#Lance H was Bishop in aliens too!
bitchshitdewdrop · 2 years
I just think that them
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dirtdoesntneedluck · 7 years
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The ‘What-If Machine’ - Futurama as ‘ALIENS’ [1986] (dir. James Cameron)
This time it’s war
Actual Plot: A team of Space Marine’s, along with Ellen Ripley, head to LV-426 which now houses the colony of ‘Hadley’s Hope’, at the behest of the Weyland-Yutani company after contact with the colony is lost.
The Futurama Version: A team of DOOP soldiers, along with Turanga Leela, head to a sunny little doomed planet, Vergon 6, at the behest of Mom’s Friendly Robot corp after contact with the dark matter miners there is lost.
The Cast:
Turanga Leela as Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver)
Tough as nails, strong in conviction and constantly silenced by bureaucratic nonsense. These two are peas in a pod. Bear in mind, Leela would have had to have gone through the same experience as Ripley in ‘Alien’, something which would have toughened her resolve even more.
Philip J. Fry as Corporal Hicks (Michael Biehn)
Fry may not start out a hero during ‘War is the H-Word’ but war eventually turns him into a man. Hicks himself is very much a man’s man, resilient and smart but also caring, like Fry.
Bender Rodriguez as Bishop (Lance Henrikson)
Bender may not be a synthetic, like Bishop is, but they’re both robots assigned to make the lives of others better. Bender does that by bending, Bishop by taking on tasks the marines can’t.
Hermes Conrad as Carter Burke (Paul Reiser)
In a film about marines taking on space aliens the most slimy and disgusting creature may well be corporate shill Carter Burke. Hermes minus any friendship is a hardcore bureaucrat and wouldn’t mind screwing people over to do his job.
Sal as Private Hudson (Bill Paxton)
We're all scared, it's the human condition, why do you thinks these two put on this tough-guy facade? Of course that facade is revealed in the face of extreme fear but both would bounce back, as is their duty, to help their friends.
Zapp Brannigan as Lieutenant Gorman (William Hope)
Did someone say bumbling, incompetent leader? Zapp certainly fits that bill. Safe away from the action as his subordinates do the work, Gorman and Zapp have that in kind.
Sally as Newt (Carrie Henn)
Cute as a button but a born survivor, poor Newt has to endure a simply awful experience. Sally has had a pretty bad experience in her short life too, what with the teasing about her third ear and all, but she’s someone with a lot of spirit.
The Nibblonians as The Xenomorphs (the Aliens)
Insatiable appetites are probably where the similarities end but a more feral group of Nibblonians could be a match for the much larger Xenomorphs.
The Equipment:
The Nimbus as The Sulaco
The Nimbus may actually be the bigger ship but they serve the same purpose, to deliver their crew to certain death.
The Positron Shooter as The Pulse Rifle
The edge is clearly to the Shooter, I mean sure, the Rifle has a grenade launcher and ammo counter, but the Shooter plays ‘pop goes the weasel’ as you wind it. Can’t beat that.
The Freezer Tube as The Cryo-stasis Pods
A sci-fi staple, there is something quite appealing about freezing yourself for a period of time so you don’t have to do any actual waiting, as is the case here when the heroes are taken to the planet.
The Locations:
The New DOOP Headquarters as Gateway Station
This is where Ripley, or in our case Leela, wakes up after being found in cryo-stasis for 57 years at the start of the film. The new DOOP HQ seems a good fit.
Vergon 6 as Hadley’s Hope (LV-426)
LV-426 is a far harsher environment than Vergon 6 but the danger is far more about the presence of the aliens than the planet itself. 
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The Rising Sun
It wasn’t supposed to end like this, it was a standard search and recover mission. It was never supposed to turn out like this.
Chapter one: Andormeda Nightmare
The Andormeda: S class military ship.
Crew: 15 soldiers, 6 medical crew, 5 science officers
Mission: Find more recruits for project Phoenix from Planet 678 A.K.A Earth in the Omega belt quadrant 72-9.
