#Lazarus... you have a chance to fix stuff... so FIX 'EM
phoenixshine · 4 years
30 Days of “Ashes to Ashes” - Day 24
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Day 24 - What’s your favourite moment of your favourite pairing?
You know, this scene could very well be my answer to a lot of the 30 days challenge. It’s such a rollercoaster of emotions. But it’s still my absolute favourite moment between them and one of my favourite scenes in the entire show.
There’s so much tension in the air and at the same time such sense of comfort. They are just sitting in that sofa, drinking and chatting and being open and honest *cough*married*cough*. And then Alex suggests they dance. And Gene channels the Manc Lion that Alex immediately sees through. And then he gets up and you just feel the temperature in the room rise by 1000000 degrees. This is it, for them. No more lies, no more hiding.
There’s so much tenderness that I might just cry. Alex finds comfort in his embrace, and when she leans her head on his shoulder and we can see them both sway, with their eyes closed, their hands clasped next to Gene’s heart, whilst the camera moves imperceptibly closer... I just die. And just as I am certain I have died a thousand deaths already, Gene turns and kisses her softly... RIGHT AT THE SPOT WHERE SHE WAS SHOT. Like trying to kiss a bullet wound away. And then you know what happens...
Regarding the rest that I’ve already talked about... I think my feelings are perfectly summarised in the scene’s opening lines:
“I think we have unfinished business, Bolly.” “Yeah... yeah, we do.”
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