#Lasik surgery in Delhi
lasik-surgery-delhi · 11 months
LASIK Surgery In Delhi
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LASIK Surgery In Delhi
Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, MBBS, MS — Ophthalmology — LASIK Surgeon In Delhi
Dr. Rajiv Bajaj is a renowned Ophthalmologist practising in Pitampura area of Delhi. He is the founder of Bajaj Eye Care Centre, a centre equipped with ultra modern facilities that provides solutions to a wide range of eye ailments. The NABH accredited centre known for its professional excellence is present on the panel of leading insurance companies, Govt. Organizations and majority of TPA’s for Cashless Mediclaim Facilities Dr. Bajaj is an MBBS graduate from Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi. He further pursued post graduation MS in Ophthalmology from Delhi University at Safdarjang Hospital which has added immensely to his surgical experience in the subject.
Prior to independent practice, Dr. Bajaj served at Safdarjang Hospital, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Maharaja Agrasen Hospital and Sant Parmanand Hospital which have been his immense sources of experience in the ophthalmic field. He later established Bajaj Eye Care Centre which caters to patients from Delhi /NCR and beyond.
As a part of surgical education, Dr. Bajaj has demonstrated live surgery of MICS in national level conferences. He is among the first few doctors to incorporate advanced technology such as MICS, Phaco surgery and Refractive surgery in his practice. Dr Rajiv Bajaj has a keen interest in the field of glasses removal techniques and has always adopted the latest technology in this dimension. BAJAJ EYE CARE CENTRE takes pride to install the FIRST zeiss VISUMAX FEMTOSECOND LASER machine — SMILE for flapless, bladeless technique in the whole of NORTH Delhi.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, please contact: Name: Bajaj Eye Care Centre Address: 101, Vikas Surya Plaza, Plot №7, DDA Community Centre Road №44, Pitampura, Delhi — 110034 Phone: 011–47024919 / 27012054 Website: www.lasikdelhi.com
You can also search for these treatments Smile LASIK In Delhi, Smile Eye Surgery In Delhi, Smile For Spectacle Removal Delhi, Smile For Glass Removal In Delhi, LASIK Eye Surgery Center In Delhi, Laser Eye Centre In Delhi, LASIK Eye Surgeon In Delhi, LASIK Surgery Specialist In Delhi, LASIK Eye Surgery In Delhi, LASIK Surgery In Delhi, LASIK Eye Surgery Cost In Delhi, LASIK Cost In Delhi
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sharp-sight92 · 1 year
Lasik Surgery – What is the procedure before, during, and after the surgery?
Lasik Surgery has changed its way in many different ways, it brings so many innovations in terms of technologies and many more in the last decade. New technology has been invented by scientists like Bladeless Femto Lasik, and it has made the procedure even safer and more precise. People who are considering LASIK for specs removal usually have a lot of questions related to LASIK. We are attempting to these questions to provide all the necessary information.
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Before the Lasik procedure: Before undergoing the procedure, ophthalmologists need to take several tests to ensure your eligibility for further procedures. Below are the following informations:
Pre-Lasik Evaluation: The pre-Lasik analysis is the most important part to get the procedure smooth. It helps to analyze the suitability of an individual for Lasik and helps in deciding the most suitable procedure for the patient. It decides on the basis of medical reports. Here are the several tests to check the eligibility for further procedures such as eye pressure, eye power, corneal evaluation, optic nerve, and retina evaluation, etc. these tests help to check the corneal thickness, dry eyes, corneal diameter, pupil size, and many more.
Consultation with Lasik Surgeon. During the consultation, the ophthalmologist will discuss your suitability for the latest procedure. He may suggest suitable surgery as per your test reports. He may discuss the risks, benefits, and alternatives of Lasik surgery so that you may have a better understanding of the procedure. The surgeon will also make you understand the ‘do’s and don’t’ before or after the surgery. At this particular stage, you may ask anything to an eye surgeon related to your Lasik.
Who wears Contact Lenses: All those who wear contact lenses on a daily basis need to stop wearing contact lenses a few days prior to undergoing the procedure. Contact lenses may alter the actual size of the cornea which should be normal during the surgery.
