#Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in india
dr-mohamed-ismail · 5 months
A Guide to Choosing the Right Surgeon and Team for Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Kerala
Undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgery is a life-changing decision, and finding the right surgeon and team to guide you is very important. This critical choice impacts your entire experience, from initial consultation and surgery to post-operative care and long-term success.
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Kerala, India, has emerged as a hub for medical tourism, renowned for its advanced medical facilities, skilled surgeons, and affordable costs. With so many choices available, navigating the selection process can feel overwhelming. Here's a road map to help you find the perfect surgeon and team for your needs:
Research and compare
Qualifications and Experience: Prioritize surgeons who are certified in laparoscopic surgery and experienced specifically in sleeve gastrectomy.
Patient Testimonials and Reviews: Authentic patient experiences offer valuable insights. Read online reviews and testimonials, seeking feedback on the surgeon's bedside manner, surgical skill, and overall patient satisfaction.
Hospital Facilities and Team: Consider the hospital's infrastructure, equipment, and the expertise of the supporting team, including anesthesiologists and nurses.
2. Schedule consultation
Once you've narrowed down your options, schedule consultations with the shortlisted surgeons. This is your chance to ask questions, understand their approach, and measure their commitment to your individual needs.
3. Trust your Feelings
Ultimately, choosing the right surgeon is about more than just qualifications. Pay attention to your intuition and comfort level. Do you feel heard and understood? Does the surgeon provide you with the confidence to approach the surgery?
Dr. Mohamed Ismail has all the qualities you seek in a surgeon. His extensive experience, proven track record of successful sleeve gastrectomy procedures, and continuous commitment to patient well-being make him a top choice for individuals seeking this life-changing surgery in Kerala.
Visit our website to learn more about us.
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The cost of sleeve gastrectomy surgery India is much lower than in the West, making the country a good option for potential medical tourists looking for cheaper options abroad.
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sonalisoni · 13 days
Best Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery in India
Sleeve gastrectomy, also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is a popular and effective weight-loss surgery. This procedure involves creating a narrow sleeve by stapling the stomach vertically and removing the larger, curved part of the stomach, which significantly reduces its size and capacity. Approximately 75% of the stomach is removed, leaving a tube-like structure. The Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery is typically performed laparoscopically, meaning it is minimally invasive, resulting in shorter recovery times and less postoperative pain. Call: +91 9599559370
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medicalprocare · 2 months
Best Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Center in Delhi Ncr
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Dr. Tarun Mittal is a leading Bariatric surgeon in Delhi, India. He is a senior consultant surgeon with special expertise in laparoscopic,bariatric,robotic and thoracoscopic surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Super Speciality Hospital,one of the best hospitals in India . Dr. Mittal is known for his skill in performing minimally invasive bariatric surgery procedures to help patients achieve sustainable weight loss.
Sir Ganga Ram Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi
Here's a summary of Dr. Tarun Mittal's expertise:
Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery: Dr. Mittal is an expert in performing bariatric surgery using laparoscopic techniques. This minimally invasive approach involves making small incisions in the abdomen to perform the surgery, resulting in faster recovery times and less pain compared to traditional open surgery techniques.
Types of Bariatric Surgery Performed: Dr. Mittal is proficient in performing various bariatric surgery procedures, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS). The most suitable procedure for a patient depends on their individual health condition and weight loss goals.
Experience and Qualifications: Dr. Mittal has extensive experience in performing bariatric surgeries. He is an alumnus of Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, and has obtained his MS in General Surgery and a DNB in Laparoscopic Surgery.
If you're considering bariatric surgery in Delhi, here are some reasons to consider Dr. Tarun Mittal:
Expertise in Minimally Invasive Surgery: Laparoscopic surgery offers numerous advantages over traditional open surgery, including less scarring, quicker recovery times, and reduced pain.
Experience and Qualifications: Dr. Mittal's qualifications and vast experience make him a highly skilled and competent surgeon.
Positive Patient Reviews: Many patients have benefitted from Dr. Mittal surgical expertise and have left positive reviews about their experience.
Important Considerations Before Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery is a major decision, and it's vital to understand the risks and benefits involved. Here are some essential factors to consider:
Eligibility Criteria: Not everyone qualifies for bariatric surgery. Dr. Mittal will assess your individual health condition, weight loss goals, and medical history to determine if you're a suitable candidate.
