#Learning with Fuh'fin
pr0cyon-lotor · 5 months
Learning with Fuh'fin: Drums?
Fuh'fin scurried over to the main lounging area after a crash. Where he expected to see a fallen crew member groaning in pain after falling from a worrying height (again), instead he found everyone perfectly fine and playing with... drums?
Not like any he had seen before. He'd seen other space dwellers have different forms of drums. Some were made out of hide or skin. One type was made using the membrane of a blob creature from an aquatic planet. However, those became illegal after the species almost died out due to production.
Fuh'fin approached, and Vi-Vi finally seemed to notice him. She smiled and waved him over. He picked up his pace and trotted over. He looked up at the navigator.
"Do you know about drums?" She asked politely. "Yes, I've seen many from other races, and even the Yimex have their own variant," he answered with a chirp-like sound.
Vi-Vi chuckled. "We should order one so you can teach us how to play," she offered, and Fuh'fin's tail wagged in excitement. He always loved it when the crew was willing to learn about his species. He loved telling everyone about his home life.
Another bang, and Fuh'fin looked at the strange drums. "What drums are those?" He asked as he watched a crew member strike them with a small stick. Most of the time, Fuh'fin hadn't seen other races use a tool for drums. The Yimex use their tails to strike the surface, so it was interesting.
"Marching drums. Ella wanted to show everyone how fast she used to play in high school, and everyone is trying to replicate her," Vi-Vi said while putting a hand on her hip. "I never played percussion. I used to play the clarinet," she laughed mostly to herself.
Fuh'fin looked at Vi-Vi, trying to understand everything through context clues before giving up. "Highschool?" was his first question.
"Education. Typically higher in the types we have on earth," Vi-Vi explained patiently. Fuh'fin took the information and tried to make sense of it.
Education was a newer concept for the Yimex. They never needed it before. They used to be war bound, so there was no use for school, like most races needed it. They had relied on instinct.
That has changed recently, but only after Fuh'fin left his mother planet. He never experienced it. The closest thing he had to education was job training.
But he quite preferred to learn as he went. He learned how to read multiple languages without a translator, just fine. So the concept of school was still hard for Fuh'fin to wrap his head around, but he understood it in theory.
So the word "highschool" was explained. Now, for the other word that confused him, "Marching drums? Like battle drums?" He asked.
Vi-Vi hummed in thought, her hand moving to scratch her head, the red of her hair much more faded than it once was. Fuh'fin was told it wasn't an indication of illness but a cosmetic choice. Like berries staining his fur, as he was told. Just a more permanent berry stain.
"Sort of," Vi-Vi ended up saying. "Not for war per se. Not anymore, at least. Just a relic of times past," she explained.
Fuh'fin thought about it and came up with a comparison. "Oh, like how the Yimex still wear imitation crustacean armor even though we stopped being at war with the crustacean species on our planet?" He said proudly.
Vi-Vi hummed. "Sometimes you say some metal stuff, Fuh'fin," she said. Fuh'fin had no idea what that meant, but from her tone and body language, it was a compliment. Also, metal is a strong material, so she was probably calling him strong. And that's always good.
"Thank you," he responded with a few subconscious dooks. "You're sweet," Vi-Vi said, and Fuh'fin did know what that meant. He dooked a little louder.
"Oh yeah, I meant to ask. What's a clarinet?" He asked after he calmed down. 
Vi-Vi chuckled. "An instrument I could never play well. It always squeaked," she said as if admitting to something. It didn't mean much to Fuh'fin since he still had no idea what a clarinet was. He knew that squeaking was bad. He hated the sound of anything that squeaked; it hurt his ears.
"Still? What is it?" He asked again with clear confusion. "Hm, maybe I'll show you when we have time," Vi-Vi offered.
Fuh'fin was about to agree when the steady beat on the drum changed to an unsteady crash. He turned over and saw that Ella had given her drum to someone else. It was clear the other didn't know how to play as steadily as she did.
Fuh'fin scratched his ear; it felt like it was rubbing his head wrong. "I should return to patrolling," he muttered, hoping no one thought he was being rude for running away.
Vi-Vi laughed. "I'll tell Hugo to play jazz in the lounge later. I think you'd like it," she said as Fuh'fin trotted away from the awful beat. He wanted to respond, but the urge to leave won out. 
Once he escaped, he stopped and realized he had one more question.
"What is jazz?" 