Ignore eye cosmetics: If you are sure to go ahead with the Lasik Procedure then it is better to say no to eye cosmetics and creams around your eyes at least for 2 to 3 days prior to the procedure. These products may apply on eyelashes and lid margins which can increase the risk of eye infections after the Lasik procedure.
The day of Surgery: If you are prepared for Lasik, it is always better to wrap up all your urgent work before arriving at the hospital for the surgery and sit in a relaxed state of mind. Arrange your transport for arriving and leaving the hospital carefully because you’re not able to drive on the day of the LASIK procedure.
Remove all your make-up before coming to the center for the Lasik procedure.
It is advisable to refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, and aftershave, as it can interfere with the procedure.
It is always better to have a light meal before arriving for Lasik Surgery.
It is important to wear comfortable clothes something which you can wear after the procedure and throughout the night.
You will be asked to read and sign the final form for Lasik.
What to expect during the Procedure:
You will be getting numbing drops.
Clean the eyes by eye surgeons
Lasik surgery didn’t require any injections or general anesthesia during the procedure
It hardly takes 10-15 minutes to get the procedure done
What will be the procedure? Once you are prepared for the procedure, you will be taken to the operation theatre and made to lie down for the Lasik Procedure. Your surgeon will start proceeding with the Lasik. If you have chosen the Femto Lasik procedure as it is the best procedure to get rid of your glasses.
In Femto Lasik flap creation is already done with the help of another laser called femtosecond laser. No blade will be used during the procedure and laser light will hit your eye and your procedure is almost done.
What to do after surgery? In the initial phase of the surgery may experience some discomfort, tearing, burning, and itching. Your vision will be hazy and blurry. These problems will improve within a few days after the Lasik procedure. Regular follow-ups: Your surgeon will be asked to visit the hospital to complete all follow-ups to check your vision health properly.
Do’s & don’t post Lasik Procedure:
Avoid dirty water and dust from entering the eye for the first few weeks.
Avoid using soap and shampoo around the eyes.
Avoid swimming in pools, Jacuzzis, or sea for at least 4 weeks post-surgery.
Avoid hair coloring or any hair styling appliance for at least 2 weeks
Avoid the gym and exercise for at least 3 weeks.
Avoid any kind of Eye Makeup for at least 3 weeks.
When will I get my vision back? You can restart your work from the next day of the procedure. It is always important to take all prescriptions seriously which are given by ophthalmologists. Come for all the follow-ups as per the surgeon’s advice.
If you are convinced to go for Lasik and you are confused about where to go? Don’t worry, Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals got you all covered. Sharp Sight is the best lasik surgery in Delhi for rocedures to go with. Come and experience the best services at Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals.
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Blade-Free LASIK & SMILE Surgery in Delhi by Dr. Rajiv Bajaj
Leading LASIK Surgery in Delhi by Dr. Rajiv Bajaj – Safe, Precise Results.
Experience advanced, blade-free LASIK surgery in Delhi with Dr. Rajiv Bajaj. Specializing in SMILE and laser eye surgery for precise, safe vision correction.
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LASIK Technology
Any LASIK procedure consists of two steps:
now we shall discuss the above two points in detail…
creating a corneal flap.
Corneal flap can be created either using a blade or using a laser called femtosecond laser. We at BAJAJ EYE CARE CENTRE use the best of technologies for both of the techniques. In BLADE LASIK we create a flap using not a surgical blade but an instrument called automated computerized microkeratome. For flap creation with microkeratome we use the world’s best and trusted MORIA ONE USE PLUS SBK microkeratome which has a capability of producing very thin flaps measuring equivalent to 90 microns. This technique is called SBK LASIK (sub bowmans keratomileusis ). The thinner flap in the range of 90 microns ( 1 mm is equivalent to 1000 microns ) has obvious advantages.
More residual cornea is left behind thus leaving a thicker residual cornea for a lifelong normal functioning.
