#Last Towl TV spot
ririchonne · 8 months
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Danaï, Andrew and Scott have a panel on the 20th moderated by Entertainment Weekly's Dalton Ross.
I wonder when the magazine covers will be released 🤞😏
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whateverisbeautiful · 8 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
✨TOP 30 Countdown✨
For those that love them like I love them - we gotta revel like we do best over two iconic characters that make up the best of the best TV couple, brought to life by two beyond incredible actors - Richonne 🙌🏽
The most reoccurring question I've got over the years is, "What's your favorite Richonne scene?" And years ago, I said I'd share a Top 30 scene ranking one day. In the past, I always used to time my posts as a sort of countdown to a TWD premiere or trailer etc. So when Rick and Michonne left TWD, I knew I'd share my Top 30 Richonne moments leading up to whenever they finally came back to us. And now at long last, we’re going to see Rick and Michonne Grimes' story continue and close out in what I know will be a really beautiful way.
Richonne is finally back, so it’s time to revel in a Top 30!
With just a month before their long-awaited return in the TOWL premiere, I want to journey down memory lane like old times and each day recap and reflect on the top 30 scenes that most make me love Richonne. 😊 (And you’d think 30 is a lot so it shouldn’t have been hard to make and rank this list...but it was. 😅 Their every moment is just so top-tier) Revisiting their scenes completely confirmed that Richonne never gets old because their love story is still as mesmerizing as ever. 🤩
Interestingly, the only scene on the list that never moved from its spot is my number one favorite moment. 😏 I’m excited to countdown and celebrate Richonne as we anticipate their return. And if you have anything you love about any of these top 30 scenes, I always adore hearing thoughts on Richonne, so I’d love to hear yours! I hope this daily list countdown brings just a bit of the joy that Richonne brings to us all. This should be fun 😌
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ivanfuller · 5 years
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You know how these blog things go, right? You get an inspired idea based on a commitment to write a regular blog that fizzles out after just one or two entries. We can’t all be like that gal who blogged daily about making every recipe in Julia Child’s cookbook!! But what the heck...we’re coming to the end of a decade and I’m gonna try this again with a slightly different twist. Instead of trying to write about every artist encounter I have as individual blogs (which is just too daunting cuz I’m doing something in that arena almost every day!), I’ve decided to set aside some time each Sunday morning to reflect on the week just passed. I’d love to think that what I’ve been experiencing might inspire you to check out some of these same or similar opportunities...books read, TV shows watched, movies viewed, theatre experienced and (most often for me!) concerts attended.
So let’s try this, shall we??
Last week began with minimal inspiration, I’m afraid, though I did happen to spend the evening with my son (another Ivan Fuller). Went down to Philly to first eat at one of my favorite restaurants, Cheu Noodles (shout out to manager and friend, Meredith!), then over to Theatre of the Living Arts for a 4-band show featuring Issues’ Beautiful Oblivion tour. All I can say is...meh. All the bands were trying too hard to be that “thing”...cool, edgy, arrogant, whatever. I didn’t feel much honest sincerity except from the opener, Sleep Token. The others: Lil Aaron, Polyphia and Issues were just not clicking with me. Didn’t help that it was in one of my least favorite venues in Philly. But hey...a date with my boy helped ease the pain :)
On Monday I finished watching Season 4 of “Shameless,” one of my favorite guilty TV pleasures. If you’re also a fan, you know what I mean. It’s definitely not for everyone because the title says it all! If you’re easily offended by shameless things we humans sometimes (often?) find ourselves doing for both good and bad reasons, then you should stay away. But if you thrive on the juicy flaws of humanity, then this show hits a big sweet spot. Funny, naughty, poignant, sexy, beautiful and chock full of love! I’m way behind, though! Season 9 just hit Netflix.
Finished reading the latest novel by one of my favorites, Barbara Kingsolver, on Tuesday. Unsheltered gives her another opportunity to call us out on our wasteful ways as humans who seem hell-bent on destroying the planet (and each other). But with graceful artistry and humor, she mostly succeeds in helping us make important connections between how we tend to live and the costs of continuing to go down that path. 4 out of 5 stars for me.
