#Legendverse! green
a-tale-of-legends · 10 months
Green, on a fun day out with Red and Blue, is approached by a child. Said child has a piece of paper and pen. Looking behind them Green can see what she assumes is the kids mom, giving an encouraging smile. The kid wants an autograph, clearly. Green has been in these situations before though. They don't want an autograph from her. They want one from Red or Blue. Green has long since accepted that fact, so she gives the kid a smile before they can open their mouth.
" Hey there kiddo! Blue and Red are a bit busy at the moment, but they'll be back soon. Wanna wait with me?" A practiced line that she hopes doesn't leak any of the small bitterness she feels. That wouldn't be fair to the kid. Hell, that wouldn't be fair to Red and Blue. The child looks up at her in confusion, shifting awkwardly and fiddling with their pen and paper.
" U-um. I...I actually wanted your autograph, Miss Green!"
The child continues, getting braver with each word, " I-I just think you're really cool! I like watching your battles a lot, a-and I wanna be as cool as you are someday!" Bowing slightly, thrusting the pen and paper forward, " C-can I please have your autograph?!"
Well. Damn. Fuck. She wasn't expecting this. Since when did she get fans?! Was her head too stuck in her ass to notice? Well now she feels like shit. Now she....now she feels like she's gonna cry. Fuck.
" You're really sweet, kid..." Green tries to keep her voice steady, a new reality settling in. She has a fan. Said fan wants her autograph. Holy shit, " Of course, I'll give you an autograph! Lemme see..."
She gingerly takes the pen and paper from the kid, and signs it. She winces at her work. She really needs to work on her signature. Kinda sloppy, and the kid doesn't deserve that. Still, not wanting to hold up the kid and their mom up any longer, she gives the pen and paper back, giving them a wide smile and a wink.
" Here ya go! One autograph for a very special fan, right here!" The kid eyes practically sparkle, excitedly taking both items and staring at it as if it's the entire world. Arceus, Green can feel the tears starting to swell, fuck.
" Thank you, Miss Green! I'll cherish it forever! " The kid quickly bows and runs off to their mom,cheering as they do. The mom happily looks at the autograph her kid is showing off, looking up when her kid isn't looking. She smiles at Green, mouthing a quick 'thank you' before taking her kids hand and walking off, the kid rambling excitedly as they go. Green waves them off, a swell of emotion in her chest.
Cherish it forever.
Green chuckles- it's wet and coarse,no longer able to keep it in. Was someone really going to remember her? Cherish her name,forever? The bitterness in her laughs at the thought. The sweetness from that encounter shoves it to the side, and she relishes in it. She is crying fully now, smiling to herself as the kid and their mom are long gone.
" Hey, sorry for the wait. That line was terrible - what the fuck happened to you?" Blue's voice catches her attention. She turns, eyes full of tears, to Red and Blue, who's looking at her with concern.
" I have a fan!" she croaked, raising her hands to gesture writing, " They wanted an autograph!"
Blue blinks, then shakes his head and sighs, " Green..." He says, though the affection was not lost of her.
Red's worry melts away with a smile, signing to his best friend, ' I told you so'
"Yeah, yeah," she waves him off, sniffing and wiping away her tears, " Pass me some food before I start bawling,you dorks".
" Dorks-"
The day goes on as usual after that. Blue and Green's banter, Red following along half-paying attention, half in his own world. Pikachu and Eevee playing with each other through it all. Green repeats the words the kid said to her throughout the day, a big goofy smile on her face that not even Blue's assholery can wipe off.
Cherish it forever.
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
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The silly. The girl. Legendverse! Green. Yes she's wearing blue, it's an inside joke between her and Blue lmao( they're siblings in my au btw)
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a-tale-of-legends · 4 months
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Something from discord that I'm too lazy to rewrite lol.
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Rocket Grunt: Hey kid! You're pretty good at pokemon battling! Join team rocket!
Legendverse! Green: Hmmm.....okay!
Rocket Grunt: Really? Well that was easy-
Green: One million pokedollars, please!
Rocket Grunt: ....what.