Since the flap is cut at a superficial level it results in a lesser dry eyes postoperatively allowing the patient to resume all his activities no sonnertha the next day onwards.
Moria one use plus microkeratome produces very smooth flaps almost equivalent to a femto second laser, thus the post operative vision is very good.
Thinner flaps settle down very quickly with no corneal folds and swelling thus the patient recovers vision almost immediately that is within 15 to 20 minutes postoperatively… a wow factor for SBK lasik. In BLADELESS or BLADEFREE LASIK we are using the most advanced ZEISS VISUMAX FEMTOSECOND laser machine and we take pride in having the first installation in whole of north Delhi for this.
Advantages of FEMTO FLAP on ZEISS machine… hundred percent blade free lasik. Painfree. Very precise and accurate flaps. Fast… IT takes only a few seconds to make a flap. Least expected complications which may occur on other technologies besides Zeiss platform. Flap related complications associated with microkeratomes are minimized or absent with the femtolasik, as it is more precise and more accurate. Femto flaps are more stronger in nature and fit more snugly to the base cornea comparatively.
Here the cornea is reshaped according to the refractive status of the patient. various profiles currently in use are…
Planolasik it is the basic correction which corrects the spherical and cylindrical components of the refractive errors. The disadvantages include post operative glares and haloes especially in higher numbers, the advantage being it is cheaper.
Customised lasik ( clasik ) here a customization is attempted to be done according to patients corneal and total irregularities called abberations ( higher order abberations …HOA’S). however the drawback in most of the systems is that they are unable to pick up the abberations accurately and after treating them may land up in further abberations and problems caused by them.
Wavefront optimized aspheric lasik….this is supposedly the best technology, here the normal prolate shape of the cornea is maintained even postoperatively which mimics the preoperative shape. Advantages include absence or minimal postoperative glare and haloes which are a part of standard lasik. At BAJAJ EYE CARE CENTRE we use an advanced profile of aspheric wavefront optimized lasik at ZEISS MEL 80 platform, a GERMAN technology which are the world leaders in opto electronics.
Contoura lasik: this is just a form of topography guided correction lasik and not much different from conventional lasik.
Dr. Rajiv Bajaj is a leading expert in LASIK surgery in Delhi, offering advanced, blade-free techniques like SMILE to provide safe and effective vision correction. His state-of-the-art approach ensures precision and comfort, making him a trusted choice for those seeking freedom from glasses or contact lenses. Whether it's traditional LASIK or the latest SMILE procedure, Dr. Bajaj's expertise guarantees optimal results for long-term visual clarity.
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planmylasik · 20 days
Understanding the mechanism of Lasik will be ideal to understand its benefits and risks. First, the superior quality of laser, namely, microkeratome is used for treating the eyes. It is the utmost precision to address refractive issues and reshaping of cornea that make Lasik, the prominent surgery for permanent vision correction.
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LASIK Eye Surgery In Health Insurance
Are you considering LASIK eye surgery to remove your glasses or contacts permanently? 
Then this blog will guide you to know about LASIK eye surgery, procedures, who can avail health insurance coverage options for this surgery – which will help you make an informed decision. Note: If you’re planning for this surgery and if you’re not eligible for any health insurance cover for it, still getting it done from your own pocket will give you a clear vision without spectacles. Don’t buy health insurance keeping this surgery as the deciding factor. Health insurance has its own importance
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suryakantjha · 1 month
LASIK for Targeted Lifestyles: Athletes, Sports Experts, and More
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In the fast-paced world of sports, where every second counts and sharp vision is paramount, athletes and sports experts cannot afford to be hindered by glasses or contact lenses. Whether it’s a basketball player aiming for a precise shot, a tennis player tracking a fast-moving ball, or a swimmer needing clear underwater vision, the importance of optimal vision cannot be overstated. This is where LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) comes in—a revolutionary procedure that has transformed the lives of many athletes by providing them with the visual acuity needed to excel in their respective fields.