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pr0cyon-lotor · 1 year
Cuteness Aggression: Fuh'fin's first time meeting humans
The Yimex were respected warriors on the intergalactic scene. They are apex predators by galactic standards. Their muzzles were filled with sharpened teeth fit for ripping flesh apart or even incapacitating their prey. Their agility was unmatched by even most machinery. Their sharp and attentive eyes could see more clearly in dark environments, especially thanks to their mask-like fur pattern.
By all means, they were terrifying to every other race. But since their inclusion in the galactic council, they've pulled back on their once-feral nature. Once they met more alien races and realized they held the same beliefs as their people, they agreed to join.
The Yimex were terrifying beyond a doubt, but they had honor. They only attacked if they were threatened, and they wouldn't lose. That's why they were so respected throughout the greater galaxy. They also started taking jobs as protectors and guards for other races.
The Yimex were highly intelligent and could learn how to use tools and weapons rather quickly. And they also had a grand sense of protectiveness, especially toward smaller creatures and their own. They were gentle protectors once one got over the initial fear.
Fuh'fin was a Yimex. He was a guard sent to escort a crew of the newer race added to the council. Humans, if he remembered correctly. He hadn't heard much about them other than that they were apparently considered apex predators, much like the Yimex. Their intelligence was revered by many; however, their biology was much smaller and unfit for war.
Ambush predators perhaps? How interesting...
Fuh'fin couldn't deny that he was quite excited to meet these humans. He was always interested in meeting other beings from different races. The Yimex were social by nature, and by his understanding, this job was going to be a rather long one. He was excited, yet worried that these humans wouldn't share his excitement.
From what he saw, their politicians were quite serious. What if their entire race was like that? Fuh'fin hoped they weren't. He hated jobs that were quiet and purely business. Yes, he could bear it, but it was agony. The Yimex were energetic and always eager to socialize. He hoped this new race would share that desire.
Well, no mind to that. He had to seem proper. He had to seem serious; he was working.
Fuh'fin walked along with his supervisor. He had to look up at him while he explained this assignment. Yimex were naturally quadrupedal, although they could stand bipedal, but it wasn't very comfortable.
"These humans are from a carrier company on earth. Apparently, they wanted to have a guard just in case. They seemed rather eager to have you come with them for whatever reason," Fuh'fin's supervisor said plainly while looking forward.
"May I ask why?" Fuh'fin felt a bit curious about why he was picked. Not that he wasn't a good guard. It's just other races; we're still quite scared of the Yimex. It's not every day that he is asked for a job that's not life or death.
"They said you reminded them of a creature on their home planet," his supervisor said with a shrug. They did seem as curious as Fuh'fin felt. Maybe he should ask once he meets the captain.
Fuh'fin looked over at the ship they were approaching. Sleek and minimalist on the outside, giant thrusters on its side—rather intimidating, if you ask Fuh'fin. Serious and slightly terrifying.
Fuh'fin looked over at the letters on the ship's side. His translator worked quickly and translated the text as "USS Bartholomew". Was that a warrior from their race? He wasn't sure about the humans, but many ships from other races are named after warriors. It was interesting; maybe that was something Fuh'fin could use as a conversation starter.
Footsteps took Fuh'fin away from his thoughts. He looked over, and finally he saw the human,who he guessed was the captain. He had an expression that Fuh'fin was told meant the human was feeling positive. A smile, if he remembered correctly.
"Good day. I'm the captain of the USS Bartholomew," the human said with a calm tone. He brought his hand out to Fuh'fin's supervisor. It was a human greeting, a sign of peace. "The pleasure is mine, captain," his supervisor said plainly, shaking the human's hand.
Ah! He should shake his hand as well. After all, it was a greeting. Fuh'fin finally stood on his hind legs. The Yimex were long-bodied, so once they stood on their hind legs, they towered overall.
Usually, that terrified other races—a tall, looming predator looking down on you. Yet, this human didn't react more than a slight widening of the eyes. Except it wasn't in fear. Fuh'fin saw the humans' pupils dilate when they looked at Fuh'fin. Wasn't that something that happens to humans when they see something attractive or pleasing to the eye?
The human made a coughing sound and trained their face into a calm expression. Yet Fuh'fin could smell dopamine suddenly. A black market stimulant, but he was told humans release it when they're happy. What a strange race!
"I'm Captain Gonzalez," the human said with a smile as they extended their hand. Fuh'fin shook the hand with his paw. He could feel the human's heart beat accelerate as his paw pads made contact with the human's hand. The smell of dopamine increased and is now joined by the scent of oxytocin. Another black market stimulant: how many black market substances do humans produce naturally?