Wednesday had me heading back down to Philly, solo this time, for The Tea Club and Bent Knee opening for Thank You Scientist at Underground Arts (one of my favorite smaller Philly venues). This show made up for Sunday’s. Local band The Tea Club was great, only performing two songs, but one was a monster clocking in around 25 minutes, called “Creature.” The big draw for me, though, was band #2...BENT KNEE! I love their prog rocky ways and unique sound they get with the addition of a violin and vocals of their lead singer and keyboardist, Courtney Swain. All Berkeley Music grads, so they know their way around difficult stuff. Thank You Scientist is in the same camp as Bent Knee, but I like them so much more on recordings than live. Don’t get me wrong. They still sound great, but I love a live show that gives me more when my eyes are open. For this band, it’s almost better with the eyes shut. What’s my problem? I just can’t get past the feeling that they’re not into the music as much as they should be...especially when following Bent Knee, who clearly puts everything they have into their performance. But the crowd was into it and their music IS really great.
Thursday was spent chilling at home and finishing the first book by another favorite author, Amor Towles. Rules of Civility, was almost as much fun as his blockbuster, The Gentleman of Moscow. Insightful look into 1930s New York life through the eyes of a young woman struggling to pay her bills, keep her friends and find love. Really brilliant combo of humor, history and surprises. 5 out of 5 stars on this one.
My week of artistic adventure ended on Saturday at another favorite venue, The Ardmore Music Hall. I tend to find myself there more than at any other spot in Philly these days. Saturday drew me there solely because of the opening act, Chestnut Grove! Fantastic local band that is steadily spreading its wings and getting noticed elsewhere. They played songs off their upcoming new album, as well as “classics” in their one-hour set. I love this band because they hold nothing back and are clearly having a great time up there. Personable, sincere and REAL! And their songs have great variety and artistry to them. Rock’n’roll at its finest!! The headliner, though...we left after the first song cuz it was not going to move me even a fraction of the way Chestnut Grove did. It was TR3 with Tim Reynolds and from what I could tell by listening to their latest LP, it was just a lot of noodling around with the improv form. I don’t usually have a problem with that, but this noodling just doesn’t seem to go anyway and struggles to find a groove that I can get into. But I got what I came for with CG! Check them out in the link below!
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The Metropol Hotel – where “A Gentleman in Moscow” takes place
“A Gentleman in Moscow” by Amor Towles is a must-read novel, recommended by even the likes of Bill Gates and soon it will also be a TV series. You don’t have to be interested in Moscow either to be charmed by the wit of Count Alexander Rostov – the book’s main character.
The Count’s story takes place almost entirely in the Metropol Hotel in Moscow near the Bolshoi and the Kremlin. This hotel is where he is sentenced to house arrest in 1922 for the remainder of his life.
“Count Rostov, an indomitable man of erudition and wit, has never worked a day in his life, and must now live in an attic room while some of the most tumultuous decades in Russian history are unfolding outside the hotel’s doors. Unexpectedly, his reduced circumstances provide him a doorway into a much larger world of emotional discovery.”
I was prompted to read it by my good friend Shannon who lent me her copy on my last trip back home. It took me about a week to devour it from cover to cover and immediately became one of my favorite books I had ever read. The Count is an endearing character who one can’t help but be fascinated with and emotionally invested in.
If you haven’t read the book yet, stop right here and then click here to get yourself a copy!
I was fortunate enough to be living in Moscow while I read the book. So, of course, once I finished it…I had to check out the Metropol Hotel for myself.
I reached out to the Metropol to see if it would be possible for me to follow in Count Alexander Rostov’s footsteps…and was delighted to hear the Metropol will absolutely arrange “A Gentleman in Moscow” tour of the hotel, you can even book “A Gentleman in Moscow” centered package at the hotel – complete with a stay in a room of your choice (perhaps, suite 317?), drinks at “the Shalyapin bar,” a dinner consisting of the Count’s favorite meals…and then breakfast by the hotel’s fountain (an important spot in this novel, if you haven’t read it yet).
“If a man does not master his circumstances then he is bound to be mastered by them.” ― Amor Towles, A Gentleman in Moscow
Having only a week to arrange the tour during the hotel’s peak summer season, all of the suites were occupied. But a tour of the historic Metropol Hotel is still possible…even without an overnight stay.