Why LASIK is Ideal for Athletes
Athletes rely heavily on their vision for performance. Glasses can be cumbersome and contact lenses can cause discomfort or even fall out during intense physical activity. LASIK offers a permanent solution, allowing athletes to experience the world with clarity without the need for corrective lenses. The procedure corrects refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism, enabling athletes to perform at their peak without the distraction of visual aids.
Additionally, LASIK offers quick recovery times, allowing athletes to return to training and competition faster than ever. Many athletes who have undergone the procedure report not only improved vision but also enhanced performance due to the newfound visual freedom.
The Benefits of LASIK for Sports Professionals
Improved Reaction Time: Clear vision is crucial for quick decision-making in sports. With LASIK, athletes can react faster to their environment, whether it’s a soccer player dodging an opponent or a sprinter focusing on the finish line.
Enhanced Depth Perception: Sports like basketball, football, and golf require excellent depth perception. LASIK can help athletes better judge distances, improving their accuracy and performance.
Unrestricted Vision: Unlike glasses that can fog up or slip during a game, LASIK provides unrestricted vision, allowing athletes to maintain focus without distraction.
Reduced Risk of Injury: Contact lenses can cause dry eyes or irritation, leading to discomfort during games. Glasses can break and cause injury. LASIK eliminates these risks, offering a safer alternative for athletes.
Finding the Best Eye Surgeon in Delhi
When considering LASIK, it’s crucial to choose a qualified surgeon. Delhi, known for its advanced medical facilities, is home to some of the best eye surgeons in India. The best eye surgeon in Delhi will not only have extensive experience in performing LASIK but also a deep understanding of the unique needs of athletes and sports professionals.
An eye LASIK surgeon in Delhi will typically conduct a thorough eye examination to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Factors such as the stability of your prescription, the thickness of your cornea, and your overall eye health will be assessed to ensure that LASIK is the right option for you.
Top Ophthalmologist in Delhi: What to Look For
Choosing the right ophthalmologist is essential for a successful LASIK procedure. A top ophthalmologist in Delhi will possess a combination of skill, experience, and state-of-the-art technology. Look for a surgeon who has a proven track record of successful LASIK surgeries and who uses the latest equipment to ensure precision and safety during the procedure.
Moreover, a top ophthalmologist in Delhi will provide comprehensive pre-operative and post-operative care, guiding you through every step of the LASIK process. This includes personalized care tailored to your lifestyle needs, ensuring that your vision goals align with your athletic aspirations.
For athletes and sports experts, LASIK offers a game-changing opportunity to enhance their performance by providing clear, unrestricted vision. However, the success of the procedure heavily depends on choosing the right surgeon. When looking for the best eye surgeon in Delhi, prioritize experience, technology, and personalized care. By selecting an eye LASIK surgeon in Delhi who understands the specific needs of athletes, you can achieve the visual clarity needed to excel in your sport.
The top ophthalmologist in Delhi will not only improve your vision but also boost your confidence, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—your performance. If you're an athlete looking to take your game to the next level, LASIK could be the perfect solution to achieve that goal.
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visionperfect · 2 months
The Role of Genetics in Eye Health
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Eye health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, influencing everything from our ability to perform daily tasks to our quality of life. Understanding the factors that impact eye health is essential for maintaining good vision and preventing diseases. 
Among these factors, genetics plays a significant role. Our genes can determine the likelihood of developing certain eye conditions, influence how our eyes age, and even affect the success of treatments like LASIK eye surgery. 
Understanding the Genetic Influence on Eye Health
Our genes carry the blueprint for our body's development and function, including our eyes. Genetic factors can influence a wide range of eye conditions, from common refractive errors to more serious diseases. 
For instance, conditions like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism often have a genetic component. If your parents or siblings have these conditions, you are more likely to develop them as well.
In addition to refractive errors, genetics can play a role in the development of more severe eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and retinitis pigmentosa. 
Genetic Testing and Eye Health
With advancements in genetic research, it is now possible to conduct genetic testing to identify individuals at risk for certain eye conditions. 
Genetic testing can reveal mutations or variants in specific genes that are known to be associated with eye diseases. This information can be invaluable for early diagnosis and intervention.
