#Landcare project
bigvolcano · 8 months
Lismore Biodiversity News - Field Days and Partnerships
Lismore Biodiversity News - Field Days and Partnerships. A summary of workshops in 2023, and events planned for 2024.
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tagg-magazine · 23 days
Bupa Landcare Project Funding available for urban and peri-urban community groups
Connecting human and planet health with new Bupa project funding for landcare In partnership with Bupa, Landcare Australia is proud to announce the Bupa Landcare Project Funding, inviting applications from groups and organisations to support the establishment of 75,000 native trees and shrubs in urban and peri-urban areas. The partnership aims to enhance both environmental and health outcomes by…
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lcurham · 28 days
Kambah Turns 50
From Aug 16 to Oct 12, the exhibition Kambah Turns 50 is on at one of Canberra's Territory-government funded arts venues, the Tuggeranong Arts Centre https://tuggeranongarts.com/kambah-50-group-exhibition-16-aug-12-oct/
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I'm the curator and artist behind the exhibition. It had great coverage in the Canberra Times last Saturday (24 Aug) with a box on the front page and an almost full page review. The online version called it a 'must-see exhibition'. The exhibition is just one component of this project about my suburb Kambah. The purpose was to explore how we can build relationships in our community, strengthen our ties. I've been working over four years to explore how heritage and our sense of a past that we share through the celebrations of the 50th this year can do this. The success of the exhibition and the numerous related events suggest it's worked.
How does this connect to Perth? Kambah and Midland seem to share some things in common - era and planners, it seems that Gordon Stephenson had a hand in both. So there may be work to do to explore reputational repair in Midland as well. I spent lots of time in Midland in the first quarter of 2024.
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Front page of the Canberra Times, Sat 24 Aug 2024.
It includes the work of six other artists and items from cultural collections in Canberra and other parts of Australia. Also in the show are items from residents and former residents, works created by the Arts Centre with a local school and photographs discovered through a public program run by the Arts Centre. From my perspective, the whole exhibition is an artwork, an exploration of my suburb Kambah and how it is viewed and experienced. Why do I think of it as an artwork in itself? What follows teases this out.
Kambah is a suburb of Canberra with a mixed reputation in the ACT community. In 2009, it was honoured or maligned, depending on your point of view, as Canberra's biggest bogan suburb. I've lived in Kambah for a decade and when I moved here, I was puzzled by this reputation. Yes, we are mixed socio-economically and our housing is diverse - from thoughtful 1970s architecture to modest state-built houses, government houses or 'govvies' as we call them in Canberra. Yet we're surrounded by hills, right next to the Murrumbidgee and with the backdrop of the Brindabella mountains. It is physically beautiful with a canopy of 1970s eucalypts that means the houses of the suburb almost completely disappear when you view Kambah from the hilltops.
Kambah has a history of losing things - some of this is about not recognising the heritage we have - an example is the homestead of the station 'Kambah', pulled down following vandalism in the 1980s rather than repaired. Other parts of Canberra have their no-longer-needed public buildings, like schools, converted to community centres. Not in Kambah - they are sold, no longer for the community. Research from 2008 conducted by Kambah locals showed we have low social capital with few social networks based in the suburb. Since I came to Kambah I have been an environment volunteer, leading a landcare group. I wondered over our reputation but I also began to recognise it as a risk for us for the future - Australian experience in the past five years shows that as climate change bites, communities that can come together will fare better, communities of South Coast NSW are an obvious example to Canberra people.
In this context, I began a project to map the experience of Kambah, mine and others. This led me to investigate collections and gather reports and reflections from residents into an online 'scrapbook' with a handful of entries in a locative media map for the mobile phone. I grappled with challenges all archivists face, how to represent a community authentically and ethically. So I turned to my own representations of Kambah with a long series of pinhole photographs and photograms. I exhibited these in 2023 at the same venue in the exhibition Kambah. The goal of that exhibition was to learn more stories from the community and to explore what we could do to build our social capital, what could bring us together. I was aware that Kambah would turn 50 in 2024 and I began to explore community reactions to celebrating this milestone. During that 2023 exhibition, I held a series of public events - a physical meet up of the local Facebook group, a kitchen table conversation to talk about planning blueprints for our part of Canberra and a gathering of south Canberra artists. In my mind, the goal was to find ways to bring people together and strengthen or create bonds. I put in a proposal to the Arts Centre for an exhibition on Kambah's 50th. I began having meetings to talk specifically about Kambah's 50th - initially it was a tiny group, mostly of the artists. They contributed the early ideas for how Kambah should celebrate 50 - art at the shops, renaming landmarks to Ngunawal names were two. The Facebook group convenor amplified our small meeting by discussing it on the Kambah noticeboard, members shared ideas: a burn-out comp and bushdance were two that came from there. By then I had confirmation of the exhibition from the Arts Centre so dates were set. I put in a grant drawing on the artists ideas to see if we could make them reality - not successful. In early 2024, meetings drew a few more people and more check-ins with the Facebook group took place to see what resonated with the community.