“A Gentleman in Moscow” Tour of the Metropol Hotel – How You Can Follow in the Count’s Footsteps
Enter the Metropol Hotel from the same entrance as the Count would have on his final entry into its grand, marble lobby. The hotel has multiple entrances, but the one facing the Kremlin is the only one ever mentioned in the book.
Go to the entrance with a view of the Kremlin and Bolshoi.
The Count’s last moment’s in the outside world would have been here.
After passing through the hotel’s security, take a moment to admire the lobby and see if you can spot any similarities to the book – and what the differences might be!
After arriving in the lobby, you can either head to the desk on your lefthand side or the check-in counter on your righthand side. Either spot can introduce you to your “A Gentleman in Moscow” guide. 
I had expected to be greeted by an employee of the hotel and given a brief tour of its interiors, sprinkled perhaps with some historical facts and maybe a few spots mentioned in the book. What I did not expect was to be greeted by Daniel, who not only had studied the book in great detail but also embodied the Count’s fondness of telling an artful story, his “curled mustaches” and deep love of the Metropol Hotel.
My lovely guide, Daniel
Daniel was kind enough to let me photograph his mustache as well.
Daniel’s enthusiasm and deep knowledge of both the hotel and the book was a wonderful surprise and made this tour of the Metropol Hotel very exciting!
The tour started by pointing out that the Shalyapin Bar had been moved from its corner facing the Bolshoi Theatre to the righthand side of the hotel across from the elevators.
The Shalyapin Bar
The Shalyapin Bar’s new location.
You’ll also be shown the staircase and elevator where The Count meets Anna and her energetic hounds.
The staircase where the Count meets Anna
You’ll then round the corner and enter the infamous grand dining room know as “the Piazza” in the novel.
It’s not quite the casual restaurant described in the book. Instead, you can enjoy a grand breakfast or brunch in the morning hours…or even rent the room for a private event.
You’ll, of course, notice that the fountain where the Count meets Nina is indeed right it should be, though.
The Piazza 
The fountain where the Count would have met Nina.
Daniel also told a story of how in the early days of the hotel, this fountain used to have live fish swimming in it. Sometimes, a guest would pick out their dinner from the fountain…where the chef would promptly take the fish into the kitchen, throw it away and prepare a suitable fillet of fish for the unknowing guest.
The balcony for Nina’s “experiments” 
This would have also been the room that housed the balcony that Nina used for her “experiments.” You’ll also be able to walk up to the balcony to get a better view of “the Piazza” and to imagine yourself as Nina, dropping a pineapple and such from here.
The Count’s original room 317 (before he gets moved to the attic) was occupied the day I visited, but I was still able to get the same view of the Bolshoi Theatre from a second-floor window. (This room was more of a meeting room and not a suite.)
The Count’s view of the Bolshoi Theatre from his old room.
And while the “wine cellar” (with all of its lable-less wine), technically doesn’t exist, you can still visit the room where it would have been on your tour. It’s a lower level banquet hall that may one day become the hotel’s spa…
Where the hotel’s “wine cellar” would have been
Next, you’ll make your way up to “The Boyarsky Restaurant.” Now, technically, this isn’t a restaurant anymore. It’s a room now used for private functions. (I had visited it just after it was used for a private luncheon for some visiting diplomats.)
It’s very similar to how I had pictured it, though! And it is fun to think of the Count expertly waiting tables here.
“The Boyarsky”
Not mentioned in the book, but the bear is a nice addition! Haha.
The 6th floor/”attic” of the hotel does exist, though! It was a level which used to be used for storage and for housing the servants. However, in more recent years the 6th floor has been converted to rooms. So, you could also stay in a room on the 6th floor…just as the Count would have. (Although, I’m assured that these rooms are far nicer than the one the Count had!)
The 6th Floor
Can you picture the Count vaulting up these stairs two at time (as has been his habit since the academy)?
The tour will also show you other aspects of the hotel – such as famous guests who have stayed here, the hotel’s founder, beautiful rooms and views!
Additional photos from the tour
The 6th floor gets a reputation of being haunted thanks to this door…
The hotel’s founder.
