kattegat was always busy around five. Bjorn didn’t really want to get out and get him in the first place, but Ragnar didn’t leave much choice. He watches his younger brother skip across the street. “Took you long enough.” He gripes once he finally reaches the sidewalk.
“Would you rather I ran out in front of moving cars.” Ivar mumbles walking to the car.
“I would rather you ride the bus like a normal teenager but dad wants you with us.” He grips the back of his neck playfully and continue down the sidewalk.
“I hate public transportation.”
“Spoiled. It’s Aslaug’s fault. Ragnar made me drag my ass to school through the snow. You get curb side service.”
“Jealous, Bjorn?”
“I could never be jealous of a dweeb like you brother.”
“Hey yo, Bjorn!! You still wanna talk shit?”
Bjorn spins around noticing Liam walking towards him with the handgun. He pushes Ivar behind him quickly. “Stand here, shut up okay?”
“Yeah, yeah whatever.” Ivar’s eyebrow frowns watching Liam run up on Bjorn quickly. “He has a gun.”
“Shhhh,” Bjorn backs up. “What is it Liam?”
“You was all tough about Torvi and shit, and now you wanna act humble. Didn’t anyone want her ass anyway!” He cocks the gun. “But see you messed up when you threatened me. I don’t take those lightly. I don’t care how rich and shit you are… You still ain’t shit to me.” He pressed the barrel to his chest. “Oooh weee boy, I can feel that heart beat through the barrel… Scared?”
Bjorn raises his head and shrugs, “I mean do what you have to Liam.” He walks closer to him and pushes him back. The gun goes off shooting in the air as Bjorn knocks his hand up. Liam lunges forward tackling Bjorn to the ground aiming the gun to his temple and there is a gunshot. Liam’s blood trickles from his mouth and his gun falls to the ground. He waivers a moment over Bjorn and falls to his side revealing Ivar. His hands shaking and eyes wide with fear. Bjorn pushes Liam aside scrambling over to his younger brother.
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“Hey…” He taps the side of his face lightly. “You’re good okay. There are street cams.” He tapped the gun from Ivar’s hand. “You’re okay.” Bjorn rubs his shoulder looking around noticing Chance. “Hey kid!”
Chance runs and Bjorn exhales. “Fuck… we could have used a witness. I’ll call dad. Don’t move okay Ivar. We will handle it.”
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“Fuck yes. Harder.” You pant on top of him. Chance’s fingers dig into your hips as slams your body to his and his strokes become deeper. Your hands cling to the bed as if you’re holding on for dear life and it does no good. He snatches your legs against your chest pushing them by your head. The warmth of your orgasm pools and your hands slip from the sheets.
“Nah, stop that running…” He pants pulling you back to him and flipping you over. His hands slap your ass gripping it before he lets go. Chance leans in placing his soft lips on the nape of your neck and peppering kisses down your spine. He slams back into you pushing your ass together admiring the way he loks sliding in and out of you. You instinctively arch your back to meet him causing your ass to bounce. “Damn you feel so fucking good.” He adds groaning as you spasm around him. Chance goes faster and faster fucking you until it triggers you to come right after one another and then finally he joins you, emptying himself into the condom before falling beside you.
“That shit will never get old.” Chance says draping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
Your phone vibrates for the third time and you reach over and check. 3 Text Messages. All from your mom. She didn’t want anything as usual.
What time are you and Ian coming over tomorrow? Your dad wants steak, what can I cook for Ian?
I know you see my messages.
You sigh. “I swear my mom will bug the shit out of me.”
“That’s their job, that and making cookies and shit.”
You laugh resting on your elbow. “You think all I do is bug Ian and bake cookies?”
“No.” He says with a grin. “Man, don’t sit up here and twist my words woman.”
The phone rings again an it’s Ivar. You groan sliding the phone over to the green button. “Hey.”
Your heart pounds. “Ian! What are you doing over there handsome? You build me something great?”
“Dad and me build a tweehouse, Uncle Kitserk helped.”
“Oh wow, I expect to see it.”
“You can’t see it. You’re a gwurl. Dad said I can’t have gwurls in the twee house.”
“Oh,” You pause listening to Ivar.
