#Lately i been thinking on how everyone sees the mechanization of mk like if it was painful(?)like yeah i think that too
ghostbny · 1 month
Chat is this true or what
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omgryan351-blog · 4 years
On Intercessory Prayer, Reiki and the Greater Good
Intercessory Prayer is the place you offer to God that something you need will occur or that something you don't require won't occur. In these cases, you are referencing that God "mediate" for your preferred position. It has been a touch of most religions for a long time and ages. Regardless, accomplishes it work?
In all actuality, a few years sooner an assessment ( Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer (STEP) in heart avoid patients: a multicenter randomized basic of shortcoming and sureness of getting intercessory claim. Am Heart J.2006 Apr;151(4):934-42) was finished by a party of agents (Benson H, Dusek JA, Sherwood JB, Lam P, Bethea CF, Carpenter W, Levitsky S, Hill PC, Clem DW JR, Jain MK, Drumel D, Kopecky SL, Mueller PS, Marek D, Rollins S, Hibberd PL.) The assessment offered the impact of solicitation a chance the pace of tries following coronary deftly course stay away from combine (CABG) clinical procedure Breakthrough Prayer .
Three get-togethers of patients were related with the appraisal: the individuals who were prompted they would get intercessory claim to support their recuperation (601 patients,) the individuals who were told they may get intercessory demand and did (601 patients,) and the individuals who were told they may possibly get it in any case didn't (597 patients.) Quoting from the speculative: RESULTS: In the 2 social affairs sketchy about getting intercessory appeal, loads happened in 52% (315/604) of patients who got intercessory demand versus 51% (304/597) of the individuals who didn't (relative threat 1.02, 95% CI 0.92-1.15). Difficulties happened in 59% (352/601) of patients sure of getting intercessory demand separated and the 52% (315/604) of those unsure of enduring intercessory advance (relative risk 1.14, 95% CI 1.02-1.28). Basic occasions and 30-day mortality were equivalent over the 3 get-togethers. Terminations: Intercessory demand itself had no impact on chaos free recuperation from CABG, yet sureness of getting intercessory claim was associated with a higher repeat of complexities.
What are we to think about that? Is it conceivable that intrigue could make more prominent complexities happen? One may battle that if the patients recognized they were being locked in God for, they may have gone up against more challenges or may have improved a than normal undertaking in isolation to recover. Regardless, we are discussing post-usable complexities, not way of life changes. The employable factors here are passing occasions rapidly fusing the clinical system, not steady way of life factors with since quite a while back, reinforced proposals.
Obviously this assessment was done with astounding sound structure, purposefully spread out. In any case, in their authentic conviction, the scientists neglect to consider factors that make reality work. In the affirmations of a persistent accomplice "they utilized horrendous exacting perspective." on a significant level I concur with this, yet I would word it in a frightening way. In my view the best factor these scientists dismissed was that of unpretentiousness. Certainly, the truth is unusual most definitely: HUMILITY.
Where did I consider that thought? Hold tight for me here - this gets somewhat tangled. Beforehand a companion comfortable me with the solicitation for Reiki. On the off chance that you are intrigued about this, Reiki is such a noteworthiness that urges the body's capacity to recoup itself. At any rate that is the authority, at an advantageous time clarification. Magnanimous, at any rate it is far past that!
As per the force starting clarification, an individual who has been available to Level One Reiki can on a very basic level lay their hands on somebody and similarly move some centrality that will help with modifying state a physical issue or a touch of the recipient's body that has torment. Notwithstanding the way that the instrument of development isn't obvious to me even until today, the essential idea was central enough. I was unimaginably mindful, at any rate the practically identical day I as of late found a few solutions concerning it, I permitted my partner to give me the "attunement" that moved this recuperating vitality to my hands. In coming about months I utilized it every once in a while for minor a throbbing painful quality, about in a relative vein as that wherein Bensen and Dusek's social affair completed their assessment on request: "to check whether it worked!"
While clearly it was not engage and couldn't do the incredible, after a short time, this showing of Reiki had earned enough as far as anyone knows that I comprehended the open door had shown up to develop my abilities to the going with level. In Level Two Reiki I had heard, it was conceivable, not exclusively to move the fixing centrality in a hands-on way, yet despite send it to a craving. Actually it was even conceivable to send it over parcels to help recuperate somebody extravagantly far away to genuinely contact. I pushed toward the multi day instructional social affair with some extent of disquiet. I was enabled in any case pushed: "would I say I was being cleared into something superfluously 'out there' for my for the most part 'at the present time' self?"
Bearing the instructional course, one idea jumped out at me as basic. "Reiki should dependably be utilized for "everyone's bit of leeway." You can't utilize it to control individuals." For instance, you were unable to send Reiki to the target that your most recognizably ghastly foe will break his leg. Not that I was expecting to control or damage anybody, yet this was enthralling to me. What was this "more obvious mind boggling" the instructor discussed? Who precisely would pick everyone's bit of leeway in some subjective circumstance??? While I promptly comprehended the probability that one couldn't control an individual or a condition with Reiki, it was some time before I comprehended the hugeness of the chance of "everyone's bit of leeway."
Not long after the instructional social event, I was delineating my new Level Two Reiki aptitudes to a mate - a non-demanding accomplice, who I thought would be correspondingly questionable - when to my amaze she reported "Liberal, so it would appear that request by at that point!" all things being equal I was insulted and paralyzed by this. My perspective on request at the time took in the wake of referencing charm. I was not inclined to addressing God for solitary kindnesses from a human God I didn't take trust in - and I was cheerful for it.