We soon became a fairly regular group but still just a handful. The ideas and the program took up some of the early ideas and augmented and added to them. Individuals took the lead on events. As we called out for resources, we drew new people and became a group of about a dozen. My role was to start the conversation, push forward on the program, refine and develop the ideas the community suggested and respond as new people offered new ideas and skills that extended what we'd initially planned. The burn-out comp became a classic car show, the long table lunch wasn't exactly one long table but it was a very exciting day with our Federal MP and the Chief Minister in attendance.
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Left to right: Pip, Rachel, Andrew Barr, ACT Chief Minister, David Smith, Federal MP for Bean.
The barn dance was dropped as it became clear the community didn't really want it. The bones were there from the first meeting in October 2023 for quite a few of the events but they have been elaborated and expanded in very exciting ways. The ambitious three part heritage day organised by a local historian started as a modest morning walk around the old farm. New events have been added - a trivia quiz, kids' colouring and poetry competitions are examples.
It's such an exciting ride to see the events become reality and to see the Kambah community enthusiastically show up to be part of them.
The challenge is how to claim and share credit appropriately! As an artist, I just want to share it but as an academic, I have a responsibility to claim some of it. Tricky.
The whole idea was to get the community to run with this and claim it for their own. That's been successful beyond my wildest dreams. I do appreciate the personal recognition as I have invested much time and energy. I have a printed section of Hansard in which my Federal MP acknowledged the project and my role in it. The Canberra Times wrote a great review of the exhibition.
Here's the Hansard extract:
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There's been lots of media
The Canberra Times Sat 24 Aug 2024
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RiotACT - 'Happy birthday, Kambah! The biggest suburb in the Southern Hemisphere, right?*'
4 June 2024 | James Coleman
Mix 106.3
6 July 2024
17 Aug 2024:
Kambah turns 50 this year. To celebrate an exhibition was launched through the week. Louise Curham, Kambah Resident from Kambah Turns 50 shared details about the exhibition
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Other media:
Valley FM local radio - interview July 2024
Other media not focused on me but covering Kambah Turns 50:
Canberra Weekly - coverage of Kambah Turns 50
Canberra Times - coverage of Heritage Day events in Kambah Turns 50
Canberra Times - coverage of first residents of Kambah
All the events:
Lantern Walk 10 Aug
Long Table Lunch 18 Aug
Church service 25 Aug
Kids poetry and colouring comps 10-31 Aug
Classic Car Show and Village Fair 31 Aug
Heritage Day 7 Sep
Dogs Picnic 8 Sep
Environment walks 14 Sep
Sunrise walk 15 Sep
Welcome to Country, Smoking Ceremony and planting day 15 Sep
Sustainability Day 22 Sep
Trivia comp 10 Aug to 26 Sep
Arts Centre events:
Call for photos from residents July 2024
Kambah Now and Then - rephotographing Kambah, a workshop with PhotoAccess Aug 31-15 Sep.
Some of the event socials:
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The Riot ACT article:
Happy birthday, Kambah! The biggest suburb in the Southern Hemisphere, right?*
4 June 2024 | James Coleman
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The Kambah Co-op was founded in 1975 to protest the suburb’s overpriced supermarket. Photo: ArchivesACT.
Kambah was named “Canberra’s booner capital” in 2009 by now-defunct satirical news website The Punch when the anonymous author highlighted the “number of V8 Falcons on the nature strip, wandering terrier dogs, and the enormous size of the local Burns Club”, but there’s a lot more to Kambah than that, according to local Louise Curham.
The loyal resident of 10-plus years is organising a series of events this year to mark 50 years since Kambah’s first residents began moving in in June 1974.
Louise has already spent more than four years constructing a digital map of the entire 1130-hectare suburb, complete with video, audio, text and image entries on various locations so users can tap on an area to learn more about it.
During research for these entries, she would ask everyone the same question: “Is there something about Kambah you know that you would like other people to know?”
She says the answers have been fascinating.
“People from the outside would think Kambah is surely a place you’d like to leave. But I’ve learnt this is not the case. There are a lot of second-generation Kambah people who love it.”
The suburb carries its name from the former Kambah sheep station, belonging to the Bennet family – Canberra aristocracy for their time.