“She’s your mom champ, she can see it.” The cling and clatter fills the background and you listen. “Hvit! That hammer costs more than your car, come on man.”
“You can see it, only one time. I have to go now.”
“Okay, we are going bowling later on this afternoon. I’ll be by in a few.”
‘I don’t want to go.” He whines.
Your heart breaks and Chance watches your demeanor change. You shake your head seeing he’s alarmed but there’s nothing he can really do. “You don’t want to bowl baby?”
“No!!!” The fit starts and you listen to him begin to act erratic.
“Hey, no sir.” Ivar snaps. “Tell your mom you’re sorry and you love her. Stop that crying.” He pauses and Ian wines again. “Now.”
“You don’t have to go. You say painfully. Ian.”
Ian pouts, you can hear it. “I sowwy. I love you.”
It’s silent on the line for a moment until you hear Ivar sigh. “He’s gonna bowl with you.” He says almost comforting and then the phone call ends.
Chance shifts from under you placing the pillow behind his back. “What’s going on?”
“He loves the hell out of his dad.” You say. Things had been different between you and Ivar and you weren’t sure if it was for the better or not. But Ivar was stoic. He kept his space from you, keeping the conversations short contact a minimum. Half of the time he used Ubbe as a buffer or a messenger. You didn’t complain because at least it wasn’t Hvitserk or Nia.
“Well, that’s good. You cool with that?”
“I don’t know.”
“I don’t like that dude. But I know you know that already. I try to stay out of whatever you two got going with Ian and all, but out of all the asses to have kids by you chose him?”
“He wasn’t that bad.” You snicker. “I keep thinking about something, you knew he was in jail. His record is closed. Sealed off. He was a youthful offender and nothing in his past can affect his present.”
“But does that make him a good person? I mean, what did he do? I know you know.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“So, you are telling me that him killing someone is okay because he was a youthful offender? That’s bullshit. A murderer is murderer no matter the age.”
“I wasn’t there.” You say throwing your hands up. “I don’t want to talk about my ex though. I want to fuck you three more times before I have to go get my tiny avenger and talk about your new job. I wanna hear about how my mail supervisor is going to fuck me on that desk next week.”
“Oooh so you giving me some ideas. You got a desk in there don’t you?”
Your face heats. “No…”
“Lying… the boss don’t take kindly to that lying and shit.” He warns.
 Ivar can’t take his eyes from the miniature version of himself running around his yard like a tiny mad man. He runs in circles up the steps and then back down. Hvitserk chases him and then gives up after a few minutes falling onto his back surrendering. Ian jabs him a few times with his sword before getting bored and moving onto slides.
Hvitserk sits next to Ivar. “He stabbed me in my damn rib like twenty times.”
“Six, don’t lie on him.” He takes a drink of his tea. “Did you take a look into this Chance guy? How we might know him?”
“I didn’t find anything too odd. I sent it over to Ubbe. He has a longer attention span than I do.”
Ivar didn’t fight him on it because he was right. “I hate her with him.” He whispers.
“It’s hard to watch a woman you love with someone else.” Hvitserk says with an admonished tone.
Ivar takes notes shaking his head. “I can’t apologize for it.” He admits. “If I apologized for loving her, then I would be saying I regret a moment with her, or my son and I don’t either. So, I hope you aren’t asking for it. You won’t get it.”
“I know this already.” He stands up. “Also, why didn’t we hire him in a higher position? It was some block that Ragnar had on him. He wouldn’t allow him in an office job but he would give him the mailroom? Could you check dad’s logs for it? You know he wrote down everything?”
“I will. Hey Ian! Come here.” He yells. Ian skips over high fiving Hvitserk before he takes his leave. “You gotta go get packed up. I hear your mom has some big things planned this weekend.”
“Hey, what did I say about the word no?’ Ian says nothing folding his little tawny arms over his chest. “Ian.” He breathes deeply. “Your mommy loves you and you love her, right?”
“Yes.” He pokes his lips out.
“Then what are you mad for huh? She always makes sure you have fun. She takes care of you and you are going with her. You are going to stop crying and be a good boy. Superheroes don’t cry. Go pack up your clothes and make sure the room is clean eh?”
“Okay.” Ian says skipping off.