In any case I kept utilizing the Reiki and after some time my view of it kept making. A tiny bit at a time I came to see that piece of what was gathered by that "more fundamental unprecedented" included having the HUMILITY to comprehend that what I need to occur in some discretionary circumstance may not be the best thing by and large. With this brilliant mechanical gathering in my grasp - permitting me to send correcting vitality to a wide extent of clashing conditions and to individuals with different sicknesses - by what strategy may I have the choice to, in my bound humanness, know all the variables? In some unpredictable condition, whatever target I sent to, I would need to permit that I didn't in actuality comprehend what result would be great. I held no choice to choose and ask that MY WILL be done - I could basically send criticalness to "everyone's preferred position" and trust the Reiki, or whoever was offering it, to "know" the capability.
Here is an ideal model that was going on definitely at the open entryway I was coming to full assertion of this. One of my kinfolk was experiencing inconvenience in his marriage. I chose to send Reiki to his relationship with his life partner. Understanding "everyone's bit of leeway" thought necessitated that I have the HUMILITY to get that, much as I had a solid trust in the relationship being insinuated thrive, my sending Reiki could have the impact of helping it to end. My sending Reiki derived surrendering my eagerness for the result and tolerating that my endeavors would help "everyone's favorable position" with occurring - regardless of whether that proposed I would push the non-bolstered result. In the event that it was the ideal open entryway for their relationship to end, my Reiki could assist that with happening snappier, potentially with less wretchedness and malignance, yet end regardless. It was an authentic undertaking for me to perceive this. Much as I taking advantage of my sister in law, and much as I didn't require my kinfolk detached, I expected to perceive that my place was basically to send "for everyone's potential benefit in their relationship." ...and NOT to the point of attempting to spare their marriage!
Reliably, there were different chances to help individuals by sending Reiki. Some gave signs of progress, some kicked the bucket. Some developed, some got disconnected. The open door for lowliness started from recognizing it was not I who was answerable for the framework, regardless of whether you need to call it bid, Reiki or crazy reasoning. I expected to understand how to build up the quietude to see that everyone's favorable position (whoever or such a being was picking absolutely what that more significant inconceivable was) was something past my insight and outside my ability to get a handle on.
So if Reiki looks like solicitation, and as a general rule, straightforwardly these years a while later, I can say I perceive how it is - it isn't so essential to whom precisely you importune. In the event that there is an eminent being up there with any ordinariness or viewpoint, he would perceive your solicitation, your relating or your Reiki sending, paying little notice to who or what you think you are sending it to. Just a man-made, minimal detested god would essentially look at petitions sent explicitly to a limited idea of him in light of a specific objective from a specific get-together of his family, to the degree anyone knows maintained by him over all the rest!
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mama-m1na · 5 years
Soul Drivers: Chapter 2
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The next day was tense as Lelouch faced himself in the mirror as he donned his purple outfit and cape he put on his helmet, once again transforming into the leader of the Black Knights, Zero.
Upon arriving to the Chinese Federation building he found it was surrounded by various people, wanting their fellow Japanese to be freed or the press wanting to see the action go down.
They cleared a path for the notorious, long though dead, character and once his Knightmare made it past the gates he was greeted by the familiar frame belonging to Guilford.
Their duel, if it could be called that, lasted barely five minutes as the floor panel holding the prisoners collapsed backwards, into Chinese territory.
“Do not fire!” Guilford ordered as the prisoners backed further into the territory, “Not unless you want to start a war with China.”
The now freed Black Knights celebrated as Zero’s beat up Knightmare collapsed in front of an enemy frame; however, the said frame did not attack.
“Zero, what are you doing?” a red haired female asked from inside the Guren Mk II before her sensors detected a projectile heading straight for her leader, “Zero!”
Crack! Clang!
The attention shifted from the two knightmares as a wall of ice blocked them from a large, golden spear thrown by one of the Britannian forces.
“Well, that was unexpected,” chirped a female voice from behind the wall, right in the view of Zero and the knightmare now in front of him.
“Who are you?” the masked leader asked as the owner over the voice lept to the top of their frozen creation.
Standing atop the wall of ice was a female with long black locks that flowed past her knees and golden brown skin. She wore a purple and grey, ninja-styled outfit that allowed for maximum movement and a fox mask that blocked her face from view. 
However, what caught everyone’s attention were the two black fox ears atop her head and the nine, large, matching fox tails that were behind her. Each one moving individually and naturally.
“Guilford, is that you?” the figure asked as her eyes locked onto a familiar knightmare frame, “It’s been a long time hasn’t it?”
“You! There’s no way you could be-,” the male muttered before he aimed his spear at the female from beyond the border wall, “How are you still alive?”
“None of us were killed that day, Guilford,” explained the female in a sing-song tone of voice, “The only thing we lost that day was a rat.”
“Then, why are you here? Why now have you decided to show yourself?!”
“Honey,” the girl chuckled as the news cameras focused on the female figure as her tails flicked back and forth in pure amusement, “did you forget that we have close relations to the Chinese Federation? Did you really think I would let you desecrate their property? What kind of friend would I be if I did that?”
“Now, Gilly, I suggest you leave before things get worse for you,” chirped the female as a mechanized roar came from behind the large building.