Alas, why not end your tour with “A Gentleman in Moscow” cocktail? It’s “a cocktail that features a drop of decadence with a tone of comfort, sweet notes balanced against citrus flavor. It is served in a sphere of ice that one can break into the glass. Same as a writer puts an entire life, an entire world under a book’s cover so that you can share a few exciting hours or days with the company of your favorite characters.”
I did end up coming back to the hotel later that night after a performance at the Bolshoi to have a drink at the bar and sample this cocktail. I’m more so like the Count, and generally only partake in wine and beer, so this cocktail was a bit outside my normal palette – but I did enjoy it. I also enjoyed getting to break the ice sphere with a little hammer…
“A Gentleman in Moscow Cocktail”
If you should find yourself in Moscow, I highly recommend taking this tour and enjoying a cocktail/dinner at the bar! You can click here to contact the Metropol Hotel to organize a time for your tour. And click here to book your stay at the Metropol Hotel and to see current room rates.
Are there any other fans of “A Gentleman in Moscow” out there? Let me know if you’ve read the book in the comments! (I’m also happy to answer any questions about the tour in the comments section.)
*Click here to get yourself a copy of the book!
**Thank you to the Metropol Hotel for facilitating this tour for me. All opinions are my own, and I am never compensated for a positive review.
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“A Gentleman in Moscow” Tour of the Metropol Hotel – How You Can Follow in the Count’s Footsteps "A Gentleman in Moscow" by Amor Towles is a must-read novel, recommended by even the likes of Bill Gates and soon it will also be a TV series.
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junker-town · 7 years
Nebraska vs. Illinois 2017 live stream: Start time, TV channel, and how to watch online
The Huskers and Illini will take the field on Friday night in Week 5.
It’s Week 5 of the college football season and we are knee deep in Big Ten conference play. Battling for a top spot in the Big Ten West division, the Illinois Fighting Illini will play host to the Nebraska Cornhuskers on Friday at 7:30 p.m. ET on FS1 (live stream it on FOXSportsGo.com).
The Illini are coming off an early bye week, with this being their second Friday night game in a row. In addition to seeking their revenge for being bested by the Huskers last season, the Fighting Illini are also playing for the Hall of Famers who will be attending the Week 5 matchup. The 2017 Illinois Athletics Hall of Fame class will be introduced during the game ahead of Saturday’s induction ceremony, and the class includes legendary linebacker Dick Butkus.
Time, TV channel, and streaming info
Time: 8 p.m. ET
Location: Memorial Stadium, Champaign, Ill.
Streaming: FOXSportsGo.com
Odds: Nebraska is favored by 7 points
Nebraska vs. Illinois news:
The Huskers have to replace several players due to injury and others due to poor performance.
Illinois head coach Lovie Smith remembered the last time they played the Huskers, during his weekly presser.
“Last year against Nebraska, we played a good game for the majority of the game, but we didn’t finish. Last time we played them here, big win for our program.”
Nebraska doesn’t have a good QB or good WRs, but their run game is OK.
Nebraska should've found its winning formula for the rest of the season in the fourth quarter against Rutgers - a short passing game and running the tailbacks over and over and over and over. I think at this point we discovered that we have three pretty decent running backs.
Mid-season drama is never good
The Big Ten West division may not be getting as much national acclaim as their East counterparts, but Wisconsin is still a top 10 team heading into Week 5. Nebraska faces the Badgers next week under the lights and will need to leave all their off-field drama in the locker room if they hope for an upset.
Following the sudden release of AD Shawn Eichorst last week, Nebraska brought back former center Dave Rimington to act as the interim athletic director. Rimington is set to hold the position for 60 days, but that could be fluid as the higher-ups work on a permanent solution.
Head coach Mike Riley is very much fighting for his job every week he steps onto the sideline. Nebraska has already shown they aren’t shy to make some big changes during the season, and Riley could be next.
Nebraska vs. Illinois prediction:
SB Nation's Nebraska site manager for Corn Nation, Brian Towle, passed away earlier this week. In his memory, we present his prediction for this matchup: "Nebraska wins this ’cause Illinois can't score and Neb's D has been better since the second half of Oregon."
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