#Lately ive been twitching like hrll getting more strongr shivers and instead of the regular neck shaking ive been going WHOMPWHOMPWHOHP
seth-burroughs · 8 months
Once I will recover my stregnth I am gonna go full least amount of free time average Ouma Kokichi theorist in 2017 on makoyomi. I already have all their interactions saved in folders I am going to dissect them into all theyre worth I am going to look like that funney red string pin wall office guy hand poiniting maniacal gaze I will I will average ougoku defender 43 screenshot seven page essay thru the makoyomi trenches you will not understand the word im a saying but you will agree you will agree that becqyse i am objectivelt correct about yomi sorry i was born tjat way. It will be all over for you
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