lawlesslane · 3 years
About Lawless Lane
Immersive Criminal RP Venue
Lawless Lane is set in a seedy back alley warehouse that is host to a grunge themed dive bar, a blackmarket warehouse and drug den, an underground illegal fighting ring, gambling, and so much more. An all-you-need space for criminal or low life activity.
Rotating Open Schedule
Lawless Lane is a weekly venue on an alternating Sunday and Monday rotation. This means one week we will open on a Sunday and the next week a Monday, so on and so forth. To know when our next open night is please join the LL Discord, where announcements will be made every time we update our schedule!
Not a Free Company
We are not a Free Company. So you do not need to be on Coeurl or in the [GANG] FC in order to come by Lawless and participate in our roleplay. Lawless is meant to be a more open community for anyone and everyone interested in the underground and back alley criminal scenes to enjoy themselves. There are opportunities to become a part of the Oronir Brothers gang, however being in the Lawless free company is not required!
No Real Gil Required
All bar and drug transactions are RP only and cost nothing OOC. So there is no pressure to spend gil during an evening of just roleplay. However tipping the bartenders and drug dealers is greatly encouraged, otherwise they might just end up picking your pockets. We do offer some gambling/betting services for casino-like games and the fight arena where the customer may choose to gamble with real gil or just roleplay gil!
Open Use Venue 24/7
The venue is left unlocked 24/7 for your use outside of our regular hours. You are welcome to come any time to the mansion to roleplay with others in Lawless Lane's setting, even use the arena if you have a brawl going on. It is all free of charge. So come by and enjoy some less-than-legal dealings. Just be careful who you talk to, you never which one will end up sticking a knife in your back.
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lawlesslane · 3 years
LL Discord Server
Enjoying Lawless Lane in-game? Want to get more involved or have early access to announcements, events, and other kinds of action? Then join our community discord server!
We have all kinds of shenanigans usually going on on the server. It is as well where we post first notice for hiring applications being opened, polls for the public opinion ono events/changes, and so much more.
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lawlesslane · 3 years
Hiring Application
Interested in joining the Lawless Lane crew? At the venue we offer a large variety of jobs ranging from bartender to enforcer to fighter in the arena. There is a bit of something for everyone here! And often we are hiring on more people as our venue grows.
To get an advance heads up on when specifically we are looking for hires you can join the LL Discord and sign up for our ‘hiring applications open’ tag, which will be pinged every time we have a new slot open at the venue.
Similarly you can go ahead and check out our application form. Sometimes the form is locked when we absolutely have no more space for hires and at other times are left open for us to look at when we think we need more people.
GENERAL EMPLOYEE APPLICATION FORM Jobs include: bartender, enforcer, drug dealer, gambling dealer, erotic services, arena fighter/support
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lawlesslane · 3 years
Drinking Games
At the Lawless Lane bar our bartenders have a couple of daring and fun drinking games for those more bold patrons to partake in if they please. So if you are interested in some fun while drinking at the LL bar, simply ask one of our bartenders about participating in one of our three drinking games.
The Shoot-Out Challenge consists of four rounds of shots. The shots consist of a spicy Kugane liquor blend that with each shot grows in its intensity and its spiciness, making it difficult to drink more than one. Challengers must beat a certain roll number for each round to continue on to the next one.
ROUND 01 - 200 or Higher ROUND 02 - 400 or Higher ROUND 03 - 600 or Higher ROUND 04 - 800 or Higher
​You are given one free re-roll pass for the challenge.
​If you manage to down all of the shots and come out victorious you will win a free round of drinks for your party and the glory of being a badass!
This drinking game is most suitable for larger groups of people. The aim of the game is to be the last man standing in a shot drinking competition with other competitors. So the more people participating, the better!
All participations will be handed out a shot of the house’s Limsan Trashcan. When the bartender shouts ‘GO’ all participants will down their drink and make a /random roll publicly. The participant with the lowest /random roll will end up failing to take their shot and therefore be out of the competition. Remaining participants will move on to the next round, continuing to drink shots and /random until finally there is only one man left standing victorious and is crowned the King of the Drink!