Ivar follows him in the house slowly noticing the small pain in his back. The doorbell rings and he gets there silently wishing he had his cane. He sees her through the oval glass. Y/N is shifting nervously in front of the door. He opens with a smug smile. “Come on in. He’s cleaning that room.”
“Thank you.” You follow him into the room admiring the picture of his mother over the stairwell. “Gods, she was perfect. Look at those cheekbones.”
“Yeah, she was.” Ivar doesn’t look up at the picture and it doesn’t surprise you. He never handled anything regarding her easily. “The Pre-School is about to out for summer, did you want a daycare or were you okay with hi staying with Torvi and her lot?”
“That is fine. He needs to be around some cousins.” You exhale. “You sure she doesn’t mind?”
“She doesn’t. Ubbe and her love children. They love Ian as well.” Ivar tries to tear his eyes away from you glancing at the celling and then back to the floor, but still his eyes end up right on yours. “How have you been?”
You try not to laugh at his nervous conversation. Why was he nervous? “The same.” You shrug.
“Uh,” he sighs. “I worry about you. Especially when you’re alone… with Chance. It’s not my business.” He says immediately. “But something is off about him.”
“What’s off?”
“If I knew I would tell you.” He pauses. “I love you. I just want you to be careful. Ian can’t live without you and I doubt could either.”
You smack your lips together. “I this jealous Ivar talking on the guy I knew years ago rearing his head out?”
“It’s the guy who kept your journal and fell in love with you. I can worry about you. I have earned that right. I’ve worried about you almost as much as I have loved you.” Ivar gives you a small smile.
You step closer to him. “He thinks you’re a monster.” You shake your head. “And I can’t see it because like always I am blinded by you. I’ve tried to add up why though… what happened that got you imprisoned? I want to know.”
“I saved my Bjorn’s life.” Ivar admitted. “And I would do it all over again, even though he’s fucking dick now. He’s my brother and I love him.”
“Was it cold blooded?”
“No,” Ivar looks confused. “That’s not me.”
“I know.”
Ivar places your hand in his and you shake you head. “I know you do.” He kisses your hand and ten your cheek, meanwhile Ian forces himself between the two of you. “You want a hug too Ian?”
Ivar scoops Ian up and Ian squishes all three of your faces together in an awkward kiss. Ivar laughs shaking out of it and Ian pushes your face towards Ivar to avoid Ivar’s hair. And the laughing fills the air as Ivar tickles Ian. For a moment your dreams are before you. You’re a happy family with the man of your dreams and life’s perfect. Then Nia walks in clearing her throat. Ivar rolls his eyes playfully hitting his head. “You two have fun bowling. I love you.”
You want to point out he says it to you both as you leave but you don’t. “Have a goodnight! Tell daddy bye!”
The walk out to the car is eventful, as Ian flips and tells you of his adventures at Ivar’s. He enjoyed his time, that you’re sure. Chance opens the back door for him. “That woman trying to get you ma.” He buckles Ian in listening to his exploits further. “We’re in the car.”
Nia clacks her way down the steps. “You think you’re cute, don’t you?”
You look back over your shoulder confused at who she is talking to and then turn back to her. “I beg your pardon?”
“I know you heard me. Look bitch, I’ve been with him over a year and he’s mine. Ivar and I are gonna get married and you and this washed up dream of a happy family is going to fade. He didn’t even want a fucking kid. Why the fuck do you think he was devastated?”
“Look, this here.” You gesture behind you and then back to the estate, “Ain’t got shit to do with you. Now I suggest you clack yourself right on up them steps before I beat your ass.”
“You fucking wish bitch. This is your warning. I don’t share. Ivar’s mine.”
“Ivar will never be yours.” You laugh leaning in. “You probably can still taste my pussy every time he kisses you.” You whisper. “Matter fact, think about that the next time you find yourself getting confused about whose he is…” You turn smiling at Chance. “Bitch.”
