#Lennart Niermann x reader
lyomeii · 2 years
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->warnings: yandere theme, manipulation, death mentions, obsession, kidnapping, children mention, Stockholm syndrome, threats, blackmail and maybe more?
-> request by anon! Can u do more headcanons for solo leveling ?(⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠) and @kyrielaw Yandere sung jinwoo again!! Pls????
->a/n: not a comeback for the hiatus, yet I’ve being write during my break during my studies so yeah, I wrote this since I miss posting and also because i reread the manwha again since I missed Jinwoo and the other gorgeous characters:) also this is longer than my usual works
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-> thomas andre is one of the most powerful hunters of the world, a famous figure around the globe yet his significant other is rarely seeing in public, even with all knowing you name and appearance from the many photos around the internet, you are considered as a private figure from the public
-> in his penthouse is where you stay the most of your time, spending your free time in your hobbies and cleaning the house as the sweet house spouse of thomas’ who hates going out unless your dear husband is next to you to protect from the many dangerous. He gots enemies, right? And isn’t like that you need a reason to leave the safety of your home to buy something for you~ with his cards, you can buy anything from the internet and receive at home :)
-> he love seeing you cleaning the house with so much effort and when he has free time, thomas helps you in your duty. Picking up the heavy furnitures while you mob that area or putting something in the tallest cupboard, ah~ he truly loves those simple yet domestic moments with you, his sweet spouse who try their best to not move away from his touch :)
-> whatever he feels like, thomas takes you out to the best, fancy and expensive restaurant in the USA. Not only you deserve a reward and such beautiful moment for being such a cute and adorable spouse not because you gave up on running away from him and seeing your eyes sparkle seeing such delicious food gives him more years and he hopes that you continue that way, receive gifts from thomas is something that you enjoy, right?
-> physical affection is his love language, thomas loves seeing you, such a small person compared to him either next to him during those moments where he takes you out with his hand around your waist or when you two are cuddling in the bed seeing something in tv, his arms around your body make you unable to leave him and his head resting over yours bring memories of easily he is able to secure you inside this penthouse, your prison.
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-> recently in the Germany’s news, a gorgeous person appears next to lennart and the people didn’t took much time to find out you who are. Many fans accounts spread some photos of you with some important information about yourself. A gorgeous model who recently got many jobs at runaway around the world with even more contacts to pose for many famous brands.
-> with that photo of you and lennart out in the web, your social medial went crazy, messages, likes and comments spamming about the secret relationship that you share with the S-hunter. And you even being seeing as a confident person, you are panicked and anxious about such things you’ve reading about those people, threats and name calling you terrible names, oh! they made you crying nonstop til you felt lennart’s hand on your shoulder
-> between sobbing, you asked for lennart to explain the entire situation to his fans, telling to the public that you two are friends since high school and were only hanging out to know what have been happening to each other lifes. The gentle smile on his face should bring you comfort, however, there is something behind it and the words coming out his mouths only confirms your thoughts, he says that you two look like a perfect couple and that would be such sad news to tell everyone that you aren’t together, he brings your face closer to his and his lips met yours, such moment that was supposed to be sweet feels as a trap, one that you aren’t going to escape
-> the next morning, lennart used his social media to confirm that indeed you are in a relationship with him for a couple years, hiding from the public to prevent hateful comments. With such words, the hateful comments and threats quirky stopped from happening and now only those who are his truly his fans are hoping for an engagement to happen between you too soon. And the other hand, you still panicked but another reason, you can’t broken up the relationship with lennart, that would destroy your career for completely and your social life! You don’t have much options than pretend to be his sweet significant other for as much he wants, however you have the feeling that he won’t let you go
-> giving gifts is his love language, seeing you wearing the finest clothes makes him feel crazy, the way those clothes fit your body and curves is to die for :) not to mention that many times you are invited to interviews or wants to go somewhere, lennart makes you wear a piece of his clothes, most of the time his coat, that way everyone will knows that you are dating him
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-> congratulations! you caught zhingang’s attention and now he won’t ever let you go of his touch, even you did try to leave him and escape from his grasp, those you love will suffer the consequences, so there is much option than stay and be with him… how did that happened?
-> as you remember, the views of the journal you works for go insane whatever zhigang is on the screen. His smirk and yellow eyes make him a handsome man, many people no matter the gender fall over him and yet, his unique eyes are already settled on someone, you, the journalist who is kind famous in china for always notify the recently news related to dungeon’s and hunters. The lack of fear in your face impress him, how you stay still while reporting the live scene of the hunter stopping such monsters escape from the gates. That’s it, he wants to know more about you
-> a charity party is happening and as usual, Zhigang is there to attend and bring more people to donate to those who lost everything due to the monster, and you are there too, not able to donate since you are rich or that, but to interview the many people who are attending such event. And well, he steps in front of you, ready to be interview by such cute journalist like you. Your eyes start shining and well, you are excited to talk with a S-hunter like zhingang and gain a bonus from your boss, so yeah, you and him went to somewhere quiet and start the small interview.
