#Leia shows up in a new hope and Frei's like 'Wow! Isn't she JUST like Padme? you know? the senator you had an affair with?'
Thinking about if Anakin fully killed Frei. Like... they "fight" and he runs her through with his lightsaber but instead of being immediately horrified by his actions he moves on to the younglings and the rest of the story goes on as canon.
Except!!! Darth is constantly haunted by her Force Ghost.
Everything he does is constantly critiqued and gets snarky remarks.
Just imagining him force choking some empire goon or officer and he hears Frei behind him go, "That'll show 'em. Killing off your staff one by one. Great job Ani."
And he just drops them with an annoyed sigh then turns to glare at her.
And after the og trilogy? When he's redeemed and they're reunited as force ghosts. Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. The first thing he does is kiss her cause even as a sith he couldn't help but miss and love her. And they spend eternity together in the afterlife.
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