#Laura go buy a house or find a flatmate or something useful or
fazcinatingblog · 2 months
Imagine being a lovely innocent Carlton fan and having a nice peaceful time at the footy and you turn to one side and three seats down, there's the most annoying Italian talking to herself about Alex Fasolo and
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Moon Conjunct Uranus, The Eclipses and Sun square Sun: My time at Beachwood terrace.
As I mentioned in my previous "transition from South node to North node " I was living in Burley Park in Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK with three spanish at first and an English guy who lived near Brighton. It was very noisey, I couldn't sleep. The address was 50 Beachwood Terrace. In Numerology the number "5" is the energy of change, freedom, communication, variety, the senses, adventure, entertainment. 5 is also my life path number in Astrology. It was defintely that. Not only did I learn a lot of Spanish but also much about the spanish values of community, family and partying. I was so resentful of my flatmates because I couldn't sleep. At one point I was very cold and angry with Pilar and Pablo because I didn't sleep well the night before and snapped at them. Then Laura stopped talking to me as well as the others, it drove me crazy. I decided to buy some Bengali food one day and the owner of the shop, a Scorpio/smooth talking cars salesman as well, reminded me that Scorpios put their mind to something, they get it. He also reminded me that God wouldn't put you through something if you didn't have the strength to deal with it. This helped me a lot with the situation and was able to make up with Laura. Still, I had many troubles my whole life with groups. I didn't want a part of there connection, they could sense there was a wall between them and I, and often they made it their goal and (especially the Scorpio girl "Laura") to surpass this obstacle. Pablo would sit their playing video games all day, yelling in Spanish, smoking weed. Laura and Pilar would play reggaeton and tease me, or beg me to read their Tarot cards. I noticed my connection getting closer and closer with them. Often I imagined being somewhere far, far away from them nor caring. I tried to detach myself from them the best I could (venus square uranus) because it hurt too much (Sun conjunct Pluto in Scorpio in the 7th). The French girl also arrived who revealed herself to have a good heart. Her father had died in the past and she arrived at the house because her ex she had been living with beat her. We spent one great evening listening to nostalgic music and dancing, singing Cher and other tunes. When the Sun went into Leo we would have dance parties in the living room that would go mental sometimes. I would ride along the Leeds -Liverpool canal sometimes. It was so beautiful and peaceful. I would think I had arrived in heaven. I met a guy that lived on a boat in the canal and he says it was the best time of his life. He reminded me how we often get so caught up in the rat race that we ain't happy. He lives off the grid. Also met a homeless guy in a boat who travels up the river and sells his carving. This encounter changed a lot of things for me. On the weekends I would meet my French friend Mael and we would meet with a bunch of international people and dance, speak in different languages and share our cultures. There was even a time when I met with some french people and then my French flatmate suddenly arrived! She was best friends with a few of the french there and we all knew each other! The Spanish girls returned to spain for fifteen days, before that time I had damaged the TV in anger (which I felt ashamed about and told them about) so I was dreading their return. I begin feeling time pressing to find a new place to live and no matter how many times I would tell pablo or the English roomate Ken below me about the noise it would only stop briefly and then increase. Pablo would leave the dishes stacked in our little kitchen and his clothes and stuff all around the common area which elicited many quarrels and in the end Pilar not speaking with Pablo. Another example of how strange circumstances were, there was an Irish guy called James who I met at the Spanish English Intercambios, who was very charming but would talk shit to me every time I saw him, especially in front of other women. One day, not soon after moving into Beechwood Terrace, James arrived at my house. It was a strange surprise. He was seeing Pilar and trying hard to fuck her but she made him wait, so then he tried to get at our french roomate which didn't work as well I thought. The house and neighborhood was always full of surprises. An example is some hippies moved in next door one day and threw a massive party all night, I asked to turn it down, lady felt bad and about three weeks later brought us birthday cake as a way of saying sorry I think. Another example was I got accidently locked out of my room by the letting agent, had to sleep on the couch and down the street, I heard screaming and encountered a dude dressed all in purple with a purple jesters hat, off his face, underneath a car. He was alright. Took him to the park and the cops got him. He said he was from Manchester and kept screaming "I am in heaven" I also bumped into a dude who offered me a room to rent in his house while all that was happening. I came back another time from my counseling appointment in Harrogate, after a walk and reflection in the woods. I bumped into Pilar with Her spanish friend Elo playing music, pilar dressed up in a robe, with crutches. It was very cute. I left the house about to confront everyone about the noise and bumped into a dude on a bike who lived in Chapel town, one of the hoods here in Leeds. He grew up a bit in Africa and finally arrived in Leeds, he was all about eckart tolle and loved America. He spoke a bit too much. Said