Taglist: @titty-teetee @sparklemichele @readsalot73 @oddsnendsfanfics @valynsia @oneday-i-will-fight-luke17 @sincerelysinister @ivars-snowflake @suz-123 @fivesecondsofsarang @sunnyfortomorrow @2loveeverything2 @wilddrabble @letsshamelessqueen-m @kc-7 @siren-queen03 @alyse45 @getinmelanin011 @doloreschanal @captstefanbrandt @harleycativy @byzantium-glytch @pebblesz892 @earthsmightiestasses @lisinfleur @unsure-but-trying @amethyst09  @thequintess @leaderradiante @daughterofthenight117 @jorunnravenslayer @hvitserksgirl @emilymarlow8 @perfectus-in-morte @amour-quinn @sassymcgonagal1651 @samwinchxtr @ivarsshieldmadien @bang-kim-bap @akamaiden @scumyeol @lost-and-wandering-alone @justbloodlydreaming @irishhiggins @cocobanbooom @cbouvier23 @raindrop-dewdrop @majinbuuwithatan @danceyreagan @ilvebeenabad @quaint-and-curious-being @imagine-this-motherfucker @funmadnessandbadassvikings @tomarisela @microsmacrosandneedles @lol-haha-joke  @courtrae89 @naaladareia
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laketaj24 · 6 years
Oh oh! Can I get 1 with Okoye? Congrats on 1k!!!!
Congrats on 1K!!! Can I get number 48 with Okoye please???? I love that woman. 💙💙💙💙💙 - @suz-123
Thank you ladies!!! This was something new for sure!!!  hope you enjoy it!! 
Friends- O’koye
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“Alright, alright. One more guess and you’re out.” O’Koyegrins at you. She’s holding the card and you can’t for the life of you figureout whatever T’Challa had drawn on the notepad. It was either a pancake or awaffle. You shake your head at O’koye knowing your king had cost you this roundand you would have lost the bet.
“A CD.” You murmur beneath your breath.
“It’s a kimoyo bead.” T’Challa growls looking at you as ifyou should have known what the circle could have been.
“A Kimoyo bead!” You and O’koye laugh together. O’koyewiggles her eyebrows at you and you shrug back carrying on your secretconversation. T’Challa grabs his green jacket and hat. “Leaving so soon T’Challa.”
“Yes.” He groans. “You two are horrible at this game.” Hepoints playfully at O’koye. “I will see you tomorrow in the Royal Hall for themeeting. Y/N, I will see you there as well?”
You shake your head. You had decided to not be present inthe next few meetings. Your brother would take over as elder of the tribe onceyour grandmother passed and you didn’t want t overstep your boundaries. T’Challaviewed you favorably but things were still uneasy in Wakanda ever since thecapture of the lost prince, N’jadka. “Not tomorrow, I swore to my brother I wouldtend to the miners.”
O’Koye cleared her table watching T’Challa wander out of thehouse starting a full conversation with Nakia before he could even leave thehouse. She hands you your drink stacking the cards up neatly. “I do notunderstand how he’s the king of Wakanda and he can’t even draw a kimoyo bead.”
“That’s your king.” You add jokingly straightening a fewmore items on her table. Things for O’koye hadn’t been easy. W’Kabi wasimprisoned, high treason and T’Challa hadn’t the heart to kill one of his closefriends. O’Koye didn’t speak of him and you respected it. W’Kabi had made hischoice during the battle. But you didn’t complain about him being gone becauseit was more time that you were granted to spend with her.
“He’s still a boy.” She beams every time she speaks of him. “Igot the tv working in the room.” She says placing the last of the dishes insink. You follow her watching the sway of her slender hips and how she basicallyfloats on air when she walks. “What do you wanna watch?”
“Something with some bad cameras and horrible script.”
“Reality TV it is.” She flicks the light off in the kitchen.“I overheard T’Challa talking of what to do with N’jadaka with you earlier. Youthink he deserves death?”
“I think he deserves it, he killed one of the dora milaje.”
O’Koye silently agreed climbing into her bed with the bowlof popcorn. You join her and she turns on the TV resting her head on thepillow. She didn’t really know why she had got the tv. She never liked to watchanything on it, her own life was a reality show here of late. “I think hedeserves to reattributed to our community and if he passes allow him to behere. This is his home.”
“Maybe.” You say nothing else of the trader grabbing ahandful of the popcorn. A Few kernels are on the bed and you brush them to theground.
“What are you doing?”