Long-Term Commitment: Bariatric surgery is a tool to aid weight loss, but it requires a long-term commitment to lifestyle changes, including healthy eating habits and regular exercise.
Potential Risks and Complications: As with any surgery, bariatric surgery carries potential risks and complications. Dr. Mittal will discuss these with you in detail before proceeding.
Dr. Tarun Mittal is a renowned bariatric surgeon in Delhi, India, with a proven track record of helping patients achieve successful weight loss outcomes through minimally invasive surgical techniques. If you're considering Bariatric Surgery For Weight Loss in Delhi as a treatment option for obesity, consulting with Dr. Mittal can be a step towards a healthier and more fulfilling life. Remember, consulting a qualified medical professional is essential to determine if bariatric surgery is the right choice for you.
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Best Robotic Surgeon in Delhi NCR
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helpfulltips · 2 months
Best Obesity Surgery in Delhi with Dr. Tarun Mittal
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Obesity is a growing concern worldwide, and India is no exception. With sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy eating habits, and genetic predispositions, many individuals find themselves battling with excess weight. While diet and exercise play crucial roles in weight management, sometimes they’re not enough. In such cases, obesity surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, becomes a viable option.
Delhi, being a hub of medical excellence, offers numerous options for obesity surgery. Among the prominent names, Dr. Tarun Mittal stands out as a leading expert in the field. In this article, we delve into the realm of best obesity surgery in Delhi, shedding light on Dr. Tarun Mittal’s expertise and the procedures he offers.
Understanding Obesity Surgery
Before delving into Dr. Tarun Mittal’s practice, it’s essential to understand obesity surgery itself. Bariatric surgery encompasses various procedures aimed at reducing the size of the stomach or altering the digestive process to promote weight loss. These surgeries are typically recommended for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 or higher with obesity-related health issues.
The primary types of obesity surgery include gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric banding, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. Each procedure has its unique mechanism of action and considerations, catering to different patient needs.
Dr. Tarun Mittal: A Pioneer in Obesity Surgery
Dr. Tarun Mittal is a renowned bariatric surgeon based in Delhi, known for his expertise and dedication to patient care. With extensive experience in the field, Dr. Mittal has helped numerous individuals regain control of their lives through weight loss surgery. His commitment to excellence and patient-centric approach have earned him a stellar reputation in the medical community.
Dr. Mittal’s Practice and Procedures
At his state-of-the-art facility in Delhi, Dr. Tarun Mittal offers a comprehensive range of obesity surgeries tailored to meet each patient’s unique needs. Let’s explore some of the procedures available at his clinic:
1. Sleeve Gastrectomy: — This procedure involves removing a portion of the stomach to create a smaller, banana-shaped stomach pouch. — Sleeve gastrectomy reduces the stomach’s capacity, limiting the amount of food a person can consume. — It also affects gut hormones involved in hunger, satiety, and blood sugar control, contributing to weight loss.
2. Gastric Bypass: — Gastric bypass involves creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach and connecting it directly to the small intestine. — By bypassing a portion of the stomach and small intestine, this surgery reduces the absorption of nutrients and calories. — Gastric bypass results in significant weight loss and can also improve obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
3. Gastric Banding: — Gastric banding, also known as laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, involves placing a silicone band around the upper part of the stomach to create a smaller pouch. — The band can be adjusted to control the size of the opening between the pouch and the rest of the stomach, regulating the amount of food intake. — Gastric banding is a reversible procedure and is suitable for patients who prefer a less invasive option.
4. Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS): — BPD/DS is a complex procedure that involves removing a large portion of the stomach and rerouting the small intestine to limit food absorption. — This surgery results in significant weight loss and is particularly effective for individuals with a high BMI or obesity-related health issues. — BPD/DS is reserved for patients who have not achieved success with other weight loss methods and require a more aggressive approach.
Patient-Centric Care: What sets Dr. Tarun Mittal apart is his patient-centric approach to care. From the initial consultation to post-operative follow-up, Dr. Mittal and his team prioritize the well-being and comfort of their patients. They take the time to understand each individual’s goals, concerns, and medical history, ensuring personalized treatment plans and optimal outcomes.
Moreover, Dr. Mittal’s clinic provides comprehensive support services, including nutritional counseling, psychological support, and lifestyle modification guidance. This holistic approach addresses the multifaceted nature of obesity and equips patients with the tools they need to succeed in their weight loss journey.
