#Leo absolutely loves his new freckles/birthmarks
kastalani123 · 4 months
Leo Valdez was not born. Instead, two pairs of hands form him from bronze and steel and gold. His hair is copper wires so thin they bounce like natural curls, and his eyes glimmer with silver flakes. The joints of his body are plated so delicately, so perfectly, the segments are near indiscernible, smoothly gliding over each other. Faint traces of fingerprints and flecks of impurity are deliberately left behind for their uniqueness, a form of impossible signature of his creators.
Most importantly, gilded bars curl around each other in his chest, protecting the red-red-red flame that pushes his eyes open everyday, that beats in tune with his thoughts, that heats his body to expand and grow.
A metal child is not so different from a human one, and yet is so far from it at the same time. He is curious, about the world, about himself, and he picks apart toys and TV remotes and his arms, spilling their secrets before his constantly shifting eyes. He does not cry from fatigue or thirst or hunger, but a bump, a dent, a scratch never fail to draw tears. He splashes in the rain and snow, carefully bundled in waterproof coats and jackets, and runs from baths like he's possessed, fire flickering in fear.
The first time he meets someone like him, an endeavour he had long thought hopeless, it is a malfunctioning dragon others call for the death of; he is too unpredictable, too dangerous, too broken. Leo looks him in ever-shifting eyes glimmering with silver and sees himself if the cage in his chest ever bends, cracks, shatters, if the gears beneath his skin ever jam and stick and wear down irreversibly.
It is not golden flowers and godly aid that preserve him; just as he'd done for his twin-in-all-but-appearance, he creates a new body, with new fingerprints and impurities mapping his design. His hair is more bronze than copper, now, and his eyes more gold than brass. The plates of his joints scrape against each other faintly, and the gears of his bones grind together uncomfortably — he only had so much time, so much material to use, he could not polish every element of himself in the way he wished, but it holds together.
Most importantly, he reinforces the cage in his chest, coats it in layers upon layers of metal, to ensure his flame will not go out in the explosion, that Festus will be able to salvage it and lay it gently in the chest cavity carefully carved in his new body, bringing it to life.
He returns to Camp, movements more clunky and mechanical than should be, and his siblings finally pin down his segmented limbs, his shifting eyes, his clicking fidgeting. They are ecstatic, just as fascinated with him as they had been with Festus, and he lets them. He lets them take him apart, piece by piece, clean out the sand of Ogygia from his organs, polish and oil his gears until they glide against each other, press new fingerprints, new signatures of belonging, against his skin.
Most importantly, they craft him a secure, intricate cage, with golden flames licking up the bars, with delicate chains shielding it from the elements, and his flame settles inside it, flickering happily, finally truly, truly comfortable in the cage of his body.
Leo Valdez may not have been born, but he was crafted with the most loving hands imaginable, and is that not so much better, for a son of the Craftsman?
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tmntnerd2016 · 5 years
Tmnt Makeup interest headcanons
Soo….I did some headcanons about Raph last year and it got so many great comments...by the way THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO REBLOGED AND COMMENTED I LOVED IT SO MUCH...heh...but anyway thanks to @midnightrebel669 she gave me the idea to do a headcanon on what type of makeup designs the guys like on girls...since I love makeup a lot ...I really hope yall like it!!!! (btw in this i don't give the reader a gender cause I know many boys and non binary people who love makeup and sexy turtles heh)
First off…
All of the boys think you are absolutely stunning without makeup...cause they can see your skin, your sparkling eyes, your puffy lips, and every small freckles or beauty mark decorated on your face (if you have any) ...no matter what you think is imperfect weather its a birthmark or redness they see it as what makes you unique! Also any makeup that enhances your natural beauty they go crazy for.
Any makeup that highlights your eyes! Blue glitter or even full blue smokey eye…. He loves to stare into your eyes already...loves to watch them sparkle with love and happiness. Leo would never admit it to his brothers but he's hurt that people wouldn't accept him as who he is..but you...you see him as one of the sexiest guys on earth…....He’s so happy that he gets to have a beautiful person like you…..
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Honestly loves lipstick, lip gloss, or even lip art! Of course if there's red...He loves your lips any chance he gets his lips are latched onto yours…(Mikey called him a leech one time which ended up with both of them going to the hashi)...Your lips are so soft and kissable he sometimes cant handle himself. All you have to do is pucker your lips at him. Once you do that he's puddy in your hands. As Raph was growing up he didn't think that someone could love “a freak” like him. He would dream about kissing someone’s lips sometimes wake up to his lips on his pillow. But once he kissed you….he never stopped. Another reason he loves lipstick is cause he can walk around with a mark on him.
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He loves the contours of your face...anything that compliments the hollows of your cheeks or your chin even..since he's so tall he would sometimes put his finger under your chin as he kisses you..he would be so intrigued at how makeup can transform a person’s face. Once he sees that you added something to appreciate the curvature of your face he won't stop staring at your face. He would probably start to watch YouTube videos to watch the process. Throughout aging Donnie always wanted to have a significant other. Someone to work on new gadgets with. He didn't think he was as good as his brothers...he was the tallest..not the most muscular..had glasses..also he was always called a nerd. The reason he really loved was the shape of a person's face the way how each was unique...all he wanted was someone as unique as him...and now that he has you all he can do is admire your one and only face.
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Mikey loves your cheeks...he thinks they make you look so innocent and adorable so anything that will amplify them he will totally love! He would love when you wear blush, highlighter contour or even glitter. He loves to pinch your cheeks and kiss them sometimes even blow raspberries on them. No matter what he's doing he will drop it to kiss or touch your soft skin. When Mikey was a little tot he wanted his ‘true love’ someone who wouldn't see him as a monster and scream or run away. The moment he laid his eyes on you and you didn't scream and run he feel head over ...well...sneakers for you…..your his dream significant other and he couldn't ever ask for anyone better
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@bloody-dark-shells03 @nikitaboeve @fyreball66 @annaliaandtheturtles @luvroffictionalcharacters @galaxy-dusk @jasonofthenight @shadowsandcoldwords @amythestrosethorns @imsoserious15 @terrapinup @imthegreenfairy88 @fear-the-antiverse
Please feel free to tag anyone you think would enjoy this I hope y’all love it as much as I did making it 😘😘😘😘☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️😊😊😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💙💙💙💙💙💙🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡💜💜💜💜💜💜💕💕💕💕💕
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