For those particularly daring or wanting to try something wild, our ‘Pick Your Poison’ challenge is the game to play. In this game the bartender will make you a mystery shot to drink. However the mystery of the liquor inside the drink is not the focus of this game. It is the drug that spikes the drink.
Every PYP shot is spiked with a mystery drug that when consumed with the drink, will create a temporary mental change to the drinker. These changes will be emotional or perception based and are only temporary, effects usually lasting from a few minutes up to an hour. Once they fade away there is no lingering side effect or harm to the drinker.
Characters must sign a consent form IC to receive a PYP shot.
Once you have been served your shot you will take the drink and do a /random roll. Once you have your random roll number you will then proceed to the page linked below to reveal what effect your PYP shot drug gives. You are then free to roleplay out your character under these effects and have fun with it!
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lawlesslane · 3 years
Venue Gambling Games
At Lawless Lane we offer patrons the opportunity to gamble, be it for actual gil or simply for roleplay immersion. Rather than having a designated casino arena, we have specialized dealer employees who roam the venue offering to play games of luck with patrons anywhere you wish to within LL. To gamble with one all you have to do is simply flag down a dealer or join a game in progress.
Patrons may choose to play the gambling games with actual gil OR roleplay gil. The option is completely up to you, simply let the dealer know if you wish to only roleplay out your gambling or if you’d like to offer up real gil in your bets for a chance to win actual gil from the house. We are happy to proceed with either option.
Below are our offered gambling games as well as their rules and betting limits. Simply choose a game that you would like to try out and let our dealer know so they may run you through it. Everything will be ran in-character as to keep the roleplay immersion of the venue upheld.
Bet Minimum: 100 gil Bet Maximum: 10,000 gil
To begin the round the patron will make a gil bet for the game, able to put up an amount of gil between 100 to 1,000. Dealer will then do a dice roll. Rather than looking at the number as a total itself, the dealer will take each individual number and add them together for their total (Ex: 724 will be 7+2+4, a total of 13).
The patron will then make a bet whether the added total of their own roll will be higher or lower than the dealer’s. They will then do a dice roll and add up their numbers total to determine if their bet was correct or not.
If the patron successfully guesses that their number is higher or lower than the dealers, they will receive back double the amount of their gil that was bet. If their guess was incorrect, the dealer will keep their better gil for that round.
Bet Minimum: 1,000 gil Bet Maximum: 50,000 gil
To begin the game, the group much first determine roll turn order between those participating in the game. This can be done through discussing or a /dice. Once the first player is determined that person will then roll a /dice to determine the ‘max number’ (Ex: the player rolls a 659).
The next player must then do a /dice roll using the previous player’s number as the max number (/dice 659). Whatever number is rolled will now become the new ‘max number’ (Ex: the player rolls a 110).
This step will be repeated each person who participates in the game, all players taking turning rolling /dice and the previous ‘max number’ determined by the person before them. This will continue until someone in the group rolls a ‘1′.
 Upon rolling a ‘1′ that person will be eliminated and the game will reset, repeating the dice rolls of dwindling max numbers and ‘1′ eliminations until there is only one person left, the winner.
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lawlesslane · 3 years
Drug Menu
At Lawless Lane there is everyone's fair share of illegal items and substances. One particular thing that LL dealers are known for is their drugs. So if you are looking for your next hit the dealers at Lawless are who you want to seek out. Just be wary because some of the substances sold are known to be quite deadly for mortals.
​All drug prices are purely for roleplay purposes. No actual gil exchange is necessary with our dealers.
All of our drugs are actual FFXIV mentioned substances, so they are 100% lore friendly to the FFXIV world. We have listed with them their drug type and their real-world equivalent to better help you understand what each drug is.
Somnus . 1,500g Depressant - Opium A popular drug around Ul'dah, Somnus gives the user an euphoric rush followed by relaxation. Often used to relieve pain and stress, leaving you in a hazy state.