For instance, if genetic testing reveals a predisposition to glaucoma, regular eye exams and early treatment can help manage the condition and prevent vision loss. 
The Impact of Genetics on LASIK Eye Surgery
LASIK eye surgery has become a popular option for correcting refractive errors and reducing dependence on glasses or contact lenses. However, genetics can influence the outcomes and suitability of LASIK surgery. 
For example, individuals with certain genetic conditions that affect the cornea, such as keratoconus, may not be ideal candidates for LASIK. Keratoconus causes the cornea to thin and bulge, and LASIK surgery could exacerbate these issues, leading to poor outcomes.
The Future of Genetics in Eye Health
The field of genetics is rapidly evolving, and ongoing research continues to uncover new insights into the genetic basis of eye diseases. This progress holds promise for the development of novel treatments and preventive strategies. 
For example, gene therapy is an emerging area of research that aims to treat genetic disorders by introducing or repairing genes within a patient's cells. 
Genetics plays a pivotal role in eye health, influencing everything from the likelihood of developing common refractive errors to the risk of serious eye diseases. As our understanding of genetics continues to grow, so does our ability to diagnose, prevent, and treat these conditions. 
For residents of Oshkosh and beyond, staying informed about the genetic factors that impact eye health is crucial for maintaining good vision and overall well-being. 
By embracing the advances in genetic research, we can look forward to a future where eye health is better understood and more effectively managed.
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healingtoucheyecenter · 3 months
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LasIK Surgery in Delhi
If you're considering LASIK surgery in Delhi, look no further than The Healing Touch Eye Centre. Renowned for its state-of-the-art technology and highly skilled surgeons, The Healing Touch Eye Centre offers unparalleled expertise in vision correction. LASIK surgery at this esteemed center is designed to provide you with the freedom from glasses and contact lenses, allowing you to experience the world with clear, natural vision. The Healing Touch Eye Centre prioritizes patient safety and comfort, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience from consultation to post-operative care. Trust The Healing Touch Eye Centre for your LASIK surgery and embark on a journey towards a brighter, clearer future.
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dranishagupta · 3 months
What If My Cornea Is Too Thin for LASIK? When considering LASIK surgery in Delhi to correct vision problems, one of the key factors an eye specialist checks is the thickness of your cornea. But what happens if your cornea is too thin for LASIK? Don’t worry; there are other effective procedures to help you achieve a better vision. read more : https://eye-hospital-delhi.blogspot.com/2024/07/what-if-my-cornea-is-too-thin-for-lasik.html
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Transparent LASIK Eye Surgery Cost in Delhi | Dr. Rajiv Bajaj
LASIK Delhi Releases a consultation session based on the patient’s age. It helps specialists to know what their patients need.
Dr. Rajiv Bajaj offers expert LASIK eye surgery in Delhi, providing affordable solutions with advanced technology. Learn about LASIK eye surgery cost in Delhi.
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LASIK Delhi, an eye care centre that offers LASIK Eye Surgery in Delhi, releases a consultation session based on age and the problems. The centre takes this action to help patients maximally. Patients will meet the right specialists at the centre. The head of this eye care centre explained, “We are ready to handle a variety of eye problems, including dry eyes and cataracts. Now, we classify it based on age. This program consists of four categories of ages: eye care programs for patients at 20 to 40 years old, 40 to 60 years old, more than 60 years old, and any age.”
Dry eyes problem happens to people at any age, whether they are kids, teenagers, or elderly. The causes of this problem are ageing, allergies, a specific syndrome, and other eye diseases. The specialists need to carefully check the eyes’ condition before asking a patient to take a LASIK procedure. It is the same case with patients who want to stop wearing glasses or contact lenses, have problems reading close up, and cloudy vision. The head of the centre stated, “We want people to know that there is a LASIK Surgery in Delhi. This centre achieves centre support from Dr Rajiv Bajaj. He will handle the procedure with all experiences. The LASIK procedure uses the latest technology that helps create a corneal flap and treat the underlying cornea with a laser.”