“Kambah Homestead might have been part fibro, but it was very beautifully decorated and had pillars out the front and a sweeping driveway and swimming pool,” Louise adds.
“Life in early Kambah was pretty nice.”
Come the early 1970s, and with then prime minister Gough Whitlam massively expanding the size of the public service and Canberra’s population exploding 10 per cent year on year, the National Capital Development Commission (NCDC) needed somewhere to put all the young families.
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The Kambah Woolshed. Photo: Wikimedia Commons, Nick D.
Rumour has it Kambah ended up so big because some public servant forgot to divvy it up into four suburbs, but in reality, it – together with Wanniassa next door – was planned as big territorial units made up of large blocks. They became known as ‘Nappy Valley’.
“The NCDC held this seminar, where they brought together a whole cross-section of age groups to learn what kind of suburb people wanted to live in,” Louise says.
“They were very much thinking about mental health. They were really trying to think about a place that would be good for people.”
To make room, the creek known as Village Creek was put underground through a pipe, and a large trap was built at the Lake Tuggeranong end to prevent upstream pollution from making its way into the lake – an engineering first for Canberra.
However, when Whitlam was dismissed and his successor Malcolm Fraser got to work slashing 17,000 government jobs, the prediction of 40,000 people in the valley by 1980 collapsed. All the houses were eventually built in subsequent decades but at a much slower rate.
READ ALSO Goodbye The Green Shed. Hello Goodies Junction. A new Canberra institution is about to be reborn
“It’s really interesting how these big-picture forces play out in our everyday lives that we never think or look at,” Louise says.
Kambah had its own grocer from the beginning, but it didn’t take long for residents to hit back at the overpriced goods by forming their own co-op-style supermarket in 1975, with shares available for $10 each.
Located on Mannheim Street, this was the first and only supermarket in Tuggeranong to be started and owned by a community and the second retail store to open in Tuggeranong.
A Kambah primary school also became the first in Canberra to feature a computer lab because one of the student’s fathers happened to work in the right circles and agreed to help source the equipment.
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Kambah was designed to have several local shopping centres, even if some have since folded. Photo: ArchivesACT.
Of course, there are less glamorous accounts, too. Like one from the 1980s, when a male “exposed himself” to a young horse rider. And former pizza delivery drivers who remember the ‘munchies’ houses, where the occupants would round out their marijuana smoking with lots of pizza.
“To find ways to visualise stories like this without necessarily pinpointing them on the map is an interesting challenge,” Louise says.
But the vast majority are positive.
“I mean, like all suburbs, people are busy, and there are lots who live in Kambah who don’t really connect, but then there are others for whom this is a really precious place,” she says.
“And as we have all these planning conversations across the ACT at the moment, if those people don’t speak now, we’re going to get what they give us.”
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Kambah has a pretty side. Photo: File.
Louise is hosting a ‘Kambah 50’ event in the foyer of the Tuggeranong Arts Centre on Saturday, 17 August, with a number of other events to come.
‘A Long Table Picnic Lunch’ will be held on Sunday, 18 August, and a dog-friendly community picnic on Sunday, 8 September, with a winter lantern walk, bush dance, and sunrise walk up Mount Taylor (with champagne at the top) also in the works.
*Now, if you’ve come all this way waiting for the claim about Kambah being the biggest suburb in the southern hemisphere, it turns out that’s not true.
Not even close.
In 2017, the ABC wrangled data from PSMA Australia that revealed not only is the Gulf of Carpentaria technically a ‘suburb’ and larger, but there are another 20 to 30 urban suburbs with a similar population size and density to Kambah, but over a larger area. And that’s just in Australia.
Visit the Kambah Turns 50 website or Facebook page for the full program of events. Explore the Kambah People’s Map online.
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shorelinelandcare · 1 month
The Benefits of Professional Landscaping for Your Property Value
Enhancing the appeal of your house as a whole by handling first-rate landscaping likewise increases the total worth of one’s property. This is the area where qualified landscaping could make a considerable difference.
First impressions of your home come from its curb appeal. A well maintained landscape will greatly improve this first impression and will make your house stand out in the neighborhood. From vibrant flower beds to green lawns the best landscaping services in aurora have expert landscape designers that provide custom solutions to beautify your outdoor space.they are also proficient in mixing various attributes such as trees, rivers,among others.
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Why Choose Us?
Leading Landscaping in Aurora
By their devotion to high quality achievement of any kind, Shoreline Landcare has the most talented professional landscape planners located within Aurora. Our customers are given excellent services by us and we are good at designing landscapes in residential as well as in commercial areas.
The landscape designers and installation experts have put much creativity in our projects. So be assured of superior quality work from us in case you require landscaping services for your Aurora, IL home or place of business.