Success Stories: The success of Dr. Tarun Mittal’s practice is reflected in the countless success stories of his patients. Many individuals who struggled with obesity for years have transformed their lives through weight loss surgery under Dr. Mittal’s care. From significant weight loss and improved health to enhanced confidence and quality of life, the impact of these procedures extends far beyond the physical realm.
Conclusion: Obesity surgery represents a life-changing opportunity for individuals struggling with excess weight and its associated health risks. In Delhi, Dr. Tarun Mittal emerges as a beacon of hope for those seeking effective and compassionate care. With his expertise, dedication, and patient-centric approach, Dr. Mittal continues to empower individuals to overcome obesity and reclaim their health and happiness. If you’re considering obesity surgery in Delhi, Dr. Tarun Mittal’s clinic stands as a symbol of excellence and trustworthiness. Take the first step towards a healthier tomorrow and embark on your weight loss journey with confidence, knowing that you’re in capable hands.
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healthcaremedical12 · 3 months
Finding the Right Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgeon in Delhi-Dr Tarul Mittal A Comprehensive Guide
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Looking for a sleeve gastrectomy surgeon in Delhi? Dr. Tarul Mittal is a specialist in this field, offering expertise and personalized care for effective weight loss solutions. Learn more about the procedure, benefits, risks, and why Dr. Tarul Mittal could be the right choice for you. Weight lose clinic
Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical procedure gaining popularity as an effective weight loss solution. When considering such a significant step, finding the right surgeon becomes paramount. Dr. Tarul Mittal stands out as a renowned specialist in Delhi, offering expertise, experience, and compassionate care.
What is Sleeve Gastrectomy?
Sleeve gastrectomy involves the surgical removal of a portion of the stomach, reducing its size and capacity. This restriction limits the amount of food one can consume, aiding in weight loss.
Importance of Finding the Right Surgeon
Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon significantly impacts the success and safety of the procedure. Dr. Tarul Mittal's expertise ensures a smoother surgical journey and better outcomes for patients.
About Sleeve Gastrectomy
Procedure Overview
During sleeve gastrectomy, the surgeon removes approximately 80% of the stomach, leaving behind a sleeve-shaped pouch. This smaller stomach restricts food intake and promotes feelings of fullness sooner.
Benefits and Risks
The procedure offers substantial weight loss benefits and often leads to improvements in obesity-related health conditions. However, like any surgery, sleeve gastrectomy carries risks such as infection, bleeding, and potential complications.
Dr. Tarul Mittal: A Specialist Surgeon
Background and Qualifications
Dr. Tarul Mittal boasts extensive experience and training in bariatric surgery. He holds degrees from reputable Alumni of Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India, received his medical degree in 2001 and his Masters in Surgery (MS) from Lok Nayak Hospital, Delhi. He did his super-specialization in Laparoscopic And Obesity Surgery from Diplomate of National Board(DNB) from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital under guidance of Dr. Pradeep Chowbey.He is presently working with Best Bariatric Surgery Center in Delhi, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital as a Laparoscopic Consultant Surgeon with special expertise in Bariatric (weight loss), Laparoscopy, Hepatobiliary, & Robotic Surgery.and stays updated with the latest advancements in the field.
Expertise in Sleeve Gastrectomy
Dr. Mittal specializes in sleeve gastrectomy, having performed numerous successful procedures. His dedication to patient care and surgical precision sets him apart as a trusted authority in the field.
Choosing Dr. Tarul Mittal
Factors to Consider when Selecting a Surgeon
When choosing a surgeon for sleeve gastrectomy, factors such as experience, patient reviews, and personalized care matter. Dr. Tarul Mittal ticks all these boxes, ensuring a comfortable and successful surgical experience.
Testimonials from Satisfied Patients
Numerous patients have praised Dr. Mittal for his professionalism, expertise, and compassionate approach. Their success stories serve as testimonials to Dr. Mittal's dedication and skill.
Sleeve Gastrectomy Process
Pre-operative Preparations
Before the surgery, patients undergo thorough evaluations and consultations with Dr. Mittal. This ensures they are well-prepared both physically and mentally for the procedure.
Surgical Procedure Details
Dr. Mittal performs sleeve gastrectomy using advanced surgical techniques, prioritizing patient safety and comfort throughout the operation.