Just then a large, mechanical dragon landed on top of the building and various other mechanical creatures appeared on the property shortly after.
“After all, Soul Drivers don’t go down easy,” the ravenette spoke, her irises glowing gold from inside her mask.
With that last statement the Britannian forces left as the female waved goodbye from the top of her creation.
When she lept down the first thing she saw was a familiar male wearing a blue top and she immediately ran over to hug him with a squeal.
“Xingke, it’s been so long!” she greeted as she backed off, practically bouncing on her heels “How are you, my friend?” 
“I’m fine, Kitsami,” the male replied as his normal seriousness relaxed, just slightly.
“And Lihua?” she mused, straight up ignoring the questions that came up around her.
“She’s still trapped within the Vermillion City.”
It was silent before the female crossed her arms and spoke with her voice slightly lower in pitch, “I should have killed the High Eunuchs when I had the chance.”
“Excuse me,” Zero intervened, wrapped up in his cape as various of his followers stood behind him and the mechanical beasts stood at the borders of the property, “But who exactly are you?”
“Oh, right,” the girl said, ears flicking up in realization before she looked up to the mechanical animals and ordered, “All Soul Drivers disembark for introductions and negotiations.”
“Yes/Yes, Ma’am/Yes, Mom!” came the various replies as the hatches on the animals opened to reveal their drivers, who looked extremely similar to the beasts, wearing the same animal masks as what they drove and having distinct animal appendages.
“If we’re going to talk I suggest we do it inside,” the ravenette chirped as the other masked figures started to head inside except for a taller male with a bird mask who moved to stand next to the ravenette, “Unless you want to end up leaking everything to the press.”
The Black Knights followed the mysterious group inside as their leader stood next to Xingke, just chatting up a storm.
“Zero, can we trust these people?” Kallen Kouzuki asked as they were led into a large entrance hall.
“I don’t know yet, but that’s what I’ll find out,” the male said, not even looking down at his subordinate as he was led into a smaller, private room by the Chinese male.
Seated on one of the couches was the fox female as the male with the bird mask stood behind her.
As Zero took a seat across from her the female reached up to cup the male’s cheek and asked, “Hawks, why don’t you go outside and make friends with the others?”
“Like hell,” he spat, crossing his arms.
“Hun, I doubt Zero would be stupid enough to try anything with me when my forces are just behind a door,” the female mused, “Plus I need you to make sure they don’t kill anyone out there. You know how they are and I have Xingke in here as well, you trust him enough right?”
With a click of his tongue the male left the room, the door closing behind him softly.
“So, Zero,” the female started as she crossed her ankles, tails wagging in excitement, “Before I introduce myself I want to apologize for interrupting so late. Things would have gone by so much quicker and with less effort if I intervened sooner, but your strategy was so intriguing I couldn’t find myself wanting to interrupt it’s flow.”
“So, I apologize if that was of any inconvenience to you,” the female said as she bowed with her hands in her lap.
“There is no need to apologize,” the male declared, finding her mannerisms familiar, “so raise your head, Miss…”
“Kitsami Verum Princeps Ibadora, Major Commander of the Soul Drivers,” the ravenette replied as she sat straight up, an air of authority surrounding her, “It’s nice to finally meet you properly, Zero.”
“You’re the one who-” “I’m the one who started the Devil’s Rebellion in the Philippines,” Kitsami answered, since the male seemed to be too shocked to speak properly, “Yes, that is I.”
“I see, please excuse my shock,” the leader said after composing himself slightly, “We were all told that the Soul Drivers had been wiped out two years ago after the final battle in Area 6, excuse me, the Philippines.”
“I can tell,” the ravenette replied with disgust, “I don’t blame the Britannians for lying though. Even though we lost by technicality, I can only imagine their win was not satisfying in the slightest. After all, we only had one casualty compared to their 700,000.”
“But I will tell you, throughout the entire rebellion, the Chinese have been one of our largest supporters,” explained the fox as she gestured to Xingke, “Even after our loss they let us stay in their country until recently when we decided to put our plans in motion once again.”
“Why exactly did you choose now, if I may ask?” Zero asked, as he studied the female from behind his mask.
“I thought that would be obvious, but it was because of your rebellion, Hun,” she replied with a smile in her tone, “Which leads me to why I approached you. I have a proposition.”
“We should be allies,” the female continued while stretching her back on the arm rest of the couch, “I mean we have similar goals and by working together our publicity and popularity would reach further heights.”
“What goals do we share exactly?” the male asked with narrowed eyes as the female turned her head to look at him.
“To destroy Britannia,” she spoke seriously, causing Xingke’s eyes to widen, “or more specifically to destroy that rotten Emperor that currently sits on the throne. When I first started the rebellion, I only wanted liberation for my country that has always been trampled on, even before the existence of Britannia but as I grew older and as I recruited from other countries that have been colonized I realized that in order for us to be free, truly free, the Emperor and his dehumanizing ideals need to die.”
“That man is corrupted down to his soul and he refuses to listen to reason,” she explained, “The way he deploys his own troops, his own people, the people he is supposed to protect with all his power, shows that he gives no fucks about what happens to them! His entire empire could be set aflame and all he would care about is his own entertainment! This is all one game to him and I plan on ripping him from his throne and back into a painful reality with my own bare hands if I have to!”