Awakening crew members
T Torren, Sargent 1st Class, DN57362 J Shepard, Lance Corporal, RE35819 Y Robenski, Private 1st Class, YE48563 A Roberts, Sargent Major, GE46832 K Warren, Corporal, RE38572 E Illios, Private 1st Class, YE28456 S Ripley, Sargent 1st Class, DN35562 O Johnson, Corporal, RE45762 D Roberts, Master Sargent, IK38562 W Diana, First Sargent, IL35826 F Amanda, Gunnery Sargent, YG34957 J Taylor, Private, GH35726 E Diana, Private, GH57382 K Jacobs, Sargent, YR38573 L Bishop, Surgeon General, MS38563 R Bishop, Colonel, MS48632 H McKenzie, Lieutenant-Colonel, MS47325 B Moore, Major, MS47362 R Burnie, Captain, MS39274 A Jenks, Lieutenant, MS38572 P Harrow, Chief Science Officer, UY48643 L Harrow, Science Officer, UY45732 G Davis, Science Officer, UY58372 M Tina, Chief Innovation Officer, IH48563 L Warren, Chief Technology Officer, YV48573
Time: 12:45:34 Date: 04/10/3097
“Sargent Aaron”
“Lena, activate protocol 87”
A second later I was soaked to the bone and freezing, I shot up and glared at the person responsible “Warren, you know it takes me a few minutes more to awaken from hyper sleep” she laughed and went to leave the room “yeah, always fun to mess with you though Sargent, get a shower and get dressed we’ll be arriving soon” I nodded and stretched. I glanced around the hyper sleep chamber before heading to the shower room where most of the crew were “Sargent Major!” I groaned “Private Jacob, for the millionth time Sargent will do” I undressed of my boxers and tank top before slipping under the hot stream of water “So Aaron, how does it feel to be the only female in the 12th Marine Corps to hold the rank of Sargent Major?” I tilted my head back so the stream was running down my chest “Wanda, I am not having this conversation with you once again, we went into full length back at Gate Bravo about how I don’t care of my rank and I only care about the mission” “And how many girls you get” I growled and stepped out of my cubicle and towards the one directly opposite me where Wanda’s brother Edward was laughing with the others at the remark he made, I grabbed his neck and slammed him into the wall behind him. I leaned in close to him, my eyes burning a hole right through his skull “I’d keep my mouth shut if I were you otherwise your ass is going overboard, am I clear?” he nodded breathing a sigh of relief as I re-entered my cubicle “Someone’s pissed off today” I sighed and glared at Warren who was acting as if she hadn’t done anything, typical her
“Someone thought it would be a good idea to soak me to wake me up”
I left the cubicle and shuffled to my locker, I snapped open the door and glanced in the mirror, my black hair-which I normally kept neat and shaven-was far too long for my liking, especially around the sides but it didn’t matter at the moment and could easily be fixed at a later time. I shook my head and began to get dressed, I was far more muscular in comparison to some of the other females on this exhibition but that was blamed on the JX-485-a injections they gave us at the start of this program. Once I wrapped my breasts, I grabbed my chest plate which bore many scratches from many battles I had taken part in some of which I nearly died from, it’s once black colour was now a dull grey. I felt lost without it.
Once I slammed the locker door shut I looked at the others who stood rigid
“Bridge 15 minutes”
I left the shower room and strode through the corridors of the dormant ship, reaching the bridge in a matter of minutes. I sat down on one of the chairs located near the front of the bridge
“Lena, open her up, let’s take a look”
Within a few seconds light began to seep in from the Sun, I moved from my chair and gazed out the window of the space craft. Stars, moons, planets all came into view. A mixture of reds, blues and whites truly a sight to behold, I looked down at the Earth and the mess it had become. Years of war, famine and global warming left the Earth a barren wasteland filled with dangerous creatures as a result of radiation slowly changing them over the course of several generations. Few managed to survive on the planet but those who did made for remarkable test subjects. The door opened and in walked the crew members; I sighed and turned to face them “Good afternoon Marines, apologies for not briefing you back at Bravo but time is not on our side” I placed a Jubba stick onto a table and a picture of the Earth came up
“We are here to gather recruits for the Phoenix project, children. They have to be fit and healthy and show no signs of disease” I walked past the table so that I was standing looking at the various soldiers and officers that were willing enough to take on this mission “now you are probably wondering why we were sent here” I smirked “and why this place looks strikingly familiar?” I pointed down to the Earth “this place was once our home, we were taken and made into the soldiers we are today, we were sent here because we know this place better than any other “
A picture of an Earthen appeared on the table, a quadruped with black skin, red eyes like the brightest ruby and patches   “this” I pointed to it as I paced back and forth “is what we are also up against, a creature that was once an animal, mutated into a being with has superior strength and intelligence than it’s animal ancestors” the screen turned off and the creature disappeared