Post-operative Care and Recovery
Following surgery, patients receive comprehensive post-operative care and guidance from Dr. Mittal and his team. Regular follow-ups ensure smooth recovery and long-term success.
1.How long does the surgery take?
The duration of sleeve gastrectomy surgery typically ranges from one to two hours, although it can vary depending on individual circumstances and any additional procedures required.
2.What are the potential risks?
As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks associated with sleeve gastrectomy. These can include complications such as bleeding, infection, blood clots, adverse reactions to anesthesia, leakage from the surgical site, and changes in bowel habits. It's essential to discuss these risks with your surgeon and ensure that you understand them fully before proceeding with the surgery.
3.How soon can one expect results?
Results from sleeve gastrectomy surgery can vary from person to person. Generally, significant weight loss can be expected within the first few months following the procedure. However, individual results may depend on factors such as adherence to post-operative guidelines, lifestyle changes, and overall health
4.Is the surgery covered by insurance?
Whether sleeve gastrectomy surgery is covered by insurance can depend on various factors, including the terms of your insurance policy and whether the procedure is deemed medically necessary. It's advisable to check with your insurance provider beforehand to understand your coverage and any potential out-of-pocket expenses.
5.What lifestyle changes are necessary post-surgery?
Post-surgery, lifestyle changes are essential for successful weight loss and maintenance. These may include adopting a nutritious diet, regular exercise, adequate hydration, and avoiding unhealthy habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Additionally, patients will need to follow specific dietary guidelines provided by their healthcare team and attend follow-up appointments for monitoring and support.
6.When can normal activities be resumed?
The timing for resuming normal activities post-surgery can vary depending on individual recovery progress and the nature of one's daily routines. Generally, light activities may be resumed within a few days to a week following surgery, with gradual increases in activity levels as advised by the surgeon. However, strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for several weeks to allow for proper healing. It's crucial to follow your surgeon's instructions regarding activity levels and recovery timelines to minimize the risk of complications and optimize outcomes.
Choosing the right sleeve gastrectomy surgeon is crucial for a successful weight loss journey. Dr. Tarul Mittal's expertise, compassion, and commitment make him the top choice for individuals seeking effective and safe weight loss solutions in Delhi.
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curenishant · 4 months
Dr. Sumeet Shah - Best Bariatric Surgeon and General Surgeon of India
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Dr. Sumeet Shah stands as a highly skilled and experienced General, Laparoscopic, and Bariatric Surgeon, serving the community in Saket, Delhi, for over 27 years. With a strong educational background and extensive training, Dr. Shah is committed to delivering exceptional surgical care to his patients.
Educational Journey
Dr. Shah's academic journey began with his MBBS degree from Moulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, in 1994, marking the commencement of his illustrious medical career. He continued his pursuit of excellence by obtaining his MS in General Surgery from the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, in 1998, followed by DNB in General Surgery from the DNB board, New Delhi, in 2000. Dr. Shah's dedication to continuous learning and professional development underscores his commitment to staying at the forefront of surgical advancements.
Professional Memberships
As a testament to his dedication to his profession, Dr. Shah is an esteemed member of prominent medical associations, including the Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo-Surgeons (IAGES) and the Association of Surgeons of India (ASI). These affiliations reflect Dr. Shah's commitment to upholding the highest standards of surgical practice and staying connected with the latest developments in the field.
Services Offered
Dr. Sumeet Shah offers a comprehensive range of surgical services aimed at addressing various medical conditions and improving patients' quality of life. Some of the key services provided by Dr. Shah include:
Hernia Repair Surgery
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Post-Surgery Physiotherapy/Rehabilitation
Surgical Expertise
With his vast experience and expertise, Dr. Sumeet Shah has successfully performed a wide array of surgeries, including:
Gastric Bypass
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Gastric Banding
Gall Bladder (Biliary) Stone Treatment
Non-Surgical Fat Loss
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Commitment to Patient Care
Dr. Shah's philosophy revolves around patient-centered care, where he prioritizes the well-being and satisfaction of his patients above all else. He takes the time to listen to their concerns, thoroughly explain treatment options, and ensure they feel comfortable and informed throughout their surgical journey. Dr. Shah's compassionate approach, coupled with his surgical expertise, instills confidence and trust in his patients, making him a sought-after surgeon in Saket, Delhi, and beyond.