The fur the female’s tails and ears were standing on edge at the end of her rant as she stood with her fists clenched tightly at her sides to the point where her arms were shaking and the air around her was completely cold, before she took a deep breath and sat back down.
“I apologize for my outburst, but in my eyes people like him deserve a worse fate than death and I don’t expect you to agree with all of my points but I really do believe us working together, even in the smallest way, could be gold,” the ravenette said, completely composed and relaxed, though the chill in the air still lingered.
“No, don’t apologize. In fact I agree with you whole heartedly,” the male chuckled, “this is the best opportunity I have been presented with in a long while.”
“Before we shake hands, Zero, I must say that the Soul Drivers will follow strictly only my orders, and I don’t fully trust you yet so if you try anything you will regret it,” Kitsami said, her irises glowing gold once more.
“That is understandable and I accept it your terms,” the male replied holding out his right hand.
“Very well then,” sighed the female in relief as she took his hand, “This is the start of something great.”
Once they let go she stood up, followed by Xingke and walked towards the door.
“And one more thing, Dear Zero,” she started looking back at him from over her shoulder, “Geass doesn’t work on any of us, so don’t even try.”
The female then walked out the door with a giggle, leaving Zero by himself in the room to process what she had just said.
“Attention all Soul Drivers!” the ravenette announced upon appearing at the front of the entrance hall, “We have a mission success!”
The masked figures erupted into cheers as the various Black Knights looked up in confusion.
“Hold on a second, Soul Drivers? As in the Soul Drivers from the Devil’s Rebellion?” asked one of the men in a black uniform.
“What do you mean mission success?” the red-headed driver of the Guren Mk II asked, “What did you do?”
“Aw, don’t look at us with such hostility, this mission benefits both of our groups,” chirped a female with red and black dragon wings sprouting from her back, “We’re going to be working together from now on so let’s try to get along, okay?”
“It’s true, you know,” shrugged the leader of the foreign rebels, “go ahead and ask that leader of yours, he’s the one that agreed to it. I gave him the option to reject us with no strings attached.”
“That is correct!” the caped male stated as he made his way through the crowd to stand next to Kitsami and her captains, “From this day forward the Black Knights will be allied with the Soul Drivers to meet the same goal of liberation!”
“Zero, you can’t just say that, how can we trust them?!” a male shouted, “They’re shady as hell. If they want us to trust them, have them take off their masks.”
“Shut the fuck up,” the dragon female snapped, her scaled tail smacking the ground, “You’re fucking leader wears a mask all the god damn time and none of you have a problem with that. Have any of you even seen his face?”
The fox placed a hand on her captain’s shoulder before she could say anything else and turned to the Black Knights.
“Our masks are more of a spiritual belief of ours; however, if it is a problem then I can promise they will come off after we can both put our trust in each other,” she stated calmly, “But we’ve just met so I don’t really think this is an appropriate time to reveal ourselves, especially when we’ve only recently come into the country with aliases. Our masks serve also as a defense from rats.”
“That doesn’t mean jack shit! That’s even more shady than what I originally thought!”
“If you have a problem with it then I suggest you get over it quickly,” she snapped turning to others, “Because I know we can pull our weight, for the past two years the Soul Drivers have not been inactive. We have been recruiting and training for our second strike against our oppressors.”
“We only resurfaced so soon because I believed the Black Knights could serve as a catalyst to turn the tides against Britannia,” Kitsami explained with a shrug, “But please feel free to prove me wrong, by continuing to act as petty as you have been so far.”
Those who were doubting the animalistic beings felt a chill run down their spines as they met the gaze of the leader, her chipper tone not matching the look in her eyes whatsoever.
“Kitsami, I suggest you calm down before your blood lust frightens them any further,” Xingke spoke as he placed a hand on her shoulder, the aura dissipating almost immediately.
“Oh, sorry about that,” the girl chirped, tilting her head to the side with her ears following, “It’s just been so long since I could stand before so many people like this, I just got excited!”
“But actually, other than just assisting you in various missions, we can help everyone here train with their Knightmare frames or with combat in general,” Kitsami said before gesturing to her captains, “With our longer experience fighting Britannian forces, we are very familiar with tactics they might use against you and with the fact our physical beings are more... flexible... than a normal human we would be able to give lost of feedback.”
“That being said you’ve been in hiding for two years, the Britannian forces have changed tremendously,” a man with sharp features said.
“My, Todoh of Miracles, I never thought I’d get to meet you,” sung the ravenette before a female wearing a black feline mask scoffed.
“All they did in the past two years was get fancier toys, their strategies didn’t improve at all,” she spat, waving her hand dismissively.
“Wow, Kitty, you said something intelligent for once,” applauded the man in the bird mask sarcastically, “Good job!”
“Hawks, keep talking. I will turn you and your metal bag of feathers into a thirty piece family meal!”
As the two kept bickering, the ravenette pushed them out of the building before returning with a sigh.
“Please ignore them, they like to get under each other’s skin,” Kitsami chuckled before bowing, “I really do hope you will accept our help willingly.”
“Before any of you protest, you don’t have a choice,” a green-haired woman spoke as she walked through the crowd to stand next to Zero, “Zero already agreed.”
“C.C., what are you doing?” Kallen asked as she watched the immortal female kneel before the fox.
“It is an honor to be of service to you, Your Highness,” she said as the ravenette backed away in shock.
“Huh? The fuck?” she asked with wide eyes as C.C. looked up at her.