Deciding whether a person is a candidate for LASIK surgery is complex. It is the reason why the centre releases the classification program. The specialists can deeply analyse based on the age and crucial factors that support a person to be a LASIK procedure candidate. This program also helps to decide the needs of the patients. Indeed, each patient needs different treatments. The specialists can explain everything maximally, including the risks and benefits of taking LASIK eye surgery. Patients can use this classification to get more information, including the LASIK cost in Delhi.
The LASIK Eye Surgery cost in Delhi varies depending on the case and the treatment a patient has to take. The head of the centre added, “We expect that people get sufficient information about LASIK surgery procedure before they take it. This program can’t only help them get sufficient information but also the correct detail. As a result, they can prepare the requirements and are ready to take the procedure.”
About LASIK Delhi:
LASIK Delhi is an eye care centre in Delhi. This centre is ready to help people of any age with a variety of vision problems. LASIK surgery procedure is one of the services they can do.
For more information, please visit https://www.lasikdelhi.com/
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iclinixadvancedeye · 3 months
IClinix Advanced is your go-to eye care clinic in Lajpat Nagar, offering a wide range of specialized services. Our eye specialist for kids in Lajpat Nagar provides exceptional care for young patients. If you need retina laser treatment in Lajpat Nagar or looking for an eye doctor for kids in the area, we are here for you. Count on our diabetic retinopathy doctor in Lajpat Nagar, cataract surgery in Lajpat Nagar, and expert care from our retina specialist in Lajpat Nagar. We also offer laser treatment and have a uveitis specialist in Lajpat Nagar on board. For all your eye care needs, trust our experienced eye specialist in Lajpat Nagar.
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sharp-sight92 · 1 year
At Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals we offer the best LASIK surgery through the latest and 100% blade-free Femto LASIK technology. Book an appointment online today!
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Top LASIK Surgery In Delhi | Bajaj Eye Care - Leading Eye Clinic
Delhi’s Best Clinic For Eye Surgery, Bajaj Eye Care
Discover advanced LASIK surgery in Delhi at Bajaj Eye Care. Offering cutting-edge SMILE eye surgery for a safe, bladeless, and quick recovery. Contact us today.
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Launches Smile Eye Surgery
Bajaj Eye Care offered a new eye treatment as the alternative of LASIK surgery. This new treatment is called SMILE eye surgery, which has many benefits for patients.
LASIK eye surgery has become a common treatment for various eye problems that everyone could have. However, that could be a problem for some people who have no qualifications to receive LASIK surgery. Bajaj Eye Care, one of the top providers of Lasik Surgery In Delhi, offered a solution for this matter. Its new treatment is called SMILE or Small Incision Lenticule Extraction surgery method. It uses a computer-guided laser, which is also known as bladeless surgery. This treatment offers various benefits for patients. It uses minimally invasive procedures, is odourless, has no flap formation, has fewer complications, and has a fast recovery. Since its launch, this treatment has attracted many people who need eye surgery in India.
Bajaj Eye Care itself has been around since 1996. Founded by Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, one of the top eye specialists in India, this clinic provides various solutions and treatments for eye problems. Lasik eye surgery is the main service of this clinic. Then, it also provides the alternative for that surgery, which is the latest addition, the SMILE eye surgery. This clinic accepts patients of all ages. It is all thanks to the latest and advanced equipment that help the procedure of eye surgery can be done safely. Currently, this clinic has become the top destination for Smile eye surgery in Delhi.
The representative of Bajaj Eye Care explained, “We always put our patients as a priority. Therefore, we provide the best treatment and services that can make the patients feel comfortable and relaxed when using our service. We have been doing this concept since this clinic was founded. Therefore, it is not surprising if people always choose our place to get Smile LASIK in Delhi. So, we also invite you to visit our clinic whenever you need LASIK eye surgery. We welcome you with the best solution that you need.” More information about SMILE and LASIK eye surgery is available at Bajaj Eye Care’s official website.
About Bajaj Eye Care
Bajaj Eye Care is a top eye clinic in Delhi that has been operated since 1996. Established by Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, this clinic offers one of the top Lasik eye surgeries. It also uses advanced technology for eye surgery, including the latest service, SMILE eye surgery.