We offer comprehensive landscaping services consisting of thorough consultations, site analysis, 3D modeling for designing, laying brick patio, mulching, building retaining walls, planting shrubs & trees, maintaining landscapes and laying sod. Opt for Shoreline Landcare for the finest landscape architects in Aurora if you desire something distinct and lovely.
Depend on the Professionals for Aurora Residential Landscaping:-
Engage Shoreline Landcare to develop a home Aurora landscape Architectural Services Any property landscape decor at Shoreline Landcare is the mark of excellence and creativity by the team that is committed to this cause. In every task that we undertake, the result is always an attractive and beneficial landscape because we have the best home landscape design services in Aurora at heart.
We are one of the leading residential landscape design firms in the entire city of Aurora; hence we give customized services where we completely change your exterior environment. Hopefully, through this we are able to transform your dream into reality by applying our specialized patterns which promote durability and usability. Our outstanding landscaping companies give more priority to ingenuity than anything else while listening to what our customers say during their installation processes.”Regardless of how major your home landscape assignment is, we will manage this within your means, ensuring that it comes out as you require.
If you wish to have the best landscape that is most likely to be realized, please be sure to engage our highly ranked group of designers who work on this area so closely together. It is their vast experience in plant growing that enables them to produce such surroundings around your home thereby enhancing both its beauty as well as worth but also providing customer service that is beyond anything else achievable.
As a means to offer clients high-end plant choices designed specifically for their projects, Shoreline Landcare runs a complete nursery. For your outdoor section, trust us with professional aurora home landscape services.
Trust commercial landscaping services in Aurora, Illinois :-
Shoreline Landcare offers full-service commercial landscaping in Aurora, Illinois. Services we provide include maintenance, installation, and seasonal color design. Shoreline is an expert in constructing quality and sophisticated landscapes that enhance property values. Allow our experts to create attractiveness in a company garden for you.
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Reasons for hiring our Aurora landscape designers:-
Shoreline Landcare offers specialized landscaping designs for Aurora’s business and residential properties. We look into the smallest details to offer top-notch design services by picking mature plants where they are needed in order to guarantee that your garden lasts longer. Our experienced professionals stand out in planting, caring for and supervising . To satisfy any landscaping requirements, we are the perfect choice, no matter if you prefer traditional or modern styles. Increase the value of your home with the help of our qualified designers who listen to your wants and needs. Reach us so as to find out more about our designing and installation services hence making your landscape design idea come true.
Call us :- 630-551-5224
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treeremovalpensacola · 6 months
LandCare receives gold award for project that creates movie magic
There are a few things that are certain in Pensacola that you will have to deal with at some point - tree removal and tree trimming. Before you hire a company you should take into consideration before hiring a tree service company. Some of the things you should consider include: - The type of tree that needs to be removed - The size of the tree - The location of the tree - The condition of the tree If you are unsure about whether or not you need to hire a tree removal company, contact Click for Tree Removal Services in Pensacola for a consultation. We will be able to assess your situation and give you our professional opinion. Location: Culver City, Calif. Company: LandCare This property is home to a historic film studio in Southern California, adding a unique twist for LandCare as it works to maintain the landscape. LandCare has two full-time employees on the property performing maintenance in the early morning. Because of the nature of the property, crews utilize battery-powered equipment to keep noise at a minimum. The property also houses another movie studio, which requires a different aesthetic approach. LandCare worked with both studios to transition from a traditional look to a more modern landscape design. The studios also have different irrigation systems, with the modern landscape featuring drip irrigation and the traditional landscape utilizing sprinklers. Plant material selection on site was limited because of an underground parking garage directly beneath the property. As a consequence, LandCare needed to use plants with shallow roots — like jasmine, azaleas and iceberg roses. LandCare won a gold award from the National Association of Landscape Professionals’ Awards of Excellence Program for their work on this project. (Photo: LandCare) A lush lawn frames the entrance to the Culver Studios, which shares its lot with Amazon Studios. LandCare is responsible for maintenance of both landscapes. (Photo: LandCare) To maintain the original design, the team uses dark green plants to contrast with the white buildings. (Photo: LandCare) Some of the sycamore trees in front of the mansion are over a century old. (Photo: LandCare) The smaller office buildings are restored historical buildings. LandCare incorporated the same color palette of green and fuchsia as the front of the mansion. (Photo: LandCare) Transitioning from a historical landscape to a boxed xeriscape was a design challenge. LandCare used varying bushes and tall plants to help add cohesion between the two. (Photo: LandCare) The modern architecture and boxed landscapes are all irrigated with a drip system. (Photo: LandCare) Oak and sycamore trees add height and depth to the otherwise majority-succulent gardens. (Photo: LandCare) Newly installed advanced security systems mean crews must monitor and maintain ivy walls to prevent plants from setting off or blocking alarms. The post LandCare receives gold award for project that creates movie magic first appeared on Landscape Management.