Green: You want me to join your team, right? I'm not joining unless I get something out of it! One million pokedollars.
Rocket Grunt: That. That's not how that works-
Green: Oh? Welp. Too bad ( points to the grunt) Clefable Moonblast this sucker!
Clefable: ( manifests behind Rocket Grunt) Clefable~ ( Moonblast the grunt into oblivion)
( some time later)
Red, signing: You weren't actually going to join Team Rocket if they had the money, were you?
Green: Me? Join those losers? No way! There's way more effective ways to swindle money out of suckers than pokemon theft.
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months
Thinking about. Red's powers as a Chosen.
So. Here's the ideas so far
Psychic- what you'd expect. Being able to throw objects with his mind, lift himself and others, use psychic force etc.
Barrier - used to create a psychic wall or bubble that are used as a shield. Can be manipulated into more offensive components, such as using the pieces of a broken barrier to throw his enemies, or shift a barrier shape into something else, like say, a bunch of hands. Though more often than not, it's used for defensive purposes.
Invisibility - something I'm not 100% on, but given how Mew can turn invisible it might be useful for Red to do so too. Red can only be invisible for so long, of course. His invisibility and quietness would actually make him great for stealth missions.....but he's Red. Go big or bust.
Transform - Aka, shape shifting yet another one that I'm not 100% sure about but again, putting it into consideration. To be blunt, Red can transform parts of his body. For my sake, it's not in a gorey way, nor would it be painful. Shape shifting would be great for mobility and stealth, but again, this is Red.
Red is an interesting Chosen bc he's relatively new to it all. Mew forgot to Choose him in his youth so most of his experiences with Chosen was Green and the other mc ocs that I have him be close with. He was an outsider of it all, until he wasn't, so he has a lot of catching up to do. If Green still ends up getting taken by TLH, he would lose the best person that could have helped him adjust to his powers. Of course, Jude and the others are here to guide them, but Green has had the longest experience with being a Chosen next to Jin, and Green is the Chosen of Mewtwo. She would have been the best person to get him adjusted, but if she's gone, the stuff I described above will be a struggle for Red. Mew is a decent teacher, but again, Green is probably better. At least someone Red is comfortable sparring with.
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a-tale-of-legends · 9 months
Mewtwo: I think we have to kill this guy, Green.
Green: ( crackling knuckles) Damn
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a-tale-of-legends · 9 months
( Legendverse) Red and Green(protag) stuff
Compared to Blue and Green as kids, he was much more ( genuinely) polite and responsible ( as responsible as a child can be anyway).
This doesn't mean he doesn't get himself into mischief. Either bc Blue or Green dragged him into a mess or he specifically thought something was a challenge that he was going to beat, he tends to get into more trouble than it's worth. It's fine though bc he's very polite :)
LIVES for the outdoors. Protag Trait of literally disappearing on people, only to be found in some forest camping( he has gotten better at letting people know of this tho). Really good at foraging and stuff.
I wasn't totally sure of the Professor! Red before, but seeing so many of it, I think it's neat :) He already likes pokemon and does want to understand them more. He could get his PhD like Blue ( who. Honestly doesn't really use it much-) but. That means going to school. Red loves to learn, but he is very weary of the school system. Maybe one day though. Battling is still his biggest passion, of course, I just think it would be something cool for him to do on the side.
Going with the above, I think he would really like what Beryl has done with the johto safari zone. Turning it into a rehabilitation area for pokemon essentially. I think he would help around the place pre- battle tower.
Tying into his love of learning- when blue and green leave for Kalos I just imagine Red being. So board. And lonely. He's no longer fearing the public as much as he used too, and constantly training doesn't have the exact same appeal as it did before ( bc he's no longer alone on top of a mountain). So he honestly just tries learning shit. He is the King of useless facts now. Cooking, knitting, crafting, you name it. Yes, Green has tried to make a profit from this. No, Red hasn't sold anything.
Like. Okay Red isn't like a master of these things, I should add. The most he's extremely good at is camping, battling, and cooking. Everything else is just decent.