Milkweed . 1,000g Hallucinogenic - Ecstasy A strong hallucinogenic commonly used by Slyphs. Must be consumed in extremely small quantities by mortals due to it being highly toxic. Used to strengthen other substances.
Moko Grass . 500g Multi-Category - Marijuana A common and affordable drug that when used can have a varying sort of effects on the user from being a depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogen. Most often moko grass is smoked.
Dreamweed . 700g Depressant - Heroin Commonly used in medical treatments dreamweed works as a system suppressant and a narcotic downer. Typically will alleviate pains and numb the body to feelings temporarily.
Pluto . 2,000g Stimulant - Steroid A strong stimulant drug popular with fighters, Pluto will leave the user feeling 'harder than steel' and make them prone to violence if too large a dose is taken.
K'nahli . 1,500g Stimulant - Cocaine A popular stimulant drug that when snorted will usually leave the user feeling euphoric, energetic, wide awake, and hyper alert to everything around them.
Blackroot Rose . 25,000g Hallucinogenic - None A very deadly and addictive narcotic that when consumed will cause the user to experience nightmarish visions and extreme fits of violence. Large amounts will cause brain damage.
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lawlesslane · 3 years
Dive Bar Menu
The Lawless Dive Bar offers quite the assortment of drinks for you to get smashed on or simply sip while discussing your criminal plans. Like any regular dive bar expect a lot of options but not necessarily the safest of drinks, so consume with caution.
The bar offers beers, ales, wines, sakes, mixed drinks, and more. So don't be afraid to ask for your favorite drink. Below is listed just our four ‘signature’ drinks themed for Lawless Lane’s venue.
ALL DRINK PRICES ARE FOR ROLEPLAY PURPOSES. No actual gil exchange is necessary at the bar.
Cement Mixer . 500g A strange shot that is often offered in challenge or prank. When the ingredients are swished together it will curdle in your mouth. The mixer consists of Limsa cream and lime juice.
Mind Eraser . 700g A potent cocktail that our bartenders advise drinking in moderation, lest you find your memory of the night blacked out. The eraser consists of coffee liqueur, vodka, & club soda.
Corpse Reviver #2 . 800g A strong reviver to increase your vigor and chase away a hangover this drink is good to rouse the otherwise dead. CR#2 consists of gin, lillet blanc, cointreau, lemon juice, and absinthe.
Limsa Trashcan . 1,000g A chaotic concoction of multiple liquors that is sure to leave you regretting your life choices in the morning. The trashcan consists of gin, vodka, triple sec, rum, schnapps, and curaçao.
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lawlesslane · 3 years
Venue Rules
Lawless Lane might be lawless but we still have some mandatory rules and expectations for roleplays who wish to enjoy our venue. So please read all the rules below and do your best to follow them. If you fail to follow the rules a bouncer will give you one warning. Should you break them again you will be asked to leave the premises and will no longer be allowed to enjoy our offered services or participation in any LL hosted events.
Don't Be a Dick We know criminal type characters can be tough and hateful, but please try to keep hatefulness to in-character only. Out of character be respectful of other RPers.
No Spam or Trolling We get it, you want attention, but spamming or trolling our venue and our patrons isn't the way to get it. If you do either of these routinely you will be blacklisted from LL.
No Public ERP While erotic roleplay is allowed to happen at Lawless Lane we ask that you please keep all 18+ roleplays to /tells or /party, no one wants to read you doing the nasty in public.
No Shouting or Yelling When roleplaying please stick to /em and /say if doing public RP. The use of /shout and /yell is reserved only for important announcements and similar posts by our staff.
No Non-Consensual Roleplay What we mean by this is all roleplay interactions MUST be agreed upon out of character by both roleplayers. Non-con in-character is fine if it is okayed by both players ooc.
No Godmoding or WOLs We aren't angsty teenagers, so absolutely no godmoding all-power characters. Every character has flaws and weakness. Similarly Warriors of Light OCs are not permitted.
You Must be 18+ IC & OOC Due to themes of Lawless Lane we require that all patrons must be above the age of eighteen not only in character but out of character as well. Sorry kiddos.
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