#Leania Matsui
heartwoodventures · 3 years
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Heartwood draws the line - no more uncertainty, no more misdirection. It’s time to uncover Momori’s dark secrets, even if it means becoming vigilantes. A team returns to Florus’s Coerthan bunker ready to discuss, for it’s time to forge their own path with a new ally in tow.
If Florus is to be believed, then Momori desires both him and A11Y. She sought him out, attacked him, and now continues to target him for unknown reasons. In a bid to win Heartwood’s trust, Florus offers his bunker as bait in order to let them witness what Momori is really up to. Hidden, the company watches Momori lead a gang of white-robed followers to the location. They loot Florus’s base and then sacrifice an unwilling ‘criminal’ to the Helm’s aether-carving ritual. Some answers, even more questions.
Full Logs >Here!<
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