In conclusion, Dr. Sumeet Shah's unwavering dedication to excellence, coupled with his extensive experience and commitment to patient care, distinguishes him as a leading General, Laparoscopic, and Bariatric Surgeon in Saket, Delhi. Whether performing complex surgeries or providing compassionate care, Dr. Shah remains steadfast in his mission to improve the health and well-being of his patients.
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jdrsandeep · 6 months
Transforming Lives: Dr. Sandeep Jain, Your Trusted Bariatric Surgeon in Jaipur
In the vibrant city of Jaipur, where tradition meets modernity, individuals seeking a transformative journey towards a healthier life can rely on the expertise of Dr. Sandeep Jain, a leading Bariatric Surgeon. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for patient care, Dr. Jain has become a beacon of hope for those struggling with obesity and related health issues. Bariatric Surgeon in Jaipur
Why Choose Dr. Sandeep Jain for Bariatric Surgery in Jaipur?
Expertise: Dr. Sandeep Jain brings a wealth of experience to the field of bariatric surgery. His expertise in performing a range of weight loss procedures, including gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy, has garnered him a reputation as one of the most skilled bariatric surgeons in Jaipur.
Comprehensive Care: Dr. Jain's approach extends beyond surgery. He emphasizes a comprehensive approach to weight management, involving pre-operative counseling, post-operative support, and long-term follow-up care. This ensures that patients not only achieve their weight loss goals but also maintain a healthier lifestyle in the long run.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Dr. Sandeep Jain's clinic in Jaipur is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, providing patients with a comfortable and safe environment for their bariatric journey. The clinic's commitment to maintaining high standards of hygiene and patient care reflects Dr. Jain's dedication to excellence.
Personalized Treatment Plans: Recognizing that each patient is unique, Dr. Sandeep Jain tailors treatment plans to individual needs. Personalized care ensures that patients receive the most effective and suitable interventions for their specific circumstances, promoting successful outcomes.
Positive Patient Experiences: Dr. Jain's success stories are a testament to the positive impact he has had on the lives of his patients. Many individuals in Jaipur have achieved significant weight loss, improved their overall health, and rediscovered a sense of confidence and well-being under his care.
For those in Jaipur considering bariatric surgery as a means to reclaim their health and vitality, Dr. Sandeep Jain stands as a trusted and compassionate guide on their transformative journey. With a focus on excellence, comprehensive care, and personalized attention, Dr. Jain is dedicated to helping individuals achieve lasting success in their weight loss endeavors. Choose Dr. Sandeep Jain for a healthier, happier tomorrow.
For More Info: Laparoscopic Surgeon in Jaipur
Hernia Surgery in India
Esophagus Cancer Treatment in India
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The combination of affordability of sleeve gastrectomy surgery cost India, and world-class medical expertise positions India as a beacon of hope for individuals seeking to embark on a journey towards weight loss and improved health.
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pacehospitals12 · 11 months
Best advanced Laser and Laparoscopic Hospital in Hyderabad
Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery or keyhole surgery is a modern surgical technique that allows procedures to be performed through small incisions in the body using specialized instruments and a camera called a laparoscope. This approach offers several advantages over traditional open surgery, including reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, faster recovery times, and smaller scars.
During laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon makes a few small incisions (usually around 0.5 to 1.5 centimetres) in the patient's body. The laparoscope, which is a thin tube with a light and camera attached to it, is inserted through one of the incisions. This allows the surgical team to visualize the surgical site on a monitor in real-time.
Laparoscopic surgery is generally considered safer and less invasive than traditional open surgery, but not all procedures can be performed using this technique. The decision to use laparoscopy depends on factors such as the patient's overall health, the nature of the surgical procedure, and the surgeon's expertise.
Other specialized instruments are inserted through the remaining incisions to perform the surgery. These instruments are designed to manipulate tissues, cut, suture, and perform other necessary tasks while minimizing trauma to surrounding tissues. The surgeon watches the monitor to guide the instruments and perform the procedure.
PACE Hospitals is one of the advanced Laser and Laparoscopic Hospital in Hyderabad, Telangana, India offering wide range of laparoscopic keyhole surgeries for complex and challenging disorders related to Gastroenterology, Gynaecology, Urology, Oncology, Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB), and more.
