winterspixels · 8 months
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Sam shivered as the harsh November wind cut through his too thin jacket. He’d severely underestimated how cold fall in the mountains was. Now he was paying for that mistake by slowly freezing to death. He popped the collar of his jacket up higher, even as the crispness of the air told him it was about to snow again.  
Streetlights flared to life, buzzing on both sides of the singular road in and out of the sleepy town. Few inhabitants braved the bitter cold. The few he saw were either going to the grocery store to stock up, or at the only fast-food chain in the town. It was an abysmal place really, but this trip wasn’t about him.  
Up ahead, his reason for being in the middle of nowhere was doing her best imitation of a shadow as she ran from shop window to shop window, the streetlights barely capturing her before she was off again. He briefly worried she was going to fall and break something on the slick sidewalk.
He could have parked their rental closer, but his sister had insisted she wanted to see everything. Her obvious enthusiasm made the decision for him, even at his own expense.  
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winterspixels · 1 month
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winterspixels · 1 month
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Just another day in paradise.
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winterspixels · 3 months
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“You’re just jealous you can’t grow facial hair as nice as mine.”  
Chase shuddered dramatically, walking out the doors into the bright sunshine. Sam followed closely.
“You can keep your half assed beard.” 
“I missed you too.”
Maybe it wasn't so bad to be back home.
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winterspixels · 4 months
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“About time," A voice cut in from behind them. Sam turned to face his younger brother perturbed that he now had to look up slightly to meet his eyes. "I was going stir crazy waiting for you to arrive.”
“No luck?” He nodded towards the decided lack of any form of snack in Chase's hands.
“The machine was empty. They didn't even have the ancient chewing gum that normally inhabits the bottom, and their coffee machine is conveniently broken. Can we go? I’m getting hangry at this point.”  
“Hello to you to.” Sam muttered as Chase stalked by. Chase paused long enough to slap him on the arm.  
“Hi, Sam. I’d ask how you’re doing, but I think it’s safe to say we’re all feeling like garbage. Also, what is that on your face?” He snarked.
Sam snorted, grudgingly amused, and relieved that outside of the growth spurt Chase hadn’t changed.  
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winterspixels · 4 months
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When they pulled apart, Thia cradled his face. There was a certain slant to Thia's half-hearted, too broken, smile that he didn't want to examen to closely, so Sam chose to remain silent, leaning into the warmth of her hand.
She must have noticed the quick glance around the room, because she let out a huff of laughter.
“He’s hunting down a vending machine. He hasn’t been sleeping much since...”  
She didn’t need to elaborate further.  
“How did you...?” 
“Know? There’s only one other person you could be looking for, Darling.” She smiled gingerly. “I’m glad you’re home. Do you think you’ll be staying long?” 
“Can we talk about this later?” He asked. The last thing he wanted was for the seemingly innocent question to turn into an argument two minutes after landing. 
“Of course.” 
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winterspixels · 4 months
He'd just spotted his dad's familiar form by the entrance when someone petite crashed into him, wrapping him in a tight hug. The familiar scent of expensive vanilla perfume told him what he needed, and he found himself reciprocating the hug without thought.
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"I'm so sorry." Thia whispered so quietly he nearly missed the words spoken into the collar of his borrowed shirt. Sam didn't think she had anything to apologize for. None of what happened was her fault.
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winterspixels · 4 months
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Sam glanced unseeingly around the small airport. The few people there moved around him hurriedly to gather their belongings or meet up with their waiting loved ones.
The flight from Bridgeport to the main island of Isla Paradiso was uneventful. The skies were clear, and turbulence was nonexistent. The closer he got to Sunlit Tides the more the clouds gathered, and the small jump plane jerked near continuously like some kind of ill portent of doom.
Why did he want to do this again? Nothing good ever came from coming back here.
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winterspixels · 5 months
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winterspixels · 6 months
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The storm barreled in faster than Chase had anticipated. Rain lashed sideways, carving new drenches through the loose sand. The wind howled, blowing hard against Chase as if to push him in the opposite direction from his home. He was positively drenched by the time he reached the small house a block from the beach.