He doesn't know how to feel about being Chosen. Especially so late into the game. Apparently, mew was supposed to Choose him when he started his journey....but forgot. It wasn't until SM until Mew did Choose him and by that point it felt. Pointless??? He suppose he's grateful, since he thinks being Chosen at such a young age would have been. Very bad for his mental state ( which makes him feel bad for a lot of the other Chosens after him), but like. It just continues to put him in some sort of pedestal that he doesn't want. He could ask mew to just. Unchoose him but....he doesn't know. Mew is nice though. A gremlin that doesn't give clear instructions yes, but still nice.
Was always kinda blunt, even as a kid. Surprising bc she's also a skilled liar. No one knows how or when she got into scamming people ( who deserved it) or how she got so interested in money, but she is and we all have to deal with it.
Being younger and, well, a girl, Blue used to try and not have her come along with him and Red on their adventures ( Red didn't mind Green coming along, in fact he liked her company). Green would kick Blue's kneecaps for that. She would get scolded for it, but so would Blue for excluding Green out, so it's a win. She comes up with way more fun games than Blue anyway.
Is in the middle of the road in terms of talkativeness. Blue is definitely the one who does the talking most times, but Green isn't shy from it herself. In fact she's pretty talkative too, just not as much as Blue. Still, she can be also pretty quiet like Red. I think these two have a cute friendship, but I gotta work out the details. Tbf, they are protags lol. Protags gotta stick together.
Like Red, has the Protag Trait of just disappearing and doing her own shit. Unlike Red, is probably worse at telling people about it. Where's Green? Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy.
I've ultimately decided that Green is a cave fanatic. She just loves cave spelunking that much. She's not even looking for shit to sell, she just likes caves.
She was the only one that actually completed her pokedex....okay no. I'm sure Red and Blue did eventually, but Green was the first, as always. Red was under pressure from being champion to do anything and Blue was in his feelings, so leave it to Green to buckle down and get the damn pokedex done ( also to alleviate the loneliness of her two friends drifting apart and kinda leaving her behind even more)
Honestly it is just traveling now. Going into caves, battling strong trainers if she wants to, scheming all the way. I like the idea of her becoming world champion but I don't know if that's possible in my au yet. We'll see.
She grew taller out of spite btw. She was the shortest of the trio and she didn't like that, especially bc Blue would tease her for it, so she willed herself to be taller. Not even Mewtwo knows if the Chosen powers were at play here.
Speaking of Mewtwo, yeah she got it. She's the Chosen of it. Mewtwo shouldn't be able to Choose being a man made pokemon, but it did so out of spite and honestly? Good for them.
Sometimes I think Green genuinely forgets she's a Chosen. Like actually. The only thing that actively reminds herself that she is one is that she has powers now and she can live when Mewtwo fucking yeets her into the sky ( this is a fun bonding activity).
During the johto arc, Green was in Johto, staying with Bill's family. Why? I haven't fully fleshed it out, but I think it's a matter of her just not wanting to be at home anymore. That's the baseline of it. She's probably helping Bill with some stuff in return. Green during this time was angsty and angry, so her powers ( or what was unlocked at the time) would tend to flare up when she's pissed. Though, given that she's still very new to bring Chosen, they are unreliable as ever. So. More on her plate, I guess.
Green and cooking is an interesting case. I don't think she's bad. Maybe she's pretty good. But uh. The girl lives off protein shakes and granola bars. If not that: meat( sorry Red). So it's probably less of that "Green can't cook" bc she can, and more of " Green can cook but is choosing not too".
I haven't talked about the whole " Green being forgotten from the narrative despite accomplishing so much" here and that's only bc I want to take a closer look at that on my own time. I still think it's true but I want to like it. Map it out better, if that makes sense.
Green going to Kalos with Blue is for two reasons: Shopping ( Blue and Green are The Shopping Duo) and Caves. Oh and mega evolution so three. Unlike Blue though, she ain't studying shit ( okay she does a little) and spends most of her time doing Arceus' knows what. I think it would be funny if both Green and Blue gained several exes in their time in Kalos but that has yet to be determined.