The team of best laparoscopy surgeon at PACE Hospitals has wide range of expertise in performing the critical laparoscopic surgeries with high precision and success rate. Department of General and Laparoscopic Surgery in Hyderabad is equipped with the 3D HD laparoscopy system, state-of-the-art operation theatres, advanced equipment and the skilled multidisciplinary general, laparoscopic, bariatric & metabolic surgeon team, making the patients' surgery journey successful. Advanced General and Laparoscopic surgeons at PACE Hospitals are experts in minimally invasive surgery, and they can provide you with valuable insights into your condition.
PACE Hospitals have State-of-the-art HD 3D Laparoscopy Surgical Robotic System allows surgeons to perform complex laparoscopic procedures with greater precision & accuracy. Less invasive advanced laparoscopic surgery with a shorter hospital stay leads to a faster recovery time, patients can return to their normal activities sooner. PACE Hospitals are Compassionate and dedicated to providing the best possible affordable treatment & care by trained nurses, medical staff and technicians.
PACE Hospitals is a one of the best laser and laparoscopic hospital in Hyderabad, Telangana, India that is known for its excellence in complex laparoscopic surgery. The hospital has a team of highly skilled and experienced laparoscopic surgeons who are experts in performing a wide range of advanced laparoscopic procedures, including:
Cholecystectomy (Gallbladder removal), Appendectomy (appendix removal), Inguinal and Ventral Hernia repair
Hysterectomy (uterus removal), Ovarian cystectomy (cyst removal from ovary), Uterine myomectomy (uterine leiomyomas or fibroids removal), Infertility treatment (treating blockage or scarring in the fallopian tubes),
Bariatric surgery (Sleeve gastrectomy, Gastric bypass (GBP), Adjustable Gastric Band (AGB), Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS), Single Anastomosis Duodeno-ileal Bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy (SADI-S)) and many more.
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pacehospitalshyd · 11 months
PACE Hospitals - Best Surgical Gastroenterologist Doctors in Hyderabad India
PACE Hospitals is a leading private hospital in Hyderabad that offers a wide range of medical services, including best surgical gastroenterology in Hyderabad. The hospital has a team of experienced surgical gastroenterologists doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of gastrointestinal conditions, including:
Esophageal disorders
Gastric disorders
Intestinal disorders
Liver disorders
Pancreatic disorders
Biliary disorders
Colorectal disorders
Hereditary disorders
Functional disorders
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The surgical gastroenterologists at PACE Hospitals are highly skilled and experienced in performing a variety of minimally invasive and open surgical procedures, including:
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal)
Laparoscopic fundoplication (repair of a hiatal hernia)
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (bariatric surgery)
Laparoscopic liver resection
Laparoscopic pancreatic resection
Laparoscopic colectomy (colon removal)
Laparoscopic rectal resection
The doctors at PACE Hospitals are also experts in the use of endoscopic procedures, such as:
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)
Endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL)
Endoscopic balloon dilation (EBD)
Endoscopic stenting
If you are looking for a top-notch best surgical gastroenterologist in Hyderabad, PACE Hospitals is a great option. The hospital's team of experienced doctors is dedicated to providing excellent care to their patients.
Here are some of the best surgical gastroenterologist doctors in Hyderabad at PACE Hospitals:
Dr. Phani Krishna Ravula
Dr. Suresh Kumar S
Dr. Prashanth Sangu
Dr. Govind Verma
Dr. M Sudhir
These doctors have all received extensive training and have years of experience in the field of surgical gastroenterology. They are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions. They are also skilled in performing a variety of minimally invasive and open surgical procedures.
If you are looking for a top-notch surgical gastroenterologist in Hyderabad, PACE Hospitals is a great option. The hospital's team of experienced doctors is dedicated to providing excellent care to their patients.
Here are some of the reasons why you should choose PACE Hospitals for your surgical gastroenterology needs:
The hospital has a team of experienced and skilled surgical gastroenterologists.
The hospital offers a wide range of minimally invasive and open surgical procedures.
The hospital has a state-of-the-art facility with the latest equipment.
The hospital's patient care team is dedicated to providing excellent care.
If you are experiencing any gastrointestinal problems, please schedule an appointment with a surgical gastroenterologist at PACE Hospitals. The doctors at PACE Hospitals will be able to diagnose your condition and recommend the best course of treatment.