“Raking it off.” It was her pet peeve not to neat and cleanbut you saw it differently. It’s always tomorrow. You smirk at her watching herscowl you. “What?”
“Woman, I just swept.” You grab another handful of popcornfrom the bowl and more than five kernels drop down to the bed spread. Her slantedeyes narrow. “You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.”
She wines trying toclimb out of the bed. Your hand latches on to her arm pulling her back into thebed and your fingers stray down her arm admiring her soft and smooth skin. Youdon’t know why she’s so mesmerizing to you. It’s possible it’s because her deepskin was unblemished and soft or it was because her smile literally added lightinto your life. You two wrestle spiritedly. Her legs intertwine with yours as shetosses you over easily on your back and the lighthearted laughs fill the air.You forget her strength as she pulls her hand from you and drops a few pieces ofpopcorn atop of your head. “Yield.” She says with a smile.
You shake your head no raising your body up from the bed.Everything is rushed as your lips crash into hers. Your eager and surprisingly sois she, raising her small hands to frame your face. Your lips dance in their ownrhythm tugging at one another mixed with stifled moans and snickers as the unfamiliarsense overwhelms you two. Then she stops, rolling off of you raking the popcorninto the bowl in a frenzy.
“O’Koye.” You say confused at why she won’t look at you. Shesays nothing continuing to clean the bed off with her eyes glued to the blueblanket. You once again grab her arm. “We’re not just friends and you fucking knowit. Why stop?” You plea.
“Because I am married.” She whispers. “And no matter howmuch I love you…” her voice waivers. “I have W’Kabi. So… you should go and Iwill see you tomorrow okay?”
“O’Koye.” You muster.
“I said!” She yells. “I will see you tomorrow!”
You leave the bed walking out of the bedroom to retrieveyour shoes. You don’t have to turn around to know she’s behind you making sureyou leave. You shrug your shoulders. “I love you too, for what it’s worth.”
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laketaj24 · 6 years
No. 19 - "I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me." with T'Challa (reader is terrified of having her heart broken again after past failed relationships)
Here you are love!! I hope you enjoy!! (Prompt in Bold.)
Stall- T’Challa (Drabble)
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One thing was for certain about TChalla, he didn’t make decisionswithout thoroughly thinking them through but for some reason you couldn’t helpbut think he didn’t think this through. T’Challa stares down at the screennodding his head at Shuri. “I can’t believe that she done this.” He gripes beforestanding from the the couch.
Nakia had gone deep undercover, and from what you heard fromthe conversation she needed an evacuation out. There wasn’t much you two didn’ttalk about, but she was always off bounds it seemed. Whenever her name came upor whenever you wanted to know why people still linked them together T’Challabacked away. You say nothing to T’Challa about your thoughts. He shouldn’t leaveWakanda to get someone out of a situation she put herself in. But it wasn’tyour decision. Your past relationships were not as stable as your current. Lefton read messages, ignoring phone calls, fucking you and leaving before they canpull out, nothing was as good as T’Challa. He seemed to at least value you. “So,what does this mean?”
T’Challa smiles at you with his hooded eyes and steps awayfrom the screen. “What bothers you?”
“You’re really vague about her, people are vague about thingsthey aren’t sure about.”
“Is that what you think?” His thick accent is a comfort fora moment. “You shouldn’t worry abut it. It’s nothing for you to have doubtsabout sithandwa sam.” He sits next toyou. “I can send O’Koye. I don’t have to go.”
“You can go baby… It’s just.” You swallow not knowing wherethis conversation will go afterwards. “Ithink I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me.  I have never been with someone like you and perhaps that is why I’mnervous. I’ve heard she was your first love. That even when she comes around youstill stall. You don’t stall for me T’Challa. You never stall for me.” Yourvoice breaks. “I don’t want to waste my time waiting here if you are going togo back to her. I don’t want to be in another yet shitty relationship. So, ifyou would do me a kindness and tell me how you feel that would be amazing.”
T’Challa says nothingonly stares at you until the words come to pass. “I don’t stall with you becauseI don’t have to, you’re it. With Nakia,” His voice is soft on her name eventhen. “I had to stall because you don’t know what our past was, it was hard,and it was unfair to both e and her. That’s not what a relationship is about.It’s not about hurting the other one until you fall apart. Love is aboutknowing without a doubt, without a hitch in your breath that you are content. Iam so content with you Y/N. I don’t have to stall. I don’t have to thinkbecause I already know. You’re it. I love you.”