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preciserestumping · 1 year
Ballarat Underpinning
If you’re experiencing sloping floors, cracked walls or doors that won’t open and close properly in your Ballarat home, it may be time to call the experts. These problems are a sign of foundation damage and can quickly become costly structural issues if left untreated. You can avoid costly repairs by hiring a professional to perform underpinning, restumping and house reblocking in Ballarat.
The Ballarat Underpinning team is made up of experienced contractors who are capable of handling any underpinning job in Ballarat and surrounding suburbs. They have extensive experience in restoring damaged homes and offer competitive rates for all their services. They are dedicated to customer satisfaction and provide a comprehensive guarantee on all their work.
Civic engagement is a common feature of many universities in Australia, and the University of Ballarat is no exception. Its programs and policies focus on community outreach, a key goal of which is to help students develop a sense of social responsibility and commitment to the region.
To accomplish this, the Ballarat Underpinning program includes a range of activities that promote social interaction and learning. The program also helps students build life skills, such as problem-solving and communication. These skills will be useful in their future careers and for living in the community.
The university finances its civic engagement programs mainly through internally generated revenue and some financial assistance from independent organizations. This money is specifically intended to promote and facilitate linkages between the university and local communities. It is important to note that civic engagement is not an integral component of federal funding for higher education in Australia.
Visualising Ballarat is an online mapping application that enables locals to participate in the creation and management of spatially enabled data sets. It allows data custodians to retain ownership of their data and maintain control over access agreements, while at the same time ensuring that it is accessible to all users.
The project won the 2015 Victorian Spatial Excellence Award for People and Community. This award is given to initiatives that make a significant difference to national or regional issues via grassroots and community-based efforts. It also honours projects that demonstrate innovative approaches to data sharing and the use of digital technologies.
The project has received ethics approval from the University of Ballarat Human Research Ethics Committee and the Diocese of Melbourne Catholic Education Office. In addition, it has consulted with the Ballarat Line Upgrade (BLU) community advisory group and been reviewed by an external reviewer. It has a wide stakeholder profile, ranging from culturally heritage and historic townships, to rural agricultural and landcare groups, and forward-thinking councils. This stakeholder profile makes it an ideal environment to trial the stakeholder version 2.0 rating.
Precise Restumping & Underpinning successfully maintains a reputation for delivering quality, reliable and sound services to clients all over New South Wales, with a licensed builder that personally oversee all works.
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nzconservationjobs · 1 year
Field Technician - Manaaki Whenua | Landcare Research - Christchurch
We are looking for an enthusiastic field technician to assist with a range of wildlife focused, field-based research projects. About the opportunity The Wildlife Ecology & Management team at Manaaki Whenua carries out research focused on protecting native ecosystems and primary industry. Projects include determining pest responses to management, the role of pests as vectors of wildlife disease,…
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petnews2day · 2 years
Native birds returning to city gardens, survey says
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/ZIAwM
Native birds returning to city gardens, survey says
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Twitchers are recording more kererū, pīwakawaka, and tūī in their backyards each year, according to the garden bird survey. Manaaki Whenua landcare research has been co-ordinating the mid-winter citizen science project for 16 years. It was now noting longer-term trends, such as population growth slowing. Tūī counts increased 266% in the last decade but that […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/ZIAwM #BirdNews
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scotianostra · 2 years
Happy Birthday singer John Paul Young, born June 21st 1950.
Young was born John Inglis Young in Bridgeton, Glasgow, but age 11 his parents James and Agnes emigrated to Australia on board the SS Canberra where he quickly learned to imitate the local accent to avoid being teased by his classmates.
It was with this newly learned voice that he started singing, joining a production of Jesus Christ Superstar and becoming the lead singer for rock band Elm Tree in the 1970s. During one of their performances he was spotted by manager and sometimes-producer Simon Napier-Bell, who asked him to record an overdub for a song called “Pasadena.” That song was written by Harry Vanda and George Young of the Easybeats, who were impressed enough with him to become John Paul Young’s songwriters, penning a string of pop songs that gave him chart success in Australia as well as Europe and Asia.
t wasn’t until the late ‘70s that he became world-famous, first for the disco song “Standing in the Rain,” and then for the biggest hit of his career, “Love Is in the Air.” John Paul Young attributed the song’s success to the direction of George Young, who had told him to make the song casual by singing it as if it were a conversation. Subsequent singles either unsuccessfully attempted to re-create the disco formula of “Standing in the Rain” or turned towards rock, which gave him several more hits within Australia in the early '80s. Young eventually retired from singing to become a radio DJ, but came out of retirement in 1992 when a version of “Love Is in the Air” was used on the soundtrack to Baz Luhrmann’s film Strictly Ballroom and the song became a hit once again. After performing his old hits at live concerts for another decade, including a performance at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, he returned to the studio with Harry Vanda’s Flashpoint Music in 2006 to record a new album, In Too Deep.