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handanursing30 · 1 year
Best Urology Doctor In Delhi | Laparoscopic Surgery In Delhi
Dr. Arun Kumar Handa is a renowned best urologist doctor in delhi, India. He has been performing Laparoscopic Surgery for over a decade, and has performed numerous successful procedures, ranging from diagnostic laparoscopies to major hernia repairs, gall bladder removals and bariatric surgeries such as sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass. He is highly skilled and experienced in minimally invasive laparoscopic and bariatric surgeries, and his services are sought from all around the country and abroad. If you are searching for reliable and advanced laparoscopic surgery in Delhi, contact us at the earliest. A careful diagnostic system used to look at the organs inside the mid-region. A laparoscope is a long, slight cylinder with an extreme focus light and a high-goal camera at the front. Booked Now 9982284689 andfor more details visits now: - https://handanursinghome.com/
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royalclinic54 · 1 year
Obesity Surgery - Affordable Solution to Weight Loss
The traditional non-careful weight loss strategies like severe eating routine system and ordinary actual activity might be enough for some to shed those additional pounds however for seriously large individuals, even significant way of life changes aren't sufficient and are ineffective at accomplishing adequate weight loss.
For individuals who battle to lose that undesirable fat consistently with conventional weight loss strategies, bariatric medical procedure is the main choice to dispose of that strange or unreasonable fat aggregation.
An assortment of bariatric medical procedure methodology including laparoscopic gastric banding (lap band), vertical sleeve gastrectomy, roux en-y gastric detour, biliopancreatic redirection sidestep (BPD) and Gastric Balloon in Dubai have become progressively famous among excessively fat.
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An expected 33% or 33.8% of grown-ups are experiencing corpulence, a clinical issue that can build a singular's gamble of cardiovascular illness, type 2 diabetes or malignant growth.
Bariatric weight loss medical procedures have quick acquired prevalence among hefty patients in lined up with the taking off pace of stoutness all over the planet.
Tragically, the stoutness medicines and activities are very costly in a few regions of the planet. In addition, the majority of the insurance agency don't frequently cover weight-loss medical procedure methodology, which might block normal individuals' expectations of getting that god-like physique shape by shedding those additional pounds.
Assuming you or somebody you know is seriously stout and burnt out on tracking down reasonable weight-loss treatment in country, moving to any far off country to have the treatment might be an ideal solution to your weight-related agonies.
This cost differential is fundamentally because of the way that the cost for most everyday items in many emerging nations is low. Modest work cost likewise cuts down healthcare cost in these nations.
The best thing about seeking heftiness treatment abroad is that fat patients can get an entire host of bariatric strategies without begging to be spent.
Because of worldwide clinical the travel industry blast, a huge number of emergency clinics, facilities and medical procedure fixates have grown up everywhere around the world, particularly in creating economies, offering state of the art clinical benefits at truly reasonable expenses.
The main bariatric facilities all over the planet are licensed either by JCI, ISO or an identical standard-setting association, sufficiently taking care of a huge number of unfamiliar patients looking for reasonable heftiness medical procedure systems.
There are a few certify emergency clinics which have some expertise in bariatric medical procedure. Specialists and specialists in these medical clinics are profoundly qualified and work in therapy of heftiness, offering a large number of simple on-the-pocket therapies to overall stout patients.
Utilizing the most trend setting innovation and careful supplies accessible, the master specialists assist large patients with overseeing their weight circumstance and get their life back. In particular, no trade off is finished on the nature of heftiness treatment, in spite of genuinely lesser expense.
Aside from the sky-scratching cost of careful stoutness treatment, patients in industrialized nations face longer holding up lines to seek the treatment. Patients who need faster admittance to treatment for their weight issues can rush to nations like Thailand or India, where the holding up time is nearly nothing.
Assuming that you are experiencing heftiness and looking for weight loss treatment, however worrying about the expense of the strategy in your country, having weight-loss medical procedure in any adjoining area could cut your careful spending plan by thousands.
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habilite1234 · 1 year
Best Bariatric Surgeon In Delhi
Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, is a surgical procedure that helps people who are obese or severely overweight to lose weight. In recent years, the demand for bariatric surgery has increased significantly, especially in Delhi. Delhi is a hub for medical tourism, and many people from all over the world come to the city for bariatric surgery.
There are many bariatric surgeons in Delhi who are well-known for their expertise and experience in the field of weight loss surgery. These surgeons are highly skilled and have the necessary qualifications to perform the surgery safely and effectively.