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laketaj24 · 6 years
Nirvana: M’Baku (AU)
A/N: hey y’all! Here’s my first M’Baku fic!! Let me know what you think! I’ll tag some regulars!! I hope you enjoy!! Read my other works HERE!!! (BP Masterlist)
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Happiness was still her laughter. And it really didn’t matter that M’Baku had someone when he was not feeling great he still called her.
“What you want?” She groaned answering the phone.
“What you doing?”
“Trying to get in these three miles before work.” Christa breathes hard into the phone and then pauses. Her labored breathing is the only thing on the line for a moment.
“Damn Christa, you need a inhaler?”
She tries not to laugh still panting lightly in his ear. “No, I’m good what’s wrong with your wining ass?”
“Wining, take that back?”
“I ain’t. What you want?”
“Man, how about they gave this other dude a promotion off of my damn project. Here I am slaving and working my ass off and I can’t even get a promotion.”
“Well, you might next time big baby.”
“Whatever, what time you gotta work?”
“It’s a special conference meeting, like two.”
“Come through, I got something I wanna show you.”
Christa pauses their relationship had been weird ever since he got engaged. This new chick didn’t respect their ten years and more friendship. All she saw was Christa thick hips and fat ass every time she came around. M’Baku didn’t seem to care, he wasn’t changing who he loved for her. “Aight, your girl there?”
“She got her own place Chris. What you got against her anyway?
“Nothing, I’m not tryna disrespect her, you know? But I got one more mile and I’ll be over. Make me some breakfast!”
“Uh shit.”
“I’ll see what I can whip up.” He groans. “You always hungry man.”
He didn’t cook. He placed the bowl of Chocolate Lucky Charms on the plate and added her a small carton of milk with the Silver dome over it. She arrived fifteen minutes later locking her doors and checking her left and right. He laughed watching her skip from the window. This woman was always on ten and he loved it. The only time he’d seen her down was when her grandma died and now she even looked at that differently. She never knocked opening his front door like she lived there.
“Wipe them kicks off.” He said pointing at her feet as she entered.
“I was damn.” She wasn’t, but she wiped her feet off leaving the fresh grass on his welcome rug. “I don’t smell anything cooking.” She gripes pulling a chair up to his lavish display of food. She lifts the silver hood from the plate revealing the lucky charms. “What the hell?”
“Man you asked for food! Stop complaining. Eat your Lucky Charms.”
“What you been up to besides crying about your job?”
“I deserved the position, but other than that not shit.” M’Baku sat across from her smiling as she started to chomp down on the cereal. Christa kept her eyes locked on the little floating colored marshmallows. He done something for her and she wasn’t sure how she felt. She looks up at him smiling and placed her spoon down. “Why you stop eating?”
“Because you’re watching me eat.” Her face heats as she admires his large muscular arms and his thick fingers.
“I got this joke. I don’t want you to spit out your food.”
“Cause it’s that funny?”
“More than.” He crosses his arms leaning back in the bar stool. “You ready?”
“Aight, you remind me of them Chocolate Lucky Charms.”
Christa shakes her head almost at the brink of laughter. “Why?”
“Because your Black. Magical and delicious.” He laughs, his voice booming through the apartment. And he was one of the people that took everyone with him when he laughed be that a corny joke or a good one.
Christa braces for a while but when his little snickered is partnered with the way he tosses his head back she breaks and joins him. “You’re so crazy, I swear. That laffy taffy ass joke.”
“That joke was great.” He breathes pouring himself some cereal.
“But how you know how I taste?” She shouldn’t have asked the question but the days of having a filter with him had passed.
He shrugs. “Looking like you do, you couldn’t taste any differently.” M’Baku bites his lip trying to hide the fact that the tension in the room had gone from zero to one hundred in a second.
She places her bowl in the sink and rests her hands against the counter. “So, What you call me over here for? I know it wasn’t for no cereal.”
“You just brighten my day. I can’t have you over for that reason alone?”