Green and Blue are actually siblings in my au, so if you're wondering why I'm grouping them together so much, that's why.
Has a lil ditto :3 Is less used for battles and more so for schemes and is in general a friend that's happy to be there :]
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a-tale-of-legends · 9 months
not a character but what made u keep red and green instead of making ocs like the other games?
I thought that Red and by extension Green were both a little too canon in the games compared to the other protags( well. Red mostly, but you get what I'm saying hopefully), so it kinda felt off replacing them with ocs. They were the first, you know? I wanted to at least represent that before going full oc mode. I'm glad I did, cause Green ended up becoming my little blorbo. Before, I hadn't thought of her much, a background to Red and Green ( cause Reguri), but man when I realized I could use that for her own arc, she immediately became a fav. Like at this point I feel bad cause I feel like Red and Blue are not underdeveloped bc of it hgvhvgvgvcg. Green also , in general, deserves a lot more love in the fandom,so yeah, keeping her canon was a great choice I think.
Buuuuut yeah. I felt like Red and Green are iconic to me in a way that it's hard to replace them fully with ocs. I mean. I could. But I didn't want to. It's fun thinking about how they interact with my ocs, though knowing me, I haven't thought about it much lol.
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a-tale-of-legends · 9 months
Cruel evil thought
Green gets invited for a live interview. This is probably the first time she's been invited for one alone- usually it's her with the boys. And naturally, the girl is ecstatic, but also very nervous. Red and Blue watch her cycle from outfit to outfit, fretting over her hair, her make-up etc etc. The boys are supportive of course, trying to ease Green's anxiety and hyping her up as she goes along.
When the interview starts, however, things go downhill. Before Green would even get a word in, the interviewer immediately asks about Red and Blue. No hesitation, just going straight for the kill. That alone immediately shatters Green's excitement. It's always them. It was never about her.
But Green Oak is an amazing liar. She's an Oak after all, she knows how to play a crowd. She simply laughs, and answers the question in earnest. The rest of the interview is filled with laughs, a winning smile, and a secret little urge to jump in a hole. Red and Blue are watching this interview, probably at home so Red doesn't get crowded again, and Blue is screaming at the screen while Red is just glaring at it.
So yeah, Green had a fun day for her first real interview. Super fun. She didn't cry about it later. Nope.
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a-tale-of-legends · 9 months
Also I think it's hilarious as to how Green gets the helix fossil instead of Red. Red was just about to get the helix fossil but then Green just swoops in grabs the fossil and runs. She's screaming " ya snooze ya lose, slowpoke! better luck next tiiiiiiiiiiiiime ;P" and Red is standing there like:
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Green's Clefable is very much like her in personality. Uses her charm to get an advantage only to Moonblast her foes into oblivion. Very much like messing with people with Green.
Meanwhile, kinda ironically, Green's Gengar is painfully shy. Often hides in Green's shadow when out in public. Still likes pranks, but doesn't like loud noises and gets spooked easily ( again, ironically).
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
All Chosens are buff or at the very least toned. They're training with gods for... God's sake lmao
Hgvhvgvgvcg true!!! They need to train their bodies to handle their powers better after all!
In Green's case though ( since I'm thinking Abt her) it was a combination of training with Mewtwo ( who you know would put her through hell) and just her general travel loving self, her getting buff was bound to happen eventually. I like to imagine she would wrestle with Red from time to time!
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Also fyi, Green still does this as an adult. TLH asked her to join them and she demanded 5 million pokedollars before hand.
Her meeting Barry would be a riot. Barry would fine her a million and Green would counter with her own fine. They would continuously raise the amount until someone breaks them up hgvhvgvgvcg.
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
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Legendverse! Green/Leaf! I wish I could add bigger earrings that what the picrew has given me but alas. Her shirt definitely has a design on it, probably 06 since Legendverse frlg takes place in 2006 ( Red's a 90's kid while Green is a 2000's kid.....even though they're literally a year apart in age lol)
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
More Green/Leaf with Mewtwo propaganda:
Tiny girl with her big angry cat.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Thinking about how the Legendverse trio met their respective partners.