Young was a huge star in South Africa, where he toured extensively and caused scenes of hysteria.
Out of fashion in the early 80s, he had to adjust to a drop in live engagements and a loss of fame. He developed a career in radio and spent a lot of time fishing
Young is arguably more well known in his adopted homeland and has appeared in many shows over there including their version of Strictly Come Dancing called Dancing with the stars. 2009, Young was inducted into the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) Hall of Fame and Australia awarded him with the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to the performing arts as a singer and songwriter, and through support for a range of charitable organisations.
For many years, Young has supported children’s charities, he is also an avid environmentalist, supporting Landcare projects in his local community.
John Paul Young is currently on the road in Australia with his  “ 50 Years Young” The Anniversary Tour, that takes you on “a journey in songs and stories from Glasgow, Scotland to the shores of Australia and back around the world again, as John performs the songs that brought him national and international stardom.”
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artemisbarnowl · 3 years
I FINALLY did it. I had the "due to a miscalculation, you must do one more year of high school" dream. And it was IDEAL.
So, naturally I was late on first day because i was messing around at the bus stop. Once I arrive (at the hs every one ELSE from my primary school went to except me, literally one of the worst public schools in the state because of scores and lack of funding and being regional swamp school) I immediately butt heads with a teacher who likes to excessively control students for no reason. And doesn't like my dyed hair. I have no idea what the time table is coz I was late and couldn't go to head office so I just sorta follow the oldest kids and then be like "I'm new what do we have next" we had a free period indoors coz it was raining. Then we run across the soggy field for next class which someone helpfully labelled as science. Me, terrified I have accidentally enroled in physics: science???what science???? The teacher when we arrive: 'loosely biochem but actually just environmental science landcare project' me, in my brain to myself "I have a masters degree (this obviously takes place next year when i have graduated) I cannot fail" during this class we shift to slice of life and months have passed. I have accumulated an incredible number of minor teacher punishments, and my school house is apparently is famous for "head desking" when this occurs. I am close to 100 head desks. Everyone is vibrating with excitement. It's never been done in less than 6 months. My grades are good and teachers are mildly curious and not mad about the unifying excitement at this point. We are in that weird free/p.e. period with og hated teacher when it happens. 100th head desk. Everyone cheers. I am a legend. After this there is dancing lessons for the deb ball. I am dancing because i already know how and a kid in yr 7s like "you can't help me sis we aren't the same" but we have the same back pack so I use this as an in to show my climbing skills to break into an office (climb through the open window) and show him the head desk board they keep for reasons. See Disenfranchised Youth, i am a rebel just like you. Doing dancing lessons IS for people who hate mr Simmons I promise. It works.
It was great I wasn't deeply anxious ONCE. The same administrative error affected a few people in my primary school so there were a couple of familiar faces but not really. It felt bery US high school movie but better. 11/10 would dream again.
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cryskir · 4 years
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A little Grey-Crowned Babbler for a Landcare Grassy Woodland Project up in the Murray region in NSW
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thecreatureawaits · 4 years
The Creature Awaits #47:
Each week I plan to feature an amazing creature, admiring God's fantastic artistry.  Hopefully it’ll brighten someone’s day to see something new and interesting if they haven’t seen it before. : )
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(photo by the Tiaro & District Landcare Group's Mary River Turtle Project.  You can learn more about what they're doing to save this beautiful, endangered species here: https://www.facebook.com/MaryRiverTurtleProjectTiaroLandcare )
The Mary River Turtle
A.K.A: The Green Haired Turtle
Scientific Name: Elusor macrurus
Region:  Almost exclusively in the Mary River of Queensland, Australia
Size:  Shell length of ~19.7" (~50cm)
Interesting Note:  This unique and charming turtle sports several unusual traits.  They have relatively long tails for a turtle - up to 2/3 the length of their shell.  As you can see in the above photo, they also have noticeable barbels on their chin and algae growing on top of their heads.  Their design is somewhat streamlined for a turtle, including their large and wide webbed hind feet and proportionately small head, giving them a swifter swimming speed than many.  They also breathe both through their mouth and by absorbing oxygen through their cloaca..which is admittedly a bit unpleasant to think about, but interesting nonetheless.