Christa shakes her head. “I gotta work. So thank you for the cereal. You’ve opened my eyes to the world of lucky charms.” She chuckles.
M’Baku turns towards her dragging his eyes up her body. Admiring every curve and small roll with a smug smile then finally reaching her dark eyes. They’d met when they both were young and never would have guessed their friendship would have lasted for this long. She was the only person that unintentionally made him doubt if his love was real for his fiancé. Love is supposed to be comfortable and overwhelming, a craving that only that one person could feel. He stands up in front of her.
Her voice wakes him from his trance. “What are you staring at?” She laughs once more.
“Have fun at your little meeting.”
Her small fingers wrap around his wrist pulling him over to her. “Why’d you call me over here?”
He doesn’t answer with words. He lifts her petite body from the ground placing her on the high bar so she could be closer to his face. M’Baku leans into her placing a chaste kiss on her forehead then moving down to her nose and finally his lips touch hers. His heart pounds ringing through his head as her soft lips crash into his with a eagerness that needn’t to be explained.
Christa’s legs wrap around his waist pulling him close. She couldn’t remember the last time her heart beat, it was scary yet the most exhilarating thing she’d ever done. She draped her arms him taking a moment to admire those brown eyes. Everything that has happened between the two of them was to get to this moment. The petty fights, the constant codependent conversations and the way they loved one another. Just to get here. “What are we doing?”
“I don’t know.” But he does scooping her from the counter and making his way through his apartment. He tosses her playfully on the bed removing his shirt. He pulls at her leg removing her pants with help from her as she uses her feet to squirm out of them. He climbs on the bed lifting her up to him with one hand while spreading her legs with his other. He slaps her thighs and then rushes his fingers up her folds. Christa’s hops raise from his embrace and he pulls her back down sliding his fingers into her wet heat. She gasps and then settles back down as he starts a tantalizing pace. M’Baku watches her with his lips partially parted, adoring the way she snaps her head shut as he goes deeper and then drags his finger back out and to push it back and go deeper. He circles his thumb over her clit adding more pressure. She’s slick and as she reaches her orgasm all he can picture is her coming around him and writhing like she was just now. He allows her to ride out her high with her eyes shut and hands gripping the pillow, then he crawls over her pushing her legs flat to the bed. “The next time you come I want those eyes on me.” He says smirking.
Next time. She feels the thick head of his dick prodding at her entrance. Swiping up and down teasing her clit then back at the entrance. She was ready, or so she thought. M’Baku inches into her, trying to brace himself for how tight she was around him. Once all the way inside her he allowed her to get used to him and then he started. He pulled out of her and slammed back in over and over. Each time he strokes her g-spot with his tip. “Open those eyes Christa.” He pants rocking into her hilt deep and then back out. She tried to open her eyes but each time he thrusted into her it grew harder to not liquify underneath him. He pushed her legs further into the mattress allowing him to get deeper.
“Damn.” She said feeling all of her nerves well inside of her until they broke free in an explosion of ecstasy. She clawed her fingers into his back taking them down in her cry of pleasure. M’Baku grunts going deeper, harder and faster than before. He’d told her to open her eyes but his was closed as he rested his head in her shoulders gripping her with both arms and pounding into her until he couldn’t anymore. He pulls out of her leaving a trail of white cum on her stomach and down her leg.
They both pant laying one another, their eyes both locked on the ceiling. Christa starts to laugh shaking her head while trying to grasp what had happened. M’Baku turned to her with a smile realizing that happiness was still her laughter for him.
Tagging:  @wilddrabble@readsalot73@kimistry27@sparklemichele@titty-teetee @amour-quinn@captstefanbrandt@valynsia @byzantium-glytch@suz-123@earthsmightiestasses@harleycativy@sunnyfortomorrow@sincerelysinister@pebblesz892@ceridwenofwales@ivarsshieldmadien@bang-kim-bap@samwinchxtr @scumyeol @erisjade @purple-apricots @ceridwenofwales @raindrop-dewdrop
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laketaj24 · 6 years
I’m hooooked!!! You’re awesome I can’t wait to see what happens next with Ivar ✨✨✨
Yay!!!! Thank you Anon!!!! I’m happy you’re enjoying it!!!
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