Dr Kapil Agrawal is one of the top choices when it comes to bariatric surgery. He along with his team is affiliated to some of the most premiere hospitals which are well equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and provides world class infrastructure, at par with the best hospitals in the world. He offers a complete array of bariatric surgeries including Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass and Mini Gastric Bypass Bariatric surgery is a stretched-out journey and his commitment towards helping patients by providing adequate information, offering individual attention patient and caring about their recovery makes him one of the best bariatric surgeons in Delhi, India.
Dr. Pradeep Chowbey is one of the most well-known bariatric surgeons in Delhi. He is the Chairman of the Max Institute of Minimal Access, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery at Max Healthcare. Dr. Chowbey has over 35 years of experience in the field of surgery and is considered one of the pioneers of laparoscopic surgery in India. He has performed over 70,000 laparoscopic surgeries and has trained numerous surgeons in this field. Dr. Chowbey is also a member of several prestigious medical organizations and has won several awards for his contributions to the field of surgery.
Dr. Atul Peters is another renowned bariatric surgeon in Delhi. He is the Director of the Centre for Obesity and Digestive Surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Dr. Peters has over 20 years of experience in the field of bariatric surgery and has performed more than 4000 bariatric surgeries. He is a member of several national and international medical organizations and has published numerous research papers in the field of bariatric surgery.
Dr. Ramen Goel is a bariatric surgeon who is known for his expertise in performing complex bariatric surgeries. He is the Director of the Centre for Metabolic Surgery at Wockhardt Hospital. Dr. Goel has over 20 years of experience in the field of bariatric surgery and has performed over 3000 bariatric surgeries. He is also a member of several national and international medical organizations and has won several awards for his contributions to the field of bariatric surgery.
In conclusion, if you are considering bariatric surgery, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon. Delhi has many well-known bariatric surgeons who have the necessary skills and expertise to perform the surgery safely and effectively. Dr. Pradeep Chowbey, Dr. Atul Peters, and Dr. Ramen Goel are just a few of the many bariatric surgeons in Delhi who are known for their expertise in the field of bariatric surgery.
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mufameditourism · 1 year
Best Bariatric Surgery Hospital in India- MUFA MediTourism
Bariatric Surgery introduced for weight loss and to reduce the size of stomach through the removal of a portion of stomach in combination of both gastric restriction and malabsorption leads to the malabsorption of nutrients, since it restricts the amount of food the stomach can hold and often causes hormonal imbalances. Majority of the weight loss surgeries today are performed through minimal invasive techniques, for instance laparoscopic surgery. Some other includes gastric bypass, adjustable gastric band or gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch.
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jdrsandeep · 9 months
Slimming Down Safely: Exploring Stomach Reduction Surgery in India
 If you're considering stomach reduce surgery in India, you're embarking on a journey toward improved health and well-being. India is renowned for its world-class medical facilities and highly skilled surgeons specializing in various weight loss procedures, including stomach reduction surgery.
Stomach reduction surgery, often referred to as bariatric surgery, is a life-changing procedure that can help individuals achieve significant weight loss and manage obesity-related health conditions. India offers a range of stomach reduction surgery options, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and adjustable gastric banding, among others.
Here are some key reasons why individuals from around the world choose India for stomach reduction surgery:
Expertise: India boasts a pool of highly trained and experienced bariatric surgeons who are proficient in performing stomach reduction procedures using advanced techniques, including laparoscopic and minimally invasive approaches.
Cost-Effective: Medical treatments in India are often more affordable than in many Western countries, making stomach reduction surgery a cost-effective option without compromising on quality.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: India is home to modern, internationally accredited hospitals equipped with cutting-edge technology and facilities, ensuring safe and effective surgery.
Personalized Care: Many Indian hospitals prioritize patient-centered care, offering comprehensive pre-operative evaluations, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing post-operative support.
Multilingual Support: Many medical professionals in India are fluent in English, making communication easy for international patients.
Tourism Opportunities: India's rich culture and diverse landscapes provide a unique opportunity for medical tourists to explore and enjoy their surroundings during recovery.
Before making a decision, it's crucial to consult with a qualified obesity surgeon in India to determine the most suitable stomach reduction surgery option for your specific needs and undergo a comprehensive evaluation. Additionally, be sure to research the hospital's reputation, accreditation, and success rates in performing these procedures.
Embarking on stomach reduction surgery in India can be a life-changing experience, and it's important to choose a surgeon and facility that aligns with your goals for improved health and quality of life.
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