-> your angelic voice almost make him want to raise from his seat and take you home, yet he control himself, zhingang can’t do that at least not yet, he needs to learn more about you in order to make you his forever. With the interview ending and you need to going back to working, he gives you his number in order to call him for more question after the event and together with the smile on his face, he almost make you go red and pass out right now, but you stay still and said goodbye to him, leaving zhingang by himself
-> days passed and no call from you, leaving zhingang thinking what could happen to his cute journalist, so he went to your work place and talk with your boss, an old man, who almost died by seeing the hunter asking about your wherebsout. The old man told the hunter why you didn’t show up to work nor called him, your family felt that you are getting older to be single, so your family made you quit and got you into a arrangement married against your boss’ wishes who tried to speak that you are a good worker, however the old man stopped trying when your family threatened him of sending you off to another country
-> angry, no, fury filled zhingang’s body who quirky left the office and went to look after you where the ceremony would be. Didn’t took long to arrive there, by the man’s worry, he arrived before the wedding happened, yet you are already wearing the classic clothes for the ceremony. Tears and messy makeup ruins your clothes while your parents scream at you for not being a good spouse to whatever person that they got you, and they only stopped with that the moment zhingang appears in front of them
-> your parents become silent and your cries ceased, and without thinking, you hugged him and begged to leave this place and your family and zhingang did exactly that. Picking you in his arms, he left the place with you falling asleep while he thinks what kind of punishment your parents should suffer after hurting you like that. But that can wait for a while, firstly, he have to take care of you
-> when you wake up, you quickly notice that isn’t the ceremony nor you house, it’s way expensive and the soft clothes in your body feel comfortable compared to your previous clothes. Even you are scared about the situation, zhingang appears from behind, hugging you and placing a kiss on your head, saying that you are now safe from your family and that you shouldn’t worry about anything but him. Even with sweet swords, you feel that is new life isn’t better nor good compared to your previous fate
-> quality time is his love language. Zhingang doesn’t really care much of what you two are doing, as long he can see you or know that you are closer to him, he feels is enough. Sometimes, he takes you out to area with less people like small city or rural area where most people don’t recognize him nor you, and takes photos of you to place it in his album
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-> when a young man showed up full of injured to the hospital, you are his assigned nurse to take care of him til he wake up and leave the hospital, with someone as him lost so much blood, you fear that he isn’t leaving this place soon yet you aren’t ready to give up of him
-> everyday without losing it, you take care of his room and make sure that everything is clean to when he wakes up, the patient knows that he is care about it. Not to forget the flowers that his little sister, Jinah ( a cool girl and a new friend!) bring to him when she has time, the room become colorful with such beautiful flower, also it’s help to construct the moment whatever you are reading a book to him even knowing that he might not able to hear it
-> what you didn’t know is that Jinwoo did hear your voice and felt what you did to him. Cleaning the room, reading books to him, talking with his sister of his progress of healing, is that enough to fall in love? For Jinwoo is enough to make him do anything in your name. The instant he regains his conscience and saw you in the room, he thanked you for taking care of him during his stay and finally introduce himself, receiving a sweet smile from you that made him goes complete red
-> spending a few more days recovering at the hospital, you get to know each other better. you learn about his mother and promised to visit her whatever you have free time, Jinwoo learns that you recently moved to this part of the city, the conversation went long and you almost didn’t notice that is it time to Jinwoo leave and when he does, he doesn’t forget to share his number with you, promising to call you when he gets things done
-> a few more days passed and you receive Jinwoo’s call, asking if you could met at a nearby coffee and of course you agreed with him, saying that you will let him there. Once you arrived at the coffee, Jinwoo is looking complete different, more taller and way handsome than you remember, yet his sweet personality didn’t change at all neither the blush in his cheeks when he is talking with you, what a cutie :)
-> hearing his voice after a while does bring memories but let’s focus on the present. He paid for the little hang out and asked if you could visit his apartment, after all, his mother wake up a few days ago and she wants to met you and jinah have so much to speak with you, once again, you agreed to Jinwoo and the two of you walk to his home
-> arriving there yet none was there to met you and hearing the classical sound of the frontal door being closed made you a little anxious of what Jinwoo is going to do or say. Before anything, he guided you to the couch, seating next to you and ready to speak what is going inside his mind, he said that he is in love with you and beg to you to live with him and his family, what sweet words of him, but you try to remind him that you two only each other for a short period of time!
-> he said that’s okay! True love exist and he will show it to you as long you stay ar his side and don’t try to hurt yourself. With that, you realize that you can’t leave his apartment, the door is locked and is too high to jump by the window, so, that’s make you trap inside of this place with your new family and boyfriend :)
-> living with Jinwoo and his family isn’t bad, with his sister going to school and he going to dungeons, you and Kyung-Hye ( his mother) often spend time together, either cooking, cleaning or just hanging out around the city (with shadows attached to you and ready to tell your boyfriend if you dare to escape). The way she speaks of her son is truly amazing, never in a million years you would believe that such woman raised someone like him
-> words of affirmation is his love language! Hearing your sweet voice speaking towards him almost melt him down, even when you only say few words such as “ you did good” about his food, Jinwoo can already die in peace knowing that you loved his food and find him attractive, if you try to deny that, he knows you love speaking about his looks :)
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@lyomeii || don’t repost
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