“C.C., what is the meaning of this?” Zero asked, perplexed by the strange behavior of his longtime partner in the rebellion.
“The respectful thing, she is of royal blood after all,” the female replied bluntly as she stood up.
The ravenette chuckled before saying, “No, I think you’re most definitely wrong.”
“But the name Ibadora has been the name of the royal family of the Philippines since the times of Lemuria, was it not?” the taller female asked bringing a finger to her lips, “Plus your name translates to ‘Kitsami True Ruler of Ibadora.’ So, I do believe I’m right.”
Kitsami could only stare, speechlessly as she was called out by someone who she didn’t even know for a full three minutes.
“Wait, wait, wait,” said a girl with an orange tiger mask as she stepped out of the line of captains to look at her leader, “So, what you’re saying is that Kitsami is a princess?”
“Kitsami!” the female exclaimed as the ravenette was fiddling with the ends of her hair, “why didn’t you tell us?!”
“Because it would make no difference, the Philippines has been a republic for longer than I’ve been alive so the information wasn’t relevant,” she shrugged while facing away from her followers who were not angered at all by the new information, “Plus we’re trying to restore the republic, remember?”
“Kitsami, you know that’s not what the people are wanting, right?” the dragon asked as she placed a hand on the female’s shoulder.
“Yeah, they’re saying they want a queen to rule again,” a female with a bird mask spoke as she mirrored the dragon.
“Uh, I think it’s time we headed out for now,” Kitsami said as her tails pushed away either female, “People will start to get suspicious if we’re all gone for too long, don’t you think?”
With that questionable order, the Soul Drivers began to exit the building and board their Divine Beasts but Kitsami was stopped by a hand around her wrist as soon as she stepped outside.
“How will I be able to contact you?” Zero asked as he looked down at the masked face of the shorter female who just giggled in response.
“I'll send you a message within the next few days, Zero, now I have to make sure they don’t set anything on fire,” she replied, removing his hand from her wrist.
With a deep breath she brought her hands out in front of her before her tails extended, fur standing up on all her vulpine appendages as a glow came from underneath her top.
Her eyes flashed gold as a large, mechanical fox appeared in the empty space in the courtyard before she lept to the top and opened the hatch.
“See you all soon!” she chirped before hopping into pilot the beast, it’s eyes glowing before it lept over the wall after the other beasts. 
Two days later a ravenette rolled over in her bed as she was once again woken by her alarm.
“Fuck!” she groaned, the pain in her lower joints worse than before, since she had been at a competition the day before, “Who the hell schedules a marching band competition on a Sunday?!” 
Begrudgingly, the ravenette went through her morning routine glaring at her reflection in the mirror.
‘At least it hasn’t been acting up recently,’ she thought to herself as she touched the middle of her forehead before twisting her back to hear a satisfying pop. 
Making sure she was all set, Rhamina grabbed her book bag before exiting her dorm to make her way down to the cafeteria.
‘I really should get that all in one dorm appliance,’ she thought to herself while grabbing a tray of food, ‘I wouldn’t have to wake up as early if I did.’
As the teens ate the ravenette noticed more glares on her than usual but she just ignored it and blamed it on herself being more paranoid than usual.
When she was finished with her meal, Rhamina immediately made her way up to her classroom, not wanting to be part of the extremely inappropriate debate her children were having at the moment.
When she got there she noticed a new person in the room, one that she did not recognize as one of her classmates, not that she paid any attention to them anyway.
Upon noticing the ravenette, the brown-haired male gave a small wave with a polite smile.
‘Fuck, he’s cute,’ she thought as she made her way to her own seat which happened to be right in front of the male, returning the wave and smile.
“Congratulations, on second place yesterday,” he spoke after a few minutes of silence, breaking the teen out of her thoughts.
“Hm? Oh, thank you,” Rhamina replied when she realized the statement came from the brunet, “Wait, you watched the competition?”
“Yes, it was close to the area where I was working and it seemed interesting, so went to watch,” he explained before holding out his hand, “I’m Suzaku Kururugi, by the way.”
“I’m Rhamina Miyu,” the ravenette introduced while taking his hand, “It’s nice to meet you.”
The two kept conversing until a certain noiret walked into the room and he froze, eyes wide as soon as he noticed the form of the white knight.
“Good morning, Lelouch,” chirped the ravenette, snapping him out of his daze, “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” he answered a bit awkwardly before turning to the brunet who wore no expression, “I just didn’t expect to see Suzaku back in school. It’s been a while hasn’t it?”
“It really has, Lelouch, it’s good to see you’re doing well,” the male replied with a small smile, though Rhamina noticed that it didn’t reach his eyes.
The room became fell into a tense silence as Rhamina pulled out her phone to scroll on various apps, eyes flicking up between the two males every so often.
The day passed quite normally for the ravenette, but for Lelouch it was quite the opposite.
For the whole day Lelouch was filled with anxiety at the return of Suzaku Kururugi, the Knight of Seven serving directly under the emperor of Britannia.
Having noticed his out of character stiffness, Rhamina took the male by the wrist and dragged him to a secluded area of the school as soon as the bell rang.
“Rhamina, what are you doing?” he asked as he was shoved into one of the empty classrooms, “We have a student council meeting right now.”
“This should be quick, but it all depends on you,” she replied, turning back to face him, “You’ve been acting weird all day today, are you alright?”