Sadly, this is another species that has become endangered, primarily due to a rush in the mid-1960s through early 1970s to snatch them up for the pet trade.  In 1974, wild collection did become illegal; however, and groups such as the Tiaro & District Landcare Group and The Australian Freshwater Turtle Conservation and Research Association are working to return them to "a healthy, stable population." : )
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batsrule-info · 5 years
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Info on Bats | MEGA Murray-Darling Microbat Project Blog post updated https://batsrule-helpsavewildlife.blogspot.com/2018/03/MEGA-Murray-Darling-Microbat-Project.html About the Project Microbats are a MEGA-important part of our environment, but little is known about them in the Murray-Darling region. This project aims to engage with Landcare associations, landholders, land managers, and other interested community members within the Murray-Darling Basin region to collect information on microbats! The Murray-Darling MEGA Microbat Project is a collaborative initiative of the South Australian Museum, South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board, Mid Murray Landcare South Australia, and the University of South Australia. https://youtu.be/p-mFKUVN3BY
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shorelinelandcare · 5 months
Landscape Contractors in Aurora
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Shoreline Landcare offers quality residential landscape design, maintenance and installation services in Aurora. With an eye for creativity and an openness to our client’s wishes, we make the opportunities happen! Whether your landscaping project is large or small, we are here for you! Working closely with its clients, Shoreline Landcare will help you to come up with the perfect design and best option for your landscape design. All of our staff are highly experienced and trained in the areas of service that they provide. With expert craftsmanship and an eye for detail, we can create an overall atmosphere of beauty that adds value to your homes and lives.Visit:https://www.shorelinelandcare.com/service/best-landscape-designers-aurora/
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Graduate position: NewZealand.StickInsectGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: NewZealand.StickInsectGenomics > Date: 18 August 2022 at 06:56:46 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > PhD scholarship: Identifying the genomic underpinnings of successful > asexuality > > We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to undertake a research > project on "Identifying the genomic underpinnings of successful > asexuality". This project is led by Thomas Buckley (Manaaki Whenua > - Landcare Research and The University of Auckland, New Zealand) in > collaboration with Julie Blommaert (Plant and Food Research, New Zealand), > Octavio Palacios-Gimenez (Friedrich-Schiller-Universtit?t Jena, Germany) > and a Postdoctoral Fellow (Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research). The > PhD student will investigate the suite of genomic strategies that New > Zealand stick insects have used to adapt to the challenges of asexual > reproduction. Applying comparative genomic methods to independent lineages > of New Zealand asexual and sexual stick insects, we hope to reveal what > these adaptations are and how they have evolved. Our research will address > key questions on the evolution of different reproductive strategies. > > Using whole genome assemblies to PhD student will identify and examine > the structure and evolution of sex chromosomes among sexual and asexual > lineages. RNA-seq will be used to study shifts in gene function on sex > chromosomes and autosomes in sexual and asexual lineages. Cytogenetic > methods, FISH and single cell sequencing will also be employed. Field > sampling and insect rearing of asexual, sexual lineages will be > required. These methods will be used collectively to assess how asexual > genomes are rearranged to preserve reproductive gene function. > > Applicants must have an interest and skills in at least some of the > following: genome assembly, annotation, population genomics, genome > evolution, coding, high performance computing, and bioinformatics. The > student will work under the supervision of Thomas Buckley (Manaaki Whenua > - Landcare Research and The University of Auckland). This PhD position is > funded for 3 years and covers includes tuition fees and tax free stipend > of $35,000 NZ per year. Funding is via a Marsden Fund grant from the Royal > Society of New Zealand. This successful applicant is expected to begin > during late 2022 or early 2023.  Please submit applications directly > to Thomas Buckley ([email protected]) and provide a CV, > academic transcript, contact details for three referees, and a letter > detailing your research interests and motivation for considering the > project.  Information on enrolling in the PhD program at the University > of Auckland can be found below: > > https://ift.tt/t5EXnrs > > https://ift.tt/mhdDEVy > > https://ift.tt/Rq8SQ9m > > > Thomas Buckley > Research Leader, Systematics > Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research > Professor, University of Auckland > T +64 9 574 4116 > E [email protected] > https://ift.tt/o7lYun9 > > > > [email protected] > > (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to > [email protected]
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jobuganda · 2 years
CRS Uganda Jobs 2022 – Fresher Project Officer(Grants) 