“now the General has asked me to remind you, you are all being tested in your ability to survive in wastelands such as these, as you may know there are four high ranking officers on board this ship and you have the right to know why” I took a step towards them “you’ll be split into four groups each one will have a commanding officer, over the course of this mission you will be monitored on your ability to follow orders, to give orders and to know when a fellow marines life is in danger and the course of action to take” I leaned back and laughed “now, I should probably warn you that these creatures are dangerous and will kill with no mercy. Of course with Dean on our group why wouldn’t they” I cleared my throat “now, you will all head over to medical for preparation and examinations before rendezvousing at the shuttle at 19:00 hours. Let’s move it!” I sat back down at my chair as the rest of them scrambled around our of the bridge
“You didn’t have to be so harsh on them” I scoffed “they’re kids, the lot of them, they need to know who’s in charge around here” I looked up at Warren “shouldn’t you be getting your medical?” she looked down at me, eyebrow raised at me “shouldn’t you?” I grunted “come on Aaron, you need to see how your levels are before heading out” I stood up and looked at her “will it make you happy if I did?” she nodded “ok” I began to walk out of the bridge “oh and another thing” she turned around to face me “if you want to kiss me, you just have to ask” I winked at her before leaving which left Warren standing there blushing. I entered Medical and sat on one of the many examination seats that were littered with soldiers “Aaron” I looked up and saw Rebecca standing there “Rebecca” she pulled the curtain over us giving the two of us some privacy “very rare to see you here” “very rare to see you without your tail out” Rebecca was a Draconian, a species created from human and Yark DNA. Yark’s were a species of mammals on the planet Draco; they looked human but possessed animal characteristics such as tails, ears, fangs and even eyes. I always had a soft spot for Rebecca, mainly due to the fact that when she was a youngling on our home world of Goradon she was often bullied because of what she was, which I often found odd as the human race-once it spread out across the stars-bred with many different aliens, yet Draconians were often picked on the most. I often found myself protecting her and her brother Lark from other kids once I was moved to Goradon at the age of 17 after being taken from the Earth much like what we are going to do in a few hours’ time. I was taken on board the ship Movaro where I was injected with an experimental chemical JX-485-a, but they had made a mistake and injected me with the chemical that was to be given to males instead of the female chemical JX-458-b which resulted in unusual results: heightened strength, enhanced smell, hearing and sight, strong sense of dominance. Not that I was complaining, within a short time I was promoted Sargent Major. I was the only female on Goradon to ever hold such a title mainly due to the fact that most of the army and marines think that men are the best therefore should be the ones in charge of the whole military system they even managed to surpass the government! But that had changed when I had beaten up General Mace several years ago when he had threatened my platoon with three years on a planet where no one had ever come back from. Keep in mind, I was slammed in a prison cell for 29 months would’ve been longer if they had finally recognised my skills and sent me on impossible missions along with the other high rankers like Diana, Warren and Franklin. Our skills were tested and we became the Black Tiger platoon, along with 12 other soldiers. But we soon became four once again, the general sent us on a mission to Regial 6 to settle a dispute between the humans that had colonised there and the Hirts, the native species. My squad was ambushed and overrun; they were all killed except us four. I can still remember the bloodshed, the screams of my comrades, their dying screams. In the end the humans had no choice but to leave and colonise elsewhere, me and the other three high commanders then became in charge of going to foreign wastelands in search for new test subjects. I dare not sleep anymore; the nightmares have become too vivid, too painful for me to bear. Even now… “Aaron, you alright?” I shook my head and looked at Rebecca who was currently checking my blood pressure “this is pretty high, even for you, what are you thinking about?” I sighed and leaned back against the chair the white fluorescent light blinding me “just my past” she nodded and continued with her examination “well…it seems like everything is fine, but just take it easy, I don’t like the fact that your blood pressure is extremely high and that you’re going to be on a planet where you have to always be on your guard” I slipped off the chair and brushed past her, I parted the curtain “trust me, I’m fine, I promise” I left Medical and walked to the main armoury. Over time I had grown accustomed to the cold and narrow corridors, I often found myself scaring some of the new recruits when they came along on first time missions. But the silence, it calmed me allowed me to be alone with my thoughts. That being said, it isn’t the best thing for me to be left with my own thoughts for very long. I stood in front of a bulkhead door, I leaned down to the scanner and imputed my ID number “access granted” I entered the room and came face to face with the last parts that completed me: my helmet and my trusty M452 pulse rifle.
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