"I'm Fuh'fin of the Yimex, Captain Gonzalez," Fuh'fin says with a calm tone. The captain stared at him for a moment before their eyes suddenly gained the light of consciousness again. "You– you are a part of the crew; you can call me Hugo," the captain said with a nonthreatening sound, a laugh?
"Come with me; I'll show you around," the captain said with a smile, waving his hand for Fuh'fin to follow him. Fuh'fin settled again on his four legs and followed the captain. They boarded the ship.
In the new environment, Fuh'fin sniffed around as they walked. He was trying to get used to the new smells. As the captain led Fuh'fin through the corridor, a sweet scent reminded him of the fruit of his mother planet. Subconsciously, Fuh'fin let out a few dooks of happiness.
Then a loud metallic sound startled Fuh'fin. He whipped his head around toward the captain and smelled him. The smell of blood filled the air. "Captain! What happened?" Fuh'fin stood on his hind legs to grab the captain's shoulders.
The captain had punched a wall. It was pure metal, yet he left a dent. Was he angry at Fuh'fin for making a sound? No, the smell of dopamine was strong. He was happy, but why would he punch a wall?
"Captain?" Fuh'fin said softly. He heard Hugo take a deep breath, and then he moved his hand away. "Sorry, cuteness aggression," he said with a smile. He cradled his hand with his non-broken one. Blood spilled from his knuckles.
Cuteness aggression? What was that? Why would it merit punching a wall? Why was he feeling it?
"Let's take this time to show you the medical deck and get you a new guide while I get patched up," the captain said with a laugh. He walked calmly, like he hadn't just broken his hand and left a dent on a metal wall. How was he so calm? Any other creature would be writhing in pain, yet he walked easily, like it was nothing.
Fuh'fin followed him, slightly panicked. "Captain! Why are you so calm? Aren't you in pain?" He asked with worry. "Once the adrenaline crashes, it's going to hurt like a bitch, but I'm fine so far," the captain said easily.
Now that he mentioned it, adrenaline was strong in the air. Was he producing this chemical?
Before Fuh'fin could ask anything else, they reached the medicine deck. "Doc! I need your assistance and a new guide for our new guy," the captain said pleasantly to a woman writing something. She looked up with a blank expression and then locked eyes with Fuh'fin.
She let out a shriek. Fuh'fin recoiled. Did he scare this human? He didn't make any moves that should be considered threatening. The captain seemed unbothered by him. What did he do? Was it his muzzle? Only predators have muzzles. Yeah, it's probably his muzzle. This human probably recognized him as a predator. Should he apologize?
Fuh'fin panicked as his eyes darted around to think of a way to apologize for scaring her, yet she squealed. "He's adorable! Oh my God! He looks like a giant ferret!" The human squealed and ran over with a large smile... She wasn't scared?
...Wait, adorable?
The human woman dropped to her knees and started petting Fuh'fin. He just froze, trying to make sense of what he heard.
"He's so cute! I love him! This is the guard you hired? Can we keep him?" The human said it with... excitement? Dopamine and oxytocin were basically pouring out of her as she ran her hands through Fuh'fin's fur. She wasn't scared. She wasn't scared at all.
"Uh— uhm... H-hello?" Fuh'fin tried speaking. As confused as he was, the captain needed medical attention. He barely got appointed to this crew; he couldn't just let his captain stay hurt.
The human squealed in delight, and Fuh'fin could basically see stars in her eyes. He felt flustered. "The—The captain..." Fuh'fin felt shy; he was so used to other races being terrified of him. Yet here was a human who seemingly adored him just for existing. "He—he's hurt," Fuh'fin finally spat out.
"Huh?" The human said it absently and looked at the captain. Her eyes widened, and she stood up suddenly. "Shit! Sorry, captain! Please sit down," she said frantically while picking up a medical carrier. The captain sat down, and the woman started to tend to his hand.
Fuh'fin sat next to the captain and curled his tail around himself. How was the captain so calm? He even looked amused, but it was hard to tell. Fuh'fin wasn't the best at reading expressions; the Yimex didn't have facial expressions. They relied on body language to communicate emotion.
The captain's body language has not changed from his confident yet relaxed posture. Humans were confusing. The human woman was so open with her body language, but the captain wasn't. They were at different places on the spectrum. Fuh'fin needed to get better at understanding inflection and facial expressions then.
The captain patted Fuh'fin's shoulder reassuringly. "I'm fine, Fuh'fin," he said with a smile. Fuh'fin was curious how the captain noticed his worry, and then he noticed he was chittering nervously. "My apologies," Fuh'fin murmured, and he decided to try to calm himself.