“I appreciate your concern, Rhamina, but I assure you that I’m fine,” the male replied with a closed eye smile.
‘Fake,’ the ravenette identified as her eyes narrowed slightly.
“Lelouch, Hun, I haven’t even known you for that long and I can tell that’s a lie,” she sighed before placing a hand on his shoulder, “You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong if you don’t want to, but just know that I’m here if you need someone to listen. Trust me when I say you’ll end up killing yourself if your stress builds.”
“I-” the male started, relaxing when he saw the genuine look in her eyes despite the frown on her face, “Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Mhm, welp better hurry off to the student council room then,” she sighed checking the time on her phone, “Otherwise Milly is going to have our heads.”
The pair managed to make it to the lavash room just before the meeting started but Milly still wasn’t very happy with the male as she let the ravenette slip off to her seat next to Kassim during her lecture.
Once Lelouch was safely in his seat next to a chuckling Rivalz before Milly returned to the head of the table and started the meeting.
“Now, for our first order of business, we’re going to have a school wide festival in two days!” the blonde chirped, resulting in the shocked expressions of the others.
“In two days?!” Shirley and Rivalz exclaimed at the same time.
“Milly, don’t you think that’s a bit too soon, given such short notice?” Lelouch asked, trying to reason with his upper classman.
“Nope, we need to celebrate Suzaku’s return as soon as possible before the hype dies down!” the blonde chirped, “Plus we need to redeem ourselves from what happened at the school festival last year.”
The statement caused both Rhamina and Kassim to chuckle as the others tried to argue to at least push the date of the festival to be on a later date.
“Gusto nila ng maraming pagdiriwang dito, no?” the ravenette quietly asked her friend with a small smirk.
“Oo, nga,” the male replied as the pair continued to watch the argument, “Walang sila pakiramdam ng responsibilidad.”
Rhamina gasped before she lightly smacked the male on the shoulder while he continued to laugh with a large grin.
“Isang araw nito, ng bunganga mo ma pumatay ka,” she hissed in return.
“Rhamina, do you think the band will be able to play a few things for the festival?” Milly asked as the began to ignore the protests of the other council members.
“The marching band, I’m not so sure but the jazz ensemble can for sure,” she said after a few moments of thinking.
“No, don’t encourage her!” groaned Rivalz as Milly wrapped an arm around the ravenette with a smug smile on her face.
“Sorry guys but if there’s one thing I learned its that you take every opportunity to play, otherwise your chance if given to the fu- freaking cheerleaders,” Rhamina said with a shrug, catching herself before she could finish her cuss.
At the end of the meeting Rhamina was about to leave with Kassim, but was stopped by Lelouch who asked, “Rhamina, I have a few things to ask, you do you have some time?”
Kassim opened his mouth to reply, but Rhamina placed a hand on his bicep and shot him a warning look.
“Sure, I’m free,” she replied before the male beckoned her to follow him.
With a quick hug, she said goodbye to Kassim who only glared at the fading figure of their identified target down the hallway.
Lelouch ended up leading the ravenette to a part of the school that he and his brother were actually living in, having her sit at his dining table.
“So, what did you want to ask, Lelouch?” chirped Rhamina as she held her hands in her lap.
“I just wanted to know how you came to choose music,” the male stated with a small shrug, earning a chuckle from the female across from him.
“Did you really need to take me here to ask that question?” she teased leaning forward slightly.
“I do have more questions for you that I thought you might be more comfortable answering in private,” the male explained, causing the ravenette to raise a brow.
“Should I be worried?”
“That all depends on how you take the question.”
“Well, to answer your first question, I chose music because it was the only way for Kassim and I to survive,” Rhamina said after a period of silence her expression turning somber as she looked down at her hands, “We both lived in Area 6 when it was first colonized and my mother was one of the Filipino soldiers that died fighting for our country. When she died Kassim and I were left to live in the slums during an ongoing war. I chose music because that’s what earned me money, it was the only thing that kept us alive and to me still is keeping me alive.”
“Oh,” was all Lelouch could voice when he heard the rather blunt and dark explanation for her passion of the art.
“I’m so-” “Don’t apologize,” she lightly hissed as the gold flecks in her eyes seemed to darken in tone, “You wanted to ask questions so I’ll give you honest answers and my reason for this is because I can tell that you don’t care about me being a number. You’re asking these questions because you want answers merely to satisfy your curiosity and not to ostracize me.”
With a sigh the ravenette buried her face in her hands and leaned back in the chair as a short silence fell over the pair.
“Sorry for snapping like that,” Rhamina spoke while bowing her head slightly, “It's just that whenever I bring things like that up people usually laugh or just pity me. I’m not used to genuine apologies like that.”
“No, it's a sensitive topic, you have no reason to apologize to me,” Lelouch replied with a small smile, “Though I must admit, something I’ve noticed about you is that your capabilities of reading people are quite extraordinary. You were able to pick up on my motives quite quickly.”
“Oh, well it’s just something I’ve always been able to pick up on,” she shrugged, “It’s pretty important for me to be able to. It makes it easier to make sure all my kids are doing well.”
“Your kids?” 
“The kids in my band,” Rhamina chirped, the smile returning to her face, “See, we have this family dynamic in the band where I just basically adopted everyone in the program.”
“So they all see you as their mother?” the violet-eyed boy asked with a raised brow.
“Most of them do, mainly the underclassmen.”