His school uniform clung uncomfortably to his skin; the wool heavy and stifling.  He pushed his sopping wet bangs out of his eyes once under the relative safety of the small porch. His brows furrowed pensively as he noted his mom’s white sedan parked in the driveway. She wasn’t set to be back from her latest assignment for at least another week.  
The screen door rattled alarmingly as it slammed shut behind him from the force of the wind.  The house was unusually quiet making his hackles rise in apprehension. He listened for movement or sound, but there was surprisingly nothing. He glanced back outside to make sure he’d really seen her car out there. It was possible she was in the bedroom upstairs that had soundproofing.  
His footsteps seemed overly loud on the hardwood floor. Chase made sure to step on the squeaky spot on the fourth step, making the house’s other occupant aware he was there in case the door slamming hadn’t been enough of a clue.  
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winterspixels · 5 months
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“You should go.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah, I won’t perish without you. Go woo your new boy toy.”  
She slapped his arm playfully. “Don’t call him that.” 
“Just calling it like I see it.” 
“Mm-hmm.” She stood up, dusting any stray sand off her skin. “Well, seeing as you won’t perish, I’ll head back to the party.”  
“Hey Brooke,” He called out to her without turning around. 
“Thanks for coming tonight.” 
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winterspixels · 5 months
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“Did you handle your boy problem?” He asked, changing the subject. 
Brooke’s pale skin instantly turned beat red. She refused to meet his eyes, suddenly bashful. She really was beautiful.  
“About that. I may have been at a bonfire with said ‘problem’ when you’d texted me.” 
He looked back out at the ocean, away from her. “You really didn’t need to come if you were busy.” 
“I’ve known you long enough to realize you don’t ever ask for anything. You’re an independent man that don’t need help from anyone,” She teased. “So, when I saw that you’d texted me, I did what any good friend would do and showed up.” 
“Just to be asked to be a messenger.” He grumbled, feeling contrite.  
“Just to be asked to be a messenger.” She repeated, obviously not to upset.  
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winterspixels · 5 months
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They lapsed into silence. Brooke nudged him with her shoulder. 
“What about you?” 
“What about me?” 
“Don’t play dumb,” She admonished. “Have you decided what you’re going to do after graduation?” 
“I haven’t really thought about it.” Chase lied. The room full of finished paintings, and the multiple finished sketchbooks sitting on his bookcase was where his true passion lay. He’d reached out to the owner of the local gallery about displaying a few of his pieces but hadn’t heard back from them yet. He’d even thought about following in Thia’s footsteps and becoming an art appraiser, but a thought is as far as that idea had gone.  
None of that mattered anymore though. All he wanted now was to know what happened up on that mountain. 
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winterspixels · 5 months
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winterspixels · 5 months
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Brooke fidgeted, drumming her fingers against her bare leg.  
“Is something wrong?”  
“Hmm, oh it’s nothing,” She laughed nervously. “It’s just... I got my acceptance letter today.” 
His head whipped over to her. He smiled genuinely for what felt like the first time all night. “That’s fantastic! I know you’ve worked hard on getting in.” 
“Tell me about it! I can finally rest easy now that the hard part’s over with.” 
“I thought the hard part was the essays and interviews you had to complete.” 
“That was a pain for sure, but the waiting has been excruciating.” 
Chase laughed, Brooke joining in. “I’m happy for you, Brooke.” 
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winterspixels · 5 months
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“Hey, I got your message.” Brooke sat down next to him bringing with her the smell of woodsmoke. “Are you okay?” 
“Not really.” 
“Do you want to talk about it?”  
“No.” He picked the phone up and passed it to her. “Do you think your brother can crack this?” 
“Uh, did you steal this?” Her voice pitched high with incredulity.  
He shrugged. “More like borrowed without permission.” 
“Did you really call me out here in the middle of the night to ask for a favor?”  
No, he’d called her out there because he didn’t want to be alone.  
“Do you think he can do it?” He asked instead of answering.  
She huffed, pocketing the phone. “Maybe. I’ll ask.”  
“Thanks Brooke.” 
She waved off his thanks. “Just be glad you’re cute.”  
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