he had isolated himself and seemed a bit over eager to hang with me. We chatted until four in the morning and then pulled tarot a card after never hung out with him again. I Felt bad about that. I pulled the tower. Another time I was looking for houses online in Victoria arcade. A gay aquarias Pakistani heritage dude from Bradford and a very pretty Czech Gypsy girl from Bradford started to talking to me. The guy kept asking me why I wasn't gay. The girl kept showing me her clothes she bought. They kept talking at the same time asking me questions about America. It was truly bizarre. I ended up bringing them to outside a meditation class. In the elevator they were making farting noises and pretending like they didn't know who it was. We never made it into the meditation class. They took off soon after and I knew I probably wasn't going to see them again and it probably wasn't my destiny to either and felt some sadness because of that, but reminded me how more down earth I've become since living in England. The next day after this incident some guy came out of my neighbors house and asked me to give him my trainers. It was truly a random time. Moon conjunct Uranus. Moon represents habits, the past, family, the home and uranus represents excitement, sudden changes, disruption. So if you combine these two planets together you can bet there was madness and excitement. Katy a English girl invited me to come to gay pride in Leeds and I had no expectations. She brought her french friend, some yorkshire girls and a spanish girl. We raved so hard at Mission Club, I had a small circle of people watching me. I invited my French friend mael. We danced (or at least I) danced on picnick tables with tons of other people and met random people in McDonald's. I went off with Leah the spanish girl to dance even more. At one point we were dancing in the rain, in the courtyard of a club, there was lazer lights and all I kept thinking was all the things I had been through up to this point, in California, my mum being really ill, being without friends, wanted to commit suicide, in a new country. Now I was dancing in the rain, free as a bird it felt, giving it my all for all those times I suffered. A week later Mael left, before he left if there was any doubts whether he was my friend or not, they were cast aside. His kindness and openness helped me open my heart to people when I had closed myself off from friendship before coming to Leeds. When he left I felt quite sad and said I wouldn't make more friends at first, I also had to find a place in two weeks and was having a crisis of faith. He taught me not to take personally or seek validation from these other folks who would critize me for being free, playful and essentially myself,and then ignore me. I realized having one good friend could make a city, even a country that much better. I decided to keep making friends and was successful in continuing my social circle. The spanish girls returned, and forgive me. I spent many days at the Victoria arcade, a very beautiful space, looking for places on my phone, people walking up and playing the piano when it was there, my life felt like a movie. The house search proved to be challenging, all the places wanting 6 months contract with very little room to squeeze out of it. One night I needed to wake early for a viewing in the morning and it was so noisey that I didn't sleep a wink. I yelled at Pablo and went to the viewing where three other people showed up. I spoke with my uncle Tim about my struggles and that needed a place to stay. The Next day I bought a tent and went into the woods nearby with a pair of clippers I found I made a path through the thorns to create a find a hidden and quiet place to camp. Still too noisey, so I went to a golf course near the canal and then realized how funny all this was. If only the folks in Cali could see me now, in a golf course in Yorkshire, England Leeds trying to pitch a tent because I couldn't sleep in my house. I then went and met with Leah and we went to a karaoke and danced like mad at a gay bar and then returned with her friends, talking at her house about domestic abuse. I opened up about how challenging it was about moving my whole life and making new friends. How I always found something negative about a place. I slept in my place that night. Next morning I get a text from Tim that I can stay at his hotel rooms he owns in Harrogate until October. A blessing showing me the universe has got my back but also I felt sad. It meant leaving the house and living an hour away. It was so sudden I cried and realized how much I cared about my flatmates, how quickly time passes and that everything felt like it was coming together but now it was time to leave. I went to the language exchange that day and ate food, feeling my time living in Leeds, slipping away. I returned later to give my all on the dancefloor, dancing with a middle aged Pisces Polish women, with dancing with the other international folk there and grinding on her until I had to leave. In the car and kissed her listening to Kazumba, after being very confused, because her facial expression was always without expression. It was way better then meeting the Lithuanian girl on the street who I could have kissed but didn't and she ditched me very rudely at the bar, while listening to live drum and bass. This all happened the day before the Solar Eclipse in Leo... I got back to Harrogate after fidling with the lockbox to get to key to enter a beautifully designed room, with purple couches, beautiful lights and my own quiet comfy bed. I could feel the blessings of the universe then, very strong. I deserve this I thought, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel But also there is no destination.. The journey is continues Part two "The otherside of the Eclipse: Living alone in Harrogate"
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