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Job Title: Project Officer (Grants) – CRS Uganda Jobs 2022 Organization: Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda     Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Profile Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is an International non-profit organization whose commitment is to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas set out by the Bishops of the United States. Our Catholic identity is at the heart of our mission and operations. We welcome as a part of our staff and as partners people of all faiths and secular traditions who share our values and our commitment to serving those in need. About Project: The Global Evergreening Alliance (GEA), of which CRS is a member, has secured a 5 year, $ 160m investment for Restore Africa Program which covers 6 Eastern and Southern Africa Countries. In Uganda, the program will be implemented by CRS (as the lead implementing organization), CARE, World Vision, ICRAF, ECOTRUST and Uganda Landcare Network with a goal of restoring 560,000ha of degraded landscapes in the West Afromontane, Mt. Elgon and part of Karamoja. The program will pursue a small holder farmer led approach to restoration supporting profitable agroforestry systems that support profitability and productivity of farms.     Job Summary: You will efficiently perform accounting services through documenting the Restore Africa financial transactions by compiling, analyzing, and verifying account information, preparing account entries, and delivering financial reporting services throughout the project life cycle.     Roles and Responsibilities: - Provide feedback/input on grant management procedures to ensure they are designed so that subrecipients are able to manage their grants efficiently and transparently in compliance with donor financial regulations. - Set and monitor sound accounting and financial reporting procedures for Restore Africa project subrecipients and partners following established standards. Ensure setup and maintenance of all data required for processing financial transactions for assigned project accounts in SunSystems financial accounting package. - Co-ordinate the project’s grants accounting, reporting, compliance and risk management. - Review sub recipients’ budget and, prepare agreements, modifications and conduct routine compliance reviews. - Review and validate supporting documentation before processing of financial transactions to ensure all required documents are accurate and complete and authorizations are in place. - Record financial transactions following appropriate authorizations. Review and analyze various accounts to detect irregularities. Advise on corrective actions and prepare correcting entries and adjustments, as necessary. - Monitor subrecipient compliance with the grant rules and regulations and the requirements of their subrecipient agreements through monitoring visits, and other mechanisms applicable to subrecipient monitoring. Recommend actions necessary to resolve issues/concerns. - Assess, evaluate and monitor subrecipient financial management processes in accordance with policy and strengthen capacity of partner in financial accounting and transactions. - Monitor disbursement/receipt schedules, alert relevant project staff of due payments/liquidations, and maintain appropriate communication and follow-up to facilitate timeliness of financial resource management and compliance with set deadlines. - Prepare various periodic and ad hoc financial reports and perform variance analysis to assist Restore Africa staff with decision-making. Assist with budget maintenance for proper management of financial resources. - Works with finance team and program staff to ensure that key processes and systems are in place to manage grant risk assessments, donor financial compliance, and reporting management processes. - Provide information to project staff, subrecipients, and partners on financial accounting policies and procedural compliance issues and deliver training and other capacity building activities to ensure full compliance with donor requirements. Periodic review of subrecipient internal controls and policies and provide advice on strengthening and best practices and transaction verification through monitoring reports and transaction analysis. - Perform assigned treasury Restore Africa (cash payment/receipt, cash forecast, etc.) duties, as long as segregation of duties is ensured.     Minimum Qualifications: - The ideal applicant must hold a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Economics, Business Administration with courses in accounting, or a qualification in accounting (CPA/ACCA or equivalent). - At least two years’ experience in a position with similar responsibilities, preferably with an international or local NGO, or a financial/banking institution. - Knowledge of the relevant public donor regulations preferred. - Past experience in formulating and implementing finance policies and procedures that strengthen subrecipient internal controls. - Proficient in MS Office packages (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio), Web Conferencing Applications. - Knowledge of SunSystems financial accounting package or similar financial reporting software preferred. - Excellent analytical skills with ability to detect and report inconsistencies - Conscientious, accurate and thorough with great attention to detail - Ethical conduct in accordance with recognized professional and organizational codes of ethics - Proactive, resourceful, solutions oriented and results-oriented - Ability to work collaboratively     How To Apply for CRS Uganda Jobs 2022 All suitably qualified candidates should please follow these instructions exactly otherwise your application will NOT be considered: - Email a cover letter and CV only to [email protected] - Large files and/or scans of documents will lead to rejection of your application, in the subject line of the email, copy, paste – PROJECTOFFICERGRANTS only - All applications that do not contain this exact subject line will be rejected and not read Deadline: 12th July 2022 at 5:00 pm     For similar Jobs in Uganda today and great Uganda jobs, please remember to subscribe using the form below: NOTE: No employer should ask you for money in return for advancement in the recruitment process or for being offered a position. Please contact Fresher Jobs Uganda if it ever happens with any of the jobs that we advertise. Facebook WhatsApp Twitter LinkedIn Read the full article
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