zushimart · 2 years
love how it is literally canon that scara insults ur whole being only to go home nd doodles u nd him getting married <33 hes sooo lamecore i bet he even makes up silly little scenarios to sleep to
no hes fucking crazy because he will have u wrapped around his finger, at his beck & call, but he’d rather eat a brick than ask u for any sort of attention . he frequently cockblocks himself. like he is soooo lame. you could ask him on a date to study over coffee and he’d be like “umm lmfao as if i’d want help from you” all snarky and then he’d go home and imagine what it’d be like to go on a date with u . that’s the level of insane he is like these are the hurdles we have to surmount.
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justyournormaljim · 7 months
You're kind of losercore, so I guess it makes sense that you like lamecore parties
Is… Is that an insult?
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timehascomeagain · 7 months
I have to do so much meal prepping today but I get stressed about batch cooking and idk why like I'm scared my parents will judge me for my lamecore granolacore jars of like lentils and it's like ok nothing matters in this world so why would that matter even slightly
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scagcoretvmaxxing · 3 months
Scag I have a question about the 'Internet'? What's a 'Reddit'???
Reddit is for lamecore freaks and i definitely don’t have one. because im not a lamecore freak.
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Kanaya is so lamecore, stop removing her lamecore it’s important
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wally-b-feed · 5 years
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Come on Fiona Execute
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haganez · 2 years
yoosung was already normalcore then the was lamecore
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sorry for being so hashtag lamecore do u still want me
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tomatoluvr69 · 2 years
Having a very lamecore/normcore/redditcore evening
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chaosnightmare · 2 years
if youre going to reblog my glittery anime girl sitting exhausted at computer at least follow me for more #lamecore content
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brick-kcirb · 4 years
10, 30, 39 :3
Hey :3  Lets see, 10: Name a Dog! My actual dog was called Jimmy and he was a good boy, i think my next dog should be named something a lil wild and a little dumb like Archon (Barchon? Barkon? like... Bark?) or Caesar and then i could make little caesar’s jokes which i dont think is even a thing in my country  30: Dye your hair weird, which weird?  Idk im sure it would look anything but good buy hey i want it to be pastel pink and itll damn well be pastel pink!! Right after i get 100$ worth of bleach put into my hair to make it dyeable  39: describe your aesthetic For me? Idk like Lamecore, blue jeans, red jumpers, caramel coffees, empty art and writing books stacked waist high, enough stationary to fill a pyramid tomb.  For whatever the fucks going on inside my head? Gold, and silver, and stars, and moondust, old gods and ancient demons and shiney chains to restrain ancient powers yknoooooooooooow :3
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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a kanaya playlist your takes on kanaya are DIVINE. every kanaya spotify playlist is filled with baddass girlboss power songs and it's killing me
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rendering-tools · 12 years
oh shit finally at the finale of seinfeld probably gonna cry like I did at the episode of curb where larry "dies"
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