Fuh'fin shook his head to fix his untidy fur. He settled down comfortably and started grooming himself. He fixed his unruly fur as he waited for the captain to get patched up. He finally rested his paw on the ground and looked at the captain.
"Sorry, Fuh'fin, Mina gets excited when she sees fluffy animals," he said with an amused expression. He had noticed Fuh'fin grooming himself. "Better than fear," Fuh'fin said quietly, his ears flattened against his head. "True, much better than fear," the captain said with an understanding tone, like he completely knew what Fuh'fin meant.
Something about the captain's words comforted Fuh'fin. "Why aren't you scared of me?" He asked while turning his head to look at the humans. "You remind us of an earth creature, but much bigger," Mina replied. "Is that animal a predator as well?" Fuh'fin asked. "Yes, but we think they're adorable." Mina smiled in delight, clearly reminiscing.
"So you think I'm adorable? Even though I'm much bigger than you?" Fuh'fin said with confusion, and his tail whipped a bit in mild frustration. "Actually, you being huge is really satisfying the monkey brain in us," the captain said with amusement. "You are very huggable," the captain said quietly as his uninjured hand quickly typed something on a tablet before setting it down.
Huggable? The captain wanted to hug Fuh'fin. No one except other Yimex has ever expressed that desire. It was acceptance of one's nest in Yimex society. Was Fuh'fin accepted? The prospect made him happy. Only the other Yimex accepted Fuh'fin.
"So... you aren't scared of me at all?" Fuh'fin said cautiously. "Oh, no, no, no. You look absolutely adorable to us," the captain said while Mina splinted his hand.
"Adorable... Huh... I've never been called adorable before," Fuh'fin said softly. Happiness filled him; he was truly accepted then. Without realizing it, he started dooking. "The cuteness aggression is hitting again," the captain said quietly. Mina laughed and nodded her head.
Fuh'fin looked at the captain, still dooking. "What's cuteness aggression?" He tilted his head while he spoke. "Something too cute makes our brain produce too much happy chemical, so it confuses the brain and activates the fight or flight reflex," Mina explained simply.
Fuh'fin sniffed the air slightly, and as Mina explained, the smell of dopamine was strong in the captain. "Did I cause it?" He asked with mild worry. "Is that why you punched the wall?" Fuh'fin asked the captain.
"Yeah, I don't blame you, though," the captain said calmly. "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable by asking to pet you or something. I want you to feel comfortable with us," the captain explained. Fuh'fin's nose twitched; that was basically an invitation to their crew... their nest.
Fuh'fin rubbed his muzzle against the captain's shoulder. He accepted the invitation as per Yimex standards. He felt the captain's hand hesitate before he pet Fuh'fin's head.
"I'm guessing this means you're comfortable with us," the captain said with a quiet laugh. "Yes, I'm comfortable," Fuh'fin said softly, dooking in joy. "We'll tell the crew to keep their hands to themselves until you're comfortable with everyone," the captain said with a smile.
The captain was patched up and forced to sit down and relax. Mina had taken it upon herself to finish the tour of the ship. She showed Fuh'fin around and introduced everyone that stopped by to greet him. They all seemed beyond excited when they saw Fuh'fin, but he guessed the captain had already told them not to touch Fuh'fin until he was fully adjusted to everything.
Fuh'fin met around half the ship, as Mina told him. He quite liked a tall human woman who went by Vi-Vi. She had bright red hair with yellow tips; it reminded him of a flower on his mother planet, and she smelled of a human fruit, as Vi-Vi told him, strawberries.
He liked the smell; it was sweet. Vi-Vi stuck out from everyone else, not because of her hair or height, but because she had a robotic prosthetic arm and paintings on her other arm. She seemed completely different from the crew Fuh'fin met; her energy radiated leadership just like the captain's.
Yet she was sweet, just like the scent of strawberries that followed her. She excused herself and left to return to her job. When Vi-Vi left, Mina continued showing him around.
Once the tour was done, a ring came from the speakers. "Oh, it's time to go to sleep," Mina said pleasantly. Fuh'fin then noticed he was getting tired as well; it was smart to get into his cot before he just dropped from exhaustion.
"Where should I sleep?" Fuh'fin asked with a yawn. "Oh, yeah, let me show you your room," Mina said excitedly. Oh, he had a room. He wasn't used to that; usually he was bunked with a bunch of other crew members in his other jobs. He liked sleeping with others around; it felt safe.
Fuh'fin followed Mina with interest. She stopped in front of a door, and it slid open. "I did some research on the Yimex, so your room would be comfortable," Mina said with a smile. "And I read that the Yimex like sleeping in groups, correct?" "Yes, it feels nice," Fuh'fin answered, curious what this was leading to.