It gets complicated as they all get the regular Kanto starters at the beginning of their journey, but here's some thoughts.
When Red was younger, before becoming a Pokemon trainer, he stumbled upon a wild Pikachu. This Pikachu was hurt badly and needed medical attention. The problem was that this Pikachu was incredibly hostile, attacking Red whenever he got close
However, Red was persistent,even allowing Pikachu to shock him just to make sure it felt safe and knew that he wouldn't harm it.
Eventually the Pikachu relents, circumming to it's injuries and Red rushes it to prof.oak.
For a few days( maybe a week?), the Pikachu stays at the professor lab. Naturally, Blue and Green are there as well, wanting to see the Pikachu. The Pikachu is still hostile, of course, so they keep their distance. Except Red.
Red visits the Pikachu every day, not minding getting shocked by it ( despite Blue's and professor oaks worry....not that Blue would admit it at the time lol)
Eventually, rather quickly in fact, the Pikachu stops acting so hostile....towards Red. It allows him to pet it without getting shocked, and when Red's around it's much more manageable for Professor Oak to care for.
Eventually the Pikachu is fully healed and ready to go. Green and Blue suggest catching it, but Red refuses, letting Pikachu go back into the wild. The Pikachu runs off without looking back. This hurts Red a little.
Later that night, Red is awoken by something hitting his face. He wakes up to see the Pikachu from before tapping his face to get him up.
The Pikachu isn't staying, sadly, but it did want to give Red a proper goodbye. It licks his face and nuzzles its way into a hug. Red hugs back.
Letting go a minute after, Pikachu is about to head out the window when Red speaks. He tells Pikachu to wait( his voice cracks a little), and rushes around his room looking for something. When he comes back to face Pikachu, he has a small red bandana.
" I want to see you again"
Pikachu allows Red to wrap the bandana around one of its ears. Pikachu then turns back towards the window, then back at Red. It sticks out it's tongue playfully before running off once again.
Red doesn't see that Pikachu years later until he starts his journey. A familiar red bandana catches his eye.
Moving into Blue and Eevee. Might change this one a bit in the future if I think of better specifics but:
This one is probably gonna be shorter.
The Eevee that Blue ends up having was actually a semi pet for Blue and Green.
Much like Pikachu,it was mostly in the professor's lab, chilling.
Of the Oak siblings, it did like Blue more, but Green was it's second favorite. Red was okay lol.
I think the plan was for the Eevee to become either Blue or Green's starter Pokemon, but after some thinking, oak realized that 1) the siblings would fight non stop about who gets it and 2) Red would probably feel left out, hence the three official Kanto starters.
Though I can see Eevee being Blue's unofficial starter before then. Like he would try battling with it and such.
Exactly how Eevee joins his team is unclear to me. Maybe it was his first pokemon outside of his Squirtle? Honestly with the way I'm seeing Eevee right now, I doubt it would just sit there and watch it's favorite human run off with another pokemon lol. So yeah, unofficial second starter.
Green and Clefairy :
To put it simply, during the mt.moon climb, Green stumbled upon a horde of Clefairy being harvested by some team rocket grunts. And there was no way she would just sit there and let that happen, so she fights them.
Though she quickly learns that she bit off more than she could chew. She hot overwhelmed quick. But she wasn't gonna give up!
If she can't beat them with force, she can outsmart them.
I don't know the specifics but she manages to not only trick the grunts into doing her bidding ( maybe she says she wants to join TR), and help one Clefairy escape, which let to the other clefairys escaping,which ultimately lead to Green leading a Clefairy army, overwhelming the rocket grunts and sending them packing.
I like to imagine Red coming in on the scene ready to kick rocket butt only to see them dashing off past him, and to see Green with a mob of Clefairys by her side.
Anyway, one of the Clefairys, the first one that she managed to get free, decided to join Green on her adventure!
Red is confused but happy she found a new pokemon.
Anyway, yeah! Those are the ideas right now. I think these are good, specifics be damned. I hope you enjoyed them.
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