Bajaj Eye Care stands as a leading provider of LASIK Surgery in Delhi, offering advanced treatments like SMILE eye surgery. With over two decades of experience, this clinic ensures that every patient receives the highest standard of care and the most effective solutions for their vision needs. Whether it's LASIK or SMILE, Bajaj Eye Care is committed to enhancing your vision with the latest technology and expert care.
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planmylasik · 27 days
LASIK is a laser-assisted vision correction surgery that addresses different types of refractive issues faced by the patient. The chief eligibility requirement to undergo this permanent is that the individual should be 18 years old or more. Besides, he or she should have stable vision and sufficient corneal thickness & healthy eyes for successful results.
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lasik-cost-in-delhi · 3 months
LASIK Cost in Delhi: Expert Eye Surgeon Dr. Rajiv Bajaj's Clinic
Dr. Rajiv Bajaj is a renowned ophthalmologist specializing in LASIK surgery, offering competitive LASIK costs in Delhi. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Bajaj has transformed the vision correction landscape in Delhi, providing affordable and quality LASIK surgeries. His clinic, Bajaj Eye Care Center, is known for its commitment to patient care and safety, ensuring that every patient receives personalized attention and the best possible outcomes. Dr. Bajaj's expertise in LASIK surgery and his dedication to affordable costs make him a top choice for patients seeking vision correction in Delhi.
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Bajaj Eye Care Centre Offers Competitive Cost for Lasik Eye Surgery in Delhi
Bajaj Eye Care Center is a prominent Lasik Surgery Center in Delhi. The clinic has successfully performed many LASIK surgeries since 1996.
Bajaj Eye Care Center is a NABH accredited eye clinic treatment that provides Lasik Surgery In Delhi. Bajaj Eye Care Center has successfully performed many LASIK eye surgeries for Delhi and International patients by its licensed and experienced eye specialist, Dr. Rajiv Bajaj. Dr. Bajaj is the foremost ophthalmologist in Delhi, specializing in laser vision correction utilizing LASIK eye surgery and SMILE, a bladeless and minimally invasive procedure. Currently, Dr. Rajiv Bajaj practices in Bajaj Eye Care Center, Pitampura, Delhi.
Bajaj Eye Care Center company spokesperson explained, “Lasik Surgery In Delhi is now becoming popular, easier, and affordable. People tend to choose Lasik surgery to get their clear vision back quickly and painless procedure. Lasik surgery only needs a 20 to 30 minutes procedure for two eyes. Our eye treatment clinic offers a wide range of eye treatment procedures. They include photorefractive keratotomy, conventional LASIK, SBK Lasik, Bladeless Lasik, SMILE (flapless and bladeless eye surgery procedures), and Presbyond (near sight or presbyopia correction procedure for patients over 40 years and beyond).
Dr. Rajiv Bajaj and his staff are dedicated to providing International Standard Eye treatment in Delhi. Bajaj Eye Care Center also employs knowledgeable and experienced staff as well as utilizes the most advanced equipment like EXCIMER LASER machine MEL-80 (CARL ZEISS GERMANY) to get the best Lasik surgery result. With competitive Lasik Cost In Delhi, Bajaj Eye Care also became the best Lasik eye center with affordable cost in India and trusted by international patients.
One of Bajaj Eye Care Center testified, “I got my Lasik with a SMILE procedure done by Dr.Bajaj. It was really safe, and Dr.Bajaj and the staff are highly skilled and experienced. I’m very pleased that my vision got back to normal.”
About Bajaj Eye Care Center
Bajaj Eye Care Center is a leading Lasik surgery with the most affordable Lasik Eye Surgery Cost In Delhi. The clinic was established by Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, a senior eye specialist in Pitampura, Delhi. He specializes in computerized laser eye surgery and incorporates the most advanced technology such as Refractive surgery, MICS, and Phaco surgery in his practice.
To make an appointment and consultation with Dr. Bajaj, please call 011-47024919 / 27012054 or visit http://www.lasikdelhi.com
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