"We don't have other Yimex on board; instead, we put three other crew members in your room, and we'll give you plenty of blankets and pillows for you to make a comfortable nest," Mina said with a smile. Fuh'fin peeked into the room with mild excitement.
"You can move anything around to your comfort," Mina said while she watched Fuh'fin look inside. The room had a weird layout. It had random platforms sticking out of the walls, along with pedestals sticking out of the floor. It looked a bit like a jungle gym, and the floor was cushioned.
He walked into the room while looking around. "You can get comfortable anywhere, and we'll get you anything you need," Mina said with a smile as she saw Fuh'fin starting to climb around the pedestals and platforms. She was glad she researched this. Yimex apparently didn't like closed-off spaces but liked running around, so this room was designed with that in mind.
Fuh'fin splooted on a platform comfortably and yawned. Mina laughed when she saw his tail wag. "I'll come back with blankets so you can get properly comfortable," she said with a small laugh. Fuh'fin's tail wagged a bit more.
Mina came back with what Fuh'fin presumed to be his roommates and blankets. Fuh'fin climbed down to greet them and noticed that Vi-Vi was a part of the group. Mina introduced the other two to Fuh'fin. Matthew, a man with a sly smile and smart eyes. Jenny, a woman with a tired expression but gentle eyes.
Fuh'fin greeted them, and Mina gave him a few blankets and pillows. He picked them up with his mouth and climbed up to the spot where he felt comfortable. Mina bid them good night and left. While everyone got comfortable and established their spots, they spoke about random topics.
Vi-Vi had climbed on another platform and arranged her pillows and blankets. Matthew picked a small corner the pedestals created—a small, crowded place—yet he seemed pleased... At least Fuh'fin thought he did; Matthew was near impossible to read in comparison to everyone else. Jenny settled underneath one of the platforms; it was the darkest place in the room.
Fuh'fin fell asleep while he heard everyone speaking. He couldn't fight sleep at all, so he just crashed. However, he felt comfortable. Everyone was so pleasant; he liked it. He liked this job. He liked being a part of this nest. He hoped they liked him as well.
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pr0cyon-lotor · 1 year
I'm brainrotting over Humans are Space Orcs and I'm going to make it my mooties' problem :D
We suffer together :)
[Feel free to give me suggestions in the asks or in the comments to write about. My brain soup has run dry :( ]
Character Sheets
Cuteness Aggression: Fuh'fin's first time meeting humans
Different Languages
Incorrect Quotes
Random Post (I)
Fuh'fin Poll (closed)
Fuh'fin Drawing Page
Learning With Fuh'fin: Drums?
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pr0cyon-lotor · 1 year
Character Sheets <3
For the Humans are Space Orcs stories :)
The Crew of the USS Bartholomew:
Captain Hugo Gonzalez (Cuban-American)
Quite stoic but he's loving
Has former military experience (doesn't like to talk about it)
Has a glass eye (he lets the crew pick the color sometimes if he feels like it)
Has a strong phobia of deep water
Doctor Mina Stronghold (Australian but moved to America)
Biggest sweetheart you'll meet
Adores creatures of all types
Learns alien languages in her spare time (which is non-existent)
Has known Hugo since they were kids
Head Technician Matthew [he deleted his last name from the system] (Mixed (African, Japanese, and Greek) but born in America)
Reserved and levelheaded
Always wears a lethargic smile (don't trust it)
The human equivalent of an asshole cat
Much smarter than he lets on (Also a major gaslighter)
Navigator Verónica (Vi-Vi) Ramírez (Half-Mexican & Half-Greek but born in America)
Calm but quite intimidating
Matthew's half sister (they don't share a government name)
She's also the crew's translator (teaches Mina when she asks)
Has military experience as well (doesn't mention it unless someone asks)
Head Engineer Jeannette (Jenny) Auclair (Mixed (French, Korean, and Venezuelan) moved to America)
Always tired and a workaholic (caffeinated almost always)
Her and Matthew are always at each other's throats when no one's looking
Passive aggressive is her middle name
The ship was named after her cat
Guard Fuh'fin (A Yimex)
Sociable but professional if he needs to be
Got hired by Hugo but got attached to the crew and decided to stay
A weasel-like alien that quite likes being pet
A warrior by nature but a protector by nurture
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pr0cyon-lotor · 5 months
I want to write more humans are space orcs stuff but I have no idea what to write 😭
Maybe I'll just do random oneshots of Fuh'fin learning about stuff. It won't be very space orc-ish but it's something 😔
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