The next two hours were spent chatting away until the ravenette checked her phone to see that it was 8 p.m.
“Shoot, it’s late,” she hissed picking up her stuff, “I’m going to head back to my dorm but it was nice talking to you.”
“You as well,” Lelouch replied, walking the ravenette to the door.
“Goodnight, Lelouch.”
“Goodnight, Rhamina.”
Buzz! Buzz! ‘Hello, Zero.’
~~~Fin. Chapter 2~~~
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Dancing Starlight
Dancetale! And because I can’t seem to stop sinning (ish? It is still SFW) suggested threesome. Or maybe just family vibes? I’m not sure, you guys pick.
It started out simple enough. A concerned word here, a worried glance there. Most monsters took a little while to understand that you just didn't dance. It was hard to after all; with your wings that never seemed to be in the right place and your legs being entirely backwards compared to everyone else. At least when it came to this planets forms of dancing. But if you could dance what you had learned as a child then maybe they wouldn't sorry so much. Especially the two skelebro's. (You had learned to dance, of course; starting at very young age. The Mystics of your home world needed to dance just like any other. And they loved it with the Mortals joined them.)
There in lay the problem though. Being trapped under a mountain gave you very little space to fly; let alone preform the sweeping graceful moves of a sky dance. It wasn't that you didn't try to learn to dance their way. Some moves hurt when you tried them or your body just couldn't preform them. You were willing to try each kind of dance, hoping to find something that would work. But it was always the same. It didn't fit and if it hurt you, the monster teaching you would put a halt to all lessons. No one was willing to teach something that could hurt someone.
Unlike monsters, you could make do with out dancing. Without magic to press and buzz at you to move when a song started, you could just go about and do things. But since mostly the monsters under the mountain still didn't know that you were not really a monster yourself, they worried. And their worrying really only made you feel guilty.
So that lead to you sneaking out the large star cave; usually after a large event when no one should be out and about. It almost to small really. Even if it was the largest cavern in the underground. Still, as long as you kept aware of where you were, it worked for a good place to practice. You wanted this to be prefect for when you showed everyone. After all, just because you did not feel the need to dance, didn't stop you from wanting to share in that joy. And what greater joy was there then showing off a new dance style.
You should have paid better attention though. Should have remember that the wall on the far east corner ended sooner then it did in the west. Maybe then you would have missed the low hanging rock ledge. Perhaps you would have remembered to drop down instead of pulling up. Instead you hit the rock hard, sending yourself into a tumble that landed you on a ledge no one could get to easily.
You had hit your head hard enough to double your vision. Dizzy and disoriented, you tried to get your feet under you; intending to try and get back to the ground but it just made things worse. Your legs couldn't take the weight of your body at the moment and you ended up face down on the rocks again. It was hard to keep couscous after that. Eventually you slipped under.
Sans was jittery the next morning. After the yearly spring festival in the capital yesterday you had slipped off to go somewhere. He had watched you carefully when he could. Several times he'd seen you twitch and bob to the beat of a song at the back of crowd. Nothing unusual when it came to any event or even a small gathering that lead to dancing. It wasn't something that worried him.
Normally he'd hear you come home late and peak out his room to check on you. You'd be tired and a little shaky; not unlike when Papyrus practiced a little to long. Whatever your reasoning for not dancing around anyone, he (and Papyrus) was glad to at lease see you weren't neglecting that part of yourself. But you always came home after wards.
He glanced at Papyrus from his seat at the table. Normally the younger brother would be dancing around the kitchen to make breakfast. This morning he was listlessly poking around in the cupboards, clearly worried for their missing Wingdancer. It wasn't like you to not come home or fail to leave a message.
"Paps, she's okay. i'll call Alphys to see if they binge watched more mew mew again, alright?" Sans stood from his chair, going for the phone. Payprus shifted, not looking at his brother. That was the first clue that Paps knew something and wasn't saying anything. His little brother was never very good at keeping secrets.
"Paps..." Papyrus turned to look at Sans, hands wringing together in worry. He kept glancing around the kitchen like he half thought you would just pop up from a hidden corner.
"Don't... don't be angry Sans, please?" Papyrus finally looked at Sans, silently pleading with his older brother. Whatever was going on the younger skeleton was sure Sans was not going to like it.
"okay, Paps. i promise i wont be angry. just tell me what's going on." It wasn't like either of the two of you kept things from anyone if it could end up with someone hurt.
"Wingdancer doesn't know... that I saw her in the star cavern. It was after the dance off at Grillby's three months ago." Papyrus looked nervous as he started to explain. He kept glancing towards the front door; like he half though just saying anything would bring you rushing in to stop him. "She... I thought she was just flying around at first. But then I saw her do something. It... I'm not sure just how to describe it but it looked kinda like a move I've done before. I've never seen a dance like that before but it just felt right to call it that. And she... she looked so happy. With her always running off after everyone else dances I couldn't bring myself to say anything. What if she stopped?"
Papyrus looked as torn as Sans felt. On the one hand, they were both glad you were dancing. And that they had been right about why you ran off. But on the other, dancing in the air sounded like it could be dangerous when done alone. Sans wasn't sure how to really feel about this. You had to know what you were doing. That was just something he was going to have to have faith in.
"hey Paps, it's okay. really. she'll tell us when she's ready. til then i think i know where she could be. pretty sure i saw cinnamon and mk almost getting her onto the dance floor yesterday. she probably danced a little harder then she should have after. let's try napsta's since he's closest." Sans smiled when Papyrus nodded to him. His little brother was already looking better. He started towards the front door, already reaching for his jacket when the phone rang.
"I'll get it." Papyrus practically raced towards the phone, hope in his eye sockets as he picked it up.
"Hello, Skeleton residents... Oh, Dr. Alphys how...." Papyrus went stiff as he fell silent, clutching at the phone. He was shaking minutely when he turned towards Sans. Worry bubbled up in Sans' soul from the look of dismay Papyrus had.
"S-sans... they found Wingdancer. She... She wont wake up." The bottom of the world dropped away. No. You couldn't have Fallen Down. You couldn't have. (Even in his thoughts, Sans' denial burned.)
Papyrus sat next to the bed you were currently laid out on. He had one of your hands held gently between his own, watching your face for any change. Out in the hall he could hear Sans speaking quietly with Alphys. The last few days had been nerve wracking. A couple in Waterfall had found you collapsed on a rock ledge; blueish magic leaking from your head. Alphys had found several broken bones and many bruises on you. The bruises were gone now and the bones were healing like they should. Or really how Alphys thought they should be. Your magic had always been a bit odd in that way.
While Papyrus knew he wasn't as smart as his brother, (few were after all the older skeleton had a masters degree in quantum mechanics) Papyrus was not dumb. He knew the signs just like every other monster. Perhaps a little bit more, considering his brothers more fragile health. Before this you had been healthy, social and (while it was done in secret for reasons he still didn't know) willing to dance. While a change in one did not mean a threat in Falling Down it could be an early warning. But there hadn't been any significant change. You should have bounced back shortly after your magic started healing. Instead you were still out nearly three weeks later.
With Sans and Alphys running every test they could think of to try and find out why you weren't waking, Papyrus had set himself down in the chair next to your bed and didn't move. Some one had to be here when you woke. And you would wake, he refused to believe that you might turn to dust at any time. It just couldn't happen. (A small voice in his soul whispered that it could. Whispered that maybe he had missed something vital and now they would lose you.)
Sans came in the room slowly, looking at you first before looking at Papyrus. The younger brother rubbed a skeletal thumb over the back of your hand, looking hopefully up at his brother. (No dust brushed off your hand, another hopeful sign.) Instead of giving a verbal answer, Sans moved to drop into the other chair next to your bed.
"alphys... we still don't know what's wrong Paps. we can't get a good reading on her magic but everything else checks out fine. she should wake up." Sans placed a hand over your other one, leaning forward to rest his skull on the edge of the bed. Papyrus watched his brother for a moment. There were lines of stress that hadn't been there before this.
"Sans... Have you eaten?" When Sans didn't answer Papyrus frowned in his worry. "Sans, you need to eat." Sans shifted enough to look at him without actually lifting his skull.
"what about you Paps?' Papyrus' hands tightened ever so slightly around yours at his brothers words. Sans just nodded, phalanges curling around your other hand. "ya..."
The two of them sat in silence after that, watching you. Neither of them were willing to risk leaving you. Not when the possibility of only coming back to dust was still there. Several hours later the door opened again and, to Papyrus' surprise, Asgore stepped into the room with a tray.
"Howdy. Dr. Alphys told me you both haven't left this room since she was brought in." Papyrus winced at the worry in the kings voice. He started to speak, unsure just what he wanted to say before Asgore waved him off. The older monster set the tray down on a small table. Papyrus blinked when he was handed a tea cup shortly after. Sans was also given a tea cup. They accepted the cups with little thought, trying to keep from spilling any on you.
"er... your majesty?" Sans looked a little uncomfortable, holding the cup like it might bite him.
"I'm not here to tell you news that Alphys can't, Sans. I'm here in the hopes of keeping the two of you from Falling. Bad enough we have Wingdancer like this."
"She won't fall." Papyrus might have been a touch rude, but he couldn't stand to think that even the King of Monsters might be giving up on you. He sat there, a tea cup in one hand while he still held yours in the other. Asgore looked at him for a long moment before smiling.
"I believe you, Papyrus. But neither of you will be of any good to her if you forget to take care of yourselves in the mean time." Well, there was little arguing with that.
Your head was killing you when you finally woke. The ground was a lot softer then you remember. Voices, low and soft, echoed over you and left you wondering just who found you. Oh you were not looking forward to the lecture Papyrus probably had for you. He worried when you didn't come home something fierce.
"...easy there, twinkle toes." It took a couple tries to get your eyes to open, earning a hiss from the bright lights. Someone turned the lights down and you managed to get your eyes to focus enough to find both skeleton brothers with you. Well that was different. They were both leaning over you, watching you with an intensity that you couldn't place.
"Paps... Sans... what...?" Your question was cut off when Papyrus pulled you close, orange tears gathering in his sockets. Okay, you were missing way to much information.
"You woke up..." A part of you freezes at his words, casting confused worried eyes towards Sans. The other skeleton moved closer, pressing his forehead against yours.
"you've been out for nearly a month, twinkle toes. closest anyone's gotten to falling down in a long time. later... later we're gunna talk. but right now just promise no more air dancing without someone there? please?" You nodded quickly, held very carefully between them.
"I promise." How could you not? What ever had happened had clearly shaken both of them. You would get the whole story later, right now they bother just needed this moment.
(I starting to think I